Christmas holidays Archives | City Magazine Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:47:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to spend the holidays if you are sad and can't find a reason to be happy Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:47:04 +0000

The holiday season is often heralded as a time of joy, celebration and socializing. However, for many individuals this period can be challenging, marked by feelings of sadness and loneliness. Whether you're dealing with personal losses, difficult family dynamics, or simply feeling the weight of societal expectations, it's critical to acknowledge and address your feelings. In this article, we reveal six effective ways to get through the holidays when you're down, and thus try to find moments of happiness and peace this holiday season.

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Who is Saint Nicholas and when does he bring gifts to children? Sun, 03 Dec 2023 07:46:13 +0000

Nicholas Day, or the Feast of Saint Nicholas, is celebrated on December 6 and marks the anniversary of the death of the third-century Catholic saint. Miklavženje is an old custom that has been rooted in Slovenia for almost 200 years.

The post Kdo je Sveti Miklavž in kdaj nosi darila otrokom? appeared first on City Magazine.

How to agree with your loved ones on financial limits when giving gifts? Wed, 22 Nov 2023 07:28:26 +0000

The holiday season is a time of joy, warmth and fellowship. It's also a time when our wallets are a little lighter. As the holidays approach, it's easy to get caught up in the gift-giving spirit, and while it's wonderful to spread joy, it's crucial to set financial boundaries with friends and family. This not only ensures a harmonious and stress-free holiday season, but also helps maintain your financial well-being. In this article, we reveal four key ways to avoid financial restrictions when gifting with your loved ones.

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A 10-minute cardio workout that will relieve you of holiday stress Thu, 29 Dec 2022 06:47:38 +0000

And here are the holidays - a period that is considered one of the most beautiful of the year, but also one of the most stressful. Perhaps you are worried about New Year's plans, baking and cooking for the whole family, or a lot of chores - it will be a great job for you if you relieve your body and mind with a short but extremely effective recreation. We have prepared a 10-minute cardio workout for you, which will relieve you of holiday stress.

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6 Christmas customs that will give your children beautiful memories for a lifetime Fri, 23 Dec 2022 10:04:21 +0000

Christmas holidays are known for feelings of warmth, closeness and love. At that time, we spend time with our loved ones, and we also celebrate a bunch of Christmas traditions - customs that each family sets for itself. We have prepared 6 ideas for Christmas traditions that you can start with your loved ones this year.

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Traditional Christmas dishes that are prepared in different countries of the world on the holy evening Tue, 20 Dec 2022 05:04:55 +0000

Christmas dishes will soon be on the tables, not only here, but all over the world. Customs and celebrations are really diverse, but one thing unites us and that is the love of food.

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20 of the most beautiful Christmas and New Year greetings: verses for greeting cards Sun, 18 Dec 2022 06:29:05 +0000

How nice we feel when we read the Christmas card that our friend and relative sent us. In those moments, we remember that we are surrounded by love and it seems that the Christmas season and the New Year that follows will go exactly as we imagined. In order for you to brighten up the holidays for your loved ones in this way, we have prepared 20 of the most beautiful Christmas greetings for you.

The post 20 najlepših božičnih in novoletnih voščil: verzi za voščilnice appeared first on City Magazine.

When is Ugly Christmas sweater day 2022? Tue, 29 Nov 2022 05:04:57 +0000

Christmas is very close and many people are looking forward to wonderful moments with their loved ones and festive gifts. Before Christmas Eve comes, however, we will celebrate another Christmas-colored holiday, namely Ugly Christmas Sweater Day - the day when we put on this fun outfit and thus provide a lot of laughs. We found out when Ugly Christmas Sweater Day 2022 is and found the 10 best Christmas sweaters.

The post Kdaj je Ugly Christmas sweater day: dan grdih božičnih puloverjev 2022? appeared first on City Magazine.

6 ideas how to decorate the living room for the Christmas holidays Tue, 29 Nov 2022 05:01:35 +0000

Christmas collections of decorations and various details for decorating the home are already waiting for us in the stores. There's plenty of inspiration, but you need to decide how to decorate your home for the upcoming holidays. The living room is still the center of the holiday season, so we have some great ideas on how to decorate it.

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House of Joy: An Unforgettable Holiday Adventure for Kids Sat, 26 Nov 2022 05:04:33 +0000

This December, the HOUSE OF DANCE, which resides in Ljubljana's BTC at Ulica gledašča 8, will transform into a real HOUSE OF JOY for children, who will be able to experience a festive experience in a very special way. Tickets for the experience are already available on the website, so buy them as soon as possible, as the number of places is extremely limited.

