Fiat Archives | City Magazine Thu, 07 Nov 2024 08:42:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The versatile and flexible Fiat Doblò Combi: the ideal vehicle for active families Thu, 07 Nov 2024 08:40:17 +0000

Doblò Combi is a vehicle for modern and dynamic families. It is designed to meet all needs both at work and in leisure time, without compromising on space and use.

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Abarth 600e: The most powerful Abarth of all time - An electric scorpion with 280 horsepower! Sat, 02 Nov 2024 06:49:33 +0000

Abarth's new 600e combines electrification and iconic sportiness in the most powerful Scorpio ever. Get ready for 280 horsepower, 0 to 100 km/h in less than six seconds and a top speed of 200 km/h – all in a compact vehicle with the heritage of Abarth's racing spirit.

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Fiat 500X "cabrio" test: an Italian eternal classic with a touch of romance Fri, 09 Aug 2024 10:04:07 +0000

Italian design is often timeless, and that's the case with the Fiat 500X, a car that goes beyond basic features to rank among cult products like the Vespa, Porsche 911 and Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon. Despite a decade on the market, the Fiat 500X still looks as good as it did on day one – or better.

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Fiat Grande Panda: an electric evolution in a retro boxy shape that is very COOL Sun, 14 Jul 2024 09:22:47 +0000

Fiat presents the new Grande Panda electric vehicle, which combines the retro charm of the old Panda design with modern technology. Get ready to conquer the city streets with charm and performance!

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The Alfa Romeo 4C returns in style, under the guise of the Fiat-Abarth OT 1300 Mon, 15 Apr 2024 09:17:48 +0000

As we celebrate 75 years of Abarth, you'd think the party would be quiet, but no, the Alfa Romeo 4C is back in action, this time dressed in Abarth colors - as the Fiat-Abarth OT 1300. It sounds like a story from a good old movie about cars, right?

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Fiat Panda is Fiat Panda: How the Fiat Panda retains its charm until 2027 Sun, 10 Mar 2024 06:54:28 +0000

The Fiat Pandina is the last cry of the automotive industry, which not only celebrates the public's long-standing love for the Panda model, but also ensures that this love will remain alive until at least 2027. With a production increase of 20% to meet the growing demand, Fiat Pandina promises to will continue the success story of one of the most recognizable cars in the world.

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Electric Revolution & Dolce Vita: Electric Fiat 600e! Mon, 02 Oct 2023 17:40:21 +0000

When you think of Italy, what's the first thing that comes to mind? To pizza, the opera or maybe fast cars? Well, Fiat has just added another reason why Italy should be associated with innovation. Introducing the new electric Fiat 600e, a car so revolutionary that it could be called the "Leonardo da Vinci of the automotive industry".

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The Fiat 600, or Seicento, is with us again: an urban crossover with Jeep DNA and a green heart Wed, 05 Jul 2023 06:28:31 +0000

Reborn Fiat 600 - Seicento! In other words, a heavily redesigned Fiat 500x. After a 13-year hiatus, the Fiat Seicento returns to the automotive floor with an exciting new redesign. This crossover with Jeep DNA (it hides a Jeep Avenger under the sheet metal) is a pioneer of new dimensions and technologies, with which Fiat returns to the game of modernity.

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2024 Fiat Topolino: the charming cat of the electric era in love with the 'Dolce Vita'! Thu, 01 Jun 2023 10:32:52 +0000

A retro twist to the future: Fiat is bringing back the legendary Fiat Topolino, but this time in an all-electric guise, as the 2024 Fiat Topolino.

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When do the world's car manufacturers plan a full transition to electricity? Wed, 09 Feb 2022 05:11:17 +0000

There is no doubt that sooner or later the entire automotive industry will "switch" to electric energy. Just about every major car manufacturer is already introducing fully electric or electrified models of their cars. We have prepared for you an overview of when the inevitable will happen and electricity will rule the automotive world.

