bosch recipe Archives | City Magazine Mon, 12 May 2014 13:45:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BOSCH'S RECIPE: Foamy chard soup with potato dough stars Mon, 12 May 2014 04:05:31 +0000

A complete and delicious meal is perfect for lovers of culinary delights. You will also impress your guests with the selected Bosch recipe.

The post BOSCHEV RECEPT: Penasta juha iz blitve z zvezdicami iz krompirjevega testa appeared first on City Magazine.

BOSCHEV RECEPT – Zavitki morske plošče s peteršiljem Mon, 28 Apr 2014 04:00:21 +0000

The seafood specialty that Bosch's recipe offers you this time has never been made so quickly and easily. Halibut wraps with parsley are a delicious, light and quick meal for the whole family.

The post BOSCHEV RECEPT – Zavitki morske plošče s peteršiljem appeared first on City Magazine.

BOSCH'S RECIPE - Hot chicken with french fries Mon, 14 Apr 2014 04:30:14 +0000

A delicious lunch for the whole family! Oven-roasted chicken with French fries will be so good that everyone will lick their lips when it's ready!

The post BOSCHEV RECEPT – Pekoči piščanec s pomfritom appeared first on City Magazine.
