Do you ever feel that, despite the enormous technological progress and constant "elbowing" for users, smartphones are not very different from each other? Have you ever thought to yourself: "Well, it doesn't matter which one I have, because they are all the same?" Well, that's not entirely true, but judging by the looks of most phones, that thinking isn't wrong. American ZTE prepared something different, something fresh. Let's see what!
What's more, apps or stars in the sky? In 2017, the answer would require quite a bit of thinking and counting, wouldn't it? Well, not all applications are great and oh and at all, but the fact is that there are more and more of them and that they are always better or more and more useful. Android users, this will be for you. We have made a list of the top ten free apps for Android. Ones that are definitely not yet in your smartphone.
Would you like headphones that are more than just that? Suppose they could help you use voice commands to operate your phone without even looking at it, or answer almost any question or even translate a sentence from a foreign language? Would? Google now brings them to you.
Renault and Central Saint Martins School of Design have joined forces to organize a competition for aspiring students. They were mainly interested in their vision of the future and how they would imagine the future of autonomous driving, the design of modular cars and the necessary changes to infrastructure and other supporting activities.
Finally! On their website, we were able to count down the days, then the hours, and finally the seconds. Then it boomed! In San Francisco, GoPro unveiled its new camera, which is a real treat. It hit the shelves immediately after the event, but we'll take a look at it here first.
City Magazine breaks the records of reading and visits every day and thus enjoys the status of the most read lifestyle online portal, intended for both sexes. Due to expansion plans and better coverage of interesting topics, we invite new colleagues to our ranks who would independently cover their areas of writing. If you know someone with a flair for writing about our topics, please share this post or forward it by email.
Not that 2017 is already coming to an end, but we can still draw the line at some things. For smartphones, 2017 has been quite an eventful year so far, colored by many novelties, astonishing innovations and the struggle for users. But the year isn't over yet, as there are likely to be some great smartphones on the way, such as the Google Pixel 2 and Huawei Mate 10. Are you up for a look at what Apple, LG, Samsung and others have prepared for us so far? This is a selection of the best smartphones of 2017.
This time, under the spotlight of the Apple Keynote event, we saw quite a few innovations: the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, the third-generation Apple Watch, the Apple TV with 4K resolution, and finally something we've been waiting a decade for: the iPhone X. Here's a device that is, according to Tim Cook, far smarter, far more capable and far more creative than any before.
What's worse than when a photographer runs out of storage space just before the end of the wedding celebration and has nowhere to hide in embarrassment? Let's not be so dramatic, it's disgusting if we already have it on a family trip, isn't it? Worries are now unnecessary, because the Ultra microSD card is here, which will be our lifeline in such cases.
Does anyone still remember radiograms? A piece of furniture from which music was heard? They really do seem like dinosaurs now don't they? Well, one of the dinosaurs has woken up from his long slumber, and all of you who love great sound are in for a treat.

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