Nika Arsovski, Author at City Magazine Sun, 14 Jul 2024 11:00:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top 7 "adults-only" resorts in Europe, where you will enjoy an all-inclusive vacation Sun, 14 Jul 2024 11:00:13 +0000

Are you tempted to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and are you looking for a quiet retreat for adults only? There are quite a few wonderful resorts in Europe that offer complete peace and relaxation. In this article, we'll explore seven of the best all-inclusive resorts for adults where you won't be surprised by the extra costs. Get ready for a carefree vacation where comfort, luxury and tranquility come first. These are the best "adults-only" resorts in Europe!

The post Top 7 “adults-only” resortov v Evropi, kje boste uživali v all-inclusive oddihu appeared first on City Magazine.

The best hotels on the coast of Albania; for an unforgettable vacation in the south of the Adriatic Sat, 13 Jul 2024 07:06:42 +0000

These are the best hotels on the coast of Albania!

The post Najboljši hoteli na obali Albanije; za nepozaben oddih na jugu Jadrana appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: simple "ratatouille" - a French specialty for all occasions Sat, 13 Jul 2024 07:05:55 +0000

Ratatouille is the ultimate dish this summer! Check out this easy recipe.

The post Recept: enostavni “ratatouille” – francoska specialiteta za vse priložnosti appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: No-Bake Vegan Raspberry Cake Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:44:36 +0000

This is a delicious vegan cake that goes well with seasonal fruits like raspberries and pistachios.

The post Recept: veganska torta z malinami brez peke appeared first on City Magazine.

Aminess Younique Narrivi Hotel: An oasis of luxury by the Adriatic Sea Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:42:43 +0000

Aminess Younique Narrivi Hotel in Crikvenica is a real oasis of peace and luxury, where you can completely relax and enjoy every moment.

The post Aminess Younique Narrivi Hotel: Oaza luksuza ob Jadranskem morju appeared first on City Magazine.

Summer sadness: Why we feel more irritable and lonely in the summer Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:21:36 +0000

Summer blues is a change in mood related to summer time.

The post Poletna otožnost: Zakaj se poleti počutimo bolj razdražljive in osamljene appeared first on City Magazine.

8 Showering Mistakes You're Making Without Knowing It - Dermatologists' Advice Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:21:09 +0000

Showering is a daily routine for most of us, but we are often not even aware of the mistakes we are making. Dermatologists warn that improper showering can affect the health of our skin, causing dryness, irritation and even increasing the risk of infections. In this article, we'll reveal the most common mistakes you're likely to make while showering and offer you smart steps for cleaner, healthier skin. Read on to discover how even small changes to your routine can make big improvements.

The post 8 napak pri tuširanju, ki jih delate, ne da bi vedeli – nasveti dermatologov appeared first on City Magazine.

How to eat spaghetti properly: Italians will never forgive you for cutting spaghetti or using a spoon Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:19:25 +0000

How to eat spaghetti properly?!

The post Kako pravilno jesti špagete: rezanja špagetov ali uporabo žlice vam Italijani nikoli ne bodo oprostili appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you want to live by the beach? These are destinations where you can make your dreams come true without breaking the bank Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:18:21 +0000

Living by the beach is the dream of many people, also because of the sound of the waves that lulls you to sleep in the evening.

The post Želite živeti ob plaži? To so destinacije, kjer lahko uresničite sanje, brez da bi izpraznili bančni račun appeared first on City Magazine.

Opportunity of a lifetime: Move to Tuscany and earn €30,000 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:12:34 +0000

This beautiful Italian region invites you to change your residential address.

The post Priložnost življenja: Preselite se v Toskano in s tem zaslužite 30.000 € appeared first on City Magazine.

What the healthiest people in the world eat: we reveal the secret menu Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:11:35 +0000

The Huns are a people who have apparently discovered the secret of longevity.

The post Kaj jedo najbolj zdravih ljudje na svetu: razkrivamo skrivnostni jedilnik appeared first on City Magazine.

