culture Archives | City Magazine Mon, 27 May 2024 06:40:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Japanese Habits for a Happy Life: These are the secrets of longevity you can imitate Mon, 27 May 2024 06:40:19 +0000

Why are the Japanese so healthy and live so long? The answer lies in their unique daily habits. These are the secrets of longevity!

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In this country, you can be fined for flushing the toilet after 10pm Sat, 30 Dec 2023 08:03:43 +0000

Have you heard that in Switzerland you are not allowed to flush the toilet after 10 pm? This claim is often circulated online, but what is the truth behind this strange rule? In this country, you can be fined for flushing the toilet after 10 pm!

The post V tej državi vas lahko doleti kazen za splakovanje stranišča po 22. uri appeared first on City Magazine.

European cities where art and architecture lovers will enjoy the most Thu, 05 Oct 2023 04:57:02 +0000

These are European cities that are perfect for those who appreciate art and cultural heritage.

The post Evropska mesta, kjer bodo najbolj uživali ljubitelji umetnosti in arhitekture appeared first on City Magazine.

Tourist misbehavior: don't make the same mistakes as other travelers Sun, 14 May 2023 04:00:22 +0000

Have you ever encountered inappropriate behavior from tourists while traveling? This is expressed through various factors, check that next time you are not the recipient of ugly looks and insults.

The post Neprimerno obnašanje turistov: ne delaj istih napak kot ostali popotniki appeared first on City Magazine.

Gasthof zum Riesen (Italy): a stylish harmony of history Fri, 07 Jan 2022 05:05:47 +0000

We are sure that you will instantly fall in love with this 15th century beauty, carefully renovated by the two owners - Gasthof zum Riesen.

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Culture in the summer months: theaters to remember (2021) Wed, 07 Jul 2021 06:03:17 +0000

Hot summer days are undoubtedly worth brightening up with a bit of art. We have prepared for you a selection of theaters from different parts of Slovenia, which offer a wide variety of shows and productions this year.

The post Kultura v poletnih mesecih: gledališča, na katera ne pozabite (2021) appeared first on City Magazine.

Hidden corners in Ljubljana for artistic souls Thu, 24 Jun 2021 07:29:29 +0000

With its architecture and bits of history that you can encounter at every turn, Ljubljana is a paradise for artistic souls. What are the corners that will fill your mind with inspiration and that you may not know about yet?

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Germany: from long wooden buildings to street art Tue, 08 Jun 2021 04:03:54 +0000

Area Flair covers various architectural styles, local atmosphere of cities and regions and culturally interesting and special places - from locations street art to city districts with a rich history. The campaign features both well-known tourist attractions and small towns that, with their regional roots, history or current cultural program, arouse the interest of potential guests in traveling to Germany.

The post Nemčija: od predalčnih lesenih gradenj do ulične umetnosti appeared first on City Magazine.

Cities of Serbia - four pearls for unforgettable experiences Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:20:00 +0000

Serbia is a country of contrasts that offers its visitors many attractions, including a rich cultural and natural heritage, events, entertainment, gastronomy and quality shopping. The testimonies of different cultures throughout the centuries remind of Serbia's rich cultural heritage and emphasize its position between East and West as a bridge that connects different civilizations. Such contrasts make Serbia a particularly attractive destination. Many cultural monuments and natural areas of Serbia are part of the UNESCO heritage.

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This is the nonsense we text our loved ones! Not at all! Fri, 25 Sep 2020 03:39:47 +0000

Have you ever received a message that you thought was slightly inappropriate? Then it was one of those stupid things that you must never do yourself.

The post To so neumnosti, ki jih pošiljamo preko sporočil ljubljenim osebam! Nikar! appeared first on City Magazine.

Where to go on February 8, 2020, Prešeren's Day, the Slovenian festival of culture? Wed, 29 Jan 2020 05:01:07 +0000

February 8, 2020 is just around the corner, when the temples of culture will open their doors again, offering free tours. Where to celebrate Prešeren's Day, the Slovenian festival of culture, this year?

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This Happy Culture Day 2019 Fri, 08 Nov 2019 08:28:31 +0000

Many cultural institutions throughout Slovenia will reopen their doors: museums, galleries, theaters and other institutions, free exhibitions, guided tours, workshops and performances will take place.

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Watch what you do: this kind of behavior can get you into serious trouble abroad Mon, 15 Jul 2019 04:01:52 +0000

Some things you do every day may be prohibited in other countries. That's why it's important to study the rules and culture of the country you're going to. You probably don't want to end up in prison abroad? Learn what's smart to avoid.

The post Pazi, kaj počneš: takšno vedenje te lahko v tujini spravi v resne težave appeared first on City Magazine.

