illusion Archives | City Magazine Tue, 25 Aug 2020 10:26:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Your age affects what you see in this picture Thu, 27 Sep 2018 04:01:08 +0000

"My wife and my mother-in-law" is one of the most famous optical illusions in the world. What you see depends on the perception of the face: you can see a young woman turning to the side, or you can see the profile of an older woman. An Australian study has now found out how the perception of this optical illusion is related to your age.

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The Illusionists Direct From Broadway: the world's greatest magicians are coming to Slovenia Wed, 26 Sep 2018 04:01:32 +0000

The producers of The Illusionists: Direct from Broadway (The Illusionists: Direct from Broadway) announced the news that the world's greatest magicians are also coming to Europe. Wherever they went, everywhere they experienced incredible success. Now, with their best-selling magic show, the Illusionists are coming to Ljubljana on March 29, 2019 to impress and enchant you too.

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With the help of this optical illusion, you will find out if your eyes are healthy Sun, 16 Sep 2018 04:01:35 +0000

Optical illusions break the laws of nature, and at the same time they are also meant for entertainment. Who would have thought that they could help you discover new diseases. Yes, you read that right!

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Museum der Illusionen: fitness for your brain now also in Vienna Wed, 19 Jul 2017 04:02:10 +0000

Enter the fascinating world of illusions that trick your behavior and senses, astound you and teach you something in the process. The Museum of Illusions, or Museum der Illusionen, has also opened its doors in Vienna, where as many as 70 installations await you, which will delight both children and adults.

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15 optical illusions for those who love mysteries Thu, 02 Feb 2017 07:03:31 +0000

Do you love enigmas, mysteries and things that are really, really hard to figure out? Here are optical illusions that will make you think.

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Spaces that cause vertigo and play with the senses Mon, 02 Jan 2017 07:01:07 +0000

Just like the Museum of Illusions in Ljubljana, the premises of the Brussels art gallery ING Art Center and the ERES-Stiftung in Munich honestly play with human perception. This was done by Peter Kogler, a world-renowned Austrian artist who made you question your senses with his monochromatic graphics.

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Is this photo Bill Murray or Tom Hanks? Thu, 27 Oct 2016 05:50:01 +0000

The web is divided. Is this photo Bill Murray or Tom Hanks? Which famous actor imitates a crying baby? Can you guess?

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Ljubljana is richer for the Museum of Illusions Wed, 07 Sep 2016 07:14:40 +0000

Ljubljana is richer for the Museum of Illusions, a museum that is a big hit and one of the most visited tourist attractions in Zagreb and Zadar. In it you will find holograms and horrorgrams, puzzles, rooms of illusions, pictures that disappear before your eyes, etc. The Museum of Illusions on Congress Square is a place where nothing is as it seems and where you will question your senses.

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No one can find the smartphone in this photo! Do you? Mon, 11 Jul 2016 06:08:56 +0000

Do you have a hawk eye? Then this “phone game” is perfect for you. There's a smartphone hidden in this carpet photo, but most people can't find it. Despite straining his eyes, he eventually gives up and fails to find out where Jeya May Cruz put her smartphone. Do you know?

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So obvious, yet so hidden. An optical illusion like you've never seen before! Thu, 19 May 2016 05:03:10 +0000

On the face of it, the below photo of the brick wall seems like a complete no-brainer, but it's actually an amazing optical illusion that will make you blush when you realize you missed something so obvious.

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Photos that will make you wipe your eyes twice Sun, 06 Sep 2015 03:54:24 +0000

Thanks to Photoshop, at least as far as the web is concerned, to some extent we have all become gnostics, skeptics, and we only have difficulty believing things that we can't explain or. they can't believe their eyes. But in the photos that we will show you below, the masters of graphic programs did not have their hands in the middle, but natural phenomena, the game of perspective, excellent photographers, artists, exotic locations and sheer coincidences. Even so, they'll probably make you rub your eyes twice and still wonder if you're seeing right.

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Best Illuison of The Year Contest 2015 - these are the best optical illusions of the year Sun, 21 Jun 2015 02:55:15 +0000

And you thought that a black-blue or gold-white dress is the optical illusion of the year?! The following illusions also have nothing to do with special effects and a big budget. These are simple optical illusions, the strawberry pick of the 2015 Best Illusion of the Year Contest, that prove how unreliable a source our sense of sight is. Check! You won't be able to believe your eyes.

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Gravity illusions on the steep streets of San Francisco Fri, 19 Jun 2015 03:55:10 +0000

One of the first things that comes to mind when we think of multi-ethnic and hilly San Francisco, along with the Golden Gate Bridge, streetcars and Chinatown, are steep streets. And the very steep streets were used by Karen X. Cheng and Ross Ching to perform gravity illusions, as they flattened the roads with the camera.

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15 of the best optical illusions in photos Tue, 19 May 2015 05:14:58 +0000

You know when a magician performs a trick and you scratch your head trying to figure out how he did it. The following series of photos where optical illusions are at work will leave you equally stunned and confused. Photographs play the role of magicians, performing an optical illusion trick with the help of perspective, which causes our brain to interpret the image differently than it actually is. It is a little known fact that optical illusions surround us all the time, even if we are not even aware of it. And here are 15 proofs.

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Alex Chinneck – lebdeča stavba v londonskem Covent Gardnu Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:07:14 +0000

Take My Lighting But Don't Steal My Thunder is a surreal architectural illusion by British artist Alex Chinneck. A floating building that seems to defy all the laws of gravity floats in the middle of London's Covent Garden.

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Illusionistic wall paintings as a way to brighten up the gray surfaces of urban environments Mon, 19 May 2014 04:10:31 +0000

Iranian designer and painter Mehdi Ghadyanloo is a master of illusion, as he takes us to a world of unsurpassed fantasy with beautiful murals painted right on boring concrete city surfaces.

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3D illusion of unexpected collages Tue, 18 Feb 2014 07:14:50 +0000

Turkish artist and photographer Zeren Badar has an admirable ability to create stunning creations that happen "a little by accident". A bit of a stretch, but his "Accidents Series" seem like a spontaneous mix of random objects placed on faded photographs.

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Stunning 3D sketches by a Belgian artist Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:30:28 +0000

The massive 3D sketches of the Belgian artist Ben Heine have become a real hit.

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An artist who creates an illusion from a piece of wood Tue, 21 Jan 2014 10:15:09 +0000

Randall Rosenthal is a very special artist. Everything he creates is made from just one piece of wood and painted by hand. His boutique products are breathtaking.

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A stunning illusion of the moon over the city Fri, 06 Dec 2013 07:35:13 +0000

The extremely modern outdoor concert venue shone for the first time at the St. Prex Classic.

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