City Magazine Thu, 28 Nov 2024 10:52:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 najlepših arabskih modrosti, ki vas bodo navdihnile za boljše življenje – in vsi vas bodo spoštovali Thu, 28 Nov 2024 10:52:10 +0000

Arab culture is a treasure trove of wisdom that resonates through generations. Although this world may be foreign to us, its proverbs teach us universal truths - about self-respect, values and inner strength. These ancient sayings have the power to transform one's outlook on life.

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Natural or artificial Christmas tree: Which is friendlier to the environment and your home? Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:57:55 +0000

The Christmas tree is the central symbol of the holidays, creating warmth and joy. But when it comes time to make a decision - natural or artificial - we often find ourselves in a dilemma. Is an artificial tree really more ecological in the long term, or does it naturally have a lower impact on the environment? We've researched for you which choice is best for the planet and checked out some interesting alternatives.

The post Naravno ali umetno božično drevo: Kaj je bolj prijazno okolju in vašemu domu? appeared first on City Magazine.

The Best Men's Perfumes for the Holiday Season: You can't go wrong with these fragrances Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:09:37 +0000

Men's perfumes - a gift that says more than a thousand words. What to buy a man who already has everything? Another tie? Soft deer socks? Or that "all-hands-on" toolkit he'll use once every five years? Let's not be boring! If you want to give something really personal and elegant at the same time, perfume is always a winning choice.

The post Najboljši moški parfumi za praznični čas: s temi dišavami ne morete zgrešiti appeared first on City Magazine.

Chinese Horoscope 2025: The Year of the Wood Snake brings wisdom and transformation Thu, 28 Nov 2024 07:59:01 +0000

What does the Chinese Horoscope 2025 predict? Chinese New Year 2025 will begin on January 29, 2025 and will last until February 16, 2026. This will be the year of the Wood Snake, which in Chinese astrology symbolizes wisdom, prudence and mystery. The element of wood adds the energy of growth, creativity and stability. The combination of these influences heralds a year of personal growth, thoughtful planning and long-term goals.

The post Kitajski horoskop 2025: Leto lesene kače prinaša modrost in preobrazbo appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas movies: therapeutic balm or clichéd nightmare? Thu, 28 Nov 2024 07:58:06 +0000

A comfortable armchair, hot chocolate and... um, "Home Alone" again? December evenings are made for Christmas movies - or so the commercials say. Some can't wait to fire up Netflix and tick off the last of the romantic Christmas comedies. Others shudder in disgust at the mere thought of the tune "Let it Snow." But why? What is so polarizing about these movies? The psychology behind it is more interesting than you might think.

The post Božični filmi: terapevtski balzam ali klišejska mora? appeared first on City Magazine.

Squid Game Season 2: Only 6 episodes of gladiator mayhem the whole world has been waiting for Thu, 28 Nov 2024 07:40:08 +0000

The wait is over! Netflix has finally revealed the trailer for the second season of the cult series Squid Game - Squid Game season 2, which will premiere on December 26, 2024. Just when most people are filling their stomachs and reading Christmas stories, fans of suspense and chaos will be staring at the screens and followed new, deadly games.

The post Squid Game sezona 2: le 6 epizod gladiatorskega kaosa, ki ga pričakuje celoten svet appeared first on City Magazine.

Volkswagen: promises more buttons and less vision in the future! Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:48:08 +0000

Volkswagen promises more buttons and better materials, but it may be going back to the past instead of looking to the future. Is this really the path to success or just an excuse for a lack of innovation?

The post Volkswagen: obljublja več gumbov in manj vizije v prihodnje! appeared first on City Magazine.

Cold Moon Coming: The Last Full Moon of 2024 Brings Astrological Influences That Can Change Your Life Wed, 27 Nov 2024 10:28:05 +0000

The full moon of December 2024, known as the Cold Moon, will illuminate the sky with its light on December 15, leading us into one of the most magical nights of the year. It is the last full moon of the year, which carries a deep symbolic meaning of completion and preparation for new beginnings. This time, the moon will rise in the sign of Gemini, which means that our relationships, communication and internal dialogue will be put under a magnifying glass. It is a moment when we can clearly see what serves us and what it is time to leave behind. This is the moon that calls us to reflect on the past year, but at the same time brings the possibility of releasing old burdens.

