coffee Archives | City Magazine Sat, 08 Jun 2024 06:04:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 things that happen to your body when you stop drinking coffee: One organ in particular will be grateful for the change Sat, 08 Jun 2024 06:04:43 +0000

Without a cup of coffee in the morning? Many cannot even imagine it. But have you ever considered what happens to your body when you give up this magical black liquid? We reveal three surprising changes you can experience when you stop drinking coffee, and why your liver will be especially happy.

The post 6 stvari, ki se dogajajo telesu, ko prenehate piti kavo: En organ bo še posebej hvaležen za to spremembo appeared first on City Magazine.

Tell me what kind of coffee you drink and I'll tell you who you are! Mon, 03 Jun 2024 07:12:42 +0000

Have you ever wondered what your favorite coffee says about you? Are you a fan of classic Turkish coffee, elegant espresso or perhaps a sumptuous latte? No matter what kind of coffee you drink, your choice can say a lot about your personality. In this article, we will explore the different types of coffee and what they tell you about your character. What kind of coffee do you drink?

The post Povej mi, kakšno kavo piješ, in povem ti, kdo si! appeared first on City Magazine.

Doctors warn: No coffee in the morning? Unacceptable! Mon, 03 Jun 2024 07:10:54 +0000

Coffee, that magical drink, without which many cannot imagine the start of the day. If we believe the experts (and who wouldn't?), drinking coffee is not just a matter of taste, but of survival. Who would have thought that such a small mug could attract so much attention? But, of course, we are talking about coffee, not some ordinary drink.

The post Zdravniki opozarjajo: Zjutraj brez kave? Nesprejemljivo! appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe for glowing skin: prepare a coffee scrub that will wake up your face Fri, 17 May 2024 03:34:41 +0000

Does your skin look tired and dull? Then it's time to discover the hidden properties of coffee - coffee scrub.

The post Recept za sijočo kožo: pripravite si kavni piling, ki bo prebudil vaš obraz appeared first on City Magazine.

What coffee do Matej Mohorič and the Bahrain Victorious team drink? Sun, 05 May 2024 06:00:27 +0000

For great coffee, we need more than just a good machine to make it. They are also aware of this at MOL in Slovenia, where they recently introduced two new flavors of Fresh Corner coffee, which are available on petrol stations MOL and INA in Slovenia. They roast the coffee in their own roastery, and the new Fresh Corner coffee is also the official coffee of the Bahrain Victorious cycling team, whose member is the excellent Slovenian Matej Mohorič.

The post Katero kavo pijejo Matej Mohorič in ekipa Bahrain Victorious? appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: The banana coffee that has taken users on TikTok by storm Thu, 02 May 2024 05:46:29 +0000

This innovative twist on the classic morning coffee has taken coffee shops by storm and offers a delicious fusion of the rich flavor of coffee with the subtle sweetness of ripe bananas - banana coffee.

The post Recept: bananina kava, ki je navdušila uporabnike na TikToku appeared first on City Magazine.

10 coffee substitutes that will wake you up in an instant Wed, 27 Mar 2024 08:46:45 +0000

Have you ever thought about reducing your daily coffee consumption? Are you worried that without a morning cup of coffee you would lose your ritual and energy to start the day? Are you looking for healthy alternatives to coffee that offer similar comfort and invigoration without having to deal with the side effects of overcaffeination?

The post 10 nadomestkov za kavo, ki vas bodo v trenutku prebudili appeared first on City Magazine.

5 ways to use coffee grounds: as a fertilizer for plants, a cleaner and a beauty aid Fri, 01 Mar 2024 09:26:00 +0000

Have you ever wondered what to do with coffee grounds after making or drinking your morning coffee?

The post 5 načinov, kako uporabiti kavno usedlino: kot gnojilo za rastline, čistilo in kozmetični pripomoček appeared first on City Magazine.

Are you drinking bad coffee? Check when your favorite coffee is spoiled?! Tue, 13 Feb 2024 09:00:59 +0000

Are you drinking bad coffee? Coffee, that magical drink that wakes us up and keeps us going throughout the day, is more than just a drink in our places – it's a ritual, a tradition, and for many of us, an essential fuel to start the day. However, when faced with the question of how long coffee can actually stay fresh and safe to drink, matters get complicated. Are you drinking bad coffee?

