art Archives | City Magazine Fri, 14 Aug 2020 13:26:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ARTish 2019: the opening of the new season, which will be a paradise for the soul, a feast for the eyes Thu, 14 Feb 2019 05:01:05 +0000

Lovers of art and beautiful things will enjoy the opening of the new ARTisha season for the first time on the last Saturday in March. This is not a place where you will only see creators and their works, but you will be able to rest your eyes and fill them with creative energy - the premises of Kino Šiško will once again be occupied by Slovenian creators who communicate their stories with their works. Take advantage of Saturday and treat yourself to a unique gift, and from April 13 to the end of October, enjoy the ARTish SHOP by the Hercules Fountain.

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Atelier des Lumières: the first digital museum of fine arts opened in Paris Wed, 19 Sep 2018 04:01:21 +0000

Can you imagine 10-meter walls with your favorite works of art? From now on, you will witness this spectacle in Paris, as the first digital museum of fine arts, Atelier des Lumières, has been opened, whose walls and floors are decorated with works of art by artists who left a big mark on modern art in the early 20th century. Ah, we could really admire this beauty 24/7.

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Artists redraw desperate drawings they created years ago, and the comparison is amazing Sat, 15 Sep 2018 04:01:22 +0000

Artists who have the gift of drawing are well aware that no one just picked up a pen and created the most epic picture, but everyone started somewhere. The 'Draw me Again' challenge proves the most that it is necessary to invest a lot of time and effort in the improvement that can bring you to the place of the best.

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The artist creates drawings that are completed by real ants Thu, 06 Sep 2018 04:20:39 +0000

Ants love sugar. But if we sprinkle it in the right way, we get a colony of ants that creates interesting shapes.

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Magical pieces of jewelry by a Slovenian artist, whose aesthetic perfection and color can be felt Fri, 27 Jul 2018 04:01:25 +0000

Wood - a material that has been used by mankind for countless years, has been given a new look with this magical cosmic jewelry.

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This is what today's most famous celebrities would have been like if they hadn't died young Fri, 20 Jul 2018 04:01:33 +0000

You've probably heard of the '27 club', a list of the most famous celebrities who died at the age of 27, often due to hedonistic and risky lifestyles. This is what you would look like now if you were still with us.

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Characters from classic art paintings placed in modern spaces... and they match very well Wed, 27 Jun 2018 04:01:31 +0000

We've seen the merging of traditional and modern before, but these photomontages, combining people from classic art paintings and modern spaces, will make you smile, because they're like cast.

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Astrological Signs as Goddesses - Which Represents You? Sat, 16 Jun 2018 04:01:49 +0000

Even if you don't believe in astrology, you can admire these beautiful illustrations of astrological signs as goddesses.

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Skrajno zabavni zgodovinski “memi”, ki kažejo, da se nič ni spremenilo Sat, 07 Apr 2018 04:01:52 +0000

Who says art is boring? In the past, we could only view works of art in museums, without touching or approaching them. Today, however, they have also moved to the Internet and have acquired a new, offbeat meaning that will make you smile.

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This makeup artist turns her face into surreal fast food Sat, 02 Dec 2017 05:01:16 +0000

Professional makeup artist Mimi Choi is an absolute master of illusions. And this up to the point where her works are actually worrying.

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This is how a genius is changing the streets of New York Wed, 02 Aug 2017 04:02:26 +0000

American artist Tom Bob is turning New York streets into real works of art. And we sincerely hope that no one prevents him from doing so.

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Her outfits perfectly match the artwork she is looking at Wed, 26 Apr 2017 06:02:05 +0000

If you love art, you'll love what Ariel Adkins does. Well, you'll be impressed in another way too. This girl hand-makes and paints her own clothes to match the artwork she's looking at. Pretty bad, right?

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EO2 - Digital Image Frame Sat, 10 Dec 2016 07:05:24 +0000

An art painting can perfectly complement a room, but finding the right one, one that we will be happy to look at for years and years, without getting tired of it, can be a difficult task. Electric Objects makes it a lot easier for you with the EO2. It is a large HD LCD screen with a matte frame for displaying artistic images that do not require you to commit to one image forever, but you can change them like shirts, as easily as the wallpaper on your phone or computer screen.

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A giraffe or an elephant: a work of art that changes before your eyes Mon, 16 May 2016 03:39:13 +0000

Matthieu Robert-Ortis has created an interesting 3D wire sculpture that is a giraffe from one point of view and an elephant from the other and changes like an optically variable character on an ID. The artist named his work La révolution des Girafes or The Evolution of the Giraffe and it will absolutely captivate you.

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How a mother turned a child's scribbles on the wall into art Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:14:16 +0000

Children are an indicator of our 'health', a litmus test of healthy relationships in the family. And we are not defined so much by how we react when the child is being diligent, but when something slips up on us. Whether he jumps in puddles, dips his fingers in the toilet bowl or draws on anything other than a sheet of paper. One mother was recently put to the test because her child scratched her wall. And her reaction? Check below.

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