The post Prihaja Hladna luna: Zadnja polna luna v letu 2024 prinaša astrološke vplive, ki lahko spremenijo vaše življenje appeared first on City Magazine.

The end of illusions, the beginning of freedom: Why I left you Wed, 27 Nov 2024 10:26:07 +0000

Have you ever felt that you invested everything in someone who didn't know how to appreciate you? Have you ever wondered why you are always the one giving while others are taking? And did you realize that you have to choose yourself?

The post Konec iluzij, začetek svobode: Zakaj sem te zapustila appeared first on City Magazine.

How to keep mice out of your house with aluminum foil: an amazing trick that everyone should know Wed, 27 Nov 2024 10:24:25 +0000

Aluminum foil has been a staple in our kitchens for decades - practical for wrapping sandwiches, baking potatoes and storing leftovers. But have you ever thought that this silver star of kitchen drawers has much more potential?

The post Kako s pomočjo alufolije odgnati miši iz svoje hiše: neverjetni trik, ki ga mora poznati vsak appeared first on City Magazine.

Discover the Japanese trick for rejuvenation and relaxation: put your hands in this position for 1 minute every day Wed, 27 Nov 2024 10:23:20 +0000

Do you often feel tension in your arms and neck? Japanese exercise is the key to releasing tension and improving blood circulation in just one minute a day.

The post Odkrijte japonski trik za pomlajevanje in sprostitev: vsak dan dajte roke v ta položaj za 1 minuto appeared first on City Magazine.

5 homemade salad dressings that will awaken the foodie in you: Change the boring cooking routine! Wed, 27 Nov 2024 10:23:07 +0000

Making the perfect salad is an art that requires more than just fresh vegetables and a few quick-cut toppings. The key to success? Of course, dressing! A good dressing is not just a side dish, but the heart and soul of any salad. It is he who combines all the ingredients into a harmonious whole, adds depth of flavor and ensures that "wow" moment with every bite.

The post 5 domačih prelivov za solato, ki bodo prebudili gurmana v vas: Zamenjajte dolgočasno kuharsko rutino! appeared first on City Magazine.

Why is your popular apartment in Croatia already booked this year and what can you do? Book today! Wed, 27 Nov 2024 06:56:59 +0000

If a few years ago you carelessly booked your apartment for your summer vacation in Croatia in March or even April, today the rules of the game are completely different. Changes in tourist habits, the increase in demand for Croatia as one of the most popular destinations in Europe and the rise in prices have caused the battle for the best apartments to start already in December - and believe me, there is no time to delay.

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Audi Q5 Sportback 2025: the car of the future… from the past Tue, 26 Nov 2024 19:03:30 +0000

If the 2025 Audi Q5 Sportback had hit the roads five years ago, it might have wowed the masses. Today, however, it seems to be chasing a train that has already departed, bringing too little new to stand out in today's SUV world.

The post Audi Q5 Sportback 2025: avto prihodnosti… iz preteklosti appeared first on City Magazine.

Which perfume to give a woman: 10 perfumes for the perfect Christmas gift Tue, 26 Nov 2024 10:40:37 +0000

Buying Christmas gifts for women can be an art. Although choosing a perfume seems like a classic solution, the right fragrance can be much more than just a gift – it is a personal statement, a moment of pampering and a lasting memory. But how do you find the right scent that will radiate her personality and at the same time show how much she means to you?

The post Kateri parfum podariti ženski: 10 parfumov za popolno božično darilo appeared first on City Magazine.

Rice water: the secret solution for your spathiphyllum to bloom profusely almost all year round Tue, 26 Nov 2024 10:39:34 +0000

When you think of rice, you probably associate it with a delicious meal, not with plant care. But did you know that simple rice water can turn your spathiphyllum into a luxurious plant that not only blooms almost non-stop, but also cleans the air in your home? This natural solution is simple, ecological and surprisingly effective.

The post Riževa voda: skrivnostna rešitev, da bo vaš spatifil bujno cvetel skoraj celo leto appeared first on City Magazine.

