attractiveness Archives | City Magazine Wed, 05 Jun 2024 07:21:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What do you have to do to be perceived as an extremely sexy person by those around you? Wed, 05 Jun 2024 07:21:55 +0000

We've all heard that beauty comes from within, but what if you could combine inner beauty with outer charm and become a person that no one can resist? How to behave in order to attract men like never before in your life? Let's see what the real masters of seduction do and how you can apply their knowledge in your life.

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2 astrological signs that have a mysterious aura with a magnetic attraction Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:39:09 +0000

Have you ever found yourself hypnotized by the presence of someone who exudes a mysterious attraction - an aura?

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Who are the women with magnetic attraction: why men can't resist them? Thu, 28 Mar 2024 09:26:26 +0000

What do Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Beyoncé have in common? In addition to their talent and world-famous status, all these women are born under one of the five zodiac signs that inspire admiration and charm.

The post Kdo so ženske z magnetno privlačnostjo: zakaj se jim moški ne morejo upreti? appeared first on City Magazine.

The first impression is the most important: What do men notice first in women? Thu, 04 Jan 2024 09:57:25 +0000

Did you know that men notice something in women first that might surprise you? This feature might not be what you first think of. Find out what really gets a man's attention.

The post Prvi vtis je najbolj pomemben: Kaj moški najprej opazijo na ženskah? appeared first on City Magazine.

3 male "mistakes" that young women absolutely adore Wed, 01 Nov 2023 05:23:56 +0000

What makes a man attractive in the eyes of women? What really attracts women to men? This is a question that many men ask themselves, and many look for the answer in external characteristics. However, the truth is different. Male flaws!

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7 habits that will make you irresistibly attractive Fri, 19 May 2023 05:32:25 +0000

In the world of relationships and dating, there is no denying the power of attraction. While physical appearance certainly plays an important role, true charisma goes far beyond mere looks. It is the embodiment of a certain attractiveness that captivates everyone around you. So what are the secrets to becoming irresistibly attractive? In this article, we'll explore seven habits that will help you unleash your inner magnetism and make a lasting impression on others.

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8 Types of Eye Contact and What They Mean: Eyes never lie Wed, 07 Dec 2022 04:55:10 +0000

Eye contact is considered one of the most important types of non-verbal communication and it is not for nothing that the eyes say more than a thousand words. With them, we can show someone that we are attracted to them, that we love them, that we are angry with them, that we are nervous inside..., so it is very useful if we know how to recognize and decipher the messages of the eyes.

The post 8 vrst očesnih stikov in kaj pomenijo: oči nikoli ne lažejo appeared first on City Magazine.

Psychological test: what is the secret of your sexual attraction Mon, 18 Apr 2022 04:02:14 +0000

What kind of seductress are you? Do you go on the "attack" or wait for them to conquer you? Discover the secret of your sexual attraction!

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Top 5 tips for the law of attraction: this way you will attract everything you want into your life! Tue, 05 Oct 2021 18:28:54 +0000

The first time you encounter the Law of Attraction, your world can change forever. It seems to you that you hold in your hands the brush and the canvas of your life. You start to realize that you've actually had it all along, you just didn't know it! Embrace the operation of the law of attraction. Make it a part of your life. Let go of old belief systems and limiting thoughts.

The post Top 5 nasvetov za zakon privlačnosti: tako boste v življenje priklicali vse, kar si želite! appeared first on City Magazine.

17 things no man can resist Mon, 13 Sep 2021 04:02:34 +0000

Women's sexiness is hidden in very simple things. We just have to learn how to draw it out and how to use it. Here are 17 things no man can resist.

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These are the three zodiac signs that have a magnetic attraction to others Tue, 24 Aug 2021 04:01:20 +0000

Such attraction is simple sometimes impossible to explain. But there are people who seem incredibly attractive at first glance. They have a magical appeal and quickly attract others with their strong aura. People born in these three zodiac signs have a magical attraction.

