City Magazine Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:45:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The perfect swimwear for your body type: swimwear that accentuates your attributes and ensures a confident look Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:45:44 +0000

Swimwear is an indispensable summer fashion accessory, but it can quickly turn into a challenge if you don't choose the right cut and style for your figure. Whether you're a bikini lover or prefer a one-piece swimsuit, the key is to choose a swimsuit that accentuates your best features and hides any minor imperfections. In the following, we will give you some guidelines on how to choose the best swimwear according to your body type.

The post Popolne kopalke za vaš tip postave: kopalke, ki poudarijo vaše atribute in zagotovijo samozavesten videz appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: No-Bake Vegan Raspberry Cake Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:44:36 +0000

This is a delicious vegan cake that goes well with seasonal fruits like raspberries and pistachios.

The post Recept: veganska torta z malinami brez peke appeared first on City Magazine.

Choose challenge over comfort and life will bring you unexpected opportunities and personal growth Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:43:28 +0000

What would happen if you overcome fear and doubt and believe in yourself? It may seem scary, but can you imagine the possibilities that would open up before you? Decide to change.

The post Izberi izziv namesto udobja in življenje ti bo prineslo nepričakovane priložnosti ter osebno rast appeared first on City Magazine.

Aminess Younique Narrivi Hotel: An oasis of luxury by the Adriatic Sea Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:42:43 +0000

Aminess Younique Narrivi Hotel in Crikvenica is a real oasis of peace and luxury, where you can completely relax and enjoy every moment.

The post Aminess Younique Narrivi Hotel: Oaza luksuza ob Jadranskem morju appeared first on City Magazine.

7 culinary masterpieces that you can prepare from leftovers Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:41:14 +0000

Have you ever found yourself in front of a fridge full of leftovers and wondering what you could make of them? Instead of throwing them away, with a little creativity and a few simple tricks, you can turn them into gourmet dishes.

The post 7 kulinaričnih mojstrovin, ki jih lahko pripravite iz ostankov hrane appeared first on City Magazine.

Effortlessly clean blinds: Simple tricks to remove dust and stains Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:40:27 +0000

Clean blinds not only contribute to the aesthetics of the room, but also to better air quality and extend the lifespan of the blinds themselves. Proper cleaning and maintenance of blinds may vary depending on the material and type of blinds. In this article, we show you how to effectively clean different types of blinds.

The post Čiste žaluzije brez napora: Preprosti triki za odstranjevanje prahu in madežev appeared first on City Magazine.

How will the full moon on July 21, 2024 affect your astrological sign? Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:39:19 +0000

In July, the full moon will light up the sky and bring with it waves of powerful energy that will affect every astrological sign. Wondering what this moonlight has in store for you?

The post Kako bo polna luna 21. julija 2024 vplivala na vaše astrološko znamenje? appeared first on City Magazine.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra: Is it really better than Apple Watch Ultra?! Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:05:51 +0000

Samsung has introduced the new Galaxy Watch Ultra, which boasts premium features and a robust design. Will it succeed in outshining the Apple Watch Ultra?

The post Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra: je res boljša od Apple Watch Ultra?! appeared first on City Magazine.

This is the new Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6: the most "fashionable" Samsung is becoming a true "flagship" Thu, 11 Jul 2024 05:20:32 +0000

Samsung surprised again with its new series of smart devices, including new flip phones, earphones, watches - including the new Watch Ultra, and the highly anticipated Galaxy Ring. Among them, I was most impressed by the new Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6. Here is an overview of all the good and bad features of this phone.

The post To je novi Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6: najbolj “moden” Samsung postaja pravi “flagship” appeared first on City Magazine.

Samsung Galaxy Ring: The magic ring powered by artificial intelligence Thu, 11 Jul 2024 05:20:18 +0000

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could control your health with a simple wave of your hand? Well, Samsung has brought you the future, and that future is in the form of a small, stylish ring – the Samsung Galaxy Ring. Unveiled at the Galaxy Unpacked event on July 10, 2024, it promises to be your new best friend in the world of smart wearables.

The post Samsung Galaxy Ring: čarovniški prstan, ki ga poganja umetna inteligenca appeared first on City Magazine.