Bay leaf on the radiator: A secret trick for fresh air in the home Tue, 26 Nov 2024 09:20:53 +0000

Have you heard of the simple trick with a bay leaf on the radiator? In addition to being indispensable in the kitchen, this leaf also has surprising effects on the air quality in your home. Let us in on the secret!

The post Lovorjev list na radiatorju: Skrivnosten trik za svež zrak v domu appeared first on City Magazine.

When is the best time to book your summer holidays: Catch the bargains at these exact moments! Tue, 26 Nov 2024 09:20:11 +0000

How many times have you said to yourself, "I'll book my summer vacation on time this year"? And then, just before summer, you realize that plane tickets are more expensive than gold, hotel rooms are sold out, and your dream destination is just a beautiful Instagram memory? Don't panic! When is the best time to book a summer vacation?! We reveal when and how to book your summer holiday stress-free - and with big savings.

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Kdaj zaprositi za “upgrade” sedeža na letalu in kakšne so strategije, da to dosežete brezplačno? Tue, 26 Nov 2024 09:20:07 +0000

A better seat on the plane, with more space or in business class, is the desire of many passengers. Although free upgrades are rare, there are times when you can request a paid upgrade. With the help of the experience of the airline staff, we present you with tips for achieving greater comfort during the flight.

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AION UT – If the VW ID.3 is Europe's city dude, the Aion UT is its Chinese Bruce Lee Mon, 25 Nov 2024 12:13:54 +0000

Have you ever wondered what the Volkswagen ID.3 would look like if it were transferred to the strict Chinese markets? Here's the answer - the Aion UT, an electric car that looks like the ID.3, but for a third of the price. Yes, you read that right. This Chinese little guy promises to redefine what an affordable EV means, boasting a starting price of around 13,000 euros in the domestic market (less than a dinner at some overly 'fancy' restaurant in Paris). Here's everything you need to know about this automotive sensation - and believe me, it's not boring on four wheels!

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Audi Discontinues – Audi Q8 e-tron: the end of the era of the luxury electric SUV Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:35:40 +0000

The Audi Q8 e-tron, once a symbol of prestige and technological advancement, is saying goodbye. The model, which is characterized by high-quality construction, powerful electric motors and a luxurious interior, will leave the production lines at the factory in Brussels in February 2025. Despite solid sales in European markets, Chinese buyers turned to more modern solutions, which is why Audi is discontinuing this model. What does this mean for the future of Audi's electric SUVs?

The post Audi ukinja – Audi Q8 e-tron: konec ere luksuznega električnega SUV-ja appeared first on City Magazine.

For 399 euros in Bali: how cheap to the island of Bali - a dream vacation with minimal costs Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:35:23 +0000

How cheap to the island of Bali?! Bali, the island of the gods, is synonymous with a paradise destination where turquoise lagoons meet a colorful lifestyle, delicious cuisine and a relaxed atmosphere. Although often considered a luxury destination, Bali hides a magical world even for those traveling on a tight budget. In this guide, we'll explore how to experience Bali's charms for minimal cost, without sacrificing comfort, adventure and authentic culture.

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Horoscope for December 2024: which days in December will be the most beautiful for you? Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:14:36 +0000

The festive month brings magical moments for each of us, especially if we know how to recognize and take advantage of them. Which days in December are key to your happiness?

The post Horoskop za december 2024: kateri dnevi v decembru bodo za vas najlepši? appeared first on City Magazine.

Always keep the exact number of coins in your wallet! Only in this way will you attract wealth and happiness! Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:13:16 +0000

Wallet Secrets. Have you ever thought that a wallet is more than just a place to store money and payment cards? The contents and appearance of the wallet affect your financial situation. Simple items hidden in your wallet act as a magnet for wealth or vice versa.

The post V denarnici vedno hranite točno toliko kovancev! Le tako boste privabili bogastvo in srečo! appeared first on City Magazine.

Goodbye, blisters! A simple trick, how new shoes become incredibly comfortable in 5 minutes! Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:12:52 +0000

Have you ever bought the perfect pair of shoes that were a little too tight? Do you experience blisters and discomfort when wearing new shoes? You can fix these problems in just a few minutes.

The post Adijo, žulji! Preprost trik, kako novi čevlji v 5 minutah postenejo neverjetno udobni! appeared first on City Magazine.