The post Pijete pokvarjeno kavo? Preverite kdaj je vaša ljuba kava pokvarjena?! appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Pink coffee with agave syrup and beetroot Sun, 04 Feb 2024 07:32:38 +0000

You just can't resist it, pink coffee, for pink lovers.

The post Recept: Roza kava z agavinim sirupom in rdečo peso appeared first on City Magazine.

What has a better effect on your body: coffee or tea? Thu, 18 Jan 2024 07:39:55 +0000

Coffee or tea? Should we choose the invigorating power of caffeine that coffee offers, or should we turn to the beneficial herbs in a cup of tea?

The post Kaj ima boljši učinek na vaše telo: kava ali čaj? appeared first on City Magazine.

3 spices that boost metabolism: add them to your first morning coffee Sun, 14 Jan 2024 07:54:42 +0000

Unusual, but effective. Coffee and three spices speed up the metabolism!

The post 3 začimbe, ki pospešujejo metabolizem: dodajte jih v prvo jutranjo kavo appeared first on City Magazine.

Winter coffee magic: 3 recipes that will turn your favorite hot drink into a festive treat Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:30:09 +0000

When the outside temperatures drop below zero, nothing cheers us up more than fragrant, warm drinks that warm us from the inside. Hot chocolate, caramel and whipped cream immediately remind us of the holiday season, and in combination with coffee, we get a real boost to lift the mood, which will smell like the whole house.

The post Zimske kavne čarovnije: 3 recepti, ki bodo vaš najljubši topli napitek spremenili v praznično poslastico appeared first on City Magazine.

Health problems that occur if you drink too much coffee: weight gain among them Tue, 12 Dec 2023 05:52:02 +0000

What is in your coffee, apart from aroma and invigorating taste? There may also be hidden traps for your health that indicate you may be drinking too much coffee.

The post Zdravstvene težave, ki se pojavijo, če pijete preveč kave: med njimi tudi povečanje telesne teže appeared first on City Magazine.

Caffeine is said to have a "surprising" and shocking effect on the brain's ability to process content Sat, 02 Dec 2023 17:17:22 +0000

Research has shed new light on the effects of caffeine on the brain and learning. Does our morning coffee really improve our abilities?

The post Kofein naj bi imel “presenetljiv” in šokanten učinek na zmožnost možganov za polnenje vsebine appeared first on City Magazine.

Drinking so much coffee will make you smarter! Scientists say! Tue, 21 Nov 2023 07:59:51 +0000

Did you know that the right amount of coffee can improve your brain function? A recent survey from Germany offers some interesting insights.

The post Če pijete toliko kave boste postali pametnejši! Pravijo znanstveniki! appeared first on City Magazine.

Are you making coffee correctly: you will only get the perfect taste if you follow the most important preparation rule Tue, 07 Nov 2023 06:15:47 +0000

Have you ever wondered how to make coffee that will enchant you with its perfect taste?

The post Ali pravilno kuhaš kavo: popoln okus boste dobili le, če se držiš najpomembnejšega pravila priprave appeared first on City Magazine.

How the first coffee in the morning affects us: caffeine spreads throughout the body and stays for 6 hours Sat, 29 Jul 2023 04:10:52 +0000

Have you ever wondered what really happens in our body after the first sip of morning coffee? How does caffeine affect our body and well-being? Is this refreshing drink really that effective for increased alertness?

The post Kako na nas vpliva prva jutranja kava: kofein se razširi po celotnem telesu in ostane 6 ur appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Broccoli coffee is very healthy and is becoming more and more popular Sat, 08 Jul 2023 04:30:11 +0000

Good news for coffee and healthy eating lovers: now you can combine caffeine and vegetables in one cup! It's broccoli coffee!

The post Recept: kava iz brokolija je zelo zdrava in postaja vedno bolj popularna appeared first on City Magazine.

This is the most expensive coffee in the world, which will cost you $1,500 Fri, 23 Jun 2023 05:20:52 +0000

We would pay a lot for coffee in the morning, so no amount would be too much for us, even if it was the most expensive coffee in the world. But too much is still too much.