Fehmarnbelt Tunnel: New underwater tunnel between Denmark and Germany as early as 2029 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:09:04 +0000

The underwater tunnel between Spain and Morocco will see the light of day by 2030, and between Denmark and Germany a year earlier.

The post Predor Fehmarnbelt: Nov podvodni tunel med Dansko in Nemčijo že leta 2029 appeared first on City Magazine.

Bodrum: Your new favorite summer destination for 2024 – forget Mykonos and Ibiza Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:44:19 +0000

Have you heard of Bodrum? If not, it's high time…

The post Bodrum: Vaša nova najljubša poletna destinacija za leto 2024 – pozabite Mikonos in Ibizo appeared first on City Magazine.

The best locations for surfing! Catch the waves at one of these destinations Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:43:08 +0000

Looking for the best surf spots? Check these…

The post Najboljše lokacije za surfanje! Ujemite valove na eni od teh destinacij appeared first on City Magazine.

Banki Green Istrian Village: a new luxury camp in Croatia Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:41:36 +0000

Get to know Banki Green Istrian Village, a kingdom of luxury in the embrace of nature.

The post Banki Green Istrian Village: nov luksuzni kamp na Hrvaškem appeared first on City Magazine.

Before you wrap your luggage: Does this method really improve the security of your belongings? Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:39:24 +0000

Baggage wrapping is available practically at every airport; does it actually have any effect?

The post Preden zavijete prtljago: Ali ta metoda resnično izboljša varnost vaših stvari? appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Salad with potatoes and octopus, a summer seafood delicacy Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:38:14 +0000

Salad with potatoes and octopus is perfect in summer. Here is the recipe.

The post Recept: Solata s krompirjem in hobotnico, poletna morska poslastica appeared first on City Magazine.

How smart are you really? 8 Neuroscientific Signs That Reveal Your Intelligence Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:25:47 +0000

Wondering how intelligent you are? Find out with the help of these signs.

The post Kako pametni ste v resnici? 8 nevroznanstvenih znakov, ki razkrivajo vašo inteligenco appeared first on City Magazine.

Discover Molum Hotel & Residences: a luxury 5-star resort in Dalmatia (Croatia) Wed, 03 Jul 2024 05:27:13 +0000

Predstavljamo vam Molum Hotel & Residences, kjer je vsak trenutek nepozabno doživetje.

The post Odkrijte Molum Hotel & Residences: luksizni resort s 5 zvezdicami v Dalmaciji (Hrvaška) appeared first on City Magazine.

Which cat breed matches your astrological sign? Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:37:43 +0000

A little for fun, a little for real; wondering which cat breed matches your astrological sign?

The post Katera pasma mačk ustreza vašemu astrološkemu znaku? appeared first on City Magazine.

What colors to choose for a children's room? Sat, 29 Jun 2024 03:32:32 +0000

Choosing the right color for a child's room can be a pleasant but at the same time challenging task. The right color can create a stimulating environment that evolves with your child as they grow. The wrong color can mean that you will soon be holding a painting tool in your hands again. In this article, we present five color options for children's rooms, along with decorating tips to help you create a space that is both fun and functional.

The post Kakšne barve izbrati za otroško sobo? appeared first on City Magazine.

The trick to chill beer or wine in just 5 minutes Sat, 29 Jun 2024 03:06:46 +0000

How to cool beer? Are you interested in how to chill beer in just 5 minutes? Here are some tricks.

The post Trik, kako ohladiti pivo ali vino v le 5 minutah appeared first on City Magazine.

How to overcome the grief of losing a pet? Thu, 27 Jun 2024 07:19:47 +0000

Are you grieving and wondering how to overcome the grief of losing a pet?

The post Kako premagati žalost ob izgubi hišnega ljubljenčka? appeared first on City Magazine.

Lisbon for the whole family: Top hotels that will be enjoyed by all family members Tue, 25 Jun 2024 06:34:41 +0000

These are the best hotels for a family holiday in Lisbon.

The post Lizbona za vso družino: Top hoteli, kjer bodo uživali vsi družinski člani appeared first on City Magazine.

