Ana Polak, Author at City Magazine Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:48:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 rules on how to persist in losing weight without any problems Tue, 28 Sep 2021 04:05:22 +0000

Due to the influence of technology and social media, we live in a society where everything is geared towards instant gratification. When losing weight, this can be problematic because you need to be patient in order to achieve sustainable and healthy weight loss. Here are 5 ways to help you become more patient and persistent in losing weight and shaping your body.

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Why it is necessary to break with relationships that do not make us happy Tue, 28 Sep 2021 04:02:47 +0000

During our personal growth, there come times when the people around us no longer support and encourage us in what we do. This limits our development and slows down the process of our growth, so it is important to recognize such patterns, feel them and ask ourselves if it is time to break these relationships.

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Strategies to relieve anxiety in just 5 minutes Tue, 28 Sep 2021 04:01:10 +0000

We all deal with stress in our lives, which can cause occasional bouts of depression or serious anxiety disorders. Your anxiety can stem from many causes, including stress from everyday life or past emotional trauma. When things get too deep and complicated, we can help ourselves with strategies that help calm the body and mind. These are the best strategies for effective anxiety relief!

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The best exercises for well-shaped arms and trunk stabilization Mon, 27 Sep 2021 04:04:19 +0000

Strong upper body muscles (and back muscles in particular) are not only vital to a good looking body, but are also your best defense against pain, injury and poor posture in later life. Nevertheless, you can do exercises at home without going to the gym and without fitness equipment. Try these 4 basic exercises to build strong arms and overall stability.

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How to sleep properly if you have curly hair Sat, 25 Sep 2021 04:03:49 +0000

Girls, ladies, ladies and gents who have curly hair know that having curly hair is beautiful, but it can also be a real nightmare. Especially with very curly hair, you may encounter a problem in the morning when you wake up, because instead of wavy hair, you will have a bird's nest hairstyle. We have advice for you on how to sleep properly so that your curls will be beautiful even in the morning.

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5 signs with which guardian angels warn you of danger Wed, 22 Sep 2021 04:04:13 +0000

Many people witness the wonderful signals sent to us by our guardian angels. But since they are protecting us, they will certainly warn us of danger. When you notice any of the signs presented below, keep calm and wait for your plans to come true.

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Abdominal Exercises: These are the best exercises for a flat stomach Mon, 20 Sep 2021 05:19:16 +0000

There are a lot of exercises that will help you get stronger and make your tummy look better, but of course, in addition to great exercises, you will also need to pay attention to a healthy diet, because this is a recipe for success. In the following, we advise which are the best exercises for the abdomen and how to perform them correctly.

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3 super effective weight loss exercises Fri, 17 Sep 2021 09:15:50 +0000

Summer is over, and we can get back on track with healthy eating and exercise. Of course, not all of us have time for long and intense training, so we present some exercises that will burn excess fat and make you fit. These are the 3 most effective squatting exercises.

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Venus in Scorpio: all or nothing love Fri, 17 Sep 2021 04:01:40 +0000

Venus, considered the planet of love, has moved into an intense sign that goes from one extreme to the other. He wants complete devotion, deep love and passionate pleasures in bed.

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14 positive affirmations for understanding and accepting people you disagree with Tue, 14 Sep 2021 04:02:06 +0000

Today we live in a time of great disagreements, which cause deep disputes between nations, groups, communities, and of course also between family members, partners and friends.

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Walking or running: tips on which exercise is better for you Fri, 10 Sep 2021 18:44:20 +0000

We all know that physical exercise is good for the body and mind, and regular exercise brings many benefits, from increasing muscle strength, losing excess body weight and normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and more. It is only important that you choose the one that suits your wishes and your well-being.

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9 celebrities who drastically changed their appearance Fri, 10 Sep 2021 18:30:07 +0000

Below are 10 celebrities who have changed their appearance over the years, some a lot, others a little less, and some later decided that they wanted their natural look back. Look at the ones that used it.