FKK - Kostanjevica Culture Festival 2019: only naked culture and nothing else Sat, 18 May 2019 04:01:30 +0000

FKK - Kostanjevica Culture Festival 2019 will be organized by the Kostanjevica Youth Association for the second year in a row. The three-day event will be opened on July 4 in the atrium of the Božidar Jakac Gallery by the duo Silence, and the opening will be combined with the start of the sculpture symposium Forma viva, which takes place every year under the auspices of the Božidar Jakac Gallery.

The post FKK – Festival kulture Kostanjevica 2019: samo gola kultura in nič drugega appeared first on City Magazine.

The biggest secrets about France Prešeren that you don't know Fri, 08 Feb 2019 05:01:24 +0000

We must thank France Prešern, the greatest Slovenian poet, that we can enjoy the most sensual poetry, which would make a stone cry. We probably all know where he got inspiration for his poetry, but not much about Prešerov's mysterious life.

The post Največje skrivnosti o Francetu Prešernu, ki jih ne poznate appeared first on City Magazine.

Fabula Festival 2019: the walls between us Thu, 31 Jan 2019 05:01:34 +0000

The most high-profile literary festival, which has attracted many modern classics and the most penetrating thinkers of our time to Slovenia, will take place for the sixteenth time this year. The participants will be able to listen to eight foreign guests and guests, and the central ones will also get Slovenian translations of their books, which you can buy at the festival price. The rich program will start with Fabula before Fabula (from February 27 to 28.) and the Fabula 2019 festival will open on March 3. The event is intended for all generations and is widely accessible to visitors, and you can get free tickets at the box office of Cankarjev dom.

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This is the result when 25 Photoshop enthusiasts play with a photo of a girl Tue, 01 Jan 2019 05:01:14 +0000

We all know that Photoshop works wonders - you'll be convinced once again that beauty is in the eye of the beholder when you see photos that show what the ideal is in 25 ways and in 25 countries.

The post Takšen je rezultat, ko se s fotografijo dekleta poigra 25 Photoshop navdušencev appeared first on City Magazine.

This happy day of culture 2018: the day of open doors of Slovenian culture Fri, 16 Nov 2018 05:01:58 +0000

On Monday, December 3, 2018, museum workers, theatergoers, musicians and many other cultural workers are once again inviting to their company, who are preparing exhibitions, guided tours, workshops, shows, concerts and other events on this happy day of culture, which will once again be available to visitors free of charge .

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Incredible evidence that Japan is definitely not like the rest of the world Sat, 06 Oct 2018 02:01:00 +0000

The coast of East Asia is adorned by probably the most interesting archipelago country, whose inhabitants are considered to be the most culturally aware in the world. Their innovations and customs may seem strange to us, but this vibrant and proud nation can certainly show the nations of the world what invention, imagination, respect and family mean.

The post Neverjetni dokazi, da Japonska zagotovo ni taka kot ostale države sveta appeared first on City Magazine.

Epic photos from Burning Man 2018 that prove it's the coolest festival in the world Thu, 06 Sep 2018 04:01:39 +0000

Once a truly extreme festival based on the principles of inclusion, self-reliance, and social endeavor, Burning Man has changed a bit these days. Debating the $1,500 you have to shell out for the festival is a relative thing, but there's no denying that these photos show just how high-end this event is.

The post Epske fotografij s festivala Burning Man 2018, ki dokazujejo, da je to najbolj odštekan festival na svetu appeared first on City Magazine.

This happy day of culture Fri, 17 Nov 2017 05:01:24 +0000

Many cultural institutions will reopen their doors on December 3: museums, galleries, theaters and other institutions, and exhibitions, guided tours, workshops, performances and concerts will take place.

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Best of Culture in Ljubljana: the best cultural institutions in Ljubljana are... Sun, 07 May 2017 02:48:56 +0000

More than 10,000 cultural events take place in the capital every year in attractions of various styles, residents of Ljubljana and visitors are fascinated by artists of all genres - from top music, theater and visual artists to alternative and avant-garde artists. The editors of the international city guides In Your Pocket concluded with the Best of Ljubljana - Best Culture in Ljubljana selection, where they chose the best museum, the best theater, the best gallery and the best commercial gallery. Who are the winners?

The post Best of Culture in Ljubljana: najboljše kulturne ustanove v Ljubljani so … appeared first on City Magazine.

Youth Week 2017 in Kranj - the biggest festival of sports, culture, music and education Wed, 19 Apr 2017 06:01:59 +0000

Youth Week 2017 in Kranj, a festival of cultural bread and sports games, is approaching. Carniola Youth Week is considered the largest youth festival in Slovenia. It offers many sports, youth, cultural, musical, educational, children's and international content. Nothing less will be offered by Youth Week 2017, which will turn the Gorenje capital into the youth capital for nine days. It will take place from 12 to 20 May 2017.