The post To so trije horoskopski znaki, ki delujejo z magnetno privlačnostjo na druge appeared first on City Magazine.

How to Activate the Law of Attraction to Get Everything You Want! Mon, 03 May 2021 04:41:25 +0000

The Law of Attraction works on the belief that positive or negative thoughts produce positive or negative results. This is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are created from pure energy and from the belief that energy attracts energy. Every wish can be fulfilled only if we firmly believe in it.

The post Kako aktivirati zakon privlačnosti, da dobite vse, kar si želite! appeared first on City Magazine.

10 subtle things that prove you're more attractive than you think Fri, 23 Apr 2021 15:10:17 +0000

We all know that our own perception of ourselves differs from how other people see us. Most women are too critical of their appearance and therefore want to change too many things about themselves. But big eyes, long legs and bigger lips are not necessarily the most important criteria of beauty.

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These are the 10+ most attractive women's names that make men pay attention Tue, 09 Mar 2021 08:53:04 +0000

Some names sound more attractive than others and bring a completely different energy. This can also be called the vibration of the name. In the research, scientists determine which names are the ones that are really attractive to the male gender in the eyes of men! Is yours among them?

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According to your astrological sign, what makes you so hot? Sat, 06 Jun 2020 03:02:43 +0000

What does it even mean that you are attractive to him? What is the attraction for him?

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Bald men (or men with a shaved head) are more successful, more intelligent and more manly! Truth or lie? Fri, 03 Apr 2020 04:01:18 +0000

It is no coincidence that bald men are extremely successful. Men with bald heads are perceived by society as more dominant and more successful, according to research from the University of Pennsylvania.

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This is the most attractive thing about a man's body to women, and it's hard to believe! Fri, 25 Oct 2019 04:01:36 +0000

Broad shoulders, thick hair, blue eyes, height? What is the most attractive thing about men to women? According to research done at Cambridge University, none of that.

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The most seductive women's perfumes, with which you will receive many compliments Thu, 19 Sep 2019 02:04:45 +0000

What are the most seductive women's perfumes that will get you tons of compliments and people won't be able to forget you?

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Men have decided: this is the sexiest combination of hair and eye color! Do you have it too? Fri, 31 May 2019 04:01:35 +0000

Most people have a type of person they like. Sometimes the focus is on the hair, sometimes on the figure, sometimes on the color of the eyes. But which combination is the most desirable among men? A study by the website Badoo has the answer.

The post Moški so odločili: to je najbolj seksi kombinacija barve las in oči! Jo imaš tudi ti? appeared first on City Magazine.

Do men really prefer blondes? Scientists have answered the eternal question! Fri, 10 May 2019 04:01:20 +0000

Are blondes really the best catch?

The post Ali imajo moški res raje blondinke? Znanstveniki so odgovorili na večno vprašanje! appeared first on City Magazine.

10 female names that men can't resist Sat, 09 Feb 2019 05:01:30 +0000

What are the most attractive female names that men can't resist?

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Men chose the most attractive part of a woman's body, and it's not what you think Sat, 02 Feb 2019 05:01:20 +0000

It may surprise you, but neither the buttocks nor the breasts are the most attractive part of a woman's body according to men.

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Proven: This attracts the hottest women! Sat, 05 Jan 2019 05:01:00 +0000

Science has finally found that quality in a man that attracts the most attractive women!

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Muscles are a thing of the past: women admit that men with extra pounds are more attractive to them Wed, 02 Jan 2019 05:01:33 +0000

Dad's calves or "dad bod" are obviously the hottest commodity. To explain (although you probably already know): these are men who have some extra weight around their stomachs, and it is precisely these men who, according to research, are the most attractive to women. Good news for boyfriends and husbands who like pizza and beer and devote their free time to something other than fitness.

The post Mišice so preteklost: ženske priznavajo, da so jim privlačnejši moški z dodatnimi kilogrami appeared first on City Magazine.

