batteries Archives | City Magazine Mon, 17 Aug 2020 14:01:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 You're charging your smartphone wrong! Mon, 08 Jan 2018 05:01:02 +0000

Few people know how to properly charge their cell phone. With our habits, we usually contribute the lion's share to the destruction of the battery. But with just a few changes, we can significantly improve the situation.

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Samsung with batteries for electric cars. Battle with Tesla? Wed, 20 Sep 2017 03:02:55 +0000

The batteries that power the cars of the future (can we say the present?) may be the biggest obstacle to the electric car industry from blossoming into perfection. They are underpowered and it is difficult to expect that we will be ready to 'refuel' every few kilometers (we are exaggerating a bit). But Samsung is said to have a solution.

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You've been charging your smartphone wrong all your life Tue, 11 Jul 2017 04:02:16 +0000

In recent years, maybe even a decade, we have added something new to the usual daily tasks. One of them is definitely charging your smartphone. Sometimes it happens that when the battery level drops below 10 %, we drop everything and run for the charger.

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Portable battery chargers: for a carefree holiday Mon, 12 Jun 2017 04:01:42 +0000

One of the more traumatic experiences of modern man is that his or her his phone runs out of battery and he has nowhere to plug in the charger. It's happened to you before, right? In short, the pressure increases, our hair stands on end and the goal (p)remains only one. But it's not just phones that suffer from an empty battery. Tablets, laptops, etc. belong in the same bin. But as with any problem, there are solutions for this too. They are called portable battery chargers. In the article, you will get enough useful information to help you make a purchase decision.

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Tesla Model S 100D set a new milestone - now a record electric range Thu, 26 Jan 2017 07:03:39 +0000

The Tesla Model S 100D is now betting on what really counts. Reach. While we've been hearing about its incredible acceleration for the last few months - these are enviable, but ordinary mortals can't help much with acceleration under three seconds - Tesla Motors has added a version to the 'collection' with a new 100 kWh battery that allows more than a 500-kilometer range and can boast the longest autonomy of an electric car. This is something that has a much greater added value for the customer than light acceleration.

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CES 2017: NanoSkin - a smartphone sticker that extends battery life by 20 percent Mon, 16 Jan 2017 07:04:11 +0000

There is probably not a person in this world who is satisfied with the battery capacity of his smartphone. Everyone wishes it had lasted a little longer. Now you can. With the NanoSkin sticker, a sticker made of revolutionary graphene that promises 20 percent longer battery life.

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FlashTorch Mini - a handheld torch that you can use to start a fire and cook Fri, 28 Oct 2016 06:04:05 +0000

At first glance, the FlashTorch Mini is just another mini flashlight, but after you get to know its other superpowers, you could say it's going to blow your ass! With the Wicked Lasers flashlight, you can start a fire and cook pasta or fry an egg on it.

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This is how you turn a standard phone charger into a wireless charger Mon, 24 Oct 2016 06:04:55 +0000

Want to charge your phone wirelessly? Did you know that you can turn your standard phone charger into a wireless charger and charge your phone wirelessly, even though it doesn't support the wireless charging standard. Find out how below.

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Ginkgo - a tree-inspired solar charger for phones and tablets Mon, 22 Jun 2015 04:22:38 +0000

If plants thrive, why not technology? That is, converting sunlight into energy. The Ginkgo solar charger, which was "raised" by XD Design and which addresses the growing need for charging mobile devices and green politics, was inspired by them or solar cells. The idea for the design grew from the tall, lanky, sparsely branched and long-lived ginkgo tree, which Charles Darwin called a living fossil. With the difference that this Ginkgo has a built-in lithium battery with a capacity of 4000 mAh.

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Tesla with batteries that store solar energy and will change the course of history Sat, 02 May 2015 06:24:01 +0000

Elon Musk, the father of the electric car brand Tesla, is not nicknamed the Steve Jobs of the automobile for nothing. He proved this once more when he introduced the Tesla Powerwall batteries, which have the ability to store solar energy. These would or will power homes, businesses, maybe even the entire world. By being able to store the energy of solar cells for later use, which until now has been the biggest obstacle in the use of renewable energy sources, they are changing not only the "producer" of electricity, but the very course of history.

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5+ myths about properly charging your smartphone Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:10:54 +0000

There are various rumors circulating around smartphone batteries. One says that you shouldn't use the phone while it's charging, another that you shouldn't leave it on 'infusion' overnight, and a third that you should drain it to the last drop before recharging. While there are many tried-and-true recipes for long battery life, there are also a few "cheats" besieging it like crazy.

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BOLT – a charger that is also a spare battery Fri, 25 Apr 2014 04:30:26 +0000

BOLT is the smallest battery backup charger in the world. Designed to replace a standard charger and automatically recharge with extra power while performing its primary function of charging your phone.

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Charge your phone battery in 30 seconds! Wed, 09 Apr 2014 04:59:36 +0000

Are you also struggling to get through the day with your smartphone battery charging? Maybe these problems will end soon. According to the Wall Street Journal, StoreDot, an Israeli start-up company, has developed a charger that promises to charge an empty battery to full capacity in 30 seconds!

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