etiquette Archives | City Magazine Wed, 22 May 2024 09:45:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to behave in the doctor's office: these are the mistakes you (unknowingly) make at the doctor's office Wed, 22 May 2024 09:45:42 +0000

How to behave in a doctor's clinic? Check it out so you won't regret it next time.

The post Kako se obnašati v zdravniški ambulanti: to so napake, ki jih (nevede) počnete pri zdravniku appeared first on City Magazine.

Mobile Etiquette: 11 Places You Should Never Use Your Phone Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:04:55 +0000

In today's world, the phone has become an extension of ourselves. However, there are times when our digital companions need to step back and allow us to fully engage with the world around us. In this article, we highlight 11 places where using the phone is a big NO and suggest alternative actions that show respect for others and the environment. So when not to use the phone?

The post Mobilni bonton: 11 krajev, kjer nikoli ne bi smeli uporabljati telefona appeared first on City Magazine.

Airline etiquette: These are 5 things you should never do on a plane Fri, 04 Aug 2023 08:00:18 +0000

Even high in the air there are rules of behavior - this is aviation etiquette.

The post Letalski bonton: To je 5 stvari, ki jih nikoli ne smete početi na letalu appeared first on City Magazine.

Beach Etiquette - From Sand to Throne: 5 Royal Rules of Beach Etiquette Mon, 19 Jun 2023 12:14:21 +0000

It's not all about swimwear, umbrellas and sunglasses. Beach etiquette is what separates Prince William from the rest of the sand and salt 'kingdom'!

The post Plažni bonton – od peska do prestola: 5 kraljevskih pravil bontona za obnašanje na plaži appeared first on City Magazine.

How to behave as a hotel guest? Wed, 26 Apr 2023 05:55:12 +0000

How to behave as a hotel guest? As guests, we always strive to be polite and respectful while staying in hotels. However, some of our well-intentioned actions may actually be disruptive or inconvenient to hotel workers. In this article, we reveal to you some common habits of hotel guests that the hotel staff actually dislike, and suggest some alternatives that make their work easier.

The post Kako se obnašati kot gost hotela? appeared first on City Magazine.

Buon Appetito? Etiquette in Italian restaurants Wed, 26 Apr 2023 05:45:38 +0000

There's nothing like a hearty plate of pasta, a delicious pizza, or a refreshing ice cream to satisfy our cravings. Italian cuisine is loved all over the world, but it is important to remember that it also brings with it a series of customs and manners that must be observed. From ordering to tipping, there are several common etiquette mistakes people make in Italian restaurants.

The post Buon Appetito? Bonton v italijanskih restavracijah appeared first on City Magazine.

5 golden rules of behavior at breakfast in a hotel Sat, 04 Feb 2023 05:01:57 +0000

You are on vacation, everything is relaxed and beautiful, but don't forget - you are not at home, but in a hotel...

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14 rules of etiquette at family and business gatherings Mon, 20 Dec 2021 10:44:29 +0000

The holiday season brings all kinds of entertainment. Family, but also business. You will quickly find yourself at the table, where it will be important what your behavior is, introduce yourself, bring a business gift. All this brings with it rules of etiquette, which you may unknowingly violate.

The post 14 pravil obnašanja po bontonu na družinskih in poslovnih srečanjih appeared first on City Magazine.

Etiquette for women: rules of behavior that make you a lady Wed, 26 May 2021 04:01:13 +0000

What separates a lady from other women? Her behavior! Did you know that according to etiquette, a woman is always the first to shake a man's hand? And that the older person shakes hands with the younger one first? And that a man must always say hello first?

The post Bonton za ženske: pravila vedenja, ki iz vas naredijo damo appeared first on City Magazine.

Did you know about these rules of etiquette: you shouldn't put your phone on the table in public, you should keep quiet about wealth Sun, 06 Dec 2020 05:00:06 +0000

Goethe's rule: what is appropriate is permitted.

The post Ste vedeli za ta pravila bontona: telefona ne bi smeli položiti na mizo v javnosti, o bogastvu bi morali molčati appeared first on City Magazine.

7 habits that are practiced by very decent people and often get on others' nerves! To you? Fri, 30 Oct 2020 12:59:06 +0000

"Respect yourself and others will respect you." - Confucius

The post 7 navad, ki jih izvajajo zelo spodobni ljudje in gredo drugim pogosto na živce! Tebi? appeared first on City Magazine.

4 traits of people who love to eat with their hands but hate utensils Sun, 14 Oct 2018 04:01:53 +0000

In our culture, it is inappropriate for a person to have hands, so those who cannot see utensils are seen as unpolished 'savages' who have not learned the basics of etiquette. But we were actually wrong, because hand feeding has its own interesting explanations and maybe it's not as bad as we think.

The post 4 lastnosti ljudi, ki radi jedo z rokami, sovražijo pa pribor appeared first on City Magazine.

Life under control: 11 Japanese rules that will MAKE YOU SANE Wed, 14 Feb 2018 05:01:14 +0000

Japan is known for its extremely complex rules of etiquette. It may seem unnecessary or time-consuming to turn simple actions into whole ceremonies, but in Japan no one sees this as a hindrance. And here are some rules that might drive you crazy.

The post Življenje pod nadzorom: 11 japonskih pravil, ki te bodo SPRAVILA OB PAMET appeared first on City Magazine.

Logged out: Ikea with a placemat with a smartphone pocket to bring back table manners Mon, 27 Jul 2015 05:47:27 +0000

Since the advent of mobile phones, and even more so smart phones, etiquette at the dining table has failed. People take pictures of food to keep it cool in the meantime, we don't even know what we're eating, because our eyes are glued to the screen, and parents literally have to push their children to put it down and eat a meal normally and find out how it was at school. It's likely that your smartphone has sparked an argument at your desk. Now Ikea has a solution. This will be part of the Sittning collection, a limited series of products that will also include a special Logged out placemat with a smartphone pocket.

The post Logged out: Ikea s pogrinjkom z žepkom za pametni telefon za vrnitev bontona za mizo appeared first on City Magazine.

Stand Up For The Pregnant: cute illustrations that remind us to give up our seats to pregnant women Sat, 11 Jul 2015 04:25:55 +0000

No matter how tired we may feel and how happy we are to finally get a seat on the bus or train, chances are we're less tired than the pregnant woman standing right in front of us. Shiyang He's cute illustrations in the Stand Up For The Pregnant series remind us that it's okay to give them a seat. Why? Because they carry something much more important than we do.

The post Stand Up For The Pregnant: ljubke ilustracije, ki nas opomnijo, da nosečnicam odstopimo sedež appeared first on City Magazine.

Table etiquette around the world or how to behave while eating in foreign restaurants Sun, 05 Jul 2015 04:12:14 +0000

Of course, there are established rules of table manners, but restaurant etiquette around the world still varies from culture to culture. For example, in France bread belongs on the table and not on the plate, and in Italy it is a sin to ask for Parmesan cheese at dinner. Also check the other rules of table manners so that you know how to act when dining in a foreign restaurant so that you don't make fun of yourself or offend someone unnecessarily.

The post Bonton za mizo po svetu ali kako se obnašati med jedjo v tujih restavracijah appeared first on City Magazine.
