
A miraculous and effective remedy for colds

A miraculous remedy made of ginger, honey and lemons.

Do you know a miracle cure for a cold? Cold and flu season is approaching, but if you want to stay healthy all this fall and winter and forget about visits to the doctor and pharmacy, you have to make this miraculous home remedy for colds from an often overlooked spice that can become your only medicine; medicines for colds, flu, sore throats and the like will be a thing of the past. It is so strong that it protects you from viruses and bacteria (if you use it regularly, it strengthens the defense mechanisms), but at the same time it is so simple that even a child can mix it up. And what is its secret ingredient? Ginger!

Home Remedy for Cold – ginger this one is amazing an Asian spice full of minerals, vitamins and essential oils, will save you from colds, flu and similar health problems that are a constant every fall and winter. Why spend money on medicine and swallowing it, when you can get rid of it with a single ginger home preparation. A case of universal medicine, a drug that will make your medicine cabinet empty, as it will keep away not only colds. influenza and other viral diseases, but also headaches and many other things. With it, you will strengthen yours so much immune system, that you won't give viruses and bacteria the slightest chance.

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Ginger medicine is not only preventive, but also curative (for when you already have a sore throat or a cold has already started), but if you start preparing today, the only thing left to do is prevention.

For the miraculous ginger medicine you will need:

  • two lemons
  • one medium-sized root of fresh ginger
  • approx. 500 grams of honey
  • spoon of baking soda
With the miraculous medicine made of ginger, honey and lemon, you will forget what it means to be sick!
With the miraculous medicine made of ginger, honey and lemon, you will forget what it means to be sick!


Preparation of a miracle cure from ginger

Wash the lemons well first, then them dive into the water bath, into which you have already shaken the spoon baking soda. This will remove any pesticides from the peel. In the next step, cut the lemons into rings and the peeled ginger into cubes. Shake both in a glass jar and pour enough honey to cover the ingredients. Let the mixture stand one day, to let the ginger and lemon release their juice. The next day, mix the mixture well in the jar, close the jar and put in the refrigerator for one month. The medicine will become during this time gelatinous (if desired, you can add warm water to the mixture). And that's that!

Use of ginger medicine

Enjoy it on colder days, viz two teaspoons every day. Just like honey, you can add it to tea.

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