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Every Italian teenager receives 500 euros from the state for their 18th birthday! Thu, 15 Sep 2016 06:11:47 +0000

What do most teenagers want for their birthday? If it's not a laptop or smartphone, it's definitely money. Italy has listened to the wishes of young people, giving them 500 euros as of September 15, 2016, when they reach the age of majority. But they will not be allowed to waste them on anything, because behind everything there is an elaborate plan.

The post Vsak italijanski najstnik za 18. rojstni dan od države prejme 500 evrov! appeared first on City Magazine.

How we should not behave as tourists in foreign countries Mon, 08 Jun 2015 05:39:27 +0000

Summer is the time when most people travel and meet foreign cultures. Therefore, now is the right time to refresh your knowledge about customs in foreign countries, so that you do not accumulate problems or strange and ugly looks. A certain gesture can be completely innocent in one country, but in another it can be extremely offensive. In order to avoid breaking etiquette on your next trip, we have a handy infographic for you that will teach you how tourists should not behave in foreign countries.

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May Games 2015 - a free festival of sports, entertainment and culture Fri, 01 May 2015 07:40:42 +0000

Measuring strength in sports industries, socializing, concerts, creating, getting to know each other. All this and more are the May Games, a traditional and free student festival, which in 2015 is being held for the 32nd time in a row. From rather modest beginnings, it grew into a three-week spectacle of culture, entertainment and sports, which this year lasts from May 4 to 20, 2015.

The post Majske igre 2015 – brezplačen festival športa, zabave in kulture appeared first on City Magazine.

On World Poetry Day, verse will become the currency of payment Mon, 16 Mar 2015 11:07:13 +0000

On World Poetry Day, March 21, 2015, verse will become the new currency of payment. On this day, guests in 1,200 cafes, bars, restaurants and other bars from 27 countries from all over the world will turn into poets and pay for their coffee with a verse. Slovenia is also part of the international initiative, where it will be possible to pay with poetry at 15 locations. Behind the initiative is Julius Meinl, Viennese coffee roaster and global ambassador of Viennese coffeehouse culture. With the poetry movement, they want to inspire individuals and encourage them to, at least for one day, surrender to their emotions and creativity.

The post Na svetovni dan poezije bo verz postal plačilna valuta appeared first on City Magazine.

The most unusual and different festivals of the world Sat, 14 Feb 2015 18:30:19 +0000

The most unique and unusual festivals around the world prove that there are a lot of fun and crazy people in the world who love festivals and holidays, when they can at least for a day give themselves up to the pulse of the crowd, forget all their worries and throw a handful of colorful dust in the air, jump over a few babies and with a terrifying mask they drive away winter or the devil.

The post Najbolj nenavadni in drugačni festivali sveta appeared first on City Magazine.

10 crazy ideas that sold well.. but not for the author Sat, 26 Jul 2014 04:25:47 +0000

Sometimes you have to persevere and realize an idea that seems unrealistic to others. You never know how well it might sell, you just hope that the credit will remain yours.. There are a lot of inventions and projects that you would expect to have made the author rich, but in fact they have made a lot of money.

The post 10 norih idej, ki so se dobro prodale.. a ne za avtorja appeared first on City Magazine.

Crazy photos of pop icons in hipster guise Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:29:34 +0000

Chilean artist Fab Ciraola's phenomenal art celebrates film, art and acting icons as modern-day hipsters.

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Medieval days on Gornji trg Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:05:40 +0000

If Saturday morning is reserved for a visit to the market, a walk around Čopova and a martini in Tivoli, then Sunday should be dedicated to time travel. Such a feeling will be conjured by the Medieval Day, which will take place every third Sunday in the summer months in the center of Ljubljana.

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Young lions with engaged art Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:35:03 +0000

This year, the program of the seventeenth International Young Lions Festival will be characterized by engaged art, and documentary theater will stand out.

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The Museum of Sex in New York seduces all five human senses Sat, 05 Jul 2014 04:30:02 +0000

Seksapilna razstava Funland: Pleasures & Perils of the Erotic Fairground v Muzeju seksa v New Yorku je idealna izbira za vse nagajivo razpoložene mlade in mlade po srcu.

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When the star of the night becomes the "star" of an advertising campaign Sat, 05 Jul 2014 04:10:14 +0000

How would you feel if you saw yourself on a jumbo poster the morning after a night of too much alcohol? You have been warned! In Japan, the dazed stars of the night became the disgraced 'stars' of an ad campaign.

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The most spectacular theaters in the world Wed, 07 May 2014 04:30:00 +0000

Theaters have always been the cradle of culture. The stunning architecture that reflects the theatrical brilliance is also suitable for this. The endless scenes of the narrative of the past and the present thus take the viewer to parallel worlds on the wings of imagination. For all fans, we searched for 15 of those theaters that conjure up the most spectacular experience.

