What's the perfect profile photo for Tinder? This hugely popular dating app generates tens of millions of potential matches on a daily basis. So why are you unable to find a potential partner or partners? The reason may lie in your profile photo. With applications like Tinder, we judge people by their cover, and only then does everything else come into play. Without a good profile, you have no chance. At Romance Golas, they investigated the reasons for swiping left or right on the screen. right. So for the best catch, you must have a profile photo like this…
Have you heard of Quick, draw!, Google's online game that tests your drawing skills and gets you hooked in no time? As if we weren't already dependent on Google enough, it made sure that we spend the rest of the free time we have in its company. He is obviously bored because he wants to play with us. Quick, draw! is an online game in which a neural network - an information processing paradigm modeled after the human or animal brain - tries to recognize your drawing. You have 20 seconds. During this time, the artificial intelligence tries to guess the assigned word that you are drawing. Check how good a cartoonist you are.
Have you always wanted to play the drums, but didn't have a suitable place to practice, either because you didn't have enough room to maneuver or because of the noise, you couldn't do it because of the neighbors? Maybe because of both? Now this problem is gone. Meet Freedrum, a technology accessory for drumsticks that allows virtual drumming that feels like the real thing by recognizing movements. You mount the device on the sticks, connect it to your phone and the drumming can begin!
Google has introduced the VR version of the Google Earth application - Google Earth VR. Life is moving more and more into virtual reality. Now we won't even have to travel for a detailed tour of the sights and hidden corners of the world. All you need is a virtual reality headset that allows you to explore the world in the comfort of your own home. With the VR version of its Google Earth application, Google Earth VR, Google now allows you to go on a virtual journey anywhere in the world using only virtual reality technology. Say goodbye to packing and waiting for a flight, now you really can have the whole world in the palm of your hand. on the head, to be more precise.
Would you like to have more followers on Instagram? Expand your business idea, present your work, your products or direct users to your website? Instagram is a great platform for this kind of promotion. However, in order to make the most of Instagram's possibilities, you need the following applications.
With its latest upgrade, Instagram is sure to impress everyone who spends hours on this popular social network raving about makeup products they wish they could own. Now it will be much easier, as it introduces the ``shop now'' function, with which we will be able to buy a specific product right through the application. Instagram is thus becoming an online store and a new sales channel for various brands.
Urinating in a public place is prohibited and punishable, and such impudence can especially hit you in the pocket in some famous location. But not if you treat yourself to it with the VR application Pee World VR, which allows your toilet to turn into any room or the environment you imagine. Would you like to 'water' the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty or the Prešeren Monument? Now you can and without worrying about being penalized for it.

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