cupcake Archives | City Magazine Thu, 26 Jan 2023 07:44:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recipe: cake pops - the most popular mini cake in the world Thu, 26 Jan 2023 07:44:07 +0000

Admiring cake pops on a stick? Do you think that there is no way you could make them yourself? You are wrong. Their design is quite simple.

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Recipe: gin and tonic cupcake Fri, 28 Oct 2022 04:05:23 +0000

Are you a fan of gin and tonic and looking for a new way to enjoy this popular drink? Try a gin and tonic muffin. We reveal the recipe for the dessert in the post.

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“Cupcake”: Fun inspirations for Christmas cupcakes Sat, 06 Dec 2014 05:40:51 +0000

Let December pass in the festive spirit conjured by Christmas cupcakes. We can find inspiration for them in the gallery, where we have gathered in one place as many as 19 ideas for the festive decoration of our boring, but definitely always delicious, muffins.

The post “Cupcake”: Zabavne inspiracije za božične kolačke appeared first on City Magazine.

The first Cake Market in Ljubljana Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:23:20 +0000

The first Cake Market in Ljubljana promises to sweeten things with cupcakes and cakepops from the hands of exceptional local creators, a wide selection of decorative baking materials, cookbooks and also the opportunity to participate in a workshop on the topic of decorating desserts.

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Sweet shop and jam shop Lotos in Ljubljana Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:35:31 +0000

As soon as we see cupcakes in beautiful colors that intoxicatingly invite us, we already think that they are probably artificial. However, they operate with a completely different philosophy in the Lotos Confectionery and Marmalade. All products, except frozen yogurt, Evian water and Lavazza coffee, are produced by themselves. They are made by hand from daily fresh fruit and ingredients, all products are without eggs, without artificial colors, without aroma and flavor enhancers and without artificial preservatives.

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