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Fiat 500X Yachting: a slightly unusual convertible Wed, 28 Jul 2021 04:03:37 +0000

The Fiat 500X Yachting boasts an electronic soft top, which you will hardly find on a compact crossover like the Fiat 500X and represents a kind of ″upgrade″ of the panoramic roof. A Yachting edition of the Fiat 500C model will also be available soon.

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The new Fiat Tipo & Tipo Cross: an improved Italian story Fri, 30 Oct 2020 05:10:35 +0000

Fiat presented the updated Tipo model and added a completely new version of the Tipo Cross. This refresh in the middle of the car renewal cycle goes in the direction of refreshing the built-in technology and increasing safety.

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The new Fiat 500e: an all-electric Italian bouncer with a range of 320 kilometers Thu, 05 Mar 2020 12:15:07 +0000

In addition to the basic version of the Fiat 500e electric model, it will also be possible to choose between three designer models designed by Giorgio Armani, Bulgari and Kartell.

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LEGO lets you own a miniature Fiat 500, an icon of Italian automotive design Thu, 05 Mar 2020 05:01:08 +0000

The iconic Fiat 500F can now be built from LEGO bricks.

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Fiat Concept Centoventi: električna ‘kocka’, ki jo sestavljaš po svoji želji Mon, 11 Mar 2019 05:01:39 +0000

Fiat is celebrating the 120th anniversary of the brand, and in honor of this, it has created the Fiat Concept Centoventi, which clearly indicates what the mobile future is like - it is an electric 'cube' that you assemble as you wish, which means that you can constantly update the look of your car. More than 120 accessories will be available even after the car is already in your garage.

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Automotive innovations in 2018 that impressed us the most Sun, 23 Dec 2018 05:01:20 +0000

Without exception, concept cars are the ones that always leave the biggest impression on us. However, these are only concepts and we preferred to look at cars that are available to a wider or at least exclusive crowd of people. Are you interested in which 'machines' we remembered the most in 2018?

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Abarth 595: the sportiest version of the Fiat 500 Fri, 07 Sep 2018 04:01:57 +0000

The Abarth brand is known for turning Fiat cars into more polished sports 'toys'. The Abarth 595 is based on the current Fiat 500 model, with a more aggressive look, modified chassis and a livelier engine. The new Abarth 595 was further spiced up with bold colors and the latest Fiat technology.

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Fiat 500X: a refreshed image of the Italian city crossover Fri, 31 Aug 2018 04:01:29 +0000

The Fiat 500X has undergone a refresh, in which the differences are not so obvious at first glance, but when we look a little deeper, we find that they actually are. Maybe hardly noticeable changes, but certainly ones that make the Fiat 500X even more interesting.

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Fiat 500 Spiaggina in Fiat 500 Spiaggina ’58: dva avtomobila za posebno obletnico Sat, 07 Jul 2018 03:01:05 +0000

In the summer of 1958, the first special edition of the Fiat 500, named Spiaggina or Jolly, hit the roads. Now, 60 years later, we will be able to admire as many as two special editions of the Fiat 500, the first from the hands of Garage Italia and Pininfarina and the second, which will come from the Fiat parent factory.

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Pagani Huayra Lampo: when Pagani and Fiat meet Fri, 22 Dec 2017 05:01:44 +0000

It's not often that you use the names Pagani and Fiat in the same sentence. Pagani and Garage Italia Customs joined forces to create a very special Pagani Huayra. It is called Lampo, which means lightning in Italian. It is dressed in retro colors that illustrate the concept Fiat Turbine from 1954.

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Fiat 500L: refreshed image and still plenty of space Sun, 12 Nov 2017 05:58:03 +0000

The new, refreshed or renewed Fiat 500L has retained its characteristics that have made it popular until now. It still offers plenty of space, high seating and all-round usability in an urban environment. He has not grown in length or width, but he has become an adult in terms of technology and security systems.