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Why are we tired after a meal and how to prevent it? Fri, 10 Sep 2021 04:04:16 +0000

If you're tired and sleepy after a good meal, you're not alone. Fatigue after a meal is a very common phenomenon in humans. This is influenced by hormones, food sensitivities, and the list goes on. Of course, there is a solution for this and we have some tips here.

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What is bad karma and how to get rid of it? Fri, 10 Sep 2021 04:02:37 +0000

We have probably all asked ourselves the question: "Why does this always happen to me?" Of course, the answer is not simple! There are many possible reasons why we find ourselves in a vicious circle, and our bad karma has something to do with it all.

The post Kaj je slaba karma in kako se je znebiti? appeared first on City Magazine.

Find out among all types of yoga - which one is right for your body and soul! Wed, 08 Sep 2021 09:21:12 +0000

There's no doubt that yoga has grown in popularity in recent years—and it's no surprise. In the current situation around the world, when everything is tense, the reason is that the effects of yoga on the mind and body are some of the many reasons why people take up regular yoga in the first place. Almost as soon as you start practicing yoga, you are overcome with a feeling of calmness and relaxation. If you are one of those who have not tried yoga yet, now is the right time to do so.

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15 positive changes that regular practice of yoga will bring to your life Mon, 06 Sep 2021 12:26:16 +0000

Many yoga exercises strengthen the spine, which greatly affects posture. In addition, it relaxes the body and mind, because when the exercises are performed correctly, the muscles relax, which has a beneficial effect on our well-being. You know, a healthy mind in a healthy body.

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How to properly care for hair that gets greasy quickly and wash it less often Mon, 06 Sep 2021 12:20:03 +0000

Hairdressers are convinced that washing your hair every day is not good, especially if your hair gets greasy quickly.

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Find out if fru fru suits you Mon, 06 Sep 2021 04:03:15 +0000

Front cut hair, or fru fru as they call it, can have a very rejuvenating effect, but of course it suits some face shapes better than others. Check what your face looks like and if you don't have a fru fru, it's the last time to cut it.

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How to increase your daily calorie consumption with the help of a smart watch Fri, 03 Sep 2021 04:02:57 +0000

How accurate smartwatches can be has been established for a long time. The iWatch is considered very accurate, and we'll take a look at what this watch has to offer and how accurate its results are during your activity.

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3 simple tricks for always neat hair Wed, 01 Sep 2021 04:04:39 +0000

Let's face it, morning grooming can take a lot of time and why not sleep in instead if you can. Here are some hair styling tricks that will help you sleep longer because you won't have to wash, dry and style your hair in the morning because it will still look great from the day before.

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10 reasons why you should be thankful you have curves Mon, 30 Aug 2021 05:51:54 +0000

Many women are proud of their curves, while on the other hand, there are also many who think they should lose weight because they want to be slim. Let us reassure you that most men prefer women with curves, so there is absolutely no need to worry.

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The table tennis of the future: when tradition meets modern architecture Fri, 27 Aug 2021 10:43:04 +0000

French architects and designers from the Exercise studio, in their desire to reinterpret table tennis, joined forces with the leisure equipment manufacturer NEDJ. This is how a collection of alternative tables was created, which make the game even more fun and strategically oriented.

The post Namezni tenis prihodnosti: ko tradicija sreča moderno arhitekturo appeared first on City Magazine.

10 reasons why we fail in life Mon, 23 Aug 2021 04:04:17 +0000

You've probably found yourself at a point in your life where everything went wrong for you, when you blamed everything and everyone for our unhappiness. You had a lot of obstacles and all this led to our personal defeat. Is this really necessary? Before you put the blame on someone else again, make sure that you may not be to blame for not realizing your dreams and your own failures.

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What does it mean if you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of the month? Mon, 23 Aug 2021 04:01:09 +0000

Astrologers have found that people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of the month are born under a lucky star. They carry with them a special stamp of fate, but on the other hand, one personality trait can make life very difficult for them. See what these numbers bring.

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Recipe: Golden Milk or Curcumin Latte Fri, 20 Aug 2021 04:03:59 +0000

Golden milk or curcumin latte is a very popular drink. Its preparation is very easy, and it also provides a real explosion of flavors. In Indian and Chinese medicine, it is credited with healing power because it is said to have a beneficial effect on the body and mind.