Your home, your rules. Connect and manage your smart home quite simply Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:00:23 +0000

The holidays are a time when our home becomes a real place of magic. There is hardly anyone who does not know the smell of freshly baked cookies and the company of warm meals and laughter that fills every corner of the home. In moments like these, we want everything to run flawlessly. The Samsung smart ecosystem allows you to do all the holiday preparations with ease, so that you can take care of the atmosphere and smart devices can take care of everything else. With a few taps on your phone or even on your smart TV, you can adjust your smart home to your rules.

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Winter romance in the Alps: 11+ TOP log cabins in the magical Alpine environment of Slovenia Sun, 24 Nov 2024 10:58:22 +0000

Winter romance in the Alps! Imagine a vacation where you are awakened by the sounds of nature, where the stories of the past intertwine with modern comforts, and where each location offers something completely unique. From luxurious log cabins in the vineyards, fairy-tale cabins in the mountains, to houses that rise among the treetops - Slovenia hides pearls that promise more than just a place to stay. These are places where the beauty of nature and the warmth of home are intertwined, created for moments of peace, relaxation and exploration. This is true winter romance in the Alps!

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Where to travel in winter in Europe? These are the most beautiful European destinations for winter travel! Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:49:08 +0000

Where to travel in winter in Europe? Europe shines in a whole new light in winter, when snow, festive lights and culinary delights create true magic. Each place has its own unique story and winter charm that you should not miss. Here are the most attractive destinations for those who want an unforgettable winter experience enriched with cultural treasures, local specialties and idyllic views.

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Which 3 astrological signs will shine in December? December 31 brings groundbreaking changes and success! Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:10:49 +0000

Do you feel that 2024 did not live up to your expectations? Things will take a turn for the better in December.

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It will look like new in a minute: Tricks that will refresh your winter jacket without washing or dry cleaning! Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:10:13 +0000

Did you pull a winter jacket out of the closet with an unpleasant smell? Are you interested in how to freshen it up without having to wash it or take it to the dry cleaner?

The post V minuti bo videti kot nova: Triki, ki bodo vašo zimsko jakno osvežili brez pranja in kemičnega čiščenja! appeared first on City Magazine.

Put on a jacket and get outside: How cold air can improve your health and strengthen your heart Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:08:45 +0000

Do you also prefer to hide under the blanket in winter? Are you tempted to spend the cold days inside? Have you ever thought that walking in the fresh, cool air could improve your health and well-being?

The post Oblecite bundo in podite ven: Kako vam lahko mrzel zrak izboljša zdravje in okrepi srce appeared first on City Magazine.

How does your house number affect your happiness and quality of life? Perfectionists live in the number 3, and the number 9 brings problems Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:07:36 +0000

Have you ever thought that the house or apartment number has a deeper meaning? Each number has its own energy that can affect different aspects of your life - from relationships, health, career, to your general well-being.

The post Kako vaša hišna številka vpliva na vašo srečo in kakovost življenja? Perfekcionisti živijo v številki 3, številka 9 pa prinaša težave appeared first on City Magazine.

Fate is calling! Are you among the zodiac signs that are ending a long karmic cycle and starting a new chapter? Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:07:18 +0000

Pluto's return to Capricorn marks the end of a 16-year karmic cycle that will change the course of the four signs.

The post Usoda kliče! Ali ste med horoskopskimi znamenji, ki zaključujejo dolg karmični cikel in začenjajo novo poglavje? appeared first on City Magazine.

The technological revolution is not electric: 10 European car brands will disappear by 2035 Sat, 23 Nov 2024 07:19:01 +0000

Do you still remember brands like Nokia and Blackberry? Maybe a Motorola? These were the most popular brands of so-called GSM phones, which quickly disappeared from the world scene with the arrival of the touch-screen smartphone - the iPhone. A similar, almost identical story is happening in the automotive industry, but this time the reason for the change will not be electrification or replacement of the energy source in cars. Cars will become a new product category due to a different type of technology. Due to this technological revolution, some car brands will simply disappear. Let's see why most European car brands will disappear by 2035.

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Porsche 911 GT3 RS Manthey: Racing Legend with Sea Fin Sat, 23 Nov 2024 06:19:50 +0000

Forget ordinary cars - Manthey's Porsche 911 GT3 RS upgrade is not just a car, but an engineering feat that combines extreme aerodynamics with uncompromising performance. This masterpiece is ready to take on the toughest corners of the Nürburgring and show what cutting-edge racing technology can do.