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A Polish Fiat that even Tom Hanks wouldn't defend himself against Thu, 20 Jul 2017 04:02:38 +0000

Not only is Tom Hanks a global Hollywood powerhouse, but he also has a very good sense of humor on his Twitter account. He posed a few times next to an old Fiat 126p, showing off his 'new' car. The latter was not overlooked in the Polish town of Bielsko-Biała, where the famous "pichipoki" was made for many years.

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All the best, baby! Fri, 07 Jul 2017 04:02:51 +0000

Coincidentally, the date of birth of the little boy coincides with the American Independence Day, i.e. the 4th of July, and in this case we only need to remember the year 1957. After a quick calculation, we find that our little boy is already a respectable 60 years old, and on this jubilee, of course, he our sincere congratulations.

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Top 10: the best city cars of 2017 Fri, 30 Jun 2017 04:02:45 +0000

The hustle and bustle in city centers is also interesting, because there is always something going on. And to be as mobile, agile and nimble as possible in this dirndaj, it is best to have one of the compact little ones at hand. Size matters a lot in the city, and in this case, of course, smaller is better. Here are the best city cars of 2017.

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Abarth “695 Rivale”, ena od najboljših poletnih romanc Thu, 22 Jun 2017 04:02:30 +0000

Summer is the time of romance, and when the famous Abarth and the even better-known Riva among boats dare to indulge in one, we can't stop admiring the final product. It's hard to decide whether the Abarth acts like a speedboat on land or the Riva like a 'packed' Fiat 500 at sea.

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Fiat 500 Giannini: 350 horses for the money Wed, 14 Jun 2017 04:04:37 +0000

That's probably what the engineers of the Italian company Giannini said to themselves and happily went to work. Apparently Abarth's conversion of the Fiat 500 wasn't enough for the hipsters to the east of us. The most powerful version has "only" 190 horsepower. And since, of course, their appetites also need to be satisfied, we have an unusual product in front of us.

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The new Fiat Punto – officially known as the Argo for the Brazilian market Thu, 18 May 2017 18:25:03 +0000

The new Fiat Punto is one of those cars that car enthusiasts can hardly wait for. Namely, the current model has been on the market for so many years that it is a completely outdated car. The first pictures of the Italian city kid impress! Although it is still officially Argo (the name for the Brazilian market), we can conclude that it is the new Fiat Punta.

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Abarth 595 Turismo - drink like crazy (video) Sat, 25 Mar 2017 05:50:00 +0000

Branded with a scorpion on the badge and the words 595 Turismo, this is a guarantee that this little girl is no ordinary girl. She is a top-notch girl who sucks like crazy. This is also why the Abarth 595 Turismo is a distinct accessory for all hedonists and emphasizes the Italian way of life "dolce far niente" with every step. It is a car for junkies and narcissists. You will definitely not go unnoticed because of him.

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These are the most reliable car brands of 2016 Wed, 12 Oct 2016 06:11:44 +0000

What are the most reliable car brands of 2016? Cars break down, don't they? It does, but some much less than others. The renowned American market research institute JD Power has published the results of a survey on the reliability of car brands. And which are the most reliable? Volvo, Toyota, Mazda, Mercedes, maybe Renault? The result will surprise you!

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The new Fiat Tipo is now also available as a hatchback and station wagon Wed, 02 Mar 2016 15:18:56 +0000

In Geneva, Fiat presented new members of the Tipo family, a hatchback and a station wagon version, with which they bet on practicality at an affordable price. With the limousine version, Fiat has already hit the nail on the head, as it has already sold 20,000 units in advance, and with its solid equipment and moderate price, the hatchback and station wagon version will certainly convince many buyers.

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New Fiat 124 Spider: Fiat revived the cult roadster with Mazda Sun, 22 Nov 2015 04:39:36 +0000

The new Fiat 124 Spider is a two-seater sports car for which Fiat "jumped into bed" with Mazda. The accessible sexy curve roadster found its spiritual inspiration from its famous predecessor, and its architectural and technical inspiration from the legendary Mazda MX-5. It boasts an eye-catching shell of its own and will continue Fiat's story of cars with no top. We love the new Fiat 124 Spider, how about you?