The post Recept: zlato mleko ali kurkumin latte appeared first on City Magazine.

What is Gua sha and why is it used? Thu, 19 Aug 2021 05:10:35 +0000

Gua sha is a natural therapy that means massaging the skin with a stone tool (natural stone). This improves blood circulation and tightens our skin. It is said to have been used to treat many diseases and skin conditions thousands of years ago, but let's see how it is used today.

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8 ways to overcome excuses and awaken your inner athlete Tue, 17 Aug 2021 16:02:31 +0000

I'm sure we all know the feeling of always finding an excuse why we haven't done something. But when it comes to physical activity, there can be even more of these excuses. Therefore, it is important to overcome this feeling and awaken the sports enthusiast within. You can definitely do this with the eight steps below.

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New series and movies coming to Netflix in August (2021) Mon, 09 Aug 2021 05:20:59 +0000

In August, we can look forward to numerous novelties on Netflix, especially films and series that fall right under Netflix's production umbrella.

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How to do basic fitness exercises correctly: prevent injuries and train correctly Mon, 09 Aug 2021 04:06:46 +0000

When you decide to walk through the doors of a fitness center, it's a good idea to make some simple, yet challenging decisions if you want to succeed. If you are a beginner, consider a personal trainer who will help you reach your goals. No matter what kind of exercise you decide to do, it's good to know how to perform the exercises correctly to avoid possible injuries. Let's see how to properly perform basic fitness exercises.

The post Kako pravilno izvajati osnovne fitnes vaje: preprečite poškodbe in trenirajte pravilno appeared first on City Magazine.

Why don't we allow ourselves to cry and why should we change that? Mon, 09 Aug 2021 04:04:42 +0000

No one likes to cry, especially in front of others. Often, crying makes individuals feel vulnerable, broken, or weak. But when it comes to crying, you shouldn't be ashamed. In fact, crying is actually good for your health, which is why some people advocate that we should cry more often.

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10 rules for using tampons: how to enjoy carefree on the beach Mon, 09 Aug 2021 04:02:23 +0000

Don't let your period spoil your fun at the beach or pool. Here are some tips to help you enjoy swimming with tampons safely and carefree.

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8 character traits that are characteristic of people born in August Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:06:24 +0000

According to the zodiac sign, people born in August are Leos or Virgos. They are easy to love, they have very strong characteristics and energy. Find out how to recognize them in the rest of the article.

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6 tips for the perfect make-up on the beach: to make your make-up last all day Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:03:27 +0000

Summer is synonymous with minimalism in the cosmetic bag, at least when it comes to the products of the cosmetic line. Some ladies, however, do not give up make-up even in high temperatures and on the beach. If you belong to this group, you probably know that keeping makeup resistant to high temperatures is not the easiest task. With these tips, your make-up will stay perfect all day.

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4 tips for an unforgettable vacation without unpleasant situations Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:00:20 +0000

It can happen that we go on vacation and an unpleasant or awkward situation destroys our good mood. From a car stopping halfway to nausea or stomach cramps that make us run to the nearest bathroom. We have solutions for some unwanted situations.

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After-sun care: with these products, the summer skin tone will last longer Fri, 30 Jul 2021 04:04:51 +0000

In the summer months, it is equally important to take care of your skin during and after sunbathing. Even if you apply sunscreen regularly and rarely get sunburned, the sun's UV rays can seriously damage your skin and hair, especially if lounging on the beach is your favorite summer activity.

The post Nega po sončenju: s temi izdelki bo poletni ten kože dlje časa obstojen appeared first on City Magazine.

The best movies and series that came to Netflix this month Fri, 30 Jul 2021 04:04:15 +0000

We've seen a lot of great titles on Netflix this month, especially new series, as well as some feel-good and interesting movies. This summer, production seems to be focusing mainly on horror and romantic comedies. But this, predominantly light content, suits us perfectly in the summer, and below we have highlighted a few films that we recommend.

