interview Archives | City Magazine Fri, 07 Jul 2023 09:29:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 HR experts advise which mistakes in the job search can cost you new jobs Wed, 19 Jul 2023 04:30:46 +0000

Choosing a new job can be a challenging process, and mistakes in your job search can cost you your dream job.

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TED talks interview: Elon Musk on Twitter, Tesla and the future Fri, 15 Apr 2022 05:32:55 +0000

In this talk with the head of "the organization" TED - Chris Anderson, Elon Musk delves into the recent news about his offer to buy Twitter and gets honest about the biggest regret of his career, how his brain works, the future he envisions for the world and to many others.

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The 10 Most Shocking Things We Learned From Maghan & Herry's Oprah Interview Sat, 13 Mar 2021 04:51:15 +0000

It wasn't just the racist remarks that resonated... we learned a lot more in the interview!

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Daniel Jelovič: "The goal is an optimal body and well-being, not an optimal weight." Fri, 07 Feb 2020 05:01:52 +0000

We talked to renowned personal trainer Daniel Jelovic about the misconceptions related to exercise. This January always deals with those of us who believe in exercise myths, and of course with a bunch of those who set unrealistic New Year's resolutions. We've worked with him to pick out some of the most common misconceptions most of his clients have when they decide to start training.

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Interview: "After 25 years on stage, we still enjoy ourselves immensely!" Sun, 20 Oct 2019 04:01:43 +0000

After more than 25 years, the German rave giants Scooter are coming to Slovenia for the first time as a live band and in a full stage production, with which they shake large world arenas, stadiums and festivals. Charismatic frontman HP Baxxter and the guys from the band Scooter have sold over 30 million albums and singles, received more than 80 platinum and gold records, and entered the annals with classics such as Hyper Hyper, How Much Is The Fish, Maria, Friends , Fire, Move Your Ass, I'm Raving, Fuck The Millenium, Nessaja, Harder Faster Scooter, Call Me Manana... We spoke with them briefly about their career, which elevated them from commercial to icons.

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Luka Grmovšek: "This fall, our Burja will be cutting through the karst cellars for the first time." Thu, 10 Oct 2019 04:10:56 +0000

The kitchen knife was first used by Homo habilis a million years before fire was known as a tool for preparing and sharing food with others. With its primary utility, such a knife still defines the essence of modern man, but it has changed a lot from its stone beginnings to today. It is the prosciutto knife that embodies this ancient essence of a rudimentary knife, when a dried piece of meat is cut and shared with friends.

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Interview: David Morales, new beats of an old cat Wed, 17 Jul 2019 04:01:46 +0000

To cap off the long hot summer, Tobačna will welcome the third Slovenia Urban Culture Festival. The framework of the Saturday gathering will be Sladica with guests, which will prepare the ground for the Norwegian hit maker Röyksopp (So Easy, Eple, Poor Leno, Remind Me, Percent, What Else Is There, Only This Moment, Sordid Affair...). On Friday, the abandoned factory yard will host a "bloc party" with the Pure Oldies Goldies team from Ljubljana's Cvetličarna, and the always excellent David Morales will provide the authentic beat of New York house parties. After moving to Bologna, the Grammy-winner started a new label, Diridim, and entered the summer with the song Away From The Storm, new music is coming with Janice Robinson (There Must Be Love, I Make You Gaga), and apparently there will be no shortage of new music, as we intercepted him while working in a New York studio.

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Primož Jeza: "Being an architect also means being a researcher." Fri, 16 Nov 2018 05:01:05 +0000

Primož Jeza is an architect, assistant professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Industrial Design, and lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture. To date, he has created more than 50 projects in the field of architecture and interior design and has prepared scenography for more than 40 promotional and short films. His works have been exhibited at numerous solo and group exhibitions around the world (Ljubljana, Moscow, Belgrade, Lisbon, Paris, London...), and in 2008 he also published a book entitled Interior Primož Jeza/9+1, where presented the 10 most popular projects in the field of interior design of public spaces. Today, his design for the Nico Less chair is among the eight finalists from across Europe in the DesignEuropa award competition organized by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The award winners will be announced at a ceremony on November 27 in Warsaw, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that Primož and the company Donar will take home the glittering award. We had a short conversation with Primož, and we admit that he really impressed us with his thinking.

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dr. Barbara Jaki: "The grasshopper is universal." Fri, 14 Sep 2018 04:01:28 +0000

Art historian and cosmopolitan dr. Barbara Jaki began her journey at the National Gallery thirty years ago as a curator, and today she is in her third term at the helm. We talked with her about the 100th anniversary of the National Gallery, which coincides with the European Year of Cultural Heritage, about her collection, about the "star moments" of the gallery and about the Parisian romance, which, among other things, brought the director of the National Gallery the French state decoration of the Legion of Honor.

