elon musk Archives | City Magazine Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:18:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 Did you know that in the coming months, Tesla will show all manufacturers that they are as obsolete as BlackBerry after the iPhone? https://citymagazine.si/en/did-you-know-that-tesla-will-show-all-manufacturers-in-the-next-months-that-they-are-as-obsolete-as-blackberry-after-the-advent-of-the-iphone-2/ Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:18:35 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=594291

Elon Musk has shaken the foundations of the automotive industry once again, and he is ready to unveil a technology that could be as big a revolution as Apple's iPhone in the world of smartphones. Tesla is preparing to present a new generation of cars that will be able to drive completely independently, without any human intervention. In the coming months, Tesla aims to prove that the rest of the automakers are as obsolete as BlackBerry with the advent of the iPhone, as Elon Musk remains focused on his vision of the future of mobility, despite the many criticisms flying against him.

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An open letter to the CEOs of European carmakers: your companies will fail if you don't https://citymagazine.si/en/an-open-letter-to-the-presidents-of-european-car-manufacturers-your-companies-will-fail-if-you-dont-do-this/ Fri, 01 Mar 2024 08:41:29 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=586127

A few days ago, at the World Motor Show in Geneva, the Renault 5 was presented, a car that, by all standards, could reach the magic threshold of 25,000 euros for a useful electric car. However, Renault did not do this, as the base model is not a "useful" electric car in many respects for the stated amount. It is precisely for this reason that a note is being created in which I outline precisely why I believe that we are witnessing the collapse of one of the largest industries on the old continent. And the fault is not electric cars, but the inability to change the culture in European car companies. And, of course, some other factors that are...

The post Odprto pismo predsednikom uprav evropskih avtomobilskih proizvajalcev: vaša podjetja bodo propadla, če ne storite tega appeared first on City Magazine.

Your job will soon be done by a robot: the future of production in the automotive industry is humanoid robots https://citymagazine.si/en/your-job-will-soon-be-done-by-a-robot-the-future-of-production-in-the-automotive-industry-is-humanoid-robots/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 06:57:04 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=585990

As the automotive industry faces constant challenges to increase productivity and reduce costs, companies Tesla and UBTECH Robotics are introducing revolutionary changes with the help of humanoid robots. Tesla, with the development of the Optimus robot, and UBTECH Robotics, with its Walker S robot in the Nio factories, promise a new era in production, where robots and humans together push the limits of what is possible. Humanoid robots are here and they will take your job.

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13x the most important and best cars of 2023 https://citymagazine.si/en/13x-the-most-important-and-best-cars-of-2023/ Mon, 04 Dec 2023 09:10:07 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=575295

We've combed through the news archives to find the 2023 car news that you liked the most. At the same time, we have selected those cars that we believe will change the automotive future in the coming years as well. There are no super sports cars and various studies among them. It is what has taken to our roads and will excite us in the real world and not in the dream world. At the same time, all the cars on our list are affordable and those we can afford to dream about. These are the best cars of 2023.

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Where can I buy a biography of Elon Musk - Walter Isaacson?! https://citymagazine.si/en/where-can-i-buy-elon-musk-walter-isaacson-biography/ Sun, 10 Sep 2023 17:24:25 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=563955

Elon Musk. A name that has become synonymous with innovation, boldness and memorable tweets. But who is really the man behind the name? If you want to unlock the secrets of the most recognizable technology visionary of our time, this book is a must-read for you. Looking for it - where can I buy a biography of Elon Musk?!

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Hide your likes: A new way to express yourself on X https://citymagazine.si/en/hide-your-all-new-expression-on-x/ Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:30:18 +0000

X, formerly known as Twitter, brings a breath of fresh air to the world of social networking. Hide your likes and express yourself in your own way. In a digital age where every like is scrutinized, X brings a solution for all fashion icons and stars who want a little more privacy.

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A different interior! The new Tesla Model 3 – 2024: what has changed inside https://citymagazine.si/en/different-interior-new-tesla-model-3-2024-what-has-changed-in-the-interior/ Fri, 01 Sep 2023 07:56:14 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=562724

Tesla has upgraded its popular Model 3 with a series of interior improvements, ranging from a new steering wheel to a larger trunk. Join us on a journey through the latest changes to this electric beauty - Tesla Model 3 - 2024.

