Marshall, which has supplied guitar amplifiers to the biggest guitarists in the music industry for decades, is venturing into the world of mobile telephony. Namely, he introduced the Marshall London smartphone, which in appearance strongly resembles his legendary guitar amplifiers. Maybe technically it doesn't burn like amplifiers, but definitely the first rock'n'roll smartphone is something special and certainly the loudest phone in the world.
How many times have we heard that you should make decisions with your head and not your heart. Although a philosophy that relies on reason often saves us, at least somewhere reason is not the best currency. When it comes to finding a potential partner. And where better to look for a soulmate than through Tinder, a mobile app designed to find a suitable partner? But if you've been letting your head decide until now, the Hands-Free Tinder app, made especially for the Apple Watch, lets your heart decide for you.
Sometimes we have so much work that we don't see each other. With family, social life and maintaining a healthy mind in a healthy body, it is therefore difficult to always keep productivity at its peak. Because we usually juggle ten things at once, well, unless we're a professional juggler. For everyone else, we have prepared tricks or targeted applications that will allow us to "do" all our daily obligations.
The largest online retailer Amazon has launched its cloud application, which allows users to access documents stored in their Cloud Drive cloud storage. Now, the market of cloud services, dominated by Google Drive and Dropbox, is already crowded. But Amazon has one big advantage. It is available for iOS, Android and Kindle devices.
The Slovenian SipSup glass is the first social glass in the world, as it connects to a smartphone and serves us memories in addition to a drink. Miha Petek, Anže Volovšek and Aleš Perme are behind the project of the interactive glass, and the glasses themselves are made in Steklarna Hrastnik and are not only technologically sophisticated, but also of high quality. The success of the Kickstarter campaign, where SipSup will raise startup funds for 42 days, seems imminent.
Already know what you're going to do with your smartphone today? We have some helpful suggestions, or rather, the five best apps to boost our brains - everything from learning a language to improving our concentration. Here are the top five apps that boost our mental abilities.
Facebook and smartphone have become like ass and shirt. More and more users use the most popular social network on the go, through a dedicated application. But Facebook is a greedy business, and not everyone has the most powerful smartphone. And since low-cost devices have recently flooded the market, Facebook is now meeting these users with a "diet" version of the mobile application that does not require such a fast Internet connection and powerful hardware.
In times when we capture photos and videos like crazy and in high resolutions, it quickly happens that we run out of available space on the memory of the mobile device, because these are extremely space-hungry and smartphones or tablets quickly burst at the seams. That's why we resort to cloud services, where even free space dries up quickly. Google consigns such issues to the dustbin of history with the Google Photos app, which offers unlimited photo and video storage.
Zavarovalnica Triglav was the first insurance company in Slovenia to enter the world of telematics with the DRAJV mobile application. From now on, drivers will be able to improve their driving and at the same time save on car insurance with the help of the free DRAJV mobile application, which is based on a modern technological solution, telematics. With the application, Zavarovalnica Triglav wants to contribute to greater safety in traffic, thus continuing the traditional concern for improving safety on our roads.
Like Peter Florjančič, Miki Muster also proves that his years are not keeping him alive and despite his venerable age he can recognize an interesting idea. Cooperation with the company As factor means that now its most recognizable comic characters, Zvitorepec, Trdonja and Lakotnik, have made their way into the weather app Vreme with Miki Mustro, where they will appear as animated characters. The purpose of the application is to bring today's youth closer to these legendary characters, who have already marked many youths.

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