The post Porsche 911 GT3 RS Manthey: Dirkaška Legenda z Morsko Plavutjo appeared first on City Magazine.

Where is it warm in winter in Europe? 8+ European destinations where spring reigns in winter and low prices! Fri, 22 Nov 2024 09:57:24 +0000

Where is it warm in winter in Europe?! If the thought of freezing temperatures and shortened days makes you tired, it's time to escape. Even in the colder months, Europe is full of destinations where you can experience warm weather, breathtaking nature, rich culture and carefree enjoyment. Here is a selection of places that will warm your soul and heart - especially in winter.

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Love horoscope for December 2024: How much romance awaits you under the holiday lights? Fri, 22 Nov 2024 09:47:08 +0000

Will December be full of romantic moments or are you in for some important upheavals? Check the love horoscope for December 2024.

The post Ljubezenski horoskop za december 2024: Koliko romantike vas čaka pod prazničnimi lučkami? appeared first on City Magazine.

Shiny floors that amaze every guest: the secret is in vinegar and fabric softener Fri, 22 Nov 2024 09:45:35 +0000

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to keep their floors looking like they've just been polished, while you try the most expensive cleaners, but the results are never satisfactory? Maybe it's time to say goodbye to expensive commercial products and try a simple but highly effective homemade trick that combines two unexpected ingredients: white vinegar and fabric softener. This method is not only affordable, but also incredibly effective - and this is confirmed by many who have been using it for years.

The post Sijoča tla, ki osupnejo vsakega gosta: skrivnost je v kisu in mehčalcu za perilo appeared first on City Magazine.

Treat Coughs With Natural Ingredients: A Homemade Cough Syrup Recipe That Really Works! Fri, 22 Nov 2024 09:42:43 +0000

Cough is a frequent companion of colds and other respiratory diseases. When choosing the right syrup, it is crucial to understand whether you need an agent to soothe a dry cough or to make it easier to cough up mucus. We present two simple homemade recipes adapted to your needs.

The post Pozdravite kašelj z naravnimi sestavinami: Recept za domači sirup za kašelj, ki resnično deluje! appeared first on City Magazine.

How to keep your home warm in winter: tips that won't cost you a fortune. Fri, 22 Nov 2024 07:32:57 +0000

How to keep a warm home?! Cold feet in the living room and hands longing for a warm cup of tea? In winter, our home is put to the test when it comes to thermal comfort. Although good insulation is key, there are a number of tricks you can use to help yourself quickly and effectively. Read on to find out how to make your home warmer without making a big investment.

The post Kako ohraniti topel dom pozimi: nasveti, ki vas ne bodo stali premoženja. appeared first on City Magazine.

Google under scrutiny: Will Google have to sell Chrome to maintain fair competition? Fri, 22 Nov 2024 07:21:08 +0000

The US Department of Justice is proposing drastic measures to break Google's search monopoly and divest Google Chrome.

The post Google pod drobnogledom: Ali bo moral prodati Google Chrome za ohranitev poštene konkurence? appeared first on City Magazine.

Hublot Big Bang Unico Novak Djokovic: The ultimate timepiece for a champion Fri, 22 Nov 2024 07:21:06 +0000

When Swiss watchmaking perfection meets sporting greatness, something truly special is created. Hublot, synonymous with innovation and uncompromising craftsmanship, presented the Hublot Big Bang Unico Novak Djokovic model in collaboration with one of the greatest tennis players of all time, Novak Djokovic. This watch is not just a luxury accessory, but a true technological masterpiece that reflects both Novak's unwavering character and Hublot's commitment to pushing the boundaries.

The post Hublot Big Bang Unico Novak Djokovic: Vrhunski časomer za šampiona appeared first on City Magazine.

Black Friday 2024: the best gadgets for a woman's soul and body Thu, 21 Nov 2024 11:21:24 +0000

Sometimes it seems that pampering yourself is the last thing on the long list of obligations. But let's be honest - how many times have you admired a product in an online store, added it to the basket, and then said to yourself: "Ah, I really don't need this"? The truth is that we all deserve moments when we can combine practicality and pleasure, especially when it comes to objects that make our everyday life easier, more beautiful or even fun. So why not step out of the box and reward yourself with something you've admired for a long time? Black Friday 2024 is the perfect opportunity to fix that.