The best hotels in Istanbul, for a perfect getaway for two Mon, 24 Jun 2024 09:20:48 +0000

The best hotels in Istanbul for a romantic break with your better half.

The post Najboljši hoteli v Istanbulu, za popoln oddih v dvoje appeared first on City Magazine.

These are signs that you have found your soul mate Sun, 23 Jun 2024 05:17:40 +0000

Are you wondering what are the signs that you have found your soul mate? Check.

The post To so znaki, da ste našli svojo sorodno dušo appeared first on City Magazine.

Explore Italy for free: This island offers free accommodation to young hikers Sun, 23 Jun 2024 05:16:24 +0000

This is an Italian island that welcomes young hikers with open arms.

The post Raziskujte Italijo brezplačno: Ta otok nudi brezplačno namestitev mladim pohodnikom appeared first on City Magazine.

Travel for the soul: Top destinations for unforgettable road trips Sun, 23 Jun 2024 05:12:16 +0000

If you like to discover new places on four wheels on vacation, then take a look at the best destinations for a road trip.

The post Potovanja za dušo: Top destinacije za nepozabne road tripe appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: chocolate ice cream on a stick, for which you only need two ingredients Fri, 21 Jun 2024 07:25:34 +0000

This is a delicious chocolate ice cream that you can make with just two ingredients.

The post Recept: čokoladni sladoled na palčki, za katerega potrebujete le dve sestavini appeared first on City Magazine.

Elegance and sophistication: How to create "old money" style in your home without high costs Fri, 21 Jun 2024 07:24:53 +0000

Old money is a new-old interior design trend that is being used by more and more young people.

The post Eleganca in prefinjenost: Kako ustvariti “old money” stil v vašem domu brez visokih stroškov appeared first on City Magazine.

How to properly clean a laptop screen: Step by step for a flawless result without damage Fri, 21 Jun 2024 07:23:57 +0000

Wondering how to clean a laptop screen? Very, very carefully.

The post Kako pravilno očistiti zaslon prenosnika: Korak za korakom do brezhibnega rezultata brez poškodb appeared first on City Magazine.

The best summer destinations in Europe, where you will enjoy without the extreme heat Fri, 21 Jun 2024 07:22:36 +0000

Where to escape from the summer heat? By going somewhere much fresher and less hot than the bleached asphalt in the city. These are the best summer destinations where the heat wave will not overtake you.

The post Najboljše poletne destinacije v Evropi, kjer boste uživali brez ekstremne vročine appeared first on City Magazine.

Going on a solo trip? Follow these 10 golden rules for safety and fun Thu, 20 Jun 2024 08:52:17 +0000

These are the golden rules for solo travel, for all those of you who are going on the trip this time in the singular.

The post Se odpravljate na solo potovanje? Upoštevajte teh 10 zlatih pravil za varnost in zabavo appeared first on City Magazine.

The latest wellness trend: a glass of salt water a day Wed, 19 Jun 2024 07:30:33 +0000

A glass of salt water is the wellness trend that influencers swear by right now.

The post Najnovejši wellness trend: kozarec slane vode na dan appeared first on City Magazine.

Golden tip: do this thing when you rent a car and save a lot of money and nerves Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:44:27 +0000

Renting a car is often a necessary choice, whether for vacations, business trips, or simply for transportation around town. Despite the convenience it offers, renting a car can cause many unnecessary costs and inconveniences if we don't pay attention to some key details. In this article, we will reveal to you a tip worth its weight in gold, which can save you a lot of money and nerves. A simple step that you can take immediately upon picking up the vehicle will ensure that your rental car experience is as smooth and worry-free as possible. Read on to discover how you can avoid the most common pitfalls and save your valuable time and money. This is a rental car tip that will come in handy on your next trip.

The post Zlata vreden nasvet: naredite to stvar, ko najamete rent-a-car in s tem prihranite veliko denarja in živce appeared first on City Magazine.

Discover Camma Retica: a new 7-day hiking trail through the magical Dolomites Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:41:28 +0000

This is a new hiking trail in the Dolomites that advocates for more sustainable tourism.

