What will Tinder be to you if you have Snapchat. Watch the love story of University of Wisconsin-Madison students who were accidentally brought together by the world's fastest growing social network. Get the tissues ready, you'll need them. Is this the greatest online love story of all time?
You can guess, but we bet you won't guess which is the fastest mobile browser. You have more options in predicting which browser gives you the best mobile internet experience. Is it Google's Chrome, Apple's Safari, Opera, maybe Firefox or something else? Why is this information important? Since data traffic through mobile browsers is twice that of other applications, choosing a mobile browser is not such a trivial decision. Find out below which one is the best to have in 2016! Chrome is by far the most popular, but is it also the fastest?
Even more than in the fashion world, because of the many advantages of power, they like to bring together famous names in the technology world. In this manner, Google and HP have collaborated for the HP Chromebook 13, and the result is the thinnest Chromebook in the history of these compact laptops, measuring a mere 12.95 millimeters in thickness!
Civitacampomarano is a small town in the Italian province of Campobasso with only 400 inhabitants, mostly elderly. In this village, rich in tradition, the Internet is still quite unknown. You can't surf the web here, so you can go to a bar that is the physical incarnation of Google. Here you are not watching YouTube on the screen. Here, YouTube is just a chair in front of the TV and the WhatsApp app is just a phone booth. What the hell are you thinking? It is an artistic intervention Web 0.0 by the Milanese artist Biancoshock, with which he wanted to show that people can go about quite normally even without the Internet, without which many people today can no longer imagine life.
The Le Syvrac smart bike is the first bike with an Android mobile operating system! It is signed by the Chinese company LeEco, which recently threw down the gauntlet to the Tesla Model S with the affordable LeSEE electric car, and has made a name for itself with smartphones, TVs and streaming services. Now they have introduced the Android smart bike Le Syvrac, which carries a mini computer with a 4-inch screen on the handlebar. Obviously, from now on we will pay more attention to which operating system the bike has, not so much which gear/equipment set it has.
Is Apple losing steam? The company, which has known nothing but growth since 2003, experienced a cold shower with the financial report for the first three months of operations. The results show that, for the first time in 13 years, they recorded a 13 percent drop in profits and revenues. The finger is pointed at the iPhone.
Facebook knows a lot. It knows what you are interested in, it knows what you would like to buy before you even realize it, it knows who your (future) friends are, and much more. Also what you will post on the wall in 10 years! Curious about what you'll be publishing in a decade? Click on the article in which we reveal how you can peek into the future with Facebook.
Google Calendar will be 10 years old this year, but the application is far from being written off. The new Google Calendar feature helps you organize your time throughout the day. In this way, users can improve their time and work habits and e.g. they learn a new language and carve out time for physical exercise.
The gray is receding from the streets of our cities. The fog and smog have been driven away by the fresh wind and it already smells of those months when we breathe with full lungs and live life differently. The day is longer and already invites you to escape in the afternoon. So it's time to take our bikes out of the bike racks, tie a straw hat on our heads and go exploring the city.
The Swedish furniture giant Ikea has introduced the virtual reality application Ikea VR Experience, which allows you to test three Ikea kitchens in virtual reality right from your home sofa. It's made for the HTC Vive virtual reality glasses, which are selling like hotcakes. Is Ikea coming to Slovenia too late?
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