
Pornhub - the largest porn portal with original advertising campaign and creative ads

Pornhub is the biggest porn site in the world, which until now has not paid much attention to its marketing. Nevertheless, the management of the online portal decided to try this type of media for the first time in history with classic methods of advertising.

That's how they are at PornHub.com the month of March announced the contest to prepare its own communication strategy brand with which he wants for the first time in history and the porn industry communicate your brand through classic media channels such as television, outdoor advertising, print. Since then, the marketing department has captured a lot of creative ideas from their fans, among which you will definitely find some really great idea. Below we present some finalists, with interestingly different ideas. Only these were selected in the selection this Monday.

Finalists for the PornHub TV ad / ad campaign

Take a look at the big creative idea gallery - PornHub finalists 2014 / Print ads + outdoor advertising

If you would like to see all the finalists follow this link.
Did you know? Pornhub is part PornHub network of several websites and presents pornographic video platform similar to YouTube.com. The site was published in 2007 and is based in Canada in the city of Montreal. It is a free website that is funded by advertising. On Pornhub you can find excerpts of pornographic films or so-called scenes that join it as well amateur videos, which users can post. Pornhub.com is ranked in most countries of the world 50 most visited pages. Link: pornhub.com

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