airport Archives | City Magazine Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:39:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Before you wrap your luggage: Does this method really improve the security of your belongings? Thu, 04 Jul 2024 06:39:24 +0000

Baggage wrapping is available practically at every airport; does it actually have any effect?

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The best airport in the world 2024: who offered passengers an experience Sat, 20 Apr 2024 06:51:09 +0000

What is the best airport in the world 2024? In the last decade, Singapore's Changi International Airport and Doha's Hamad International Airport have competed for the title of 'world's best airport'. It tickles one's fancy to think that they have a match in beauty, but not in airport services.

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How to fly more comfortably: Ask the cabin crew for these things next time Fri, 17 Feb 2023 08:41:01 +0000

Did you know that in economy class, besides coffee and snacks or lunch, you are entitled to many other things on long flights? Often you just have to ask the cabin crew politely. This will allow you to fly more comfortably.

The post Kako leteti bolj udobno: naslednjič kabinsko osebje povprašajte po teh stvareh appeared first on City Magazine.

Things you will most likely never see again at airports Mon, 22 Nov 2021 05:04:42 +0000

Although aviation is slowly waking up and more and more people are traveling again, some things will not return to normal for some time. In this article, we present to you how covid has changed air passenger traffic.

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Klein Vision AirCar: maiden intercity flight of a flying car Thu, 05 Aug 2021 04:04:54 +0000

The Klein Vision AirCar is a flying car that recently experienced its long-distance christening flight. The flight lasted 35 minutes, between the international airport in Nitra and the international airport in Bratislava.

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Željava: a mystical airport near Plitvice that attracts adventurers Tue, 06 Apr 2021 04:01:35 +0000

Željava, a military airport and former JNA base, has been abandoned, neglected and quite dangerous for years, but it still attracts many adventurers who want to see this mystical facility in person.

The post Željava: mistično letališče pri Plitvicah, ki privlači pustolovce appeared first on City Magazine.

Spaceport America: The First Commercial Spaceport Sat, 31 Aug 2019 04:01:25 +0000

Spaceport America is the place to take you to the stars and back.

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The safest airlines in the world Sat, 04 Aug 2018 04:01:46 +0000

Aerophobia or the fear of flying is in the bones of millions of people around the world, so information about the airline provider before you board the plane is crucial to your trip. The list of the safest companies may make this unpleasant experience easier for you.

The post Najvarnejše letalske družbe na svetu appeared first on City Magazine.

CARE-E: the robot that will make your air travel easier Thu, 19 Jul 2018 04:01:28 +0000

Getting through the airport often turns out to be a real nightmare. Let's just mention the cancellations and delays of flights and the change of gate numbers. That is why many people would not be afraid of a robot, with the help of which they would save some stress.

The post CARE-E: robot, ki bo olajšal vaše potovanje z letalom appeared first on City Magazine.

Bagtag: a device that enables online baggage check-in Thu, 05 Jul 2018 04:01:56 +0000

Are you also bothered by airport congestion? We believe that you are not very impressed with the large number of people waiting in front of you in the baggage claim line. Fortunately, these torments will soon be a thing of the past.

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Innovations that will make your air travel easier Tue, 26 Dec 2017 05:01:46 +0000

There are few people who enjoy traveling by plane. The procedure we have to go through before boarding is particularly annoying. Security checks and passport checks require a lot of our time and patience. That's why technology comes to the rescue, which will make you fall in love with flying.

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How to ensure that your luggage arrives first at the airport? Sat, 25 Nov 2017 05:01:05 +0000

You know the feeling when you get off the plane, go through all the checks and run towards the baggage department, so you can see your loved ones as soon as possible or catch the bus, but the luggage starts rolling very slowly and yours is nowhere to be seen? Well, we're going to reveal some tricks that will help you get to your luggage faster in the future.

The post Kako poskrbeti, da se na letališču tvoja prtljaga pripelje prva? appeared first on City Magazine.

Should airport runways be round? Sat, 18 Mar 2017 07:02:33 +0000

Should airport runways be round? This would make them more ecological, make less noise, and make landing safer.

The post Bi morale biti letališke steze okrogle? appeared first on City Magazine.

ARK: New York's JFK airport richer for animal terminal Wed, 15 Feb 2017 07:03:10 +0000

New York's famous JFK airport is richer for a luxury animal terminal. It is the first terminal of its kind in the world. It covers an area of 178,000 square meters and swallowed 65 million US dollars.

The post ARK: Newyorško letališče JFK bogatejše za terminal za živali appeared first on City Magazine.