The post Drugačna notranjost! Nova Tesla Model 3 – 2024: kaj se je spremenilo v notranjosti appeared first on City Magazine.

From petrol titans to electric pioneers: how Tesla and Elon Musk are changing the automotive world?! https://citymagazine.si/en/from-petrol-titans-to-electric-pioneers-how-tesla-and-elon-musk-are-changing-the-automotive-world/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 06:55:51 +0000

Discover how Tesla has catapulted the automotive industry into the future with electricity, innovation and digital updates, while the traditional automotive giants are still wallowing in the petrol fog of the past.

The post Od bencinskih titanov do električnih pionirjev: kako Tesla in Elon Musk spreminjata avtomobilski svet?! appeared first on City Magazine.

Elon Musk and his company Neuralink will insert chips into human brains https://citymagazine.si/en/elon-musk-and-his-company-neuralink-will-insert-chips-into-human-brains/ Fri, 26 May 2023 09:19:12 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=552691

In the past, we have witnessed the incredible achievements of Elon Musk, a man with a vision that transcends the boundaries of the known. Musk now claims that we will witness another milestone in history: the first human experiment with the implantation of his company's Neuralink brain-computer interface. The announcement was made after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the United States' Food and Drug Administration, granted approval for the first human clinical study.

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Elon Musk has overtaken Barack Obama as the most followed person on Twitter https://citymagazine.si/en/elon-musk-overtook-barack-obama-as-the-most-followed-person-on-twitter/ Thu, 30 Mar 2023 07:00:31 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=546252

Billionaire Elon Musk has overtaken former President Barack Obama as the most followed person on Twitter. According to follower numbers listed on their Twitter profiles, Musk currently has 133,068,709 followers, while Obama has 133,042,819.

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The Tesla Paradox: Why Investors Don't Understand Elon Musk's Vision? https://citymagazine.si/en/the-teslin-paradox-why-investors-dont-understand-elon-musks-vision/ Fri, 03 Mar 2023 07:23:14 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=543109

What do investors not understand? Tesla has been at the forefront of the electric vehicle (EV) revolution, and while the company's focus on building cars has been central to its success, Tesla is much more than just a car manufacturer. Elon Musk's vision for Tesla is to create a sustainable energy future, and artificial intelligence is at the heart of that mission. From developing its own microprocessors to building robots, Tesla is a pioneer in the use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, transportation and beyond. This article explores Tesla's approach to artificial intelligence and how it is shaping the future.

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Tesla Investor Day: Humanoid Robots Are the Future of Tesla https://citymagazine.si/en/tesla-investor-day-humanoid-robots-are-the-future-of-tesla/ Thu, 02 Mar 2023 09:10:16 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=543100

Tesla's investor day was a nearly four-hour marathon filled with insights into the automaker's plans to lead the world to a renewable energy future. From vertical integration to humanoid robots, Tesla executives shared updates on various projects aimed at reducing costs and streamlining production while working toward the company's broader mission. However, investors weren't too thrilled with the lack of any major product announcements, and Tesla's stock price fell. Here's a closer look at the event.

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Tesla Model 2 & investor day - what will Elon Musk reveal on March 1, 2023? https://citymagazine.si/en/tesla-model-2-day-of-investors-what-will-be-1-march-2023-revealed-by-elon-musk/ Tue, 28 Feb 2023 06:57:51 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=542645

Tesla is set to make a big announcement at its Investor Day event on March 1, 2023 - possibly the Tesla Model 2, and the internet is buzzing with speculation about what that could be. According to a Twitter thread posted by Teslascope, the company may reveal a redesigned Model 3 and Model Y with new interiors, exteriors, and features like tri-band GPS, which allows Tesla to remove more sensors. At the same time, rumors are growing that the Tesla Model 2, a $25,000 car, will be unveiled at the event.

The post Tesla Model 2 & dan investitorjev – kaj bo 1. marca 2023 razkril Elon Musk? appeared first on City Magazine.