The post Hiša radosti: nepozabna praznična dogodivščina za otroke appeared first on City Magazine.

The best advent calendars 2022 Thu, 24 Nov 2022 09:23:56 +0000

For many people, the holiday season is the most beautiful period of the year - many spend wonderful moments with family and loved ones, give gifts and count down the days until Christmas together. You will do this best with the help of an advent calendar, which is considered an excellent pre-holiday gift. We have prepared for you the best 2022 Advent koeldars for men, women and even the youngest.

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Why red and green are the colors of Christmas: every color has a story Sun, 20 Nov 2022 05:04:42 +0000

When you close your eyes and think of Christmas, you immediately see the colors red and green. We all love this holiday, but we rarely think about the symbolism of the objects and traditional colors that connect this holiday. Colors are often associated with important events and dates, they have interesting stories behind them, full of details from the history, traditions and customs of many peoples.

The post Zakaj sta rdeča in zelena barvi božiča: za vsako barvo stoji zgodba appeared first on City Magazine.

H&M home: a wonderful Christmas collection for your home Sat, 12 Nov 2022 05:03:14 +0000

Božične kolekcije različnih blagovnih znamk počasi in zanesljivo prihajajo v trgovine, pa tudi na splet. Prihaja namreč mesec najlepšega praznika, zato že pogledujemo za novo božično dekoracijo. Blagovna znamka H&M Home ima res čudovito božično kolekcijo, ki bo krasila vsak kotiček vašega doma.

The post H&M home: čudovita božična kolekcija za vaš dom appeared first on City Magazine.

Be kinder to yourself this magical holiday season Mon, 27 Dec 2021 09:42:53 +0000

For many people, the holidays are magical, but for some they are deeply draining. Remind yourself that you are also important, not only those closest to you.

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10 tips on how you won't gain weight with holiday delicacies Fri, 17 Dec 2021 05:16:32 +0000

Holidays are a time when we spend wonderful moments with our loved ones around a richly covered table. However, many people worry that they will gain extra pounds due to the delicious feast. That's why we've prepared 10 tips for you to enjoy Christmas and New Year's food while keeping an eye on the line.

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10 ways to avoid feeling sad and lonely during the holidays Thu, 09 Dec 2021 05:08:07 +0000

When we talk about Christmas and New Year holidays, images of presents, happy families, couples and the perfect winter idyll come to mind. But for many, this is one of the most difficult, stressful and lonely times. If you are dealing with these feelings, know that you are not alone and that you can overcome negative emotions. We have prepared 10 tips for you to avoid sadness during the holidays.

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The 10 most beautiful Christmas sweaters 2021 Tue, 23 Nov 2021 05:07:35 +0000

The time of the Christmas holidays is getting closer and closer. Some rush to the shops to buy gifts for their loved ones as soon as possible, while others devote their time to making Christmas cards. In the joyful anticipation, we must not forget another important part of Christmas - Christmas sweaters, which even have their own holiday.

The post 10 najlepših božičnih puloverjev 2021 appeared first on City Magazine.

These are the best Christmas movies of all time, according to critics Thu, 24 Dec 2020 05:01:42 +0000

Christmas is here, and it's time to start the movie marathon. If you want to see as many of the 20 Christmas movies that have earned the title of the best of all time, we recommend you get started.

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The most beautiful decoration of the holiday table: wonderful suggestions for decorating Tue, 22 Dec 2020 05:00:48 +0000

Have you already thought about what your festive table will be this year, what will be the decoration that will adorn it?

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Escape with Tobias to festive Germany and win attractive prizes Fri, 18 Dec 2020 07:12:50 +0000

Who is Tobias? Tobias, is a local guide who invites you to walk hand in hand with him through the virtual Frankfurt Holiday Christmas Market. Discover the secrets of the German holiday tradition - from wooden figurines to baked goods, solve fun tasks and compete for wonderful prizes until 31 December 2020. There are 6 tasks waiting for you in the game. You solve them in any order, and the last task is unlocked only after you have successfully completed the first five.

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We can't imagine the holidays without this Christmas classic: the best recipe for Lynx eyes (Lynx cookies) Sat, 12 Dec 2020 15:42:51 +0000

Sweet and crunchy cookies cannot be missing during the Christmas season, so we have prepared for you the best recipe for Lynx eyes or Lynx cookies!

The post Brez te božične klasike si praznikov ne moremo predstavljati: najboljši recept za linške oči (linške piškote) appeared first on City Magazine.