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You should never do this in a job interview Wed, 14 Mar 2018 05:01:59 +0000

Have you recently had several interviews for a new job, but none of them ended successfully? If you still don't know where the reason for the failure lies, we may know it.

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Simon Simčič: It is important to look forward and at the same time respect tradition Fri, 08 Dec 2017 05:01:37 +0000

The wine tradition of the Simčič family dates back to 1812. Miro Simčič, the founder of the Medot house, was the driving force behind the development of the entire region during his rich life. For many years, he was the head of the Goriška brda Cooperative Winery, which experienced a real general revival under his leadership. Miro's efforts for the well-being of the region and people, as well as his professional knowledge, are a valuable legacy that is continued today by his son Igor and grandson Simon. We talked with Simon about Medot sparkling wines and about plans for the future.

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Zlatko: Anger has no eyes Thu, 07 Dec 2017 05:01:12 +0000

Zlatko is easily a synonym for positivism, for what is good in people. He is tongue-in-cheek, saying what everyone could or should, if only they "had balls". And that's also why I'm so excited about it. In ten years, he grew up, maybe lost some of his anger, but in his pieces he remained juicy, passionate, lucid and, most importantly, he kept his message.

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Interview: Booka Shade - No, it's not goodbye Thu, 13 Jul 2017 04:02:19 +0000

I met Booka Shade, a cute duo synonymous with tech house and techno at the turn of the millennium, right before their performance at the InMusic festival in Zagreb. Although they claim that they are not "Berlin", I personally find it difficult to place them anywhere else than in the bubbling cauldron of the ever-faster growing and popular Berlin techno scene, where only the best are born. I talked to them about the new Galvany Street album, on which they deviated from their classic sound, but they did not impress me any less.

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This is how Ali G and Donald Trump once debated business Thu, 06 Apr 2017 06:00:47 +0000

Before coming to the White House, Donald Trump appeared in many movies, TV series and shows. Did you know that he was also once a guest on the Da Ali G Show hosted by Ali G, a comic character 'invented' by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. Check out what kind of idea the quasi-rapper came up with in 2003 to the then primarily real estate mogul Donald Trump.

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Interview: festival star Luciano premiering in Kurzschluss Mon, 03 Apr 2017 06:00:45 +0000

The pop-up festival Kurzschluss is coming to Ljubljana on April 14. The first guest of this year's edition will be Luciano, a global megastar, festival star and long-awaited winner of five Best DJ Awards.

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Parody of a BBC interview: how a woman would handle a situation with a child Sat, 18 Mar 2017 07:01:08 +0000

Remember Professor Robert Kelly, who was speaking on a British BBC television program when his 4-year-old daughter unexpectedly entered his study and then her 8-month-old brother, who arrived with a walker. Robert tried to resolve the situation professionally, but his wife Kim Jung-A provided a comical element by barging into the room and taking both of them out. The clip quickly went viral, and now it's spawned a female-starring parody showing how she would handle such a situation.

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Interview: Trentemøller - a musical visionary standing firmly on the ground Mon, 13 Mar 2017 07:02:24 +0000

Extreme nervousness and insomnia. That's how I could describe the last days before the interview. This will be my first live interview with a star of international fame, whom I absolutely adore. The heart is breaking, the mind is in a thousand and one turns. And then 'poof'. All nervousness subsides when I finally meet Anders Trentemøller live. A humble man, smiling and good natured, very talkative and so very down to earth. Bingo. After the first somewhat awkward question (you know, we fans are always speechless), the conversation flows like clockwork and I am increasingly aware that I am talking to a true visionary.

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Interview: Nina Dušić Hren, director of Good Contact Wed, 08 Feb 2017 07:00:19 +0000

Psychologist, NLP practitioner and soft skills trainer, always smiling, dog lover, who passionately passes on her knowledge through public speaking and communication workshops. But he also gives you something in the lines below.

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Interview: Aljaž Osetič, high school student and entrepreneur who goes across the pond for knowledge Tue, 07 Feb 2017 06:59:44 +0000

Aljaž Osetič is a 4th-year student at Velenje High School. And like every high school student, he also has to take the matriculation exam first, and then study. But Aljaž was not satisfied with just anything, he enrolled at the exclusive entrepreneurial university in Watson, USA, where only fifteen students per year are taught by Nobel laureates. He successfully passed the entrance exam, and so this year at the end of August, he is going to face new challenges. Even earlier, he will finish his project with the Trjajalnik team, where they developed a product to shorten the reaction time of firefighters during an intervention (a sign that a volunteer firefighter places with a magnet on the roof of his vehicle when driving in an emergency). What does the future alma mater bring and what does the project mean for firefighters, below.

