You imagine that you could transform everything you see, every beautiful image, a piece of art you created yourself or a precious moment with your loved ones into something you can feel and something you can give. The SnapShirt app lets you preserve such special moments with photorealistic clothing that promises to last a lifetime.
Facebook's design team presented the Rooms application, a virtual refuge for everyone who likes to advertise incognito, that is, under a pseudonym. This social network requires a real identity to open a profile, but for many people, the web is the only place that gives them freedom of expression through anonymity. And since everything happens on Facebook, these virtual rooms for chatting about any topic allow them to be where everyone is.
This is one of those stories that we can all relate to. Toilet paper roll and its replacement. We know how unpleasant it is to come across a clearing when the bulk of the work is already behind us. When we're at home, it's easier to solve than in a bar, even though we're not exactly proud of yelling for help from behind the toilet. And since the rule "whoever uses paper, replaces the roll" usually does not work, the RollScout is a smart holder here.
As the quality of cameras in smartphones grows, so do the appetites of users. Not long ago, DSLR photography and mobile photography could not be thrown in the same bin, as they were light years or millions of pixels apart. However, it's not all that black and white these days, and with the advent of the Manual app, which allows for manual settings on the iPhone camera, the gap will be a little smaller and less noticeable.
"It sounds like a bad idea." This is how the description of the application on iTunes begins. The 1-Hour Photo app is actually a disposable version of the camera. Except that you will be able to use it again and again on your phone.
There are many applications on smartphones that touch on communication, but the new ones mostly just add additional "noise" to the cacophony of offers, while ChitChat grabbed the megaphone and drowned out all the others, because it does not make a drama out of calling, but says bob bob. It's SnapChat, voicemail and walkie-talkie all in one, and the most refined communication channel out there.
With the iPhone franchise, Apple revolutionized the way of communication and human interaction, and with the growth of applications we also got completely new dimensions of life. But even though Apple has been dictating trends for a decade, it fell asleep somewhere. With the application for contacts, which, however, has survived despite its popularity. But the digital world has no place for dinosaurs and the Humin app is its 'asteroid'. Not Android, make no mistake.

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