friends Archives | City Magazine Tue, 18 Jun 2024 06:06:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 If someone uses these 10 phrases in conversation, they secretly dislike you (according to psychology) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 06:06:02 +0000

Have you ever felt uncomfortable while talking to someone, but you couldn't pinpoint the reason? Psychologists warn that certain phrases can reveal hidden dislike. In this article, we will reveal more than ten such phrases and how to recognize them.

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Ali vas vedno isti “small talk” utruja? Presenetite s temi temami… Fri, 08 Dec 2023 06:21:30 +0000

'Small talk' is anything but easy, especially if you don't have the will and desire to make an impression on the interlocutor.

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These 4 zodiac signs are the best friends and the most popular in society Wed, 01 Nov 2023 05:18:37 +0000

In the kaleidoscope of social life, there are certain zodiac signs that can be characterized as natural magnets for human attention and affection. Many times they are also our best friends. Their presence in the room is like a subtle melody that attracts the ears and hearts of those around them. Without realizing it, they become the center of gravity in every social circle they step into. With their unmatched charm, authenticity and ability to bond easily, they set a high standard in the world of friendships and interpersonal relationships.

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Be careful who you hang out with: Discover the differences between toxic and good friends Sun, 29 Oct 2023 03:41:16 +0000

Friendships are like hidden treasures of our life that can bring joy, support and unforgettable moments. With the help of experts, we reveal the real differences between toxic and good friends. We'll break it down into eight key aspects that reveal the true nature of these connections, from how they support you to how they resolve conflict.

The post Pazite, s kom se družite: odkrijte razlike med toksičnimi in dobrimi prijatelji appeared first on City Magazine.

Learn to maintain friendships, despite the busy schedule and hectic pace of life Mon, 23 Oct 2023 08:36:38 +0000

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's not unusual for our schedules to be packed to the brim. Between work, family and personal commitments, finding time to nurture friendships can be a challenge. However, maintaining strong bonds with friends is vital to our mental and emotional well-being. Here are seven key tips on how to successfully maintain a friendship despite a busy schedule.

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Tip no. 1, how to stay best friends for life Sun, 23 Jul 2023 05:30:55 +0000

Wondering how to nurture a friendship with a loved one? Check out some tips to help you invest time and energy in friendships. This way you will remain best friends for the rest of your life.

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6 alarming signals that this is NOT a real friendship: He only talked about himself and is just taking advantage of you Sun, 09 Jul 2023 05:00:01 +0000

Do you have real friends? How to recognize the signs that a friendship is toxic and exploitative? Have you ever had the feeling that in a friendly relationship you are in the shadow of another person, where the whole conversation revolves only around them? How do you feel when the attention is finally on you, but he immediately interrupts you and starts talking about himself again?

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Reasons for ending a friendship: 6 questions you need to answer before ending a friendship Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:15:05 +0000

Friendship is a beautiful thing. It is the bond that brings people together and makes life more enjoyable. However, with life friendships can change and some can end. Let's see what are the reasons for ending friendship.

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Can a man and a woman just be friends? Tue, 04 Apr 2023 09:32:09 +0000

Have you ever thought about whether a man and a woman can really maintain only a friendly relationship? Or have you ever felt that your friend might feel more than just friendship?

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What are friends like according to their astrological sign Wed, 01 Feb 2023 05:02:30 +0000

Are you wondering what your friends are like according to astrology? Who can you turn to in various life situations?

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Astrological signs for whom friends are more important than partners Fri, 14 Oct 2022 04:01:57 +0000

In astrology, the rule applies to these three astrological signs: "Partnership can last a short time, but friendship can last a lifetime."

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5 types of friends you need in your life Fri, 30 Sep 2022 08:01:57 +0000

We can all agree that life is much easier with friends. They stand by our side when we experience the most difficult moments, but at the same time we can also share our happiness and successes with them. All friendships are not the same: they can be distinguished by the level of connection, life period and how long they last. We have prepared for you 5 types of friendships that everyone needs in life.

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3 zodiac signs that are considered best friends Sat, 13 Aug 2022 04:01:35 +0000

If the stars are to be believed in friendship, how we get along with someone also depends on the zodiac sign. Either way, we attract signs that are on the same wavelength as us. In addition, there are signs that have qualities that make friendships all the more genuine. These are signs in which you will find loyalty, compassion, devotion, love, support. That's why life is even more beautiful and better if you have them by your side. We present to you three zodiac signs that, according to the stars, are best friends.

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5 signs that your friend is taking advantage of you Thu, 21 Jul 2022 04:02:35 +0000

When we talk about the fact that relationships require effort, we often forget that this applies not only to romantic relationships, but also to platonic relationships. Yes, friendships can be challenging and sometimes it turns out that our friend is not the person we thought she was and that so-called friendship is completely one-sided. To make it easier to recognize such relationships, we have prepared 5 signs that your friend is taking advantage of you.