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Interview: Sandi Murovec, skiing guru Fri, 09 Dec 2016 07:06:17 +0000

Sandi Murovec - Muri is a name that appears on various occasions. Laymen most often associate him with Tina Maze and the sports clothes in which he dressed the Slovenian Olympic team. But he is not only a co-author of Tina Maze's success story, he also signs the book (Na kanta!) and is one of the best ski demonstrators in the world with turns on white slopes. Did we mention he also makes movies? He is currently fully engaged in the promotion of the documentary 7doUspeha, in which he and the best Slovenian alpine skier of all time reveal the technical details of top skiing.

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Interview Timotej Lampe Ignjić: the new ambassador of the Honor brand Wed, 16 Nov 2016 06:30:26 +0000

Timotej Lampe Ignjić is the only Slovenian professional skater. Skateboarding is his passion and profession, which he combines with world-class achievements. We talked to him about the lifestyle that comes with being a professional skater, about the 'gadgets' that accompany him on his travels, and his plans for the future...

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Interview Zoran Stančič: The House of the European Union invites you to a new location Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:51:18 +0000

The Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia and the House of the European Union have new premises on Dunajska cesta in Ljubljana. We talked to Zoran Stančič, the head of the Representation, about what will happen at the new interactive info point.

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Interview - Loui Ferry: Behind every successful hairstyle... stands Loui! Mon, 10 Oct 2016 06:02:09 +0000

Behind the brand Loui Ferry is Vili Koderman, a 24-year-old from Kidri, who succeeded in the hairdressing profession abroad. One of our most successful young men abroad meets the stars of the world every day. He began to pave the way to Hollywood on his home soil, and at the age of 18 he began working with the renowned Italian hairdresser Angelo Seminaru in Miami. Today, he is one of the most sought after fashion stylists, during his career he has met Rihanna, Eva Longoria, David Ghandy, Kendall Jenner, Karlie Kloss, Karl Lagerfeld, Naomi Campbell and Adriana Lima, and he has also cut the hair of the Qatari prince. He has a bright future ahead of him and something awaits you in Ljubljana too, where Loui will be doing your hair from October 17. We talked with him about the small joys of life, his successes and new challenges.

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”Najboljši sem.”: Usain Bolt zna slovensko! Mon, 15 Aug 2016 19:40:32 +0000

Usain Bolt knows Slovenian! The Jamaican sprinter, who once again declared his superiority in the 100-meter race at the Rio 2016 Olympics and thus maintained his status as the fastest earthman in the world, answered a number of journalist's questions after winning the seventh gold medal at the Olympic Games. He spoke to Slovenian journalist Anja Hlače Ferjančič in Slovenian. Check out what he confided in her in Slovenian.

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Rio 2016: Interview - Sergio Garcia, Golfer Sun, 31 Jul 2016 06:01:58 +0000

Golf is returning to the Olympic Games after 112 years! The Spaniard Sergio Garcia will also take part in the Rio 2016 Olympics, who says that for him, taking part in the Olympics will be a dream come true. This is how he thinks before the start, which will be on August 5, 2016.

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Rio 2016: Interview - Jessica Ennis-Hill, heptathlete Sun, 24 Jul 2016 08:10:30 +0000

"My dream has always been to stand at the top of the podium," once said the British Jessica Ennis-Hill. Her dream came true. She also stood at the highest place at the Olympic Games on her home soil, in London in 2012, and in Rio she will try to defend the Olympic title in the heptathlon. In the meantime, today the 30-year-old athlete gave birth to a baby boy, and you can read below how the Omega brand ambassador thinks before going to the Rio 2016 Olympics.

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Rio 2016: Interview - Michael Phelps, Swimmer Sat, 23 Jul 2016 06:01:44 +0000

We are less than 14 days away from the start of the Summer Olympic Games in Rio, when modern gladiators will once again fight for the most glittering medals. Also at the 2016 Rio Olympics, Omega timekeepers will measure the hundredths and thousandths that will determine the medal winners. Among the candidates for them will be the swimmer Michael Phelps, Omega brand ambassador, who in 2008 won as many as eight gold medals at the OI, surpassing the achievement of Mark Spitz in 1972. We spoke with the great American swimmer before his imminent departure to Latin America. America.

