
How to clean white sneakers? 5 simple tricks that always work

Even your favorite sneakers can shine like new!

Photo: envato

White sneakers are one of those pieces that instantly brighten up any outfit and provide a fresh, fashionable look. But unfortunately, this timeless classic quickly loses its luster due to daily use and dirt. Stains, dust and traces of wear are almost inevitable, especially if you wear sneakers often. So quickly they look worn and neglected, which can get on our nerves.

Don't worry, there is a solution! With a few simple, at-home tricks, you can get your white sneakers back in tip-top shape. You don't need expensive cleaning products, as you probably already have everything you need in your kitchen. In the sequel we present some effective methods, which not only remove stains, but also restore the sneakers to a fresh look, as if they were just bought.

How to effectively clean white sneakers?

While white sneakers may seem like a challenge, there are easy ways to clean them at home without damaging the material. Here are some proven methods you can try:

Photo: envato

1. Warm water and soap

Let's start with the basics. Using warm water and mild soap is one of the most gentle cleaning methods, suitable for almost all materials. Prepare warm soapy water with a few drops of mild dish detergent or hand soap. Using a soft brush or sponge, gently clean the dirt from the surface of the sneaker, being careful not to wet too sensitive parts such as leather inserts or details. Then wipe them with a dry cloth and let them air dry.

2. Baking soda and vinegar

If your white sneakers are canvas, you can try a natural "miracle powder" - baking soda. Make a paste of baking soda and white vinegar. When the paste starts to foam slightly, apply it to the stains and gently scrub with an old toothbrush. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse the sneakers with cold water. Baking soda will not only remove dirt, but also freshen the smell.

Photo: envato

3. Diluted bleach for stubborn stains

When all else fails, it's time for the heavy artillery - bleach. This method is extremely effective, but requires caution, as aggressive cleaners can damage the fabric or change its color. Always dilute bleach with water in a ratio of 1:5. Wear protective gloves and make sure you work in a well-ventilated area. Apply the mixture to the dirty areas with a cloth or brush, leave for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

4. Toothpaste for shiny sneakers

Toothpaste is an excellent solution for cleaning rubber and white soles. Use an old toothbrush and a non-gel paste and scrub the stains thoroughly. Then wipe off the remaining paste with a damp cloth and admire the shiny result. This method is great for refreshing rubber edges and soles.

Photo: envato

5. Using the washing machine

If your shoes can withstand machine washing, you can easily wash them in the washing machine. First, remove the laces and insoles and place the sneakers in a laundry bag to prevent damage during washing. Use a mild cycle with cold water and a mild detergent. After washing, never dry them in the dryer, as the high temperature can damage the material - rather put them in the air.

Using these simple tricks will keep your white sneakers shining like new, no matter how many steps you've walked in them.

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