Bizarre price cut for Tesla vehicles: Tesla and Musk's response to media mockery https://citymagazine.si/en/bizarre-decrease-in-the-prices-of-tesla-vehicles-teslin-and-musks-reply-to-the-media-mockery/ Fri, 13 Jan 2023 08:32:18 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=538940

Tesla has bizarrely reduced the prices of some models tonight, even up to ¼. And the reason?! Ever since he took over Twitter, Elon Musk has been the target of media attacks that take every opportunity to expose his personality to interpretations that are inaccurate or taken from the concept. After the news that he was the biggest loser of all time, Elon responded with the biggest discount in Tesla's history.

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Why is Elon Musk so successful? This is his magic power! https://citymagazine.si/en/why-is-elon-musk-so-very-successful-this-is-his-miraculous-power/ Mon, 02 Jan 2023 08:57:43 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=537528

Elon Musk is a very successful entrepreneur and CEO known for his ambitious projects and innovative ideas. He is the founder and CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink and The Boring Company and has made significant contributions in the fields of space travel, electric vehicles and artificial intelligence. Recently, however, he also bought the most relevant social network, Twitter.

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Tesla Bot: a futuristic home assistant https://citymagazine.si/en/tesla-bot-futuristic-house-helper/ Fri, 14 Oct 2022 04:06:45 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=530746

Tesla Bot was introduced to the public last year as a "person in a suit". Now it has reappeared in an unfinished but functional ``robot'' form.

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TED talks interview: Elon Musk on Twitter, Tesla and the future https://citymagazine.si/en/ted-talks-interview-elon-musk-on-twitter-tesla-and-the-future/ Fri, 15 Apr 2022 05:32:55 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=517944

In this talk with the head of "the organization" TED - Chris Anderson, Elon Musk delves into the recent news about his offer to buy Twitter and gets honest about the biggest regret of his career, how his brain works, the future he envisions for the world and to many others.

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Elon Musk: how to become an expert in any field? https://citymagazine.si/en/elon-musk-how-to-become-an-expert-in-any-field/ Tue, 16 Mar 2021 04:59:32 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=477479

The co-founder and CEO of Tesla has one key advantage that most of us should put into practice.

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The most unusual names of star children: X Æ A-12, Gravity, Pilot Inspector, Fuchsia... https://citymagazine.si/en/weirdest-star-baby-names-x-ae-a-12-gravity-pilot-inspector-fuchsia/ Thu, 07 May 2020 04:01:18 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=433640

Elon Musk and Grimes had a baby boy … X Æ A-12? This was first hinted at by the owner of Tesla on Twitter, and later the name was confirmed by the singer Grimes, who also explained it.

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Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey: exactly how much sleep successful businessmen need! https://citymagazine.si/en/mark-zuckerberg-bill-gates-jack-dorsey-exactly-how-much-sleep-successful-entrepreneurs-need/ Tue, 11 Feb 2020 05:01:51 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=424688

The legendary Ernest Hemingway said: "I like to sleep. When I'm awake, my life falls apart." But this is certainly not true of today's businessmen. Well, at least not for everyone!

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It will touch you too: Elon Musk's words that give you momentum https://citymagazine.si/en/you-too-will-be-touched-by-the-words-of-elon-muska-that-give-you-motivation/ Tue, 08 Oct 2019 04:01:34 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=412522

If you live in Elon Musk's world of infinite possibilities and believe in a certain thing with all your heart, ABSOLUTELY anything is possible. These are words that will touch you and give you momentum.

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Not everything went smoothly: these are the first jobs of the world's billionaires https://citymagazine.si/en/ni-slo-everything-is-like-butter-these-are-the-first-services-of-world-billionaires/ Sat, 21 Sep 2019 04:01:16 +0000

Today they are rolling in the millions and millions, but how did these greatest innovators of today and extremely successful businessmen even get started? Believe me, it didn't go like clockwork!

The post Ni šlo vse kot po maslu: to so prve službe svetovnih milijarderjev appeared first on City Magazine.