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The new Fiat 500 - because it is what it is - is more than excellent Sat, 18 Jul 2015 05:44:09 +0000

For 8 years, starting in 2007, the Fiat brand did not make any significant changes to the reincarnated Fiat 500, but over the years there was also the hint of the first serious renovation, which brings a record 1,900 changes. Such that only a skilled eye can see them on the outside, but important for the success of the 500 in the future. However, Italian artwork must not change too much! Because it is the way it is - more than great!

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Gran Turismo 6 as a crystal ball for Fiat's racing cars of the future Mon, 08 Jun 2015 05:17:57 +0000

The concern Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) has presented the SRT Tomahawk Vision Gran Turismo virtual racing car, which we will be able to get to know in more detail in the game Gran Turismo 6. For good measure, they have prepared as many as three versions of this hybrid supercar with a centrally located drive train. The concept is the result of an internal competition on the topic of "super sportsman 2035". The image was taken care of by Paul Hoste, otherwise a big fan of the game.

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The one and only – Fiat 550 Italia prototype with a Ferrari V8 engine Sat, 11 Apr 2015 06:15:52 +0000

Why the one and only? Because the Fiat 550 Italia prototype with the Ferrari F136FB V8 engine will only be built. The reworked Fiat 500 was signed by Lazzarini design, which moved the engine to the rear end, and the monstrous machine gave space to the entire rear part of the car, including the rear seat bench. Compared to the serial model, the wheelbase has been stretched to 2,650 millimeters instead of 2,300, and of course everything else on and inside it testifies to the fact that it is not a normal model.

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Fiat 500x: The Italian X factor Wed, 12 Nov 2014 11:36:07 +0000

We had the opportunity to meet the Fiat 500x among the first in the world as part of the international press presentation, which took place in the vicinity of Turin. It is a different product of the Fiat brand, which in many ways indicates the changed philosophy of Fiat, which returns to emotions and seeks its Italian X factor. The car, which was planned, designed and built entirely in Italy, will be sold completely unchanged in more than 100 countries. With Fiat, they are looking for that real X factor, that is, the Italian X factor that the whole world loves.

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Fiat 500X – The Italian story of an urban SUV Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:45:17 +0000

The Italians resisted the trend of urban SUVs for a long time and only promised us this as one of the versions of the Fiat 500. The trend shows that these types of vehicles are extremely popular with both the younger and the older population. The Fiat 500x brings fashion and Italian style to this diverse segment. With this, definitely something fresh.

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Fiat freemont AWD – ameriški recept na evropski način Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:00:33 +0000

Fiat's version of the Dodge Journey goes by the name Freemont. It is a large and spacious cross between a van, station wagon and suv for seven passengers. This is now also available with four-wheel drive, but it is only available in combination with an automatic transmission. It offers a lot of comfort and flexibility. Driving characteristics in the background, and the price of 36,850 euros is not the lowest.

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The Mexican wants a medal for the most beautiful ski jersey Mon, 10 Feb 2014 07:12:10 +0000

The Olympic Games in Sochi are his sixth, he is 55 years old, he is a photographer, pop star and self-proclaimed prince. He plays for Mexico, even though he has no idea about this country, he was just born there. And these are not even the most bizarre facts about the tireless attention seeker Hubertus von Hohenlohe, who was already declared the most interesting Olympian by the American television company NBC!

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Scorpion with scroll Sat, 16 Oct 2010 21:17:52 +0000

As a rule, toxic Fiats are produced in Abarth, where they take care of the necessary "hairdressing" of both the body and the engine. Last time they got their hands on the Fiat 500C – the 'C' stands for the cabriolet reincarnation of the legend – and the Abarth 500C was born. The body was dressed in an elegant two-tone color scheme, a spoiler was added, 17-inch ...

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