Last minute gift ideas Sun, 06 Dec 2020 12:10:50 +0000

Don't have an idea for gifts? Will the same story repeat itself this year? Everyone close to you says that they don't want anything special for the Christmas holidays and they don't give you any hints to ease the Christmas agony, you're running out of time, and you don't have a single smart idea in your head? Here are 10 last-minute gift ideas: for different tastes, different pockets and last minutes.

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Christmas Decorations: Inexpensive Christmas Tree Decorations and Baubles Tue, 01 Dec 2020 05:01:25 +0000

In the editorial office, we searched for cheap decorations for Christmas - we chose beautiful buns for the Christmas tree, other pendants, Christmas decorations for the table, for the interior and exterior of the home and, of course, the nativity scene.

The post Okraski za božič: poceni božični okraski in bunkice za jelko appeared first on City Magazine.

It is the most unique Christmas tree in Europe with a touching message Mon, 30 Nov 2020 05:00:45 +0000

As the most anticipated holiday of the year approaches, the official "opening" of the season is usually marked by the lighting of Christmas lights and trees. Last year, the Christmas tree in Vilnius won the title of the most beautiful Christmas tree in Europe, and this time their Christmas tree will be a reflection of the year behind us and probably the most unique in Europe.

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Holiday baking: the best cookie recipes Sun, 29 Nov 2020 08:32:27 +0000

Here are the best cookie recipes that will make holiday baking a real pleasure!

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The alley is decorated so impressively that it takes your breath away: more than 300,000 lights will light up today Wed, 25 Nov 2020 04:59:51 +0000

Do you want to experience a fairytale and unforgettable Christmas atmosphere? In Alley, they have prepared such an extraordinary decoration for all visitors that it simply takes your breath away.

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McDonalds has a wonderful Christmas ad that will get you thinking! Fri, 20 Nov 2020 08:02:41 +0000

McDonald's touching Christmas advert reminds us not to grow up too fast and to bring out our inner child at least during the Christmas holidays!

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IKEA Christmas Collection 2020: Create your own magical moments Fri, 16 Oct 2020 04:01:43 +0000

Even though it's only October and we've actually just stepped into autumn in our minds, more and more little things will warn us that the holiday season is approaching and that Christmas is just around the corner. IKEA has always been known for launching its Christmas collection in early autumn. It's the same this year.

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Christmas Horror Movies: The Scariest Movies About Christmas Tue, 24 Dec 2019 05:01:22 +0000

Christmas movies are usually full of holiday cheer, and the end of the movie is almost never sad. Of course, there are also terrible Christmas movies that can ruin your holidays forever. And these are the scariest Christmas movies you'll ever see.

The post Božične grozljivke: najgrozljivejši filmi o božiču appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas dinner a little different: recipes for a Christmas dinner to remember Mon, 23 Dec 2019 05:01:08 +0000

Christmas dinner is just around the corner! If you have no idea what to prepare for Christmas dinner, let our recipes help you for a slightly different Christmas dinner that you will really remember!

The post Božična večerja malo drugače: recepti za božično večerjo, ki si jo boste zapomnili appeared first on City Magazine.

Ideas for spending a traditional Christmas a little differently Sun, 22 Dec 2019 05:01:03 +0000

For everyone who would not like to spend Christmas this year again according to the good old custom, we have collected ideas for spending the traditional Christmas a little differently.

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No one loves Christmas like she does: look what this grandma's house turns into every December Fri, 13 Dec 2019 09:27:12 +0000

A Christmas-obsessed grandmother has turned her home into a "holiday cave" for the tenth year in a row, which is visited by thousands of children during the holidays... despite the fact that her husband is a real-life Scrooge.

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Fairy tales are true: the most beautiful Christmas trees in Europe (2019) Fri, 13 Dec 2019 05:01:24 +0000

Where in Europe are the most beautiful Christmas trees in 2019? Well, these are proof that fairy tales are true!

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Christmas pastry: divine Christmas roulade with walnuts and without flour Fri, 06 Dec 2019 05:01:40 +0000

What kind of Christmas cake will you make this year? The recipe for Christmas roulade with walnuts and without flour is one of the reasons that this year's holidays will be unforgettable!

The post Božično pecivo: božanska božična rulada z orehi in brez moke appeared first on City Magazine.

Fantasia in Wonderland (2019): Christmas fairy tale in Koper Fri, 29 Nov 2019 05:01:49 +0000

In Koper, with the lights that will be lit today, November 29, Fantazima in Wonderland also begins. This mapping will also be presented for the first time - a play of lights and other light effects on a musical background.

