The autumn months are the months that we like to use for running activities, either for intensive training or simply for social gatherings. Pleasant Salomon CITYTRAIL™ running gatherings are taking place in Ljubljana every Wednesday this autumn, with the aim of discovering new hidden running routes, where we explore the narrow streets of the old city cores, secret underpasses, try out as many different running surfaces as possible and take advantage of the various terrains available in the city available.
Pink October is the global month of fighting breast cancer - the most common cancer in women in our country and the most common malignant disease in women in the developed world - which Europa Donna, the association for the fight against breast cancer, will once again use to raise awareness, with which they want to draw attention to disease and emphasize the importance of timely detection. The best prevention? A healthy diet, adequate physical activity and a positive attitude.
The iTunes online store, where virtual shelves are crowded with applications, is like a 99 cent shop. Many of them are free, and even more have a price of a few cents or euros. However, there is also a section where prices soar to the ceiling (this one is at $999.99, approx. 790 euros). On this site, we have collected a few that are sinfully expensive.
Microsoft presented the new Windows 10 operating system yesterday in San Francisco. Don't worry, you didn't wake up in the future, because this largest software manufacturer in the world skipped the 9 because it would smell too much like the "subway" 8 that didn't catch on . The tenth version therefore resorted to the proven seven and the popular Start menu.
These days, a new social network called "Ello" has blossomed. Just like its name, without the letter "H" at the beginning, the newcomer is designed in a minimalist way - they eliminated everything superfluous, including advertisements.
Anyone who likes to indulge in electronic and hip-hop rhythms has probably had itchy fingers watching mixing masters at work. But DJ equipment is expensive - mixing desk, turntable, player, sound needles,... especially if you don't have professional DJ ambitions. With the advent of controllers, the bar for "recreational" DJs has been raised considerably, and Pioneer's DDJ-WeGO 3 raises it even higher.

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