The post Najbolj spektakularna gledališča po svetu appeared first on City Magazine.

Exhibition - 100 years of Slovenian puppetry Sat, 12 Apr 2014 04:34:29 +0000

On the World Day of Puppet Theater and Puppets, the National Museum of Slovenia opened an exhibition of 100 years of Slovenian puppetry.

The post Razstava – 100 let slovenske lutkovne umetnosti appeared first on City Magazine.

Majda Debevc – World of brandies Fri, 11 Apr 2014 08:41:12 +0000

Majda Debevc. Brandy. Cigars. Pleasure. Culture. And art. Interweaving of history. Tradition. Fresh wind. Years and years. Barrel. Smell. Taste. Sense. Dizzy. Curiosity. Researching. Search. Perfection. We could go on and on. Because the world of spirits and premium cigars is a world of such breadth that it is impossible to learn everything. In this world, every day something new develops, every day something sinks into oblivion, and every day something is written among the stars. But nothing happens in a day. It is a slow art that requires years of research and years of rest.

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Alan Ford's comics as inspiration for a surreal herbarium Tue, 25 Mar 2014 07:41:58 +0000

Alan Ford's comics, originally published in Italy, certainly evoke childhood nostalgia when we spent hours and hours living the suspenseful stories of the unusual characters of the TNT secret society. Social satire, wrapped in a comic veil, was interestingly the most popular in the former Yugoslavia. Based on this phenomenon, Lazar Džamić's book entitled "Cvjejarnica u kući cveća" was created, which was supported by the imaginative graphic image of the designer Vladan Srdić in the special edition.

The post Stripi Alana Forda kot navdih za surrealni herbarij appeared first on City Magazine.

Cultural bazaar 2014 - culture is presented Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:29:20 +0000

The cultural bazaar is a form of professional training for professional workers in upbringing, education and culture, and at the same time it includes an interesting program for children and anyone interested in culture.

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The weekend will be urban, active and cultural Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:47:24 +0000

It's just how much the weather is burning up there, when from the middle of the week we all keep thinking about it and constantly look at the forecast, whether the weekend will be sunny in the spring, or whether it will send us home to bed. Although there will be a little less sun this time, we can still draw it in a unique adventurous way. Saturday should be active and full of adrenaline, and on Sunday, in addition to morning reading, we treat ourselves to a morning "flea" walk.

The post Konec tedna bo urban, aktiven in kulturen appeared first on City Magazine.

Revival of abandoned metro stations in Paris Mon, 17 Feb 2014 07:39:43 +0000

There are 16 abandoned metro stations in Paris. Plans have come to light that turn the city's underground into a place for socializing and recreation. Can you imagine swimming exactly where the subway ran in 1931?

The post Oživljanje opuščenih metro postaj v Parizu appeared first on City Magazine.

Prešeren's Day: The great Slovenian poet is still alive Sat, 08 Feb 2014 06:36:22 +0000

France Prešeren is considered the greatest Slovenian poet and February 8 is the day we celebrate the anniversary of his death. Even today, the poet remains present in the culture and life of the Slovenian nation, whether it is his image on a coin or delicious Prešeren balls.

The post Prešernov dan: Veliki slovenski pesnik še vedno živi appeared first on City Magazine.

Pop culture in 2013 in three minutes Fri, 27 Dec 2013 23:50:50 +0000

If you happened to miss something from the world of pop culture in 2013, and if you have three minutes to spare, that's just enough to watch a video that gives a quick overview of what's happening on the entertainment scene in 2013.

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Pre-holiday cultural and artistic BazArt in Ptuj Wed, 11 Dec 2013 23:03:37 +0000

BazArt connects local creatives and visitors through social, cultural and artistic events for children and adults.

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Giveaway: Verdi's opera Falstaff at Cineplexx cinemas Tue, 10 Dec 2013 23:01:34 +0000

Verdi's last opera, based on one of Shakespeare's most famous comic characters, is coming to the big screen. City Magazine and Cineplexx cinemas are giving away 2 tickets to see the opera Falstaff.

The post Nagradna igra: Verdijeva opera Falstaff v kinematografih Cineplexx appeared first on City Magazine.

Ballet performance for deaf and deaf-mute children Thu, 21 Nov 2013 06:55:21 +0000

In the Magical Land - where they create opera, ballet and magic shows for children, they follow a defined cultural policy, so they enthusiastically bring the art of opera and ballet to deaf and deaf-mute children.

The post Baletna predstava za gluhe in gluhoneme otroke appeared first on City Magazine.

Weimar – Through Rococo and Goethe to the Bauhaus Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:31:42 +0000

When we talk about German cultural centers, we often mention the names of large metropolises in which the most notable personalities of contemporary cultural currents are created, and in addition to them, Berlin, Hamburg or Munich keep some of the most valuable art and archeological collections on earth.

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