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Christmas Zagreb 2019: Advent in Zagreb, lighting of lights, Christmas fairs and other events Thu, 28 Nov 2019 05:01:41 +0000

When will Christmas Zagreb come to life in 2019? When is the lighting of the lights, where will the Christmas fairs take place and what will be happening?

The post Božični Zagreb 2019: advent v Zagrebu, prižig lučk, božični sejmi in drugo dogajanje appeared first on City Magazine.

Poinsettia: 9 golden rules for proper care of poinsettias Thu, 28 Nov 2019 05:01:24 +0000

The poinsettia is one of the most recognizable representatives of the Christmas atmosphere. We present to you 9 golden rules on how to properly care for a poinsettia so that it blooms long and beautifully.

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This year's lighting of the holiday lights in Ljubljana (2019) and accompanying program Mon, 25 Nov 2019 09:55:26 +0000

When will this year's lighting of the festive lights take place in Ljubljana (2019) and what is the accompanying program? The lighting of the lights will take place in Ljubljana on November 29, 2019 at 5:15 p.m.

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These photographers conjure up an unforgettable Christmas experience for sick children Thu, 20 Dec 2018 05:01:59 +0000

When it's Christmas, let it be Christmas for everyone. For some children suffering from serious illnesses, this Christmas may be their last. That's why the smile on their face when Santa visits them is all the sweeter.

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Home Alone got a nostalgic adaptation and people are excited Thu, 20 Dec 2018 05:01:53 +0000

We can all agree that Home Alone is a Christmas classic (whether we love it or hate it). Recently, Google teamed up with our favorite prankster, Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) to recreate some classic scenes from the movie. And these recordings are the perfect Christmas gift we never dreamed we needed.

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Recipe: The Best Eggnog Made by Jamie Oliver Thu, 20 Dec 2018 05:01:45 +0000

If you're looking for a warm winter drink to pamper yourself with, then this ultimate eggnog recipe from Jamie Oliver himself is the way to go.

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Christmas gift ideas 2018: gifts for sports fans under 50 euros Tue, 18 Dec 2018 05:01:37 +0000

In almost every family there is someone who, even during Christmas, is more interested in sports than in eating goodies. Luckily, you don't have to guess what kind of Christmas present will make that person happy. To make this year's gift-giving especially magical, we have prepared some ideas for Christmas gifts.

The post Ideje za božična darila 2018: darila za športne navdušence pod 50 evrov appeared first on City Magazine.

4 simple recipes for a DIY Christmas dinner Fri, 14 Dec 2018 05:01:11 +0000

Many of us put such pressure on ourselves from the holidays that we barely manage to enjoy them. One of the sources of stress is definitely the Christmas dinner, for which we have high expectations. However, the essence of the holidays is not shiny gifts and a table so covered that we have to throw most of the food away or give it away, but the connection with our loved ones. In order to spend less time preparing the kitchen during the holidays, read the best simple recipes for Christmas dinner.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Hot Gifts for the Naughtiest Thu, 13 Dec 2018 05:01:12 +0000

If you're planning a naughty Christmas this year, then we've got some great Christmas gift ideas for those you think fit or just for yourself. Here are hot gifts for the naughtiest.

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Christmas decorations that will make you laugh to tears Tue, 11 Dec 2018 05:01:28 +0000

Christmas decorations and decorations are mostly very respectful. Christmas is a time when we take time for our loved ones, when we repent and try to behave well. But this does not apply to all decorations, as some are completely inappropriate, but we laugh at it anyway, and then quickly cross ourselves, you know, because we had corrupt thoughts.

The post Božični okraski, ki vas bodo nasmejali do solz appeared first on City Magazine.

This is the real reason why green and red are the colors of Christmas Sun, 09 Dec 2018 05:01:28 +0000

Every major holiday has its own classic color scheme. Valentine's Day is marked by the color red. Halloween is known for orange and black. For Christmas, everything shines in green and red shades. Do you know why that is?

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This is the best Christmas ad of the year Fri, 07 Dec 2018 05:01:28 +0000

The battle for the best Christmas ad is a well-established tradition on British soil. Companies from all over the world have come up with stunning Christmas ads, and this year's best will remind you once again why we need to protect our planet.

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Why do some people kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas? Fri, 07 Dec 2018 05:01:25 +0000

People from different parts of the world practice special and interesting holiday traditions. One of these is definitely kissing under the mistletoe, which we see time and time again in movies. The reason why some people kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas has its roots in mythology.