"Toilet" paper for smartphones Mon, 26 Dec 2016 07:02:28 +0000

You've probably heard that your smartphone is a breeding ground for bacteria and that it's even dirtier than a toilet bowl. Therefore, the idea of "toilet" paper for a smartphone is far from wrong. Of course, the quirk comes from Japan. You come across an unusual sight at Tokyo's Narita Airport, where in addition to the classic toilet paper holder, a mini holder and mini toilet paper await you in the toilet cubicle, which is not intended for gnomes or mice, but for your smartphone screen.

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Airportraits: Lively air traffic at airports in one photo Sat, 22 Oct 2016 06:03:12 +0000

Air traffic is extremely lively. This is also evidenced by the photos of Mike Kelley, who captured the take-off of planes at eighteen different airports around the world, and combined the individual photos into a single one, which shows how dense air traffic really is, not just proverbially so.

The post Airportraits: živahen letalski promet na letališčih v eni fotografiji appeared first on City Magazine.

Transavia – a new low-cost carrier at Brno Airport Wed, 28 Sep 2016 07:37:52 +0000

The low-cost carrier Transavia is coming to Brnik. In April 2017, a third low-cost airline will start landing and taking off at Ljubljana Airport. From April 2017, the Dutch low-cost carrier will fly on the Ljubljana-Amsterdam route with a 183-seat Boeing B 737-800.

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The airport as a catwalk Thu, 04 Aug 2016 06:07:38 +0000

Airport as catwalk? If you are a star of the world, then the paparazzi follow you everywhere and are waiting for you at every turn. Which means that you always have to look perfect, whether it's when you jump out of the house in the morning to get the newspaper in the letterbox or get off the plane or you are leaving the airport. Right at the airport or the second catwalk, as it is also called, usually welcomes celebrities with loads of photographers, and celebrities are aware of this, so they are always well prepared for them, at least stylistically.

The post Letališče kot modna pista appeared first on City Magazine.

How to make your next flight easier Fri, 29 May 2015 04:30:42 +0000

Traveling is always a fun and exciting experience, but getting through the airport can sometimes be a real nightmare. It can happen that we are greeted by an unbearably long line, unfriendly staff or a flight delay at the airport. That is why we have prepared some useful tips to make your next flight easier.

The post Kako si olajšati vaš naslednji let z letalom appeared first on City Magazine.

Narita International Airport richer for a running track Wed, 15 Apr 2015 06:20:46 +0000

If you think about it, larger airports with many terminals, when we transfer from one plane to another and chase the tail of the one at the other end, become a kind of jogging track. On the other hand, airports are synonymous with many security checks, delays, waiting, overpriced food and drink,... At the newly opened third terminal at Japan's Narita International Airport, it was decided that this kind of stress and nervousness can be usefully spent on running tracks.

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AILO – when a smartphone turns into an airport guide, which also has Slovenian roots Fri, 14 Nov 2014 10:59:05 +0000

If you travel a lot, you've probably gotten lost at the airport. Except for lost luggage, there is probably nothing worse than when it turns into a maze, and you already hear the last boarding call over the loudspeaker. The solution? AILO, also the product of Slovenian know-how, is an "internal" GPS that uses wi-fi, bluetooth, gyroscope and other sources to provide you with the exact location, direction, estimated time to arrival at the boarding point and points of interest via iOS or Google Maps ( kiosk, toilet, etc.).

The post AILO – ko se pametni telefon spremeni v letališkega vodiča, ki je tudi slovenskih korenin appeared first on City Magazine.

6 superairports of the future Sat, 20 Sep 2014 04:45:30 +0000

City gates have always been important structures that made a strong first impression on visitors. Today, this role has been taken over by airports, and thus cities are competing to build superairports, which will become bigger and more pompous in the future.

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10 most prestigious airports in the world Sat, 23 Aug 2014 04:35:04 +0000

Yes, there are indeed airports that impress even with the airport experience itself. If your first association with the airport is waiting in long lines and buying (too) expensive sandwiches, let us present you a list of the best airports that will change your bad opinion about airports.

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List of airlines that offer the most bang for your buck Fri, 18 Jul 2014 04:22:29 +0000

It is difficult to find a company in which you are completely satisfied, and the same applies to an airline. Although we have a lot of friends and a bunch of airlines - freely on Facebook - we know that we can count the right ones, both first and second, on the fingers of one hand. I don't know who they are first, but I know which airlines offer the most for their money. Skim through the list and then fly like kings.

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Yotel is a very special airport hotel Fri, 15 Nov 2013 08:38:32 +0000

Yotel announced some time ago that it is moving to Singapore with 600 cabins. We can expect it in 2018.

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