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How do we manifest our desires with the help of a candle? Wed, 28 Jul 2021 04:01:20 +0000

Candles are a basic product for calming the body, manifesting desires, grounding,... They are used to increase and release energy, you can have them on your desk, on a shelf to promote positive vibrations or use them during evening rituals.

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3 easy ways to make beach curls Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:02:49 +0000

Simple and relaxed, gentle and waves like from the beach - curls create a dynamic game of strands and always give them a special charm. They give the impression of lightness, but on the other hand, they create a completely imperfect look. The beach curl hairstyle has been a very popular choice among women in the last decade. How can we easily make beach weaves?

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Meal Planning: Everything You Need to Know About Making Meals Ahead Wed, 21 Jul 2021 04:05:55 +0000

Not in the habit of planning meals in advance? This may be a recipe for disaster when it comes to your nutritional goals. Learn about the benefits of pre-prepared meals and tips to make your daily tasks easier.

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10 tips for better sleep on hot summer days Sun, 18 Jul 2021 04:02:47 +0000

There's nothing worse than feeling overheated at night and no matter how much you toss and turn, you feel like you're on fire and can't fall asleep. Unfortunately, there are a lot of factors that go into making you feel hot, so it's a good idea to stick to some guidelines as they can help you on your way to a restful night's sleep.

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These Are Natural Headache Remedies: 3 Natural Ingredients That Will Soothe Your Heat Headache Fri, 16 Jul 2021 04:13:34 +0000

There's nothing worse than a headache that puts fun in the sun to bed. Unfortunately, research shows that for every rise in temperature, you're 10 percent more likely to get a headache — which probably comes as no surprise to anyone who's ever had a headache on a summer's day.

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Summer hair care: tips for healthy and shiny hair in the summer months Fri, 16 Jul 2021 04:00:25 +0000

No matter how busy your schedule is, there's a seasonal beauty routine for every woman. Here's your guide to the best looking hair at home or on holiday - even if you only have a few minutes to spare.

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Mango iced tea with coconut ice cubes Thu, 15 Jul 2021 04:05:51 +0000

A refreshing drink is perfect on hot summer days, and for everyone who wants something more than lemonade or iced coffee, we have something different for you, something exotic, summery and refreshing. Here is the recipe for mango iced tea with coconut ice cubes.

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Tips for exercising on hot summer days: moderate and smart Thu, 15 Jul 2021 04:01:57 +0000

Before heading out to exercise in the sun, heat and steam, learn how to exercise safely to avoid unpleasant situations. Don't let the summer sun and heat stop you from getting a great workout. Check the weather, plan your workout and don't forget - by heart!

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Skin care oil: which oil is recommended for a specific skin type Mon, 12 Jul 2021 05:33:44 +0000

We all want smooth, flawless skin, but we often don't know how to take care of it properly, because there are more and more products on the market that, of course, promise the most beautiful and flawless skin. Below are some tips for using oils that are suitable for your skin type, but of course this also applies to men.

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This nail color is a real summer hit (2021) Wed, 07 Jul 2021 06:05:48 +0000

We believe that in addition to all the current trends and colors for manicure, it is quite difficult to choose the one that you will like the most. Summer is here, so you're probably already looking for a look for your nails that will look perfect and easy to wear and adapt to your style in the city as well as on the beach. If you want to always have the touch of the sea with you, this year's real hit is varnish in shades of turquoise.

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10 rules of healthy sunbathing: for beautifully tanned and healthy skin Wed, 07 Jul 2021 05:11:35 +0000

The sun's rays raise the level of serotonin, the hormone responsible for good mood. They are also responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D, which, among other things, protects us from softening of the bones and osteoporosis. The sun makes us happy, but we must not forget that it can also be dangerous.

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Food Myths: We Reveal the Misconceptions You Thought Were True Wed, 07 Jul 2021 05:03:44 +0000

Each of us knows someone who thinks that carbohydrates are bad, that they are fattening, or that frozen fruit is worse than fresh... Think again, and below we will reveal the facts behind these common myths.

The post Miti o hrani: razkrivamo zmote za katere ste mislili, da so resnične appeared first on City Magazine.