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Otto von Berlin: a never-ending success story Sat, 21 May 2016 03:43:05 +0000

Gregor Drobnič studied classical architecture in Ljubljana, and his path took him all the way to Berlin, where he is today an interior designer and personal furniture buyer. Otto is his faithful four-legged friend and creative force. Together, they are Otto von Berlin, a brand that grew so much because Gregor never gave up. Let someone else say that it is impossible to succeed!

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Interview: Mark Zuckerberg in 2005 - barefoot and with a beer in hand Thu, 21 Apr 2016 03:35:08 +0000

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most recognizable people in the world today, but back in 2005, the father of Facebook was more than an unknown face outside of Harvard University. A lot has changed since then (if you don't take into account the set of clothes in his wardrobe, of course; then he didn't wear the famous gray crop top or black hoodie, so he was no more original in his choice than he is today). These days, Mark is no longer holding a beer in his hand (he is an exemplary father), Facebook is no longer just a "student directory" and the Facebook office is no longer so small. And if Facebook's last F8 conference gave us a glimpse into the future of the company, this fascinating interview gives us a glimpse into its past and early beginnings.

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Weird celebrity interviews that will make you feel embarrassed Sat, 23 Jan 2016 04:40:02 +0000

Celebrities have to give endless interviews in their careers. They always have to look perfect on them, because the cameras don't miss anything, and they have to be even more careful about their words, expressions and behavior, because the whole world is watching and listening. But nobody's perfect, and watching clips of the weirdest celebrity interviews will make you feel uncomfortable.

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Interview: Bine Likeb, cafe Moderna Thu, 10 Dec 2015 04:48:48 +0000

A "specialty" cafe has opened in the center of Ljubljana on the renovated Cankarjeva street in the Moderna galerija. Moderna is not an ordinary cafe. It is a cafe with its own roastery, which ensures always freshly roasted coffee and the highest quality coffee drink.

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Interview: Sara Mozetič - the first Slovenian YouTube star Mon, 12 Oct 2015 03:33:54 +0000

Sara Mozetič is probably not a name that sounds familiar to you, but the Primorka living in Norway is a real YouTube star, and her channel Sara Beauty Corner, which is close to one and a half million subscribers, is a real treasure trove of fashion and other tips. Her videos have a total of almost 120 million views and are clicked by girls from different parts of the world. Are you interested in her recipe for success? So are we.

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Interview: Samo Jeranko - The fish man Tue, 14 Jul 2015 04:15:49 +0000

"Higher, faster, stronger" is a saying we often hear when talking about sporting achievements. What about deeper? One goes there lower, slower and very calmly. This is a completely different dimension of physical effort, which is even more related to psychological preparation than physical. The summer holiday at sea is approaching, where many people spend part of it underwater. The secret of holding your breath for a long time deep below the surface was revealed to us by Samo Jeranka, who holds the Slovenian depth record in free diving. Recently, with a new Slovenian record, he won third place in the discipline of static apnea at the World Championships in Belgrade. And how does a person feel who can last eight minutes and eight seconds under water in a stationary position?

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Interview // Tuomas Kallio @ Flow Festival #flowfestival Sat, 13 Jun 2015 04:15:47 +0000

This year, our capital will host the extremely popular Finnish Flow Festival for the first time, which will cross the borders of Helsinki for the first time in ten years. Tuomas Kallio, art director and head of the Slovenian edition of the festival, confided in us why he will bring freshness and difference to us, what musical and artistic delicacies and culinary sweets he will serve.

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Interview - Jernej Zver and Maja Galuf: Jernejkitchen Mon, 13 Apr 2015 13:44:04 +0000

Jernejkitchen is a Slovenian culinary blog created under the fingers of talented chef Jernej Zver and creative photographer Maja Galuf. He is responsible for creating dishes and putting together plates that are a real aesthetic treat, she for culinary photography that makes our eyes light up and salivate.

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Interview - Renata Novak: CHANGE and realize your potential Tue, 10 Feb 2015 05:00:36 +0000

Renata Novak is excellent proof that it is never too late for a radical lifestyle change. The entrepreneur, who worked in marketing for fifteen years, decided to go on her own path three years ago, with which she wants to share her newly acquired professional knowledge in the fields of pilates, life coaching, the relaxing technique of Access Bars and nutrition. With formulas for better well-being, SPREMENI.SE studio offers us a comprehensive program with which we will live a healthier and fuller life.

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Interview: LMBRJK - modern digitization of wood Thu, 11 Dec 2014 05:00:22 +0000

LMBRJK is a design studio located in Antwerp, Belgium, founded by American Jon Kleinhample and Slovenian Maša Lončarič Kleinhample. They developed the brand in the spirit of love for wood, and in their creation they use an interesting design process that combines modern digital processes of three-dimensional modeling with traditional analog processes of material processing.