The post Odkrijte Cammino Retico: Nova 7-dnevna pohodniška pot skozi čarobne Dolomite appeared first on City Magazine.

Stockholm for the whole family: The best hotels for an unforgettable stay with children Tue, 11 Jun 2024 10:54:45 +0000

Planning a family vacation in Stockholm can be extremely exciting, especially if you choose the right hotel that will provide comfort and fun for the whole family. Stockholm, with its wonderful museums, parks and cultural attractions, offers countless opportunities for exploration and unforgettable adventures. To make your choice easier, we have prepared a list of the best hotels that are specially adapted for families. These hotels offer everything from comfortable rooms and children's programs to special services that will make sure your children enjoy themselves and you can rest easy. Read on to discover where to find the perfect stay for your family vacation in the Swedish capital. These are the best hotels for families in Stockholm!

The post Stockholm za vso družino: Najboljši hoteli za nepozabno bivanje z otroki appeared first on City Magazine.

Are you unknowingly ruining your fridge? 7 habits that shorten the life of your refrigerator Tue, 11 Jun 2024 10:50:21 +0000

Are you unknowingly ruining your fridge? Many of us don't realize that everyday habits and reckless behavior can greatly shorten the life of this indispensable device in our households. The refrigerator is one of the most important appliances in our kitchen, which ensures the freshness of food and the safety of our food. Nevertheless, it is often treated with indifference, which leads to frequent breakdowns and the premature end of its life. In this article, we'll reveal seven habits that can take years off your refrigerator, and advise you on how to avoid them to extend the life of your refrigerator.

The post Ali nevede uničujete svoj hladilnik? 7 navad, s katerim krajšate življensko dobo hladilnika appeared first on City Magazine.

Experience nature: The best eco-camps in Croatia for sustainable holidays Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:47:01 +0000

Are you looking for a perfect vacation in nature where you can enjoy beautiful views, fresh air and a sustainable lifestyle? Croatia offers many eco camps that combine natural beauty with care for the environment. In these camps, you will find peace, relaxation and the opportunity to reconnect with nature, while contributing to the preservation of the environment. In this article, we will explore the best eco-camps in Croatia, where an unforgettable vacation in harmony with nature awaits you.

The post Doživite naravo: Najboljši eko kampi na Hrvaškem za trajnostne počitnice appeared first on City Magazine.

Cheap and Great: Top Low-Cost Airlines 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:44:46 +0000

These are the best budget airlines for 2024!

The post Poceni in odlične: Top nizkocenovne letalske družbe 2024 appeared first on City Magazine.

Chalet Sofija: boutique accommodation in Slovenia that will leave you speechless Sat, 08 Jun 2024 06:10:00 +0000

Who does not dream of escaping to a mountain idyll, where luxury and unspoiled nature intertwine in perfect harmony? Your dreams can come true. Welcome to Chalet Sofija, a pearl in the heart of the Slovenian Alps, located in an idyllic location on Srednje vrh above the village of Gozd Martuljek.

The post Chalet Sofija: butična nastanitev v Sloveniji, ki vas bo pustila brez besed appeared first on City Magazine.

Romantic nights in Barcelona: Discover the most magical hotels for couples Thu, 06 Jun 2024 08:23:58 +0000

Barcelona is a city where history and modernity, art and architecture intertwine, and at the same time it also offers magical corners that are perfect for a romantic getaway for two. These are the most romantic hotels in Barcelona!

The post Romantične noči v Barceloni: Odkrijte najbolj čarobne hotele za pare appeared first on City Magazine.

How to convince a teenager to disconnect from social networks? Thu, 06 Jun 2024 08:21:31 +0000

As a parent, are you wondering how to get your teen to disconnect from social media?

The post Kako najstnika prepričati, da se odklopi od družabnih omrežij? appeared first on City Magazine.

Top concerts in Europe for the summer of 2024, which you absolutely cannot miss Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:03:59 +0000

These are concerts across Europe for the summer of 2024 that will satisfy fans of a variety of music.