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6 signs that a friendship is over Wed, 06 Jul 2022 04:01:28 +0000

People who were once good friends can grow distant and alienate each other. How to recognize that a friendship has ended and why you should end such a relationship as soon as possible.

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What you need to know about your friends according to their astrological sign Wed, 22 Jun 2022 05:01:50 +0000

Are they trustworthy? Egoists? Can you rely on them? Do you trust them?

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Hanging out with friends is good for your mental and physical health – and slimming too! Wed, 25 May 2022 08:55:52 +0000

They say it's hard to find a true friend, and even harder to keep it for the rest of your life. But there are also friendships that can shake this claim. They are the family we choose for ourselves and are the people we first want to share both good and bad news with, talk about absolutely everything. There are many myths about friendship. According to psychologists, hanging out with friends is good for both mental and physical health, and after reading this article, you'll want to spend more time with them.

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6 signs that you have encountered a toxic friend Sat, 09 Apr 2022 04:02:32 +0000

One of the most beautiful things is meeting someone with whom we completely get along, whether it's a romantic or platonic relationship. However, you have to be careful when it comes to friendship: it is still too easy to ignore the signs that show that the friendship will have a very fast or unhappy ending. We have prepared for you 6 signs that mean you have encountered a toxic friend.

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April 1st: 10 April Fool's Day Prank Ideas That Really Work Thu, 31 Mar 2022 04:32:40 +0000

April 1st is upon us and many people are already looking forward to trying all kinds of pranks on their loved ones. We suggest that this year you forget about used pranks about engagement or expecting a child - it will be much easier to deceive your friends with creative, innocent lies. To make this year's April 1st the most fun yet, we have prepared 10 ideas for April Fool's pranks.

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12 signs that your sister is your best friend Fri, 25 Mar 2022 06:00:03 +0000

A sister can be your best friend, your biggest critic and your fiercest protector. Those who are lucky enough to experience this kind of friendship say there is nothing better. Sisters, friends and soul mates all rolled into one. Check out below which signs show that you have a best friend in your sister.

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8 reasons why long distance friendship is the best thing Fri, 24 Sep 2021 02:06:39 +0000

If you have a friend who lives on the other side of the world, then you know that these kinds of friendships are not the easiest. However, this does not mean that you will not find any positive qualities in them - on the contrary. The following is a list that reveals exactly why long distance friendship is something wonderful and special.

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10 signs that you have found the right best friend Mon, 23 Aug 2021 04:02:08 +0000

Finding good friends is easy, but the best ones who will stay with you through the toughest trials are far from it. Are you wondering if you have found that best friend who will remain your lifelong companion even on the most difficult paths? Here are 10 signs that the answer is yes.

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These astrological signs are best friends: see if they really match Fri, 11 Jun 2021 06:50:00 +0000

Who is your best friend? Is this really a capricorn? Could it be a lion? Perhaps neither, but a scale?

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20+ reasons why your high school friend will stay and become your best friend Fri, 04 Jun 2021 07:59:37 +0000

High school friends are the ones who grow up with us and are the ones who make it easier for us with all the troubles of growing up. We trust them in difficulties with boyfriends, parents or other circumstances and it is because of these intimate things that we create a bond with them for a lifetime!

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The series Friends (Friends): the best-rated episodes according to the audience Wed, 26 May 2021 04:04:17 +0000

As you probably already know, the Friends series is returning to the small screen. It's the highly anticipated reunion of the main players that was thought never to happen! But we live in an age where these "reboots" are very popular, as well as prequels and sequels to popular series (hint: Sex and the City), so we're extremely happy that players who otherwise said they'd never play again seen in the same cast, only brought back.

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Friends: the continuation of the legendary TV series reunited old friends Fri, 21 May 2021 10:03:31 +0000

The famous actors Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will be seen again at the end of May in a very special episode. The actors of the popular comedy series Friends reunited 17 years after they finished filming in 2014.

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"Bad" friends who don't have hair on their tongues are the best friends, says science Sun, 02 May 2021 06:08:05 +0000

Honesty is a great virtue, although we often don't want to hear it. Therefore, it is not surprising that we keep such friends in our lives who do not have a hair on their tongue. Recent research has shown that they are just such friends - the best friends.

The post “Slabi” prijatelji, ki nimajo dlake na jeziku, so najboljši prijatelji, pravi znanost appeared first on City Magazine.

6 reasons why we need real friends Tue, 20 Apr 2021 04:07:20 +0000

Friendships have a powerful influence on our happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide relaxation and joy, prevent loneliness and isolation, and even strengthen our health. These are the reasons why we need real friends!

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These are the best self-isolation video games to play with your friends during quarantine Sun, 19 Apr 2020 04:01:18 +0000

These are the best self-isolation video games to beat boredom in quarantine.

