gta Archives | City Magazine Thu, 22 Dec 2022 08:26:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Alfa Romeo Giulia SWB Zagato: a fantastic example of a unique Alfa Thu, 22 Dec 2022 08:26:46 +0000

The Alfa Romeo Giulia SWB Zagato is a unique example of a car that looks absolutely fantastic. The car, which began its journey as an Alfa Romeo Quadrifoglio, was updated to Guilia GTAm specifications and received a 6-speed manual gearbox.

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This is what the GTA V video game looks like in real life Thu, 11 Jun 2015 17:15:44 +0000

The popularity of the GTA video game goes without saying, so it's no wonder that some are trying to simulate it in real life. Which is the exact opposite of what we usually do. Leaving aside the fact that you can jump from a motorcycle to a jet plane in GTA V, at least in terms of graphics, the game is as real as it gets. And with this video, where the CorridorDigital team simulates what's happening in the game, it's even more obvious. Check out what GTA looks like in real life.

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The most expensive computer games in history Fri, 27 Sep 2013 07:00:59 +0000

Right now, all computer enthusiasts are playing the new game Grand Theft Auto V which was released a few days ago. It was the most anticipated game of the year.

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