The post To je najdražja kava na svetu, za katero boste odšteli 1500 dolarjev appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Cold Italian Coffee Cream Tue, 20 Jun 2023 04:30:12 +0000

Forget about the regular coffee you drink every day. We present to you a real Italian coffee indulgence that will take you into the world of flavors and win you over with its creamy texture. Have you heard of the Italian Coffee Cream - Crema al Caffè? It is a delicious Italian coffee cream that melts in your mouth and conjures up a real gourmet pleasure.

The post Recept: hladna italijanska kavna krema appeared first on City Magazine.

Nutritionists advise: 3 ingredients that should never be added to coffee Mon, 22 May 2023 08:07:15 +0000

Your cup of coffee is the black elixir of morning wakefulness that accompanies you into the new day. Have you ever wondered if you might be adding ingredients to your coffee that are robbing it of its charm and even reducing its benefits?

The post Nutricionisti svetujejo: 3 sestavine, ki jih nikar ne dodajajte v kavo appeared first on City Magazine.

When to brush your teeth - before or after your morning coffee? Tue, 09 May 2023 04:00:36 +0000

Have you ever wondered if it's better to drink your morning coffee or brush your teeth first? Some people swear by coffee right after waking up, while others won't even think about it until after brushing their teeth. And what is better? When do you brush your teeth - before or after your morning coffee?

The post Kdaj umiti zobe – pred ali po jutranji kavi? appeared first on City Magazine.

Cold brew coffee: De'Longhi brings the trend of drinking cold coffee Wed, 29 Mar 2023 07:10:07 +0000

De'Longhi, the Italian brand, has launched its new Eletta Explore coffee machine, a super automatic coffee machine that can make a range of hot and cold coffee drinks from coffee beans. This machine represents a new trend as it brings the possibility of preparing cold brewed coffee to people's homes.

The post Cold brew kava: De’Longhi prinaša trend pitja hladne kave appeared first on City Magazine.

5x Best Espresso Machines in 2023: From Compact to Commercial, These Are the Best Espresso Machines Wed, 22 Mar 2023 02:27:02 +0000

The best espresso machines?! We present to you a selection of the best espresso machines of 2023. Whether you are a coffee enthusiast or a barista, a great espresso machine is essential for preparing delicious espresso shots, cappuccinos and lattes. With so many options available on the market, it can be difficult to find the perfect machine for your needs. To help you make an informed decision, we've rounded up the 5 best espresso machines in 2023. From compact and affordable to commercial grade, these machines are sure to satisfy your caffeine cravings.

The post 5x najboljši aparati za espresso v letu 2023: od kompaktnih do komercialnih to so najboljši espresso aparati appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: gin and tonic with coffee - a taste made in heaven Tue, 28 Feb 2023 07:57:00 +0000

Gin & Tonic is a classic cocktail that has been enjoyed for centuries, but have you ever thought of adding a touch of coffee to it? Create a gin and tonic with coffee! Although it may seem like an unusual combination, the bitter notes of coffee can complement the botanical flavors of gin, resulting in a delicious and unique flavor profile.

The post Recept: gin tonik s kavo – okus ustvarjen v nebesih appeared first on City Magazine.

Coffee Divination: Interpretations of Letters in Coffee Grounds Mon, 06 Feb 2023 04:40:12 +0000

Have you ever considered visiting a fortune teller to read your fortune from coffee grounds? Now that's not necessary, because you can look at it yourself?

The post Vedeževanje iz kave: razlage črk v kavni usedlini appeared first on City Magazine.

Gifts for coffee lovers: 5 ideas for what to give a coffee lover Fri, 16 Dec 2022 10:02:18 +0000

Every year, December is a sign of joy, socializing and gift-giving. If you are at a loss as to what to give to your loved ones, here are tips on what to give to lovers of coffee and hot drinks.

The post Darila za ljubitelje kave: 5 idej, kaj podariti ljubitelju kave appeared first on City Magazine.

5 reasons why we love coffee so much Sat, 05 Nov 2022 05:03:44 +0000

Many of us find it hard to imagine life without coffee. This delicious drink stands by us in the morning, when it fills us with energy and drive, and we indulge in it while hanging out with friends in the later hours of the day. Have you ever wondered what makes us love coffee so much? We have prepared for you 5 main reasons for the popularity of coffee.

The post 5 razlogov, zakaj imamo tako radi kavo appeared first on City Magazine.