The post Black Friday 2024: najboljši gedgeti za žensko dušo in telo appeared first on City Magazine.

Jeep Wrangler 4xe Willys '41: a classic with a modern face Thu, 21 Nov 2024 11:16:10 +0000

The '41 Jeep Wrangler 4xe Willys is more than just a car - it's a time machine that takes you back to 1941 while equipping you with the latest technology for modern off-road adventures. Are you ready for a ride through history?

The post Jeep Wrangler 4xe Willys ’41: klasika s sodobnim obrazom appeared first on City Magazine.

What is really worth buying this year on Black Friday 2024?! The most affordable purchases of technical toys! Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:33:37 +0000

Black Friday – an American consumer phenomenon that rented Slovenian stores for free and provided them with an annual dose of hysteria, is now a permanent fixture. Although discounts are often more illusion than reality, in this chaos there are always products that are really worth grabbing at a lower price. This year, for Black Friday 2024, we combed through the most interesting offers in the field of technology for you to save you time and a few (or a lot) of euros.

The post Kaj se letos zares splača kupiti na Black Friday 2024?! Najbolj ugodni nakupi tehničnih igrač! appeared first on City Magazine.

What awaits you in the last month of the year? Horoscope for December 2024 reveals everything! Thu, 21 Nov 2024 08:33:57 +0000

What awaits you in festive December? Will it be a month full of challenges, opportunities or maybe new love? We have the horoscope for December 2024 for you!

The post Kaj vas čaka v zadnjem mesecu leta? Horoskop za december 2024 razkriva vse! appeared first on City Magazine.

What awaits us in 2025? Astrologers predict a year of great upheavals and changes Thu, 21 Nov 2024 08:31:48 +0000

What does 2025 bring and how can we prepare for the astrological changes that await us? Will you face new beginnings, or will you still carry the weight of the past?

The post Kaj nas čaka v letu 2025? Astrologi napovedujejo leto velikih preobratov in sprememb appeared first on City Magazine.

Problem or opportunity? The first thing you notice reveals your inner way of thinking! Thu, 21 Nov 2024 08:31:21 +0000

What does the first impression reveal when you look at, say, a picture? Our subconscious is often more powerful than we realize and can reveal the deep sides of our inner self.

The post Težava ali priložnost? Prva stvar, ki jo opazite, razkriva vaš notranji način razmišljanja! appeared first on City Magazine.

How to prevent potatoes from sprouting: Store them with this food! Thu, 21 Nov 2024 08:29:49 +0000

Potatoes, this indispensable ingredient in the kitchen, often suffer from problems due to sprouting, which shortens its useful life. But there is a trick that not everyone knows: simply add one ingredient found in every home and sprouting will be a thing of the past. Want to know exactly what to do? Read on!

The post Kako preprečiti kaljenje krompirja: Shranite ga skupaj s tem živilom! appeared first on City Magazine.

The new Hyundai Ioniq 9: the future of family SUVs in electric form Thu, 21 Nov 2024 06:45:22 +0000

The most anticipated family electric SUV is finally here. The new Hyundai Ioniq 9 combines futuristic design, spaciousness and advanced technology to set new standards.

The post Novi Hyundai Ioniq 9: prihodnost družinskih SUV-jev v električni obliki appeared first on City Magazine.

Everyone will be asking you why your home smells so good: Try this simple trick with just two ingredients! Wed, 20 Nov 2024 11:26:10 +0000

Do you also like to be surrounded by a pleasant smell when you come home? Instead of splurging on expensive air fresheners full of chemicals, you can opt for an all-natural solution. A trick with just two simple ingredients that are almost certainly already in your kitchen will fill your home with freshness that lasts for days.

The post Vsi vas bodo spraševali, zakaj vaš doma tako lepo diši: Preizkusite ta preprost trik z le dvema sestavinama! appeared first on City Magazine.