Neuralink: Musk's device that controls technologies through the brain https://citymagazine.si/en/neuralink-musks-device-that-controls-technology-through-the-brain/ Fri, 19 Jul 2019 14:00:22 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=402966

Neuralink is the latest startup of the well-known Elon Musk. They surprised the world with a device with which it will be possible to control computers 'telepathically' with the brain. If all goes according to luck, the first investigations with people will be carried out at the beginning of next year.

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Attention! Elon Musk opens the first tunnel under Los Angeles https://citymagazine.si/en/watch-out-elon-musk-opens-the-first-tunnel-under-los-angeles/ Tue, 23 Oct 2018 04:00:09 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=369177

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, always impresses us with his business moves. After selling firecrackers at the beginning of this year, this time he proved himself with a socially useful product.

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Elon Musk with 'lego blocks' that you can use to build houses https://citymagazine.si/en/elon-musk-with-lego-cubes-with-which-you-can-build-houses/ Thu, 29 Mar 2018 06:42:11 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=343678

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, occasionally raises some dust with his decisions and finds himself in the world media. This time he managed to do it with bricks similar to lego blocks, which are intended for building houses.

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This is what Elon Musk is selling now! https://citymagazine.si/en/its-now-selling-elon-musk/ Thu, 01 Feb 2018 05:01:35 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=337000

Elon Musk is best known as the CEO of Tesla, and he is not only making headlines for his technological achievements. This time he provided another shock, as he decided to sell his firecrackers.

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Tesla's solar roof promises an unlimited warranty and the lowest price https://citymagazine.si/en/teslina-solar-roof-promises-unlimited-warranty-and-lowest-price/ Sun, 21 May 2017 04:02:17 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=305631

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, announced the start of sales of Tesla's solar panels. According to him, it is a revolutionary product, which will also be accompanied by a time-limited guarantee. Which is revolutionary in itself. "Glass solar panels are so durable that they will outlive your house or last forever, whichever comes first," added Musk.

The post Teslina solarna streha obljublja neomejeno garancijo in najnižjo ceno appeared first on City Magazine.

The vision of urban mobility as seen by Elon Musk https://citymagazine.si/en/vision-of-urban-mobility-as-seen-by-elon-musk/ Wed, 03 May 2017 04:00:20 +0000

It must be admitted that Elon Musk is an unprecedented visionary and that his visions of the future often upset the world of science. Like his latest idea for a company that will be the fastest in the world to dig tunnels and make it possible to drive under the surface in the future.

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Solar roof: Elon Musk, the visionary of Tesla, again with a revolutionary product https://citymagazine.si/en/solar-roof-elon-musk-the-director-of-the-tesla-company-predicts-a-new-green-future/ Sun, 30 Oct 2016 06:30:52 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=265249

After traveling to Mars on Earth, Elon Musk is saving humanity with a roof tile that will revolutionize the energy independence of every home. A new solar roof developed by Tesla together with a company in its ownership group that specializes in the development of technologies related to obtaining solar energy - SolarCity. The solar roof somehow consists of special bricks, each of which is actually a small solar cell. The solar roof is a significant step towards Tesla's vision: a lifestyle without the use of environmentally harmful and energy-consuming fossil fuels.

The post Solarna streha: Elon Musk, vizionar podjetja Tesla, znova z revolucionarnim izdelkom appeared first on City Magazine.

Elon Musk is moving us to Mars! Will humans already be an interplanetary species in 2022? https://citymagazine.si/en/elon-muska-is-moving-us-to-mars-we-will-be-humans-by-2022-interplanetary-species/ Wed, 28 Sep 2016 20:14:31 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=257009

Once an invader, always an invader. Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, is moving humanity to Mars! At the International Nautical Congress (IAC), the technological visionary presented his plans to colonize the red planet, which could be reached by the ITS spacecraft (SpaceX) in just 30 days. 200 thousand dollars will have to be paid for the "air ticket" to Mars. But Tusk warns. The journey is likely to be very dangerous and travelers must be prepared to die for it. The first vessel to go to Mars is said to carry the Heart of Gold, based on the fictional vessel of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book. Will humans already be an interplanetary garden in 2022? We recommend watching the presentation video!