The new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6: technological wonders of artificial intelligence with foldable screens Wed, 10 Jul 2024 14:18:11 +0000

With the latest Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6 models, Samsung has once again set new boundaries in the world of foldable smartphones. Unveiled today at the Unpacked event in Paris, these two phones bring advanced functionality, enhanced artificial intelligence (AI) and a sleek design that will impress even the most demanding users.

The post Novi Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 in Galaxy Z Flip6: tehnološki čudeži umetne inteligence s prepogljivimi zasloni appeared first on City Magazine.

Do not throw away the coffee grounds! 10 ingenious ways you can use it around your home Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:57:41 +0000

Coffee is one of the most popular morning rituals around the world, but few people know that it is possible to use its grounds, which remain after preparation, in many useful and innovative ways. In this article, we reveal ten surprising ways how useful coffee grounds are in your home.

The post Ne zavrzite kavne usedline! 10 genialnih načinov, kako jo lahko uporabite po vašem domu appeared first on City Magazine.

How Swimming Transforms Your Body and Mind: The Priceless Benefits You Need to Know! Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:56:24 +0000

Swimming is one of the most comprehensive and beneficial physical activities you can incorporate into your life. Regardless of age or fitness level, swimming has many benefits for the body and mind that can help you achieve better health and overall well-being.

The post Kako plavanje preoblikuje vaše telo in um: Neprecenljive koristi, ki jih morate poznati! appeared first on City Magazine.

Home Decorating Mistakes: 8 Decorating Mistakes That Make Your Home Look Like Chaos Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:55:32 +0000

Everyone wants their home to be neat and attractive. However, some decorative choices can have the opposite effect. In this post, we explore eight common decorating mistakes that can make your home look messy and chaotic. If you avoid them, your space will work more harmoniously and pleasantly.

The post Napake pri urejanju doma: 8 dekoracijskih napak, zaradi katerih je vaš dom videti kot kaos appeared first on City Magazine.

Why does your child not want to eat? Discover five hidden reasons! Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:53:51 +0000

Every parent faces the challenge of refusing to eat at least once while their child is growing up. This problem is not only a source of concern, but can also affect the health and development of the child. In order to understand and act accordingly, it is important to know the main reasons for this behavior and how we can effectively address it

The post Zakaj vaš otrok noče jesti? Odkrijte pet skritih razlogov! appeared first on City Magazine.

Humanoid robots are coming: Why will AI really replace the human workforce? And your profession too! Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:52:36 +0000

Humanoid robots powered by advanced artificial intelligence promise to transform many industries. But despite the promising opportunities, there are questions about the safety, reliability and accessibility of this technology. What does the future hold for humanoid robots and how will they affect the global workforce?

The post Prihajajo humanoidni roboti: Zakaj bo AI resnično nadomestila človeško delovno silo? In tudi tvoj poklic! appeared first on City Magazine.

I Can't Forget You - A Heartfelt Confession About Lost Love Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:52:30 +0000

How to heal the wounds left after the departure of someone who meant everything to you? Do you also feel lost in the memories that flood you almost every day?

The post Ne morem te pozabiti – Iskrena izpoved o izgubljeni ljubezni appeared first on City Magazine.

Food that cools the body: Why pineapple and kiwi are not a good choice for hot days Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:46:30 +0000

Did you know that choosing the right food can play a key role in how you feel on hot days? Summer is here!

The post Hrana, ki hladi telo: Zakaj ananas in kivi nista dobra izbira za vroče dni appeared first on City Magazine.

Discover Chinese sit-ups that bring results in 30 minutes a day Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:46:09 +0000

An interesting exercise - Chinese sit-ups for a flat stomach.

The post Odkrijte kitajske trebušnjake, ki v 30 minutah dnevno prinašajo rezultate appeared first on City Magazine.

How to stay safe during a storm: 5 key measures to protect against thunder and lightning Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:44:28 +0000

Do you know how to properly protect yourself when you hear the first thunder? Thunder and lightning are natural phenomena that require immediate and deliberate action.

