Less than a year ago, when Google added the option to cancel a sent message to Gmail, it saved many people the embarrassment, because you can now later correct or supplement the content or cancel sending completely. The messaging application Telegram has also added a similar function of later editing, which allows you to "proofread" content up to two days ago.
A web search engine in every mobile app! That's the idea behind Gboard, Google's new virtual keyboard with a built-in search engine. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to switch between apps to search for something online? Probably countless times. With the Gboard keyboard, this will no longer happen to you, because in addition to the keys, it also includes a search engine that allows you to browse the web right inside the keyboard. No more switching between apps, then!
How about New Year's resolutions? Are you still diligently burning fat or have you already given up on yourself? We're not here to judge and accuse you of a lack of willpower (let he who is without sin cast the first stone), but rather offer you a brilliant app that will motivate you to get your ass off the couch and move more. Sweatcoin is a new application that turns steps into money!
Ink Hunter is an app that allows you to preview a tattoo on your skin. As we know, the decision is not easy for a thief. Many people hesitate because it is a permanent, life-long decision, and the thief is our faithful companion until the end of life. Therefore, before making the final decision, it is good to know what we are getting into and how the motif will actually look on our skin, so that we are not in for an unpleasant surprise. Ink Hunter prevents this from happening, as the app allows you to try on different tattoos, like you would try on clothes in a dressing room, and thus find the one that will look best on your skin.
Counting calories is a hobby for many people. In a society that is, on the one hand, obsessed with fast food, there is also a group of people who are very careful about what they eat. Despite the flood of healthy options, eating healthy is not easy due to the fast pace of life. Of course, the average nutritional values printed on the packaging help us, and with the combination of different foods, it quickly becomes impossible to keep track of the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats... With the appearance of the NutriRay3D application, which counts the calories on your plate, it becomes much easier.
We all know that many electromagnetic signals surround us at an invisible level, but since we cannot see them, we often forget about their existence. But the application for the iPad tablet, Architecture of Radio, offers an insight into another dimension, as it reveals to us what is happening around us at the level of electromagnetic radiation or signal waves. Insight into another dimension is fascinating on the one hand, and a bit creepy on the other.
A quality digital camera, associated lens(es), tripod, external flash, and photo processing software are must-haves for any photographer. Now we can safely add to this Snapp Guides, an application or interactive guide to destinations, which is the fruit of the Slovenian-British connection and collects funds for further development on Kickstarter, and makes it easier for the user to find the best locations for landscape photography.
Win or Snooze is a Slovenian application that will make the mornings when the alarm clock wakes us up more pleasant. Tadej Štrok, Žiga Aljaž, Neven Cvijanović, Jure Lajlar and Sašo Pompe are behind the project, which will turn your morning awakening into a game. If you like the idea and would like to get rid of the problems of getting up in the morning, support the project on Kickstarter, where the team is raising funds for further development.
Most of us use our smartphone a lot every day, but only a few of us know how much time we actually use it. The Instant app gives you insight into exactly this information and much more. It's available for iOS and Android devices and provides you with a number of statistics, from how many hours you've spent on your phone in total to how much time you spent on each app. Be prepared for a shock! Sending messages, visiting Twitter, Facebook, etc., looking at the time, all of these add up to a huge amount of time. But how much really?

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