The post Top koncerti po Evropi za poletje 2024, ki jih nikakor ne smete zamuditi appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: mini pizza with eggplant, ideal for summer picnics Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:01:56 +0000

This is a pizza recipe, but a little different.

The post Recept: mini pizza z jajčevci, idealna za poletne piknike appeared first on City Magazine.

Sun, sea and "Dolce vita": Discover the magical coastal towns of Italy Mon, 03 Jun 2024 10:11:51 +0000

For a sweet life of sun and sea, there's nothing better than a trip to Italy's coastal towns. Discover the hidden gems of Italy, where history meets modernity, and experience an unforgettable adventure surrounded by natural beauty, cultural treasures and delicious cuisine. Are these the most beautiful coastal towns in Italy? Without a doubt.

The post Sonce, morje in “Dolce vita”: Odkrijte čarobna obalna mesta Italije appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: easy cheesecake baked in an air fryer Sat, 01 Jun 2024 04:43:33 +0000

This is an easy, mouth-watering cheesecake recipe.

The post Recept: enostavni cheesecake, pečen v air-fryjerju appeared first on City Magazine.

What happens if you don't wash your bra often enough? Fri, 31 May 2024 09:16:13 +0000

Bras are an indispensable part of many women's wardrobes, but we often wonder how often they should be washed. Although washing a bra may seem less important than washing other garments, irregular washing can lead to serious consequences for health and comfort. From skin problems to reduced bra life, washing plays an important role in maintaining freshness and hygiene. In this article, we'll explore how often you should wash your bra and why it's so important to your overall well-being.

The post Kaj se zgodi, če modrca ne perete dovolj pogosto? appeared first on City Magazine.

Think you know how to use Facebook? Discover these unknown features that will blow your mind! Tue, 28 May 2024 07:59:37 +0000

These are the Facebook features you wish you knew about earlier.

The post Mislite, da znate uporabljati Facebook? Odkrijte te neznane funkcije, ki vas bodo navdušile! appeared first on City Magazine.

The most romantic hotels in Marrakech (Morocco): discover an Arabian fairy tale for two Sun, 26 May 2024 04:40:25 +0000

Marrakech, the heart of Morocco, is known for its bustling markets, rich history and stunning architecture. But among the labyrinths of ancient streets and magical gardens, there are also romantic oases that are perfect for couples in love. If you are looking for a destination where you and your loved one can get away from everyday life and indulge in luxury and an exotic atmosphere, romantic hotels in Marrakech are the right choice. These are the most romantic hotels in Marrakech!

The post Najbolj romantični hoteli v Marakešu (Maroko): odkrijte arabsko pravljico v dvoje appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: orange pie, so juicy that it just melts in your mouth Sun, 26 May 2024 04:39:04 +0000

We offer you a recipe for a juicy orange pie - this is a dessert for summer picnics.

The post Recept: pomarančna pita, tako sočna, da se kar sama topi v ustih appeared first on City Magazine.

What are the safest seats on a plane? Experts reveal key choices for your safety Sun, 26 May 2024 04:38:31 +0000

When we travel by plane, we usually think about the comfort, service and price of the ticket, but we rarely focus on the safety of the seat we choose. However, the choice of seat can in certain cases play an important role in our safety during the flight. Experts reveal which airplane seats are the safest and why. Depending on the type of emergency, choosing the right seat can increase your chances of survival. In the following, we present to you how and why some seats are safer than others, and what you should pay attention to when choosing a seat for your next trip. These are the safest seats on the plane!

The post Kateri so najvarnejši sedeži na letalu? Strokovnjaki razkrivajo ključne izbire za vašo varnost appeared first on City Magazine.

The best comedies on Netflix (2024) that will make you laugh out loud: Get ready for a night of laughs! Sun, 26 May 2024 04:37:56 +0000

There's no better way to unwind after a long day than with a good comedy that makes you laugh out loud. Netflix offers a rich collection of funny movies that are perfect for a night of laughter in the comfort of your own home. Whether you're into classic comedies, modern hits, or maybe something a little more unusual, you're sure to find something on Netflix that will blow your mind. These are the best comedies on Netflix right now!