The post Kako poskrbeti za varnost med nevihto: 5 ključnih ukrepov za zaščitito pred grmenjem in strelami appeared first on City Magazine.

Solution for sunburn: How to quickly and effectively heal damaged skin Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:42:13 +0000

Sunburns are not only painful, but can have long-term effects on skin health, including an increased risk of skin cancer. In this article, with the help of experts, we reveal to you how to defeat them.

The post Rešitev za sončne opekline: Kako hitro in učinkovito pozdraviti poškodovano kožo appeared first on City Magazine.

CMF Phone 1: An extremely cheap phone that is by no means boring Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:40:04 +0000

The CMF Phone 1 brings a refreshing innovation to the smartphone market. With its minimalist design, interchangeable back covers and customizable accessories, this affordable phone promises to please both tech enthusiasts and those looking for something different. Of course, the main star is the price - 199.99 euros.

The post CMF Phone 1: izjemno poceni telefon, ki pa nikakor ni dolgočasen appeared first on City Magazine.

When You Know He's Gone: How to Love Someone You Can't Hold Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:39:41 +0000

Have you ever loved someone who you knew was going to leave you soon? A love that is doomed to end.

The post Ko veš, da bo odšel: Kako ljubiti nekoga, ki ga ne moreš zadržati appeared first on City Magazine.

F1 (2025): Lewis Hamilton and Brad Pitt join forces in spectacular film about Formula F1 racing circus Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:38:52 +0000

The ex-racer returns to the track to guide young talent against the best in the new F1 (2025) film directed by Joseph Kosinski, with an all-star cast including Damson Idris, Kerry Condon and Javier Bardem. It's an F1 Movie (2025)

The post F1 (2025): Lewis Hamilton in Brad Pitt združujeta moči v spektakularnem filmu o dirkašem cirkusu Formula F1 appeared first on City Magazine.

Pixii Max: The Art of Primitive Photography for the Modern World Sun, 07 Jul 2024 04:08:05 +0000

The Pixii Max, a digital rangefinder with a full-frame sensor and Leica M-mount compatibility, brings premium features at a more affordable price. With modern connectivity options and a minimalist design, it's perfect for modern street photographers.

The post Pixii Max: umetnost prvinske fotografije za moderni svet appeared first on City Magazine.

Which blood type do mosquitoes prefer?! Why do mosquitoes absolutely adore you? Sun, 07 Jul 2024 03:36:26 +0000

Summer nights, relaxed atmosphere, scented candles and… the buzzing of mosquitoes! If you feel like you're always their favorite dinner, you're not alone. But do you know that not everyone is equally attractive to these little vampires? Get the scientific background and find out which blood type mosquitoes really love. So - which blood type do mosquitoes prefer?

The post Katero krvno skupino imajo komarji najraje?! Zakaj vas komarji naravnost obožujejo? appeared first on City Magazine.

An amazing trick with aluminum foil that will make your cutlery shine Sun, 07 Jul 2024 03:34:48 +0000

One of the TikTok trends dictates that you add aluminum foil to the dishwasher. Why should this be useful?

The post Neverjeten trik z aluminjasto folijo, zaradi katerega bo jedilni pribor bleščeč appeared first on City Magazine.

Cold Beer in 5 Minutes: This is the most effective trick to chill warm beer in just 5 minutes Sun, 07 Jul 2024 03:33:30 +0000

Cold beer in 5 minutes?! Everyone has been in a situation where they would like a chilled beer, but it is warm. Fortunately, there is a trick that can solve this problem in just five minutes!

The post Hladno pivo v 5 minutah: to je najbolj učinkovit trik za hlajenje toplega piva v le 5 minutah appeared first on City Magazine.

What kind of breakfast suits you according to your astrological sign? Sun, 07 Jul 2024 03:31:38 +0000

Why do some breakfasts suit your taste perfectly and give you energy, while others just don't do the trick? Maybe your astrological sign has something to do with it! What kind of breakfast best suits your astrological sign so that your day will be full of energy and satisfaction already in the morning?

