halloween Archives | City Magazine Thu, 12 Oct 2023 04:51:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 These are the places where the best Halloween fun awaits you https://citymagazine.si/en/these-are-the-places-where-the-best-halloween-party-awaits-you/ Thu, 12 Oct 2023 04:51:33 +0000

If you love Halloween, or just enjoy a creepy and spooky atmosphere, then you should definitely not miss these places. The best Halloween party awaits you there!

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When is Halloween 2022? https://citymagazine.si/en/when-is-halloween-night-2022/ Tue, 18 Oct 2022 08:58:59 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=531181

Autumn is a time when we can admire beautiful leaves in a wide variety of colors and slowly prepare for cold, short days. But it's also a time when we can dress up and carve scary and less scary pumpkins for one of the most fun holidays. That's when Halloween comes, or Helloloween. We asked when this holiday is, what is the tradition behind it and what to do then.

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When is Halloween 2021: Why is Halloween celebrated? https://citymagazine.si/en/when-is-the-night-of-the-witches-2021-why-is-celebrated-halloween/ Thu, 23 Sep 2021 04:03:44 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=496533

Halloween is a time of celebration today, when we dress up in different costumes, carve pumpkins and have fun. Historically, however, this holiday was of a religious nature and extremely important to the culture of the people who celebrated it. So when do we celebrate Halloween 2021?

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Halloween 2020: 12 ideas for a fun time in "quarantine" https://citymagazine.si/en/witch-night-2020-halloween-12-ideas-for-a-fun-survival-in-quarantine/ Tue, 20 Oct 2020 04:01:15 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=464532

Halloween 2020 can include fun outdoor activities, scary movies, scary treats and more.

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Best Halloween Costume Ideas 2019: For You, Couples, Friends and Family https://citymagazine.si/en/best-ideas-for-halloween-costumes-2019-for-you-for-couples-friends-and-family/ Mon, 14 Oct 2019 04:01:08 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=412864

If you still don't have the best idea for Halloween costumes 2019 in your head, you're in the right place - we've collected cool ideas on how to dress up as an individual, couple, group or family. This year you are sure to set fire.

The post Najboljše ideje za halloween kostume 2019: zate, za pare, prijatelje in družino appeared first on City Magazine.

Where to party for Halloween 2019? https://citymagazine.si/en/where-for-witches-night-2019/ Sat, 12 Oct 2019 04:01:42 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=412256

Where to party for Halloween 2019? If you don't know yet, you MUST read which events in Slovenia will be under the sign of witches at the end of October! Is your broom really ready for an unforgettable party?

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Scary Halloween makeup ideas that would scare even horror master Stephen King https://citymagazine.si/en/scary-witches-night-make-up-ideas-that-would-scare-stephen-king/ Wed, 31 Oct 2018 05:01:45 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=194220

Halloween, or in the original Halloween, is a holiday when we can indulge in many things. To make choosing this year's mask easier, we've scoured the web for some great looks that are perfect for this year's spookiest night of the year. Here are scary Halloween makeup ideas that even Stephen King would be scared of.

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9 Holidays Darker Than Halloween https://citymagazine.si/en/9-holidays-that-are-darker-than-witches-nights/ Wed, 31 Oct 2018 05:01:42 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=112931

In the days of Halloween or Halloween, which many call without hesitation the "scariest" holiday of the year, we searched for other, no less scary holidays celebrated around the world. Read about what they are, what their characteristics are and where they take place in the article.

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Halloween: 6 True Ghost Stories That Will Keep You Up Tonight https://citymagazine.si/en/witch-night-6-true-stories-about-ghosts-that-will-keep-you-up-today/ Wed, 31 Oct 2018 05:01:23 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=326136

Several scary ghost stories appear around Halloween. They usually start with "My grandfather told me a story that there and there is haunted...". It is rare that the stories are true, and even more rarely do we have the opportunity to hear them firsthand. Because these stories that happen to us or our loved ones are undoubtedly the scariest true ghost stories. Everything else is a bit easier to attribute to wild imagination. Here are 6 true ghost stories that will keep you awake today.

