energy Archives | City Magazine Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:27:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The money tree: the secret to attracting wealth with plants - a plant that attracts wealth and harmony to the home Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:27:00 +0000

The "money tree," also known as the jade plant (Crassula ovata), is more than just an aesthetic addition to the home. According to feng shui, this plant is said to bring positive energy, prosperity and even business success. But can it really affect our financial situation? Let's delve into the symbolism and care of this mysterious plant.

The post Drevo denarja: skrivnost privabljanja bogastva z rastlinami – rastlina, ki privablja bogastvo in harmonijo v dom appeared first on City Magazine.

Feng shui colors: 3 colors as the key to wealth and success in your home Sun, 26 May 2024 05:57:18 +0000

Feng shui colors?! Feng shui is not only the ancient art of arranging space, but also an effective way to attract positive energy into your home. One of the key components of feng shui are colors that have the ability to channel emotional energies and natural elements. With the right combination of colors, you can create a space that encourages the growth of wealth and success. Here are three key colors to incorporate into your home to attract abundance.

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How to banish negative energy from your home: activate positive vibrations in your home Wed, 20 Mar 2024 08:48:05 +0000

Negative energy, whether lurking in the corners of our living space or manifesting in our bodies, can significantly affect our mood, health and general well-being. Recognizing the signs of such energies and knowing how to dispel them is key to nurturing a harmonious environment. In this article, with the help of experts, we reveal the indicators of low energy in your home and body and offer simple but effective methods for cleaning and rejuvenating your space and spirit.

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7+ plants that bring luck and money to your home Sun, 17 Dec 2023 06:26:06 +0000

Natural sources of positive energy and happiness are hidden in our homes, which go beyond the usual aesthetics and comfort. Lucky plants are one of those mysterious elements that not only beautify our living spaces, but also bring feelings of contentment, prosperity and harmony. All over the world, these plants are known for their unique properties, which range from purifying the air to symbolizing abundance and love. In this article, we will reveal nine wonderful plants that will help you create a happier and more positive environment in your home and bring luck and money. From exotic bamboo to aromatic basil - each of these plants carries its own special message and power. Discover how these lucky plants can enrich your life and home.

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What color women's handbag to choose, for career success, money and harmonious happiness Sat, 28 Oct 2023 05:15:23 +0000

What color of women's handbag to choose? In the world of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing energies, no choice is random, least of all the color of your handbag. Your handbag is not only a fashion accessory, but also a symbol of your financial and career ambitions. Keep your money, cards, house keys and maybe your office keys in it. Each color has its own vibration and energy that can affect your life in different ways. Whether it's career, money or general happiness, the right handbag color can really make a difference. In this article we will explore how the choice of color of your handbag can affect your life and how you can use some simple Feng Shui tips to direct the energy in your favor.

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If you want to create wealth, remove one thing from your wallet immediately! Sat, 14 Oct 2023 06:33:28 +0000

Did you know that what you carry in your wallet can affect your financial situation? How to recognize what attracts poverty and how to encourage financial abundance? Learn how to create wealth by getting your wallet in order!

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Habits that age you and leave you without energy and youthful vitality Thu, 21 Sep 2023 14:06:15 +0000

In the fast pace of life, maintaining high energy levels is crucial for physical and mental well-being. Yet many of you are unwittingly unaware of energy-sapping habits that leave you feeling tired and uninspired. In this article, we reveal 8 habits that take energy and can leave you exhausted. They make you age faster.

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Portable Solar Generator - Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro: Power your off-grid adventures like never before! Fri, 17 Mar 2023 05:00:34 +0000

Meet the newest member of the Jackery family — the portable solar power plant - Solar Generator 3000 Pro. Boasting a 3024kWh battery, 3000W output and a charging time of just 3-4 hours, this solar generator is a game changer for off-grid adventures.

The post Prenosna sončna elektrarna – Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro: napajajte svoje pustolovščine zunaj omrežja kot še nikoli! appeared first on City Magazine.

This is a 5-minute trick to bring good luck into your life and home Sun, 22 Jan 2023 05:00:38 +0000

You wonder how it is possible that during a certain period of life challenges go smoothly for you, and sometimes you feel as if you were born under an unlucky star. One of the explanations for this can be found in the ancient Chinese science of feng shui, which is mainly devoted to arranging rooms. This science claims that you will achieve balance with the rest of the world by making sure that the layout of your home attracts positive forces and energy. We have prepared a 5-minute feng shui trick for you, which will immediately attract good luck into your home and life.

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Get rid of these things as soon as possible - they bring negative energy Mon, 26 Dec 2022 05:00:20 +0000

The house is an oasis of peace and rest, our personal space, where we fulfill our basic needs, where we dream, experience different emotions and stay with our loved ones.

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The gray aura is powerful and full of gifts - people who have it are impossible to forget Sat, 03 Sep 2022 05:27:20 +0000

Ever heard of a gray aura? What are such people like? How do you recognize them?

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Get rid of negative emotions: energy water that you prepare on the night of the full moon Mon, 11 Jul 2022 06:19:36 +0000

Many believe that the Moon has played an important role in human life throughout history. This earth satellite not only affects the tides of the sea, but also the emotions and physical well-being of individuals, especially women.