Experts advise: Why drinking coffee in the morning is not recommended Mon, 17 Oct 2022 04:03:49 +0000

Are you one of those who can't do without coffee in the morning? For many, this delicious drink is the main tool that fills them with energy and drive for a new day in the early hours. However, according to experts, it can also be harmful. We asked why drinking coffee first thing in the morning is not the most beneficial and what alternative you can choose.

The post Strokovnjaki svetujejo: Zakaj pitje kave zjutraj ni priporočljivo appeared first on City Magazine.

What does the coffee you drink say about you? Fri, 07 Oct 2022 04:06:00 +0000

Most people, to be honest, did not start drinking coffee because of its fantastic taste, but more likely because of the sense of importance that came over them when they sipped their first espresso. Bitter ripeness poured down our throats and although many of us reached for a bag of sugar to make it easier to swallow, there was no going back. We have entered the world of adults, where coffee plays a key role.

The post Kaj kava, ki jo pijete, pove o vas? appeared first on City Magazine.

Is it correct to say expresso or espresso? Fri, 23 Sep 2022 08:09:53 +0000

They say that every time we mispronounce the name of this type of coffee drink, an Italian comes crashing down from a Vespa.

The post Ali se pravilno reče ekspreso ali espreso? appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you know the difference between iced coffee and coffee with ice cream? Wed, 20 Jul 2022 04:04:26 +0000

What are the differences and how best to prepare them. Iced coffee and coffee with ice cream are the perfect solution for all coffee lovers, as well as for those who need sweet refreshment on hot summer days.

The post Ali poznaš razliko med ledeno kavo in kavo s sladoledom appeared first on City Magazine.

The best coffee machine for home baristas: the art of making good coffee Mon, 27 Jun 2022 11:49:32 +0000

Drinking coffee is a ritual when we take time for ourselves or when we hang out with friends. Preparing the perfect hot or cold drink is an art, as barista Sandi Jug showed us, creating coffees with motifs that could undoubtedly adorn galleries or museums.

The post Najboljši kavni aparat za domače bariste: umetnost priprave dobre kave appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: cold brewed coffee Tue, 10 May 2022 06:51:05 +0000

Summer is just around the corner, so there is nothing better than your favorite drink in a particularly refreshing version. Unlike classic iced coffee, this preparation method will provide you with a completely new coffee drinking experience that you will definitely want to repeat. An absolute internet hit for coffee lovers is definitely Cold Brewed Coffee. How to prepare this refreshing drink full of flavor, we reveal to you in the article below.

The post Recept: hladno kuhana kava (cold brewed coffee) appeared first on City Magazine.

Well-known Slovenians swear by the Italian brand De'Longhi Tue, 26 Apr 2022 04:45:51 +0000

Italian brand De'Longhi is one of the world's leading players in the field of small household appliances, also related to the world of good coffee. Delicious De'Longhi coffee has not only impressed Hollywood actor Brad Pitt, recognizable Slovenian faces also swear by it.

The post Znani Slovenci prisegajo na italijansko znamko De’Longhi appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Starbucks Iced Coffee with Oat Milk Fri, 28 Jan 2022 10:44:34 +0000

Unfortunately, there is no Starbucks Kaverna in Slovenia, but if you like to travel, you have certainly come across this chain of coffee drinks. Their most popular coffee is Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso - the original iced coffee with brown sugar and oat milk is enjoyed by vegans. If you are one of its fans, you can now prepare it at home.

The post Recept: Starbucks ledena kava z ovsenim mlekom appeared first on City Magazine.

Green tea or coffee: find out which is better for you? Thu, 30 Dec 2021 05:11:08 +0000

Coffee and green tea are two very popular drinks. Both contain caffeine, antioxidants and are said to help increase energy. Learn about the differences and similarities between coffee and tea and learn which is better for your health.

The post Zeleni čaj ali kava: spoznajte, kaj je boljše za vas? appeared first on City Magazine.

5 types of food that are said to help improve memory and concentration Sat, 04 Dec 2021 06:33:05 +0000

There is no doubt that our memory is very important. Not only does it enable us to succeed in school and in the career field, but it is also very useful in everyday life. That's why we present to you 5 types of food that, according to experts, should help improve memory, and at the same time have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate.

