You've probably stocked up on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod and then frantically searched for it around your apartment, while the worst scenario of losing it was running through your head. So that you don't have to turn over every pillow, go through all the pockets and all the bags, there is now a Marco Polo app that locates your iPhone. How? With your voice. You call it like you would call a dog, except that the iPhone will not run to you, but will answer you as you have taught it.
As if the Google Translate mobile application was not already popular enough, the new version of this mobile software has received additional useful functions and, among other things, now offers translation with the help of a digital camera, which allows you to capture text in an incomprehensible language and, without the need for connection to the World Wide Web, translates in real time.
Can you imagine a situation where you get paid to view an ad? Probably yes, in my dreams. Well, the Slovenian mobile app Venxly, invented by Miha J. Mulec, turns this into reality, so you can pinch yourself peacefully without waking up to a harsh reality where ads are only a necessary evil. Namely, the application sets new trends in advertising, as it will stimulate the visitor to visit the ad, for which he will be suitably rewarded.
The snooze function is one of those functions that we use quite often on our mobile phones. It rarely happens that we do not tap snooze at least once when the alarm is activated. In fact, the satisfaction of killing an alarm clock like this is equal to the satisfaction of getting rid of a pesky mosquito. We still have a nap on our conscience, but not a mosquito. But with the iCukoo app, you'll get rid of the guilt, ha, you'll even be proud of yourself, because you'll be donating.
After Samsung "took over" iTunes Radio with the Milk Music service, it chose an even stronger competitor - YouTube - for the Milk Video application. "Milk" video will be a free mobile application, "homogenized" and "pasteurized", i.e. with carefully selected content of videos extracted according to popularity and stripped of advertisements. It will be available for all Galaxy family owners starting November 23rd.
Facebook infected smartphones a long time ago, so every time we pick up the latter, we check what's happening there. Similar to crossing the road, we look left and right. Because Facebook has become a really huge system, getting to a certain destination sometimes takes like being caught in rush hour traffic. That is why there are Groups, where people with the same interests are under one roof, and which Facebook has now developed as an independent application.
Years ago, the sounds produced by our mobile phones were like in the beginnings of e-mails. Today? Most of them are audio spam. Today, our smartphone advertises for every fig, which in turn affects social interaction, because the firbec always defeats us. With so many apps and programs, it's hard to silence everything at once, and turning off your phone or ignoring it isn't an option. What are we left with? The Shhhh app.

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