Mobile applications, these small pieces of software, have become an indispensable part of life, which can come "to the rescue" at home at any moment. When we need relaxation, when we want to communicate, when we are lost,... Many everyday tasks have become much easier with them. But if you've ever visited Google Play or the App Store, then you know that apps are packed like sardines. That's why we went on the hunt and found seven of the best that will make your life easier.
Do you like to store your keys and regularly turn your apartment upside down to find them? Of course, all this happens to you when you are most in a hurry. Consider the square Bluetooth pendant Tile and give the time-consuming search for stocked things a "basket". Because the world is big, keys are not. With the Tile pendant, you can locate them and easily find them even in the most hidden places.
Are you wondering where to place your wireless router for the best reception? You don't need to master Maxwell's equation for this, because there is an app that does everything for you. Otherwise, two things are clear. First, and more than obvious, a wireless signal travels more easily through an open space. So keep an eye on him if possible. The second point is a little less obvious. If the reception in a certain place is bad, even a minimal change in the position of the router can improve it tremendously, as it also moves the "grey spots".
Robots are becoming more developed year by year, so they can be used for more and more demanding tasks. As a result, they are more and more embedded in our everyday life. That's why jump to the ninth Industrial Robotics Days (DIR 2015), which will take place from March 30 to April 3, 2015 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
With the Blackphone 2 smartphone, no one will be able to spy on you, not even the US National Security Agency (NSA), for whom phones are an "all-you-can-eat" buffet of personal data, because almost any smartphone can be hacked phone and intercepts almost every conversation. But now she ran into a wall again, as the Silent Circle security company presented users with the second generation of "android" Blackphone 2 smartphones, which, among other things, enable encryption of communication through applications.
Motorized skateboards are not new, and most of them are recognizable from afar, as they have a battery or a motor on the back. Monolith is the first skateboard with motors right in the wheels, which means that it will be hard to tell it apart from the usual ones. The only thing that will betray you is the fact that you are not driving, but you are still happily moving. She has already raised enough start-up funds on Kickstarter.
Do you know basic Facebook tricks? Like it or not, Facebook has hooked the younger and older generations. It seems as if there is no escape from him. Despite various protests and outcry at changes to the website's appearance or privacy rules, people like sheep are returning to Facebook. And if we really have to, it's good to know some "secrets" that will help preserve a little more privacy and solve our mental state with one click. Here are useful Facebook tricks that we must know.
Dog fashion is nothing new, but until now wearable technology has more or less been reserved for humans. Thanks to the smart LED dog vest Disco Dog from Kickstarter, man's best friend can now also enjoy "clothing electronics". But it is the smartphone that operates with the luminous vest, which has several very useful functions and not only turns the dog into a Christmas tree or disco ball but also protects him.
The Fitbit Charge HR is a fitness tracker equipped with a range of new sensors, a heart rate monitor, an OLED screen and the ability to display other notifications on your wrist. The device can be synchronized with a smartphone, tablet or computer via Bluetooth 4.0 and a wireless network, and the application is compatible with Windows Phone, iOS and Android operating systems.
With the 911 GT3 RS, Porsche has completely blurred the line between racing car and road car, which it has achieved through a combination of power, improved aerodynamics and a reduction in weight, thus walking the fine line of legal but still usable on public roads. It was presented at the 85th Geneva Motor Show, where it moved from the Nürburgring track, where it set Porsche's best time of 7 minutes 29 seconds.

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