best movies 2018 Archives | City Magazine Fri, 14 Aug 2020 13:27:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Golden Globes 2019: Who are the winners of the 76th Golden Globes? Mon, 07 Jan 2019 07:37:59 +0000

The 2019 Golden Globes, presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, were held this night in Los Angeles. The 76th award was joined by actors Sandra Oh (Killing Eve) and Andy Samberg (Brooklyn Nine-Nine). The film Bohemian Rhapsody and Rami Malek and the comedy Green Book were celebrated in a relaxed evening, which this time moved away from political topics. Who are the other winners of the 76th Golden Globes?

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Top 15: the best movies of 2018 according to critics Wed, 12 Dec 2018 05:01:40 +0000

The website Metacritic has once again chosen the best films of the past year, and you may not have heard of some of them. See what critics say are the best movies of 2018.

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Golden Globes 2019: Who are the nominees for the Golden Globes? Thu, 06 Dec 2018 14:36:34 +0000

The 2019 Golden Globe nominations are here! The 76th awards given by the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association for achievements in the field of film and television will be presented at the beginning of next year, on January 6 to be exact. The presentation of the second most prestigious film award in the world will be hosted by Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg.

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Festive December in cinemas: the seductive Aquaman is coming to cinemas soon Fri, 23 Nov 2018 05:01:18 +0000

The end of the year is approaching at the speed of light, which means that we will soon be able to enjoy the holidays. Take advantage of them to watch one of the films that cinemas have prepared for December. You'll learn about the history of the Kursk submarine, Mary Poppins, Asterix and Obelix will return, and we'll finally see Jason Momoa in Aquaman.

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The best horror movies of 2018 Sat, 03 Nov 2018 05:01:25 +0000

What are the best horror movies of 2018 that really put the fear in your bones?

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The best romantic comedies of 2018 Thu, 25 Oct 2018 04:01:04 +0000

Have we become too cynical for romantic comedies? We can agree that this is not the case, but there is no doubt that our requirements for what a romantic comedy should be have changed over the years. And these are the best romantic comedies of 2018.

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November screens: the most anticipated sequel to Magical Animals is here Fri, 19 Oct 2018 04:01:39 +0000

November is the month when we feel like it's already December, because at every turn we can see decorated shopping centers that prepare us for the coming December euphoria. It will be no different even in the cinema, because in addition to traditional thrillers, documentaries and horror films, you will enter the adventurous world of Grindelwald's crimes, you will laugh at Santa Claus and his company and sympathize with the Grinch, who is angry about Christmas. Will he manage to steal it?

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LIFFE 2018: 29th Ljubljana International Film Festival Tue, 16 Oct 2018 11:50:20 +0000

LIFFE, Ljubljana's largest international film festival, will once again bring together numerous Slovenian and foreign productions this year. During the 14 days, many cinemas whose productions are little known will be presented. From October 16, you will be able to buy tickets in advance, and the program booklet and catalog of the festival have also been published, where you can see the selection of this year's films.

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In cinemas in October: Johnny English and Michael Myers return to the screens Sat, 22 Sep 2018 04:01:34 +0000

Filmmakers surprise us month after month with films of various genres, but in October and November, the selection of performances is like writing on the skin of the 'darkness' that autumn days bring. Halloween and Horror Park will certainly put fear in the bones of many horror fans, but those of you who like a more edgy repertoire, wait for Johnny English, who returns to the small screen after a long hiatus.

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Relax on September evenings with these films coming to the big screen Tue, 21 Aug 2018 04:01:43 +0000

September is considered a month of fresh new beginnings, busy schedules and obligations. In order to better balance work and relaxation, here are 12 films that you must see. There will be something good for everyone!

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The best Netflix movies of 2018 (so far) Tue, 07 Aug 2018 04:01:02 +0000

Netflix has become an indispensable means of passing free time for many people. Why not, because the online platform for watching TV series and movies offers everything a person could wish for.

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The Best Horror Movies of 2018 (So Far) Sat, 28 Jul 2018 04:01:06 +0000

Even though we're almost halfway through the current year, horror filmmakers have produced some great movies in the past few months that you can watch today.

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The best movies of 2018 (so far) Sat, 21 Jul 2018 04:01:16 +0000

What are the best movies of 2018? We tend to think about it when the year ends, but why not take a look at which films impressed us the most until July of this year, when we can say that we're already halfway through the year?

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