Smartphones have become our life companions, but we change them like shirts. It's a good thing that subscription relationships are not as ultimate as marriage. Or is it? Anyway. Every new iPhone offers something new, better, and the flexible iPhone 6 is no different. He easily became the king of the sales charts and Santa Claus has a long list of new owners. There is also a long list of all the tricks it offers that you should know.
In computing, things change at the speed of light, and most things are short-lived, because new, better solutions are always waiting. Everyone is predicting a decline for Facebook, especially now that its "wrinkles" are already gathering. For some time now, he has been quietly preparing this "Facebook at Work", which is supposed to challenge the cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 and Google Docs, as well as the Linkedin business network.
The action in the field of smartphones is as lively as the Ljubljana market on a Saturday morning. But it is also lively under the "anthill". There is a lot of traffic there, especially in the area of applications, which has further drawn them into our lives. They have become an important tool in our everyday life and help us with shopping, among other things. Let's see which ones are the most "diligent" in this?
If you want to be a student, you have to stick to books. But if you want to be a really good student in the 21st century, you cannot do without basic technological aids. To make our studies more engaged and above all more practical, it's high time we download the best apps for students on our phones.
Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, as we affectionately call them, are becoming an indispensable tool for people who want to create stunning footage, the kind of which we could only see in movies or documentaries a year or two ago, and behind which there was a camera crew and a ton of logistics. With the Hexo+ drone, which follows us automatically, all this is a thing of the past, because now it is possible to record jumps and similar shenanigans without any help.
Since smartphones have become like keys and wallets (in fact, today they are both - i.e. keys and wallet), i.e. always within reach, we try to exhaust their potential like oil wells. Users have found many ways to adapt them to their needs, which, despite the advanced technology, remains the domain of everyone, because the art lies in simplicity, not coding or programming.
Mobile apps have made the world crazy and smartphones without them are like cars in their basic version. The goal of many is to make our lives easier, but practicality has to compete with the entertainment side, so many people don't give them enough credit for their contribution to making life easier. Ok, when you go to "relieve" yourself, let the short-term ones "spill", but if you're looking for ones that will make your life easier, you've come to the right address.

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