The post Najboljše komedije na Netflixu (2024), ki vas bodo nasmejale do solz: Pripravite se na noč smeha! appeared first on City Magazine.

Dream summer vacation: Europe's most beautiful villas with stunning pools, book as soon as possible Sat, 25 May 2024 05:11:17 +0000

When we imagine the perfect summer vacation in Europe, sun and a pool are at the top of the wish list. Nothing beats the feeling of relaxing by your own pool with a beautiful view and carefree moments under the sun's rays. If you dream of a luxury vacation in beautiful villas, where you can dive into the refreshing waters and enjoy complete privacy, you are in the right place.

The post Sanjske poletne počitnice: Najlepše evropske vile z osupljivimi bazeni, ki jih rezervirajte čim prej appeared first on City Magazine.

Nobis Hotel Palma: An oasis of modern luxury in a medieval palace in Mallorca (Spain) Fri, 24 May 2024 07:56:21 +0000

The Nobis Hotel Palma in Mallorca is like a wine cellar - the older it is, the better it is. This new gem in Palma's old town combines centuries of history with modern Swedish design, creating a visual and architectural masterpiece.

The post Nobis Hotel Palma: Oaza sodobnega luksuza v srednjeveški palači na Mallorki (Španija) appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Strawberry and elderberry liqueur - enjoy the taste of spring all year round Fri, 24 May 2024 07:55:10 +0000

Strawberry-elder liqueur is a real pleasure for all lovers of natural flavors and aromas. This simple recipe combines the sweetness of fresh strawberries with the subtle floral note of elderberry to create a drink that will transport you to spring even in the middle of winter. In addition to ensuring that you have a little bit of spring in the bottle, making this liqueur is a great opportunity to go for a walk in the woods and gather fresh ingredients.

The post Recept: liker iz jagod in bezga – uživajte v okusu pomladi vse leto appeared first on City Magazine.

Air routes with the most turbulence: be prepared for the next flight Fri, 24 May 2024 07:53:20 +0000

In 2023, turbulence forecasters collected and analyzed extensive data on flight paths around the world. The results revealed which routes were the most turbulent and uncomfortable for passengers. In this article, we will explore where pilots and passengers faced the most challenging conditions in the air. If you're interested in air travel or just want to know which routes might be better to avoid, read on to find out which flight routes caused the most inconvenience in 2023.

The post Letalske poti z največ turbulencami: bodite pripravljeni na naslednji let appeared first on City Magazine.

How often should you clean your ears? Experts reveal the right measure for optimal health Fri, 24 May 2024 07:51:46 +0000

Ear cleaning is often a topic with many conflicting opinions and practices. Are we cleaning them too often or not enough? Can improper cleaning cause more harm than good? Doctors specializing in ear care are here to clarify this dilemma. In this article, we'll explore expert opinions on how often you should really be cleaning your ears to maintain optimal health and avoid potential problems. Join us and discover the right tips for caring for your ears. Are you wondering how often you should clean your ears? Then you are in the right place.

The post Kako pogosto bi si morali čistiti ušesa? Strokovnjaki razkrivajo pravo mero za optimalno zdravje appeared first on City Magazine.

Hotels in Europe with the best kids' clubs: Dream holidays for the whole family! Thu, 23 May 2024 07:32:50 +0000

If you dream of a carefree family vacation, where the children are busy and happy, while you relax in luxury, luxury hotels with top kids' clubs in Europe are the right choice. These hotels offer exceptional programs for children that include creative workshops, sports activities, interactive games and even adventure trips.

The post Hoteli v Evropi z najboljšimi otroškimi klubi: Sanjske počitnice za vso družino! appeared first on City Magazine.

Dream nights in Paris: Discover the best hotels with stunning views of the Eiffel Tower Wed, 22 May 2024 09:49:39 +0000

These are the best hotels near the Eiffel Tower!

The post Sanjske noči v Parizu: Odkrijte najboljše hotele z osupljivim pogledom na Eifflov Stolp appeared first on City Magazine.