How to make the perfect Nutella liqueur - perfect for the festive atmosphere Wed, 20 Nov 2024 11:25:10 +0000

Nutella liqueur is a real treat for everyone who loves creamy desserts and slightly alcoholic drinks. It is ideal as an accompaniment to dessert, a digestif after a hearty meal or even as a unique gift for special occasions. Its preparation is simple, and the taste is so divine that you will want to make it again and again. In addition, you can adjust the sweetness and strength to your liking - from a delicate cream drink to a slightly stronger liqueur.

The post Kako pripraviti popoln Nutella liker – idealen za praznično vzdušje appeared first on City Magazine.

Elon Musk vs. OpenAI: From idea father to loudest critic Wed, 20 Nov 2024 10:55:41 +0000

Elon Musk, the visionary and chief funder of early OpenAI, used his drive and money to pave the way for an organization that promised to make artificial intelligence serve humanity. Today, however, the same man is among the company's harshest critics. What went wrong?

The post Elon Musk proti OpenAI: Od idejnega očeta do najglasnejšega kritika appeared first on City Magazine.

Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro: Mobile gaming revolution or just another upgrade? Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:27:28 +0000

In a world where smartphones are fighting for attention with increasingly impressive specifications, Asus has long been synonymous with premium mobile gaming with its ROG (Republic of Gamers) series. With the latest Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro, they promise even more. So let's see what this latest pocket-sized gaming machine has to offer.

The post Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro: Revolucija mobilnega igranja ali le še ena nadgradnja? appeared first on City Magazine.

Forget about white sugar: With these substitutes you will enjoy without a guilty conscience! Wed, 20 Nov 2024 05:48:01 +0000

Is it possible to enjoy the sweet taste without sugar? Of course! Learn how to replace sugar and still enjoy sweet treats without feeling like you're giving up.

The post Pozabite na beli sladkor: S temi nadomestki boste uživali brez slabe vesti! appeared first on City Magazine.

Drama on the horizon: These 3 signs are in for emotional chaos until the end of 2024! Wed, 20 Nov 2024 05:46:33 +0000

How will 2024 end? The end of the year is particularly demanding for the three zodiac signs. They will be faced with fateful decisions, emotional upheavals and professional challenges that will force them to face themselves.

The post Drama na obzorju: Ta 3 znamenja čaka čustveni kaos do konca leta 2024! appeared first on City Magazine.

Forget the chemicals: This natural trick will make your home sparkle from floor to ceiling Wed, 20 Nov 2024 05:45:08 +0000

Did you know that simple vinegar can replace many expensive cleaners?

The post Pozabite na kemikalije: Ta naravni trik bo poskrbel, da se bo vaš dom bleščal od tal do stropa appeared first on City Magazine.

Unbelievable! This is what happens to your body if you drink a glass of water every morning! Wed, 20 Nov 2024 05:43:34 +0000

A simple morning habit that can improve your life - drinking water as soon as you wake up.

The post Neverjetno! To se zgodi z vašim telesom, če vsako jutro popijete kozarec vode! appeared first on City Magazine.

The new Citroën C3 on Slovenian roads: An innovative campaign with moving visual effects and a surprise for customers Wed, 20 Nov 2024 05:43:02 +0000

Citroën presents the new Citroën C3 in Slovenia with an innovative marketing campaign that stands out for its fresh approach. In cooperation with the Formitas Group agency, special buses with motifs of the new C3 and a poster with spinning wheels, symbolizing the dynamics and modern design of the vehicle, were launched in Ljubljana. Also, the first 500 customers who will sign up at test drive a special surprise awaits – two free cinema tickets!

The post Novi Citroën C3 na slovenskih cestah: Inovativna kampanja s premikajočimi vizualnimi učinki in presenečenje za stranke appeared first on City Magazine.

Windows 365 Link: Mini PC, Maxi Revolution? Tue, 19 Nov 2024 20:50:05 +0000

Microsoft has once again pushed the boundaries of technology. This time it's not another Surface device, but Windows 365 Link, a mini PC for the 349 $ that, instead of being the "brains of the operation," simply connects your monitors and peripherals to the cloud. It is a so-called "thin client," which serves as a window into the world of your virtual computer in the cloud. Welcome to the future of work and digital offices.

The post Windows 365 Link: Mini PC, Maxi Revolucija? appeared first on City Magazine.