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7 scary silent stories that will scare you to death https://citymagazine.si/en/7-scary-silent-stories-that-will-scare-you-to-the-bone/ Tue, 30 Oct 2018 05:01:13 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=370061

In the article you can see 7 scary silent stories that will scare you to death. Each of the photographs tells a story completely without the use of words. However, that doesn't make their narrative any less terrifying. At the end of the comic, you will always find a surprising and terrifying twist, communicated completely without dialogue. Do you dare to see everything?

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Top 10: The Best Couples Halloween Costumes That Are Better Than The Originals https://citymagazine.si/en/top-10-best-couples-halloween-costumes-that-are-better-than-the-originals/ Mon, 29 Oct 2018 05:01:12 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=369290

You know how much time it can take to create a costume that will set you on fire at a Halloween party. But it's obviously true that anything is possible if you put in the effort. These couples prove that the Top10 Best Couples Halloween Costume award goes to them, because the creativity we see is probably hard to beat.

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10 Halloween Home Decorations That Will Take Your Breath Away https://citymagazine.si/en/10-decorations-for-witches-night-that-will-take-your-breath-away/ Sun, 28 Oct 2018 05:01:27 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=369786

These 10 Halloween home decorations are sure to take your breath away. These are real masterpieces!

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10 awesome Halloween costumes that only require makeup https://citymagazine.si/en/10-amazing-halloween-costumes-for-which-all-you-need-filter/ Mon, 22 Oct 2018 04:01:31 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=368507

Don't worry, you're definitely not the only one who's embarrassed to walk around town in a fancy dress costume you've had in mind for months or even years. If you still can't overcome your fear this year, you can at least come up with a mask for which you only need makeup and, of course, the skill to make sure your mask doesn't look worse than your costume idea.

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Which classic Halloween movie should you watch according to your astrological sign? https://citymagazine.si/en/which-halloween-movie-you-must-watch-according-to-your-astrological-sign/ Sat, 13 Oct 2018 04:01:47 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=366889

October 31st is reserved for company, entertainment and movies, which are as ordered for you according to your astrological sign. If you're going to watch movies with your partner or friends, and you can't decide which movie to watch, simply make a movie marathon. Cherry's selection of Halloween movies is varied and there will be something for everyone.

The post Kateri klasični halloween film si moraš ogledati glede na svoje astrološko znamenje? appeared first on City Magazine.

Halloween costumes 2018: is this the most romantic Halloween costume of the year? https://citymagazine.si/en/halloween-costumes-2018-is-this-the-most-romantic-halloween-costume-of-this-year/ Fri, 12 Oct 2018 04:01:25 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=366798

Filters from apps are also a hit this year, and make-up artists couldn't resist the temptation to bring virtual reality into our real world. They have created the most romantic Halloween costume, which could easily be among the top Halloween costumes of 2018. And you will be terribly romantic.

The post Halloween kostumi 2018: je to najbolj romantičen halloween kostum letošnjega leta? appeared first on City Magazine.

Ideas for Halloween 2018, with which you will decorate your home in an original way https://citymagazine.si/en/ideas-for-halloween-2018-with-which-you-will-originally-decorate-your-home/ Wed, 10 Oct 2018 04:01:32 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=366649

Halloween 2018 is less than a month away, so those of you who love this holiday should also properly prepare for its arrival. Pumpkins are synonymous with Halloween, but if you don't have a garden where you could plant that 'real' pumpkin, you can conjure it in a very simple way in a few minutes right at home. These Halloween 2018 ideas will prove to you that the impossible becomes possible on Halloween.

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Halloween 2018: Where to party for Halloween? https://citymagazine.si/en/witch-night-2018-where-to-party-for-halloween/ Tue, 09 Oct 2018 04:01:27 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=366437

It's a bad month until Halloween, but there's nothing wrong with having your costume ready. At the end of the month, you will carve more pumpkins and decorate the house. For the finishing touch, a good party will come in handy, which is prepared for Halloween in all parts of Slovenia. Is your broomstick ready for Halloween 2018 and do you already know where to go for a Halloween party?

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12 ingenious Halloween costumes that are truly fantastic https://citymagazine.si/en/12-genius-halloween-costumes-that-are-truly-fantastic/ Sat, 29 Sep 2018 04:01:40 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=365375

Although we're barely into October and Halloween is more than a month away, now is a great time to start thinking about the coolest costume to impress the 'strict jury' at competitions in clubs, cafes and village fetes. We warn you that the ideas are so crazy that they are only for the most daring.

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Ugly