Merkur's offer of festive decorations has already gained a reputation among Slovenian customers as the most sophisticated and magical. Lovers of Christmas and merry December look forward to new color combinations every year and let themselves be seduced by imaginative and rounded styles. They are an inspiration for creating a festive atmosphere, when we prepare our home for gatherings with friends and family and for magical, warm moments.
Trying to finish what you started on an older computer is usually futile. The painful fact is that just one ordinary YouTube video can take as long as ten minutes to load. If we are still attached to our old computer and won't let it go, here are some tricks that will "rejuvenate" it. So how to make your computer work better and faster?
Many mornings cannot start without coffee. But before a dose of caffeine, you should brush your teeth. What if the ritual of drinking coffee and brushing teeth could be combined? As it turned out, someone had already overtaken us with the idea. Introducing Power, a toothpaste with caffeine, which is the first caffeinated toothpaste in the world!
tipoRenesansa, the only specialized letterpress printing studio in Slovenia, is celebrating its fifth anniversary. On the occasion of its fifth anniversary, the studio, whose founder is the calligrapher and designer Marko Drpić, will present a series of hand-stitched notebooks printed with decades-old clichés from its own collection, a series of special blocks and a series of graphics on the theme "5".
Whether you want to become the best in your field or start your own business, who better to advise you than those who have achieved the greatest business and financial success? From Bill Gates' business advice to Richard Branson's successful leadership lessons; the wisdom written on the pages of these books goes beyond what you learned in school.
Wristwatches that are unique, special, beautifully designed and aesthetically perfect attract the interest of fashion enthusiasts. If it is true that clothes make a person, it is probably true that a watch reflects our attitude to time. If time is priceless to you, a beautifully designed watch adorns your wrist, proving that you have a respectful attitude towards time.
Virtual reality allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the world of digital experiences that we would otherwise never (at least in principle) experience. Although virtual reality is super “cool”, unfortunately it is not as accessible as it should be. Figment VR is a great device to have on hand at all times. It uses an iPhone to display virtual reality and thus allows users to watch movies, concerts, explore amazing destinations, play games and more in virtual reality.

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