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Why is Mark Zuckerberg so mad at Elon Musk? https://citymagazine.si/en/why-is-mark-zuckerberg-angry-at-elon-muska/ Fri, 02 Sep 2016 06:15:09 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=251817

A spacecraft with a Facebook satellite exploded in Florida yesterday, which greatly upset Mark Zuckerberg, who pointed the finger at Elon Musk, the alpha and omega of Tesla Motors, for the 95 million damage. The satellite, which would allow users from Africa, the Middle East and Europe to access the Internet, was on board the rocket of his company SpaceX.

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Tesla Gigafactory - the largest factory in the world opened its doors https://citymagazine.si/en/tesla-gigafactory-the-largest-factory-in-the-world-opened-its-doors/ Fri, 29 Jul 2016 06:14:19 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=244986

The Tesla Gigafactory is will be the largest factory in the world (when fully built) where businessman, visionary and the first man of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, will produce lithium-ion batteries. The factory is located in Nevada, USA, in the middle of nowhere, and today saw its grand opening, to which Musk invited influential individuals and some buyers of the Tesla Model S. The massive facility is still unfinished (14 percent of the planned, or the first of eight parts, is currently built ), and the plant is expected to breathe with full lungs in 2020, when in terms of usable area it will be the largest building in the world!

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Hyperloop – the revealed interior of the means of transport of the future https://citymagazine.si/en/hyperloop-revealed-inside-the-vehicle-of-the-future/ Tue, 31 May 2016 03:34:54 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=233557

We recently wrote that the Hyperloop is a future form of transport that will once again relativize time, as it will enable travel at the "speed of light" (up to 1200 km/h, and on average we will slide at a speed of 700 km/h) – passed its first public test, and now we can already see what the journey will look like from the inside. The passenger module slightly resembles the cabin of a passenger plane and is therefore not very wide, but the good hour it will take us to get to Paris from Ljubljana, we will be patient if we have to, right?

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Hyperloop - the transport of the future - successfully passed its first test https://citymagazine.si/en/hyperloop-transportation-of-the-future-successfully-passed-its-first-test/ Sat, 14 May 2016 03:45:26 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=video&p=230179

In 2013, he might have been laughed at, but Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and co-founder of PayPal, who is also called the Steve Jobs of mobility, successfully tested the transportation system of the future Hypeloop (which he himself described as a mix between a Concord plane, an electromagnetic gun, a table for air hockey and fun trains of death) silenced all doubters. Recently, the company Hyperloop One published a video of the first test of the superfast transport system, which will reach speeds of up to 1200 km/h; with this, the project took its first serious shape. In the future, will we arrive in Paris in an hour?

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Tesla Motors is giving up its patents, so there won't be a "Who Killed Electric Car 2" movie https://citymagazine.si/en/tesla-motors-relinquishes-patents-so-that-the-movie-who-killed-the-electric-car-2-will-not/ Mon, 16 Jun 2014 04:15:34 +0000

By abandoning its patent policy, electric car manufacturer Tesla Motors will try to de-electrify the patent climate and prevent the progress of electric cars from being held hostage. Is this the beginning of the end of the patent wars? Steve Jobs is probably turning in his grave at this thought, while Nikola Tesla is sleeping a little more peacefully after a long time.

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Elon Musk on space travel with a reusable rocket and engines printed with 3d technology - SpaceX Dragon https://citymagazine.si/en/elon-musk-on-space-travel-with-a-reusable-rocket-and-engines-printed-with-spacex-dragon-technology-3d-technology/ Tue, 03 Jun 2014 04:45:38 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=72977

The space program named Dragon represents a rocket of the company SpaceX, which is created under the guidance of one of the greatest visionaries of today, who is also an outstanding master of advertising. Namely, Elon Musk is selling us the dream of a reusable rocket that will have engines printed with 3D technology and would land vertically upon reentry into the atmosphere. Since Elon always delivers on what he promises in such presentations, we like the idea a lot.

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Elon Musk: the story of a visionary in pictures and words https://citymagazine.si/en/elon-musk-the-visionary-story-in-pictures-and-words/ Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:15:35 +0000

We know famous and rich people who spend most of their time partying and spending money on yachts, expensive cars and girls. But not everyone is like that. Meet Elon Musk, the visionary who transcends the ideas of Steve Jobs.

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