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Why do Americans hang pickles on the Christmas tree and why should you? Tue, 04 Dec 2018 05:01:32 +0000

Every family has its own holiday tradition. Some people like Christmas dinner, for others gifts are more important. Or finding a pickle ornament among the branches of the Christmas tree. It sounds strange, but whoever finds a cucumber is lucky.

The post Zakaj Američani obešajo kislo kumaro na božično drevo in zakaj bi jo morali tudi vi? appeared first on City Magazine.

8 destinations for those who want to spend Christmas warm Mon, 03 Dec 2018 09:05:16 +0000

Along with the holidays, December will also bring us increasingly severe cold and shorter days. When this is accompanied by a pile of freshly fallen snow, Christmas can be quite magical, but every year global warming diminishes our hope that white magical Christmases are even possible. Then why not just escape somewhere far away during the holidays? Here you can find a list of 8 destinations for those who want to spend Christmas in a warm place.

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This cute Christmas ad proves that there are some things we don't understand until we become parents Mon, 03 Dec 2018 05:01:48 +0000

We've all had the feeling of being shamed by our parents. But after this new Christmas ad, you'll be longing to experience more of these beautiful moments. Why? Because we only understand some things when we become parents ourselves.

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15 Christmas carols that are really weird, but we love them Mon, 03 Dec 2018 05:01:19 +0000

You must have already read on our site that scientists have written about the fact that Christmas music has negative effects on your mental health. It's not unusual, if at every step we listen to repeated songs that have been playing for decades. Spice up this year's Christmas with the most unusual songs that won't give you a headache or 'god forbid' mental problems.

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8 Ways to Avoid Bankruptcy During the Holidays Mon, 03 Dec 2018 05:01:12 +0000

Merry December is approaching. On the one hand, we look forward to it, but on the other hand, we tremble before the pressure of buying gifts for friends, family, colleagues, pets... Frantic shopping carries the risk of sucking up all the charm of the Christmas spirit, and it can also be a real shock to our wallet. Read 8 ways to avoid bankruptcy during the holidays.

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13 great ideas to decorate the Christmas table this year Sun, 02 Dec 2018 05:01:44 +0000

Decorating the Christmas table is, next to decorating the Christmas tree, one of the most beautiful holiday tasks. If you've been thinking about old-fashioned cutlery, plates and monochrome decorations, it's time to let your brain go a little wild. Check out great ideas on how to decorate the Christmas table.

The post 13 odličnih idej, kako letos okrasiti božično mizo appeared first on City Magazine.

Gift Ideas 2018: Gifts for the Zero Waste Person Sun, 02 Dec 2018 05:01:05 +0000

Some people are strongly aware of the consequences that humans have with their actions on the environment. And they are actually trying to change the world through their actions. You surely have a person in your vicinity who practices a zero-waste lifestyle, which at the same time often means that such a person rejects consumption. And then it is not easy at all to find an idea for gifts. That's why we've put together a list of gifts that won't wander off, but will actually be used.

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The Christmas tree in the color of champagne is the hit of this year's holidays Sat, 01 Dec 2018 05:01:51 +0000

When you think of a Christmas tree, you probably conjure up an idea of what is considered the norm - a green spruce decorated with many ornaments and lights. What if you didn't just drink champagne this year? What if you also wrap your home in gold and decorate it with champagne-colored spruce? Gold is the new green.

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Lively decorations that will convince you of the goodness of a colorful Christmas Sat, 01 Dec 2018 05:01:20 +0000

Christmas is a time when we take time for our loved ones. Many also see it as an opportunity to show their neighbors the luxurious decoration of their home. Unfortunately, such attempts usually fail.

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From today, Wonderland 2018 is richer for the skating rink by the sea Wed, 28 Nov 2018 05:01:50 +0000

From this Wednesday, November 28, Koper's land of magical lights - Čudolandija will be even richer for the skating rink by the sea.

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Ugly Christmas sweaters that you absolutely need for this year's holidays Wed, 28 Nov 2018 05:01:45 +0000

If you still don't know what sweater to wear this holiday season, we've found the perfect solution for you. It's up to you to choose a mural that reflects your personality.

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Top 8: absolutely unique Christmas markets in Europe Tue, 27 Nov 2018 05:01:18 +0000

Christmas is approaching, and cities across Europe are turning into winter wonderlands. The town squares are thus slowly taking the form of traditional Alpine villages offering mulled wine and artistic products. But not all Christmas fairs are the same. We've found the most exciting and unusual Christmas markets for you, perfect for a unique holiday experience. Here are the absolutely unique Christmas markets in Europe.

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