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Interview: Mate Janković - Lidl's culinary project Tomaž vs. Mate. Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:55:47 +0000

Mate Janković is a renowned culinary master and former member of the jury of the Croatian show Masterchef, who decided to compete with our own Tomaž Kavčič in the Lidl cooking duel. Tomaž vs. Mate is an innovative cooking project that brings together the intoxicating flavors of local and international cuisine, and convinces that cooking can also be fun. The witty cooking opponents with simple recipes are served every week on Lidl's website.

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Interview: Tomaž Kavčič - Lidl's culinary project Tomaž vs. Mate. Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:45:16 +0000

"Two chefs, two recipes, great price" is the slogan that succinctly accompanies Lidl's culinary project Tomaž vs. Mate. What is it all about? The Slovenian chef star Tomaž Kavčič, who impresses even the most demanding guests at Gostilna pri Lojzet at Dvorec Zemona, and the Croatian Mate Jankovič agreed to a very special gastronomic experience. Since September of this year, they have been entertaining us with unique culinary duels, which we can follow (on Lidl's website) in the form of advertisements, recipes and cooking tips.

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Interview with Bernardo Županek: Toilet debates Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:00:57 +0000

Bernarda Županek is an archaeologist, curator and proud mother of two daughters. She holds a doctorate in the anthropology of the ancient world, and is employed as a curator for the Roman period in the Museum and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana. Currently, as one of the "intellectual prostitutes", she participates in the performance of Toilet Whispers, which takes place as part of the Light Guerrilla festival.

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Interview: Young creative souls Dea Kaker and Eva Ferlan Mon, 26 May 2014 04:25:35 +0000

Dea Eva is a project that unites two young creative souls – Dea Kaker and Eva Ferlan. The beginnings of their joint activity date back two years, when they created the extremely functional, high-quality and visually attractive Kumi coffee table with their joint efforts. When it comes to interior design and product design, connoisseurs emphasize simplicity and multi-functionality and use high-quality materials that are locally available and, above all, durable. Why trade when we can fall in love forever?

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múm – an Icelandic band that makes us feel relaxed Wed, 02 Apr 2014 06:00:25 +0000

Listening to the Icelandic band múm makes one feel extremely comfortable. Relaxed. Maybe for a moment undecided, but the organic sounds produced by six Icelanders are like a warm breeze that will hit our home as well. Interesting múm are coming to Kino Šiška today, where they will present their album Smilewound, released last year, just right for spring daydreaming. We talked to one of the band's founding members, Örvar Þóreyjarson Smárason.

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Mare Filipič: Always on the lookout for something new Sat, 15 Mar 2014 06:22:48 +0000

A few days ago, Mare Filipič returned from fashion week in Paris, where he created hairstyles for the biggest fashion designers behind the scenes of fashion shows for autumn/winter 2014. Therefore, our conversation was understandably about current trends, about world capitals of fashion, about how you take care of your hair, about the most missed trend that women have unfortunately grabbed en masse...

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A conversation with the creators of the film Zoran, my idiot nephew Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:04:41 +0000

Last Friday, the Slovenian-Italian co-production masterpiece Zoran, my nephew idiot premiered at the Komuna cinema in Ljubljana. Before that, in the pleasant ambience of the Vander Hotel, we chatted with the filmmakers, who revealed to us their sweetness of life, gourmet pleasures and charming details from behind the scenes of filming.

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Teo "Teoson" Ivančič - an artist of the new generation Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:02:48 +0000

Teo Ivančič. Surfing teacher and coach, passionate enduro/cross rider. A chemist by education - a graffiti artist at heart! He wants to digitize his art and present it on other media and not just on walls or airbrush products.

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Jan Macarol Vrabec: Uncle from the background who creates web stories Mon, 21 Oct 2013 21:24:51 +0000

Jan Macarol Vrabec is one of those uncles from the background who make sure that when surfing online media, the experience is as user-friendly as possible.

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Matej Vrenk: A new dimension of surf photography Sat, 14 Sep 2013 10:56:46 +0000

Matej Vrenk is a traveler and photographer who prefers to travel around the corners of the world by bicycle. He is his own boss, lives simply and in harmony with nature, his passion is surfing or surfing the waves in pristine tropical places and hula hooping with friends.

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Interview with the designer of the best car in the world, Robert Lešnik Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:44:10 +0000

The City Magazine team attended the presentation of the "best car" in the world, created under the direction of Slovenian designer Robert Lešnik.

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A family of creative activities Sun, 25 Jan 2009 11:23:20 +0000

How wide is "fluff" art? Petra: Puh art is as broad as the creativity of us and our...

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