The post Znebite se negativnih čustev: energijska voda, ki jo pripravite na noč polne lune appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: 3 dishes that will help you overcome spring fatigue Tue, 05 Apr 2022 04:06:47 +0000

Spring is finally here and we can look forward to longer days and higher temperatures. Rather than being happy, however, we will be happy about spring fatigue, which will try to convince us to spend the day in bed this year as well. We have prepared 3 healthy snacks for you, with which you will overcome spring fatigue and fill your body with energy and momentum.

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6 signs that there is negative energy in your apartment Wed, 23 Feb 2022 05:35:16 +0000

When you enter the room, you can immediately feel it! You may feel cold or feel as if someone else is in the room next to you. Can't sleep, are you tired and don't know why?

The post 6 znakov, da je v vašem stanovanju negativna energija appeared first on City Magazine.

Food for energy: these are 5 foods that will give you energy for the whole day Fri, 07 Jan 2022 05:01:21 +0000

As the days get shorter and colder, many people, especially those whose days are very busy, report increased fatigue. That is why we have prepared a list of 5 types of healthy food that will keep you motivated and full of energy throughout the day.

The post Hrana za energijo: to je 5 živil, ki vam bodo dala energijo za cel dan appeared first on City Magazine.

9 things in your home that according to Feng Shui attract bad energy and problems Fri, 27 Aug 2021 08:50:07 +0000

Get rid of them now! According to the rules of Feng Shui, there are certain things and objects in the home that attract bad luck.

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6 things to do in the morning to be happier at work Wed, 07 Jul 2021 06:04:15 +0000

How we start our day affects how we feel throughout the day. If you're just rushing in the morning, you'll most likely feel that way throughout the day. Therefore, it is very important that your mornings are as calm, cheerful and stress-free as possible.

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8 ways to increase your energy level and eliminate fatigue Mon, 07 Jun 2021 04:03:08 +0000

Do you ever sit at work and think: "Oh, if I closed my eyes, I would fall asleep in a second". And then you reach for coffee, energy drinks, and you don't know what else to do to not be so low on energy.

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Feng Shui: eliminate negative energy in the home and office with the help of salt Fri, 26 Feb 2021 04:59:14 +0000

Are you feeling some bad vibes in your home and know it will take more than just lighting a vanilla scented candle? The answer to refreshing your home and eliminating negative energies is found in your pantry. We are talking about salt. While there are many ways to remove bad vibes from a home, from burning sage to having a priest bless it with holy water, none are as common as common table salt. Ready to give it a try?

The post Fengšuj: odpravite negativno energijo v domu in pisarni s pomočjo soli appeared first on City Magazine.

Livity: in harmony with us Sun, 15 Jul 2018 04:01:03 +0000

Livity are bio-precise bars with superfoods, hand-crafted chocolate and live cultures, protected by a double protein and fiber capsule. Named after the Rastafarian concept of inner energy that flows through all living things, they made their debut in New York. The enticing taste, 4 types of vegan live cultures derived from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, attractive packaging and high-quality raw ingredients that are certified organic and naturally grown are great reasons why you will treat yourself to this bar very soon.

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6 types of food that will keep you awake after a sleepless night Fri, 30 Mar 2018 04:01:33 +0000

In this fast-paced life, full of obligations and full schedules, we too often lack good sleep. As a result, we have no energy. We can't cook either. Therefore, we quickly reach for energy-poor food, which makes us even more tired. In order not to repeat this too often, here are six types of food that will fill you with energy and keep you awake despite a sleepless night.

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Svart: the first hotel that will produce more energy than it consumes Mon, 19 Feb 2018 05:01:40 +0000

Snohetta is planning its new high-flying project called Svart, which will find its home at the foot of Norway's Almlifjellet mountains. Svart will be the first hotel to produce more energy than it consumes. Compared to other hotels, the % will have a lower energy consumption of up to 85% and will also provide breathtaking views from every room.

The post Svart: prvi hotel, ki bo proizvedel več energije, kot je porabil appeared first on City Magazine.

Portugal – a new milestone in renewable energy Fri, 03 Jun 2016 03:41:00 +0000

A few days after it was reported that Germany was producing so much electricity that prices began to slide below zero, Portugal set a new benchmark for renewable energy. She managed to power the entire country for four days in a row exclusively with electricity obtained from renewable energy sources. The CEO of SolarPower Europe told The Guardian that today it is seen as a remarkable achievement, but the trend is moving so fast towards the use of renewable energy that it is only a matter of a couple of years when Europe will be entirely powered by it alone , an environmentally friendly resource.

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Which fruit gives you energy? Sat, 31 Oct 2015 04:56:17 +0000

Do you know which fruit you can use to get your energy back? Many people chronically lack this in the days when the change in clocks has shaken our biorhythms. We have to deal with fatigue and sleepiness, but luckily there is a simple way to prevent lack of energy - choosing the right fruit. Check which fruit is the one that fills you with energy.

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Coffee nap: coffee + nap for the best restorative sleep Sun, 25 Oct 2015 03:50:34 +0000

A coffee nap is the best restorative sleep, it's a double dose of energy. It's better than coffee, and it's better than a nap, which are the first things we think of when we're plagued by fatigue, lack of energy, and sleepiness. Although common sense tells us that these are mutually exclusive concepts, their combination is the ultimate dose of energy. Check out why.

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Fruit and cereal bars for more energy Thu, 16 Jan 2014 10:18:51 +0000

In just a few short steps, we can make deliciously crunchy fruit and cereal bars that are full of nutrients and just the way we like them. The ingredients of the tiles, which instantly fill us with energy that lasts and lasts, can be adjusted to your taste.

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