What should not be missing in a summer bag: indispensable products for trips, picnics and the beach Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:53:54 +0000

So many good things happen in summer - holidays, barbecues, sun, sea and swimming pools. But there are also some aspects of the summer season that we collectively dread in the name of looking good: sweat, shiny faces, body odor and pesky insect bites.

The post Kaj ne sme manjkati v poletni torbi: nepogrešljivi izdelki za izlet, piknik in plažo appeared first on City Magazine.

Summer reading: which books to take with you to the beach? Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:43:56 +0000

There are kind of two types of people on the beach. Those who just sunbathe and those who are always doing something. It doesn't matter which group you belong to, because reading books will take you to another dimension. You will forget time and the world around you, as you will step into your imagination. See below which books are the right ones to pass the time on the beach this year.

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Cold soups for summer: simple, tasty and nutritious Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:04:51 +0000

Liquid and creamy, cold or iced, spicy or spicy, and above all fresh - cold summer soups are important and popular on a hot summer day, and we present to you some quick and good ones.

The post Hladne juhe za poletje: preproste, okusne in hranljive appeared first on City Magazine.

5 indicators that clearly indicate that it is time to finally change your life Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:03:57 +0000

Life sometimes brings us to a point where we see no way out. We don't know where to turn and which path to choose to be the right one. Some wake up in such situations and make a shift in their lives, while others only sink deeper.

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7 steps to a morning routine that will help you lose weight Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:01:31 +0000

Why are morning rituals so important? How you start your morning often determines what the rest of your day will be like. No matter how hard you try to lose weight, certain morning habits can contribute to weight gain and thus hinder the weight loss process instead of speeding it up.

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Recipe: The Best Strawberry Gin and Tonic Wed, 30 Jun 2021 04:04:07 +0000

You will surely use the strawberry season for various desserts and cakes, but why not try a strawberry gin and tonic? Gin and tonic lovers are sure to enjoy this refreshing summer version of their favorite drink.

The post Recept: najboljši jagodni gin tonik appeared first on City Magazine.

Dry tanning oil: for a beautiful and long-lasting tan Tue, 29 Jun 2021 04:02:17 +0000

There are probably many people who want a nice, even and, of course, quick tan in the summer. Since the sun is strong and dangerous in summer, sun protection is inevitable. Today we are talking about dry tanning oils, which one to use and how to use it.

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6 products you can't go on summer vacation without this year Mon, 28 Jun 2021 04:02:20 +0000

Summertime is the time when we all think about where and when we will go on vacation. It takes us a lot of time to decide where we will go on vacation, but at the same time, in the current situation, we also have to take into account the conditions for crossing borders between countries, restrictions in public places and other things that corona times bring. In addition, pack these 6 things that should not be missing on vacation in your travel bag.

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Best Meditation Apps 2021: Calm Your Mind and Banish Stress Sun, 27 Jun 2021 04:02:27 +0000

The ancient art of meditation has firmly entered the 21st century thanks to app developers everywhere. Now relaxing at your leisure - while banishing stress, negative thoughts and anxiety - is just a click away.

The post Najboljše aplikacije za meditacijo 2021: umirite svoje misli in odženite stres appeared first on City Magazine.

Is Teranino ice cream the new sensation this summer? Tue, 22 Jun 2021 07:23:34 +0000

Ice creams that carry the aroma of some of our favorite drinks are certainly not new, but when we happen to have the opportunity to try something new, it's the right time to really do it.

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5 ideas for breakfast if you want to gain muscle mass Fri, 18 Jun 2021 04:15:17 +0000

Breakfast is a very important meal. A good meal eaten in the morning helps control body weight, and eating protein accelerates body regeneration and stimulates muscle growth. So below we present you the 5 best protein-rich breakfasts recommended by some of the best personal trainers.

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This is the right sport for you according to your astrological sign! Fri, 18 Jun 2021 04:14:47 +0000

Have you ever wondered what the real sport is that you would really enjoy? Or you simply want to try something, but you don't know what, where to start, or whether you'll like it or not. Let your star sign guide you in the right direction.

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