The post 5 vrst hrane, ki naj bi pomagale izboljšati spomin in koncentracijo appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Latte with maple syrup and cinnamon Fri, 19 Nov 2021 06:49:22 +0000

This isn't just another flavored coffee, it's a maple syrup cinnamon latte to add to your list of favorite drinks this winter.

The post Recept: Latte z javorjevim sirupom in cimetom appeared first on City Magazine.

Tell us what kind of coffee you drink and we'll tell you what kind of person you are Fri, 12 Nov 2021 05:01:51 +0000

Coffee for morning pleasure. Who doesn't love her? Few start the day without her. Which one is your favorite? Is it espresso, cappuccino or coffee with milk? Did you know that coffee can reveal your personality?

The post Povejte, kakšno kavo pijete in povemo vam, kakšna oseba ste appeared first on City Magazine.

3 simple recipes for a very special coffee: with cinnamon, vanilla or chocolate Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:35:30 +0000

Coffee is certainly one of the most popular beverages, both in the morning and in the afternoon, when we chat with our closest friends over it. We have prepared 3 quick and easy recipes with which you can spice up the usual way of preparing coffee and sweeten your autumn days.

The post 3 preprosti recepti za prav posebno kavo: s cimetom, vanilijo ali čokolado appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Latte - the best autumn coffee Wed, 13 Oct 2021 04:04:01 +0000

There are many reasons why we love fall, and one of them is enjoying the best seasonal foods. We love apples, pears and plums with crunchy dough in all sweet combinations, and when the first roasted chestnuts smell on the streets, then we know that autumn has really arrived.

The post Recept: Pumpkin Spice Latte – najboljša jesenska kava appeared first on City Magazine.

October 1: is International Coffee Day Thu, 30 Sep 2021 17:17:34 +0000

Many of us cannot imagine life without coffee: it is the first thing we reach for in the morning and is a faithful companion at work and when hanging out with friends. And so it's no surprise that this miraculous drink that banishes our fatigue also has its own holiday. Do you already know how you will mark it?

The post 1. oktober: je mednarodni dan kave appeared first on City Magazine.

Coffee is great for the brain, but don't make these 4 mistakes! Fri, 24 Sep 2021 02:03:04 +0000

Can't imagine a morning without a cup of coffee? Mornings when the house smells pleasantly of coffee? Did you know that coffee has both positive and negative effects on the body?

The post Kava je odlična za možgane, a ne delajte teh 4 napak! appeared first on City Magazine.

Why does Brad Pitt love cappuccino? Fri, 03 Sep 2021 18:01:56 +0000

Proof that the Oscar winners not only shoot Hollywood feature films, but also commercials for household appliances, is an exclusive campaign in which the famous film actor Brad Pitt, the renowned director Damien Chazelle and De'Longhi, the leading brand of household coffee machines, have teamed up. .

The post Zakaj Brad Pitt obožuje kapučino? appeared first on City Magazine.

Three refreshing coffee cocktails: a great choice for socializing after work Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:01:04 +0000

If you are a coffee lover, you definitely cannot imagine a day without it. After a hard day's work, you can treat yourself to coffee cocktails that have the perfect balance between your favorite hot drinks and alcohol.

The post Trije osvežilni kavni koktejli: odlična izbira za druženje po službi appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: 3 iced coffees for hot summer days Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:25:17 +0000

Coffee is one of the most widespread vices in the world, and when consumed in moderation, it is also said to be beneficial. Consumption of caffeine is said to reduce fatigue, improve blood circulation and the functioning of our brain, thereby also helping to think faster and pay more attention. Iced coffee has become the queen of gastronomic pleasure in the summer months. It is a coffee drink that refreshes us in the summer months, as it is served cold. We recommend great iced coffee recipes that you can make at home.

The post Recept: 3 ledene kave za vroče poletne dni appeared first on City Magazine.

Costa Coffee conquers the world and Slovenia with its legendary coffee taste Tue, 20 Apr 2021 04:01:10 +0000

Costa Coffee is certainly a well-known name to coffee lovers. Those of you who have ever visited London have had the opportunity to experience their legendary coffee taste in one of their many cafes. We also recommend to everyone else that on your next visit to the English capital, you should try the coffee with a sweet, velvety and characteristic taste, which has ranked Costa Coffee as one of the most popular cafes in London for ten years in a row.

The post Costa Coffee osvaja svet in Slovenijo s svojim legendarnim okusom kave appeared first on City Magazine.