The post Kakšen zajtrk vam ustreza glede na vaše astrološko znamenje? appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Watermelon Ice Dessert Sun, 07 Jul 2024 03:29:58 +0000

This simple and healthy frozen dessert is the perfect refreshment for hot summer days.

The post Recept: Ledeni desert iz lubenice appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you drive barefoot or in flip-flops in the summer? So - where can you be fined for driving barefoot or in flip-flops? Sun, 07 Jul 2024 03:28:18 +0000

Summer brings relaxation, but riding in light footwear like flip-flops can be dangerous. Wondering if driving in flip-flops or even barefoot is illegal? We checked the rules across Europe and found out where you can be fined and where you can only be warned.

The post Poleti vozite bosi ali v japonkah? Torej – kje vas lahko kaznujejo, če vozite bosi ali v japonkah? appeared first on City Magazine.

Food for hot days: Foods to eat for optimal tanning Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:26:30 +0000

Sunny days are finally here! The heat and sun invite us to beaches, swimming pools and nature. But did you know that the food you eat is key to your well-being and skin protection while sunbathing? Choosing the right food - food for sunbathing - can help you achieve radiant skin, maintain energy and effectively fight against the harmful effects of the sun.

The post Hrana za vroče dni: živila, ki jih morate jesti za optimalno sončenje appeared first on City Magazine.

10 important lessons for life that only a strong mother can teach a child Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:24:43 +0000

Have you ever wondered what it means to have as a role model a woman who seems to carry the whole world on her shoulders, yet still walks tall and with a smile? Who is this? Strong mom.

The post 10 pomembnih lekcij za življenje, ki jih lahko otroku da le močna mama appeared first on City Magazine.

How to protect your pets from the heat: Summer cooling tips Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:23:20 +0000

Summer brings sunny days and long, warm afternoons, but it can also mean a big risk for our four-legged friends. High temperatures and humidity can seriously endanger their health. In this article, with the help of experts, we show you how to protect your dog from heat.

The post Kako zaščititi svoje ljubljenčke pred vročino: Nasveti za poletno ohladitev appeared first on City Magazine.

Summer sadness: Why we feel more irritable and lonely in the summer Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:21:36 +0000

Summer blues is a change in mood related to summer time.

The post Poletna otožnost: Zakaj se poleti počutimo bolj razdražljive in osamljene appeared first on City Magazine.

8 Showering Mistakes You're Making Without Knowing It - Dermatologists' Advice Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:21:09 +0000

Showering is a daily routine for most of us, but we are often not even aware of the mistakes we are making. Dermatologists warn that improper showering can affect the health of our skin, causing dryness, irritation and even increasing the risk of infections. In this article, we'll reveal the most common mistakes you're likely to make while showering and offer you smart steps for cleaner, healthier skin. Read on to discover how even small changes to your routine can make big improvements.

The post 8 napak pri tuširanju, ki jih delate, ne da bi vedeli – nasveti dermatologov appeared first on City Magazine.

Maurice de Mauriac x Racquet Magazine impresses again with the Maurice de Mauriac Rallymaster III watch Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:19:39 +0000

Have you ever dreamed of a sports watch that combines the classic beauty of the past and modern fashion trends? Maurice de Mauriac and Racquet Magazine have joined forces once again to present a limited edition watch - the Maurice de Mauriac Rallymaster III, which is sure to impress tennis fans and prestigious timekeepers alike.

The post Maurice de Mauriac x Racquet Magazine ponovno navdušujeta z uro Maurice de Mauriac Rallymaster III appeared first on City Magazine.

7+ Innovations Coming to ChatGPT 5.0 in 2025: How the New Version of Popular AI Will Reshape Our World Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:17:38 +0000

ChatGPT 5.0 for 2025 promises a series of innovations that will transform the world of artificial intelligence. This article reveals seven key innovations that the new version brings, including improved thinking, better security, and greater ethical accountability.

The post 7+ novosti, ki jih prinaša ChatGPT 5.0 v letu 2025: kako bo nova različica pupolarne AI preoblikovala naš svet appeared first on City Magazine.

