The cost of building a house usually reaches several hundred thousand euros. It is for this reason that many people cannot afford it. Fortunately, there are innovative approaches, thanks to which it is possible to build a new house for several times less money than we are used to.
The Mercedes-Benz X is considered a luxury pick-up truck. But this does not mean that it is not capable of overcoming more demanding terrain. In fact, with a little imagination, it can be quickly transformed into the ultimate off-road vehicle, which, in addition to everything, allows us to stay comfortably. The Matzker MDX conversion transforms a luxury pick-up truck into a real off-road motorhome.
With spring, motorcyclists also take a peek at the plan. Motorcycles of all kinds start buzzing on the streets and roads. When we think of a touring motorcycle, a scooter is the last type of motorcycle that comes to mind, and with the Bufalino Camping Scooter, that will change. It is a touring scooter born for camping enthusiasts, as it has everything that campers have. Well, almost everything and admittedly in a slightly smaller form, but enough to provide comfortable accommodation wherever you stop.
Wind farms that convert the kinetic energy of the wind into other types of energy are great. But modern windmills are unfortunately still quite large. The Trinity, however, is different, as it folds into a small cylinder. It is a portable wind turbine with three blades (hence the name) that can be used even with the smallest wind (the wind must blow at a speed of at least 6.4 km/h). It is waterproof and has a battery that can store energy. It comes in different sizes, from the kind you can put in your pocket, to the kind you can put on the roof of your motorhome or in your front garden.
Classic motorhomes are too big and bulky, caravans are impractical and not flexible enough. What do you choose? The new Volkswagen California small camper, a vehicle created for camping enthusiasts. Seven seats, as many as five beds, a retractable roof and two versions of the itinerary. All this with the basic Beach model, which, like the other two "Californias" of the sixth generation, will initially be powered by a TDi diesel unit, and later by a gasoline engine.
In the summer, we often move the kitchen to the open air, but what if we are mostly limited to the grill. But what if that's not always enough? This is where things get complicated. For picnics, food must be prepared in advance at home, in the camp we eat "outside" or simply. That's why the Camp Champ company of our northern neighbors found a solution for all those who miss the luxury of a full-fledged kitchen during picnics or camping, and therefore don't want to tow a caravan or rent a motor home. It is a compact wooden cube box that can be disassembled into a proper kitchen with a stove, counter and kitchen equipment.
Slovakian industrial designer Stanislav Sabo has designed a fantastic folding water heater behind him. Namely, the Novel heater is designed in such a way that it is easy to expand and fold, so that it becomes as thin as an upright gift bag, so. You can put it in any travel bag or backpack, and it will find a place even in a small kitchen.

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