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Careful! These 5 astrological signs can wipe you out of your life in an instant without warning! Mon, 30 Mar 2020 04:01:22 +0000

"Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them." – English proverb

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Netflix Party is a service for everyone who cannot currently watch movies or series with friends Fri, 20 Mar 2020 05:01:59 +0000

The Chrome browser extension "Netflix Party" allows you and your friends to watch the same content online.

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The Friends series is back! Sun, 23 Feb 2020 05:01:14 +0000

Friends will be with us again!

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In this holiday ad, they calculated how much time we still have with our loved ones, and the results will blow your mind Sat, 29 Dec 2018 05:01:26 +0000

"According to statistics, in the next 40 years we will: watch series for 520 days, watch TV for 6 years, spend 8 years on the Internet and stare at screens for 10 years. How much time will we devote to the people who are most important to us?"

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Gifts for a friend who is obsessed with astrology Thu, 20 Dec 2018 05:01:32 +0000

If you have a friend who at least once a week complains that Mercury Retrograde, Venus, Mars or Jupiter is to blame for all her failures, then it is clear to you that there must be an 'astrological gift' under the Christmas tree. Here are some great Christmas gift ideas that she's sure to love.

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Science finds that friendships satisfy men more than romantic relationships Fri, 30 Nov 2018 05:01:10 +0000

The use of the term "bromance", which means a close relationship between two heterosexual men, took root in English. Men are even said to prefer this type of friendship over romantic relationships.

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Christmas gift ideas 2018: gifts for a friend who likes the color black Tue, 27 Nov 2018 05:01:17 +0000

We all have that friend who swears by the color black. And here it becomes clear that a Christmas gift that is a flashy color will unfortunately not impress her. Well, she might smile sourly in front of you because she doesn't want to hurt you, but you will definitely never see her using the gift you bought her. Why create tension in your relationship when you can buy her things wrapped in 'black' that will fit her aesthetic. Take a look at our 2018 Christmas gift ideas.

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8 unexpected things that happen to you after the age of 25 Sat, 21 Jul 2018 04:01:59 +0000

The age of 25 is a kind of turning point for many, when they realize that they have to slowly take matters into their own hands, start following their dreams, become independent and generally grow up. 8 unexpected things that happen to you after the age of 25 is a kind of list of all those events that your parents told you in your early 20s, but you didn't even believe that it could happen to you.

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This phone trick will help you figure out who your "real friends" are Tue, 15 May 2018 04:01:20 +0000

Do you have doubts about which friend you can really trust? Don't worry - you can now select your "real friends" with a simple trick.

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5 tipov “prijateljic”, ki to NISO: takšnih oseb v življenju res ne potrebuješ! Wed, 18 Apr 2018 04:01:55 +0000

Female friendships are the most beautiful thing if they are genuine, sincere and real. If there is respect between you, such friendships are worth nurturing and investing your time and energy into. But when your friendships limit you, drain your energy, and you're often burdened by your female friends' problems, it's time to make a change.

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That's exactly how long it takes you to make a new friend Sun, 15 Apr 2018 04:01:26 +0000

We cannot imagine life without friends. Having someone who listens to problems and can give advice is invaluable. In any case, we should not trust our secrets to just anyone. So how long do you have to be with a person for your friendship to be considered genuine?

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That is why Monica's apartment in Prijatelje is purple Tue, 20 Mar 2018 05:01:50 +0000

Monica's apartment from Friends is surely one of the most famous and one of the most charming fictional TV homes of all time. It stands side by side with the legendary house of Rory and Lorelai from the series Midway with Mom, with Fraiser's huge apartment in Seattle and, of course, with the Banks mansion from the series The Prince of Bel-Air. You must not have ignored that Monica's apartment is purple. And why?

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The most and least friendly countries in the world Fri, 15 Sep 2017 04:02:31 +0000

If you are thinking about moving to another country, a longer trip or a study exchange, this article can also help you choose your destination. Before you decide where you'd like to go based solely on personal preference, read up on which are the friendliest countries in the world and which are the least.

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6 things you and your girlfriend need to do before you head off to college Sat, 29 Jul 2017 04:02:25 +0000

If you're heading off to college in October, your summer is sure to be full of plans that you plan to fulfill. Without a doubt, one of the plans also includes spending quality free time with your best friend. Student life often tries to tear apart old ties, so before leaving for college, he prefers to renew them well. Read on for 6 things you and your girlfriend should do before you head off to college.

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Friends! The Musical: Friends will come alive on stage Fri, 14 Apr 2017 06:02:45 +0000

Although fans have been clamoring for years for Friends - Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing, Courteney Cox as Monica Geller, Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay, Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green, Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani and David Schwimmer as Ross Geller - returned to the small screen, but there is no indication that their wish will be granted. Or is it? The popular comedy series is moving to theater stages. As a musical parody called Friends! The Musical will come to life already this fall.