4 astrological signs who have the potential for wealth and are good husbands: these men are worthy of marriage Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:16:22 +0000

When it comes to finding a life partner who promises both financial stability and a loving nature, astrology offers interesting insights. Some zodiac signs are not only potential millionaires, but also great husbands. Let's look at four of them that stand out in terms of both wealth and marital happiness.

The post 4 astrološka znamenja, ki imajo možnost za bogastvo in so dobri možje: ti moški so vredni poroke appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you think your friend is not aging? Check if she was born in one of these 4 astrological signs! Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:15:01 +0000

Have you ever wondered why some people look better and better as they age, as if they've found the secret elixir of youth? Among your friends and acquaintances, you probably know someone who shines brighter every year. Is it your best friend who, despite the years, still receives compliments like they did in high school? Or perhaps a co-worker for whom time seems to have stopped flowing?

The post Se vam zdi, da se vaša prijateljica ne stara? Preverite, če je rojena v enem od teh 4 astrololoških znamenj! appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you have to keep ketchup in the fridge?! You've always been feeding it wrong! Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:13:52 +0000

Do you have to keep ketchup in the fridge? If you're one of those people who keeps ketchup in the cupboard, quickly move it to the fridge! According to Heinz manufacturer and food safety expert Jabraan Ahmed, this is the only real way to preserve ketchup's freshness and flavor. Ketchup stored outside the refrigerator is a real bait for wine flies, which can leave bacteria on the lid. In addition, the low temperature of the refrigerator helps prevent the growth of bacteria. The same goes for any other egg-based sauces, such as mayonnaise and salad dressing.

The post Ali morate imeti ketchup v hladilniku?! Vedno ste ga hranili narobe! appeared first on City Magazine.

How do you know you're finally over your ex? Check out these 13 signs! Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:12:58 +0000

Do you still remember those first days after the breakup when your ex was constantly on your mind? You were sure then that you would never be happy without him again. But eventually everything changes. You will get over your ex!

The post Kako veste, da ste končno preboleli bivšega? Preverite teh 13 znakov! appeared first on City Magazine.

10 unforgettable experiences you must have on the Greek island of Thassos Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:12:41 +0000

Discover the beauty of the island of Thassos with 10 unforgettable experiences that will enchant everyone.

The post 10 nepozabnih izkušenj, ki jih morate doživeti na grškem otoku Tasos appeared first on City Magazine.

How to eat spaghetti properly: Italians will never forgive you for cutting spaghetti or using a spoon Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:19:25 +0000

How to eat spaghetti properly?!

The post Kako pravilno jesti špagete: rezanja špagetov ali uporabo žlice vam Italijani nikoli ne bodo oprostili appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you want to live by the beach? These are destinations where you can make your dreams come true without breaking the bank Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:18:21 +0000

Living by the beach is the dream of many people, also because of the sound of the waves that lulls you to sleep in the evening.

The post Želite živeti ob plaži? To so destinacije, kjer lahko uresničite sanje, brez da bi izpraznili bančni račun appeared first on City Magazine.

Summer refreshment: The secret to the best homemade iced tea Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:17:09 +0000

Why does the mostly bought iced tea never satisfy your thirst the way you want it to? Make homemade iced tea!

The post Poletna osvežitev: Skrivnost najboljšega domačega ledenega čaja appeared first on City Magazine.

Great grilling tricks: How to achieve juicy and tender meat with ice Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:12:48 +0000

Are you wondering how to ensure that your grilled meat is always juicy and tender? Or how to prepare the fish so that they don't stick to the grill? Spice up your grilling!

The post Odlični triki za žar: Kako z ledom doseči sočno in mehko meso appeared first on City Magazine.

Opportunity of a lifetime: Move to Tuscany and earn €30,000 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:12:34 +0000

This beautiful Italian region invites you to change your residential address.

The post Priložnost življenja: Preselite se v Toskano in s tem zaslužite 30.000 € appeared first on City Magazine.

What the healthiest people in the world eat: we reveal the secret menu Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:11:35 +0000

The Huns are a people who have apparently discovered the secret of longevity.

The post Kaj jedo najbolj zdravih ljudje na svetu: razkrivamo skrivnostni jedilnik appeared first on City Magazine.