Women reveal what kind of men they are most attracted to Fri, 09 Nov 2018 05:01:48 +0000

Surely you know the saying that women are attracted to bastards. But this is clearly not true, because eHarmony conducted a survey, the results of which are completely different from what was expected.

The post Ženske razkrivajo, kakšni moški jih najbolj privlačijo appeared first on City Magazine.

Who is the most attractive woman in the world for 2018? Wed, 12 Sep 2018 04:01:34 +0000

Since its inception in 2000, men's magazine Maxim has published a list of the 100 most attractive women in the world every year. In recent years, this title has been awarded to Hailey Baldwin, Stella Maxwell and Taylor Swift, among others. Which beauty tops the list this year?

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Which actor was the main seducer the year you were born? Fri, 07 Sep 2018 04:01:32 +0000

Actors have always been known to break women's (and men's) hearts. Seductive posture, charming looks and deep voice: each of these actors had or still has a trump card up their sleeve. Today we reveal which actor was the main seducer the year you were born.

The post Kateri igralec je bil glavni zapeljivec tistega leta, ko ste se rodili? appeared first on City Magazine.

FIFA World Cup 2018: The hottest soccer players at the mundial Tue, 19 Jun 2018 04:01:16 +0000

Here are 10 of the hottest footballers at this year's FIFA World Cup who are not only impressive on the pitch but also impress with their looks. Now you know who to root for.

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9 Facial Features That People Are Most Attracted To (According To Science) Mon, 28 May 2018 04:01:18 +0000

Sometimes it's hard to figure out what attracts us in a fellow human being. The reasons why we like someone are often hidden in details such as self-confidence, sense of humor or facial features.

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The most popular occupations on dating apps Sun, 22 Apr 2018 04:01:53 +0000

Men, watch out! Have you been looking for a new crush on dating apps lately, but you just can't find it? Don't worry, the reason for this may not lie in your appearance.

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What attracts women to men? (not the same as what most men think) Tue, 13 Mar 2018 05:00:07 +0000

Do men really know what women find most attractive about them? Muscles, tattoo, smile, hairstyle? A group of men tried to get inside the women's heads, who tried to guess whether the women found the man in the photo attractive, based on the presented photo, which had already been evaluated by the women. It's an experiment by Dating Beyond Borders, where they tried to find out what physically attracts women to men and what men think women find attractive to them. Do they have a male distorted image? Check!

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Is it true that beautiful women are shallow? The polygraph test revealed the truth! Sun, 29 Jan 2017 06:05:40 +0000

Is it true that beautiful women are shallow? All Def Digital also asked this question and found the answer by inviting four beauties to take a polygraph test. The polygraph doesn't lie! Check if the myth is true or not.

The post Ali drži, da so lepe ženske plitke? Poligrafski test razgalil resnico! appeared first on City Magazine.

Extremely attractive gray-haired people who have not known each other for years Sun, 20 Nov 2016 07:13:26 +0000

You know the saying that some men are like wine - they get better with age? There is undoubtedly some truth in this and today we have prepared a list of men over and just under 50 who are living proof of this truth. Take a look at the extremely attractive gray-haired women who have not known each other for years.

The post Izjemno privlačni sivolasci, ki se jim leta ne poznajo appeared first on City Magazine.

Proven: This is the secret to attractive men (and no, it's not muscles or a sense of humor) Thu, 01 Sep 2016 08:10:12 +0000

Did you think the most attractive features of a man are muscles and a sense of humor? Well, recent scientific discoveries suggest otherwise. These two qualities are by no means crucial in getting a woman's attention. So what is this secret?

The post Dokazano: to je skrivnost privlačnih moških (in ne, niso mišice niti smisel za humor) appeared first on City Magazine.

Ax ad for peace and love Tue, 21 Jan 2014 12:00:01 +0000

The latest ad for the already almost famously seductive Ax deodorant, which will also be aired at this year's Super Bowl, brings a twist with a shocking message.

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