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Why is your sister your best friend? 20 things only she understands Wed, 12 Apr 2017 06:03:48 +0000

Having a sister is the best thing - you might not realize it right now, but she's actually your best friend. They grow up together, laugh, argue and confide in each other even the deepest secrets. Even when your sister gets on your nerves, you know she'll be there for you through thick and thin. And here are 20 reasons why your sister is also your best friend.

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Ken Block was drifting in the middle of London in the company of Matt LeBlanc Sun, 11 Dec 2016 07:04:19 +0000

Ken Block, known for his Gymkhana racing videos, visited London this time and took Top Gear host Matt LeBlanc on a tour of the city in his 845-horsepower Hoonicorn Mustang. As expected, this one did not have much of a view.

The post Ken Block v družbi Matt LeBlanca driftal sredi Londona appeared first on City Magazine.

Released the last part of the series Friends, in which Chandler dies Tue, 25 Oct 2016 05:36:30 +0000

If you're missing Friends even a little bit, you'll enjoy watching the latest, never-before-seen installment of the series, which recently surfaced online.

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Nadležni Facebook prijatelji, zreli za ”odstrel” Thu, 18 Aug 2016 06:07:11 +0000

We all have Facebook friends who honestly get on our nerves with what they do on this social network. Who does it make sense to tolerate and who doesn't? If you have any of the following among your friends, you can safely remove them from your friends list. These are the Facebook friends who are the most ripe for "shooting".

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Joey iz nanizanke Prijatelji ”gost” v oddaji Top Gear Wed, 27 Apr 2016 03:40:38 +0000

As we know, the renewed Top Gear will also be hosted by "Friend" Joey. It seems that the actor Matt LeBlanc has not yet completely "jumped" from one role to another, because in the latest trailer for the upcoming new episodes, we immediately recognize the cute Joey Tribbiani, eternal bachelor and big womanizer, in his gestures and mannerisms. Admittedly, this time the object of desire is not a woman and finding a way to conquer her, but an unusual car and how to get into it.

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Friends to have fun with Sat, 21 Nov 2015 04:31:04 +0000

Do you know a true friend when he has a little too much to drink? A good party is usually remembered for good company, so it doesn't matter who we're partying with. A few glasses of wine too many can reveal a completely different side of your friends to you. Some are much more fun than usual, others are tiring, and others are boring. But there are also those without whom you can't imagine an evening get-together.

The post Prijatelji, s katerimi se lahko zabavaš appeared first on City Magazine.

How to keep your friends in a relationship? Tue, 27 Oct 2015 06:50:55 +0000

Relationship and friends, do they even go together? We all know at least one person who, after getting a partner, was no longer overlooked. All of a sudden she didn't have time for coffee anymore, not to mention that she stopped attending group friendly meetings. Since we believe that this "classic situation" can be avoided, here are tips on how to keep your friends in a relationship.

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13 thank you SMS messages to our friends Wed, 31 Dec 2014 05:25:53 +0000

They say that true friends are the family that we choose for ourselves. But do we thank them often enough for being part of our lives? Today is the right day to use one of the thank you messages to remember the one who is with you in good times and bad.

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How to achieve what we really want Sat, 01 Nov 2014 05:25:32 +0000

Let's stop daydreaming and actively step on the path to our dreams.

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Couchsurfing – nenavadno potovanje prijateljev, ki so s kavčem in dvema psoma prepotovali Ameriko Sun, 05 Oct 2014 04:15:57 +0000

Three friends, two dogs and one couch - or when couchsurfing takes on a whole new meaning.

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Budweiser announces: "Friends are waiting", drink (beer) responsibly Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:27:03 +0000

On September 19, the fifth Global Be(er) Responsible Day took place around the world, which draws attention to the responsible drinking of beer. We are usually used to having a lump in our throat after watching these kinds of ads, as if we swallowed a bitter pill, but the Budweiser brewery (the American one, not the Czech Budvar) decided to offer us its bitter drink instead of a pill.

The post Budweiser sporoča: ”Prijatelji čakajo”, pijte (pivo) odgovorno appeared first on City Magazine.

Friends mini-anniversary on Jimmy Kimmel Live Fri, 29 Aug 2014 04:05:22 +0000

The famous American host Jimmy Kimmel has managed to do something that even NBC has not been able to do. He returned the popular series Friends to TV screens. Although in a slightly reduced form, the replica of the New York apartment of Rachel and Monica and the trio of girls was enough to fill at least some of the void that was left when the show said goodbye in the 90s.

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Friendship Day brings a fairytale land to the city Tue, 01 Oct 2013 10:02:06 +0000

Fairyland on and under the stage, making friends with fairy-tale heroes from all over the world, interactive performances, music and more for our youngest.

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