Fehmarnbelt Tunnel: New underwater tunnel between Denmark and Germany as early as 2029 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:09:04 +0000

The underwater tunnel between Spain and Morocco will see the light of day by 2030, and between Denmark and Germany a year earlier.

The post Predor Fehmarnbelt: Nov podvodni tunel med Dansko in Nemčijo že leta 2029 appeared first on City Magazine.

5 essential tips for using sunscreen: the dos and don'ts, according to dermatologists Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:06:16 +0000

The sun can be your best friend and worst enemy when it comes to your skin's health. While it provides us with essential vitamin D, excessive exposure to UV rays causes skin aging, pigmentary changes and skin cancer. To help you protect your skin properly, we turned to dermatologists for advice on the dos and don'ts when it comes to sun protection. So - 5 essential tips for using sunscreen!

The post 5 nujnih nasvetov za uporabo kreme za sončenje: kaj delati in česa ne, po mnenju dermatologov appeared first on City Magazine.

Bodrum: Your new favorite summer destination for 2024 – forget Mykonos and Ibiza Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:44:19 +0000

Have you heard of Bodrum? If not, it's high time…

The post Bodrum: Vaša nova najljubša poletna destinacija za leto 2024 – pozabite Mikonos in Ibizo appeared first on City Magazine.

The best locations for surfing! Catch the waves at one of these destinations Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:43:08 +0000

Looking for the best surf spots? Check these…

The post Najboljše lokacije za surfanje! Ujemite valove na eni od teh destinacij appeared first on City Magazine.

Banki Green Istrian Village: a new luxury camp in Croatia Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:41:36 +0000

Get to know Banki Green Istrian Village, a kingdom of luxury in the embrace of nature.

The post Banki Green Istrian Village: nov luksuzni kamp na Hrvaškem appeared first on City Magazine.

Before you wrap your luggage: Does this method really improve the security of your belongings? Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:39:24 +0000

Baggage wrapping is available practically at every airport; does it actually have any effect?

The post Preden zavijete prtljago: Ali ta metoda resnično izboljša varnost vaših stvari? appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Salad with potatoes and octopus, a summer seafood delicacy Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:38:14 +0000

Salad with potatoes and octopus is perfect in summer. Here is the recipe.

The post Recept: Solata s krompirjem in hobotnico, poletna morska poslastica appeared first on City Magazine.

TUDOR Black Bay Ceramic Blue: a watch that impresses in every way Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:35:48 +0000

TUDOR has returned to the world of racing with a special edition TUDOR Black Bay Ceramic Blue watch that features the colors of the Visa Cash App RB Formula One team. This unique timepiece combines superior craftsmanship and elegant design, placing it at the forefront of modern watchmaking technology.

The post TUDOR Black Bay Ceramic Blue: ura, ki navdušuje v vsakem pogledu appeared first on City Magazine.

You won't believe what happens to your body during summer swimming! Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:34:36 +0000

Summer is the time when the sun plays with our skin, and the freshness of unlimited possibilities is in the air. And what could be more glamorous than elegantly gliding through crystal clear water? But swimming is not only a pleasure; is a magical formula that transforms your body in ways you've never dreamed of. Get ready to explore the mysteries of this refreshing activity!

The post Ne boste verjeli, kaj se zgodi z vašim telesom med poletnim plavanjem! appeared first on City Magazine.

Pagani Huayra Epitome: A work of art with three pedals Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:30:57 +0000

Pagani reached the pinnacle of perfection with the Huayra Epitome - the first Huayra with three pedals. Exclusively built at the request of a sophisticated buyer who, together with Horacio Pagani, created this masterpiece for more than nine months.

The post Pagani Huayra Epitome: Umetnina s tremi pedali appeared first on City Magazine.

10 tricks on how to use denture tablets when cleaning at home Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:30:43 +0000

Denture cleaning tablets, originally intended for the maintenance of dentures, are gaining ground as a miracle cleaner for a wide range of household items. Let's see how you can use these versatile tablets to clean various items in your home.

The post 10 trikov, kako lahko tablete za zobno protezo uporabite pri čiščenju doma appeared first on City Magazine.
