Do you know which apps drain the battery the most and slow down your smartphone? You can guess twice. Yes, Facebook. But Facebook is not the only culprit that makes your phone run slow and unreliable despite good hardware. AVG's research pointed the finger at many other apps that not only eat up the most of your battery, but also slow down your phone and take up a mountain of memory. Check which are the real leeches of the battery and the "kryptonites" of the smartphone.
Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular apps in the world. More than 700 million people use it every month. Last year, Facebook separated Messenger from the main Facebook app, and since then Messenger has had many more features that allow for more than typical messaging. For example, did you know that you can use Messenger to send money and make video calls, among other things? Here are nine Facebook Messenger features you probably don't know about.
The Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 90 is the ultimate speaker for perfectionists that costs as much as a mid-range car. How much exactly? Sorry, but if you're asking about price, you're missing the point. But so be it. The oddly shaped speaker unit costs 40 thousand US dollars, which is not exactly a balm for our ears, but the quality and the name come with a price, and in addition, the speaker is a jubilee one, as the Danish company will release it on the 90th anniversary of the brand, that is 17 .November 2015.
The Slovenian project Koto started its campaign on the crowdfunding portal Indiegogo a few days ago. It is an upgrade of the existing CubeSensors smart sensors, and they took the new name because they want to expand their product line and at the same time they don't want to limit themselves to the cube shape. Koto is the old Finnish word for home, and it seems that you couldn't think of a more appropriate name for the sensors that take care of a healthy home.
Dott is a smart dog pendant with which your dog will never really get lost. Did you know that over 10 million pets are lost every year, that everyone gets lost at least once in their life and that only 10 percent of them are found. That's why it's high time to replace your dog's usual dog pendant that hangs on the dog's collar with the smart Dott pendant. At the same time, this is a Bluetooth tracker with which you always know where your dog is.
While we all start losing weight with food and what to cross off our menu, we forget that the measures don't have to be so drastic if we take care of good digestion. This starts with the introduction of food into the mouth. Remember when your parents read Leviticus to you because you didn't chew your food enough before swallowing it? At the time, you probably didn't understand why chewing was so important, but parents didn't howl there in one day. Chewing is the key to good digestion and good digestion is the way to a slim figure.
Walking home alone, especially at night, can be a very unpleasant and dangerous experience, especially for women. In order to feel safer on the way home, students Danny Freed, Jake Wayne, Lexie Ernst and Katie Reiner developed the Companion App, which allows friends and family members to accompany us on the way home via their mobile phones.
With all the amazing things a bike-friendly city has to offer, sometimes the hardest part is finding your bike, drowning somewhere in the sea of other bikes. FROLIC Studio wants to solve this problem, so they created the Pingbell bike bell that helps us find our bike. A completely normal bell at first glance, it hides some smart technology that helps in locating the bike. Pingbell is currently raising funds on Kickstarter.
Apple unveiled two new phones at its recent gala event. iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. And while both look practically identical to their 2014 predecessors, they do hide some new features under the surface. However, many of the novelties are new only to Apple users, as they have been circulating in the microcosm of Android for some time. Let's check what Apple has borrowed from Android mobile phones this year.
In the world of blogging, numbers matter a lot. In particular, as far as the number of likes and followers on all social networks related to the blog/blogger is concerned. If you blog or just want more followers on Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, read on…

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