Research: Pre-workout caffeine can boost fat burning Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:01:35 +0000

Do you love the smell of fresh coffee in the morning? It is definitely one of our favorite stimulants, which can also have a beneficial effect on our health if we consume it in the right amount. We can't even imagine a morning without this intoxicating substance. What about you?

The post Raziskava: kofein pred vadbo lahko pospeši izgorevanje maščob appeared first on City Magazine.

Dalgona coffee with Nutella: you will lick your fingers! Thu, 08 Apr 2021 04:05:35 +0000

Coffee dalgona with Nutella? Yes please!

The post Kava dalgona z Nutello: polizali si boste prste! appeared first on City Magazine.

8 drinks that will wake you up in the morning, but it's not coffee Thu, 01 Apr 2021 03:59:49 +0000

Most people start their day by automatically reaching for coffee. Many people find it difficult to function without it, but it is good for our body to rest from this stimulant. Don't worry, there are other drinks that have the same effect as coffee, but have much more beneficial properties.

The post 8 napitkov, ki vas bodo zjutraj prebudili, pa to ni kava appeared first on City Magazine.

Café bombón or bonbon coffee: have you tried this fantastic coffee yet? This is how you prepare it! Wed, 17 Mar 2021 05:00:23 +0000

Café bombón or bonbon coffee is a fantastic coffee from Spain that will enchant you from the first sip!

The post Café bombón ali bonbon kava: ste že poskusili to fantastično kavo? Tako si jo pripravite! appeared first on City Magazine.

People don't like coffee, they're just addicted to it Thu, 11 Mar 2021 05:06:09 +0000

At the German Friedrich Schiller University, they prove that drinking coffee is a vice of caffeine addiction and not a love of taste!

The post Ljudje ne marajo kave, od nje so samo odvisni appeared first on City Magazine.

The best coffee grinders 2021 according to experts Fri, 05 Mar 2021 05:00:32 +0000

Once you've had a great cup of coffee, it's hard to go back. The best coffee grinders 2021 - manual and electric - will ensure that the most delicious cup of this black gold awaits you every day.

The post Najboljši mlinčki za kavo 2021 po mnenju strokovnjakov appeared first on City Magazine.

Coffee or tea: what your favorite hot drink reveals about you Mon, 01 Mar 2021 04:59:01 +0000

Some prefer coffee to tea, others vice versa. Can our choice of hot drink say something about us?

The post Kava ali čaj: kaj o vas razkriva vaš najljubši vroč napitek appeared first on City Magazine.

Best coffee machines 2021: Nespresso, Dolce Gusto or Illy? Thu, 18 Feb 2021 05:00:14 +0000

Put the best coffee machine in your home 2021. Making great coffee is not easy for a human, let alone a coffee machine. The coffee grounds must retain the hot water for an optimal length of time, which must be in the exact temperature range. And this kind of alchemy can only be performed by a handful of coffee machines. Check out which coffee machines made the list of the best.

The post Najboljši aparati za kavo 2021: Nespresso, Dolce Gusto ali Illy? appeared first on City Magazine.

Thanks to the Bridgerton series, porcelain tea sets have become a "must have" Tue, 26 Jan 2021 04:59:04 +0000

Thanks to the popularity of the Netflix series Bridgerton, luxurious tea sets have become very popular.

The post Zahvaljujoč seriji Bridgerton, so porcelanasti čajni kompleti postali “must have” appeared first on City Magazine.

Survey: Are Slovenians really open to new things? Tue, 10 Nov 2020 04:59:20 +0000

The Mediana Institute's research, conducted in collaboration with the coffee brand Loka Special, reveals which prejudices, habits or reservations limit Slovenian consumers in accepting the new, different and better.

The post Raziskava: Smo Slovenci res odprti do novih stvari? appeared first on City Magazine.

Great news for all travel enthusiasts Mon, 12 Oct 2020 11:00:30 +0000

This fall, you can easily brighten up your day by traveling through the flavors of Indonesia. We are taken there by Jernej and Maja Zver, culinary masters who have prepared a very special version of coffee from Nespresso Master Origins line and added cinnamon and cloves to it. Check out the interesting recipe.

The post Odlična novica za vse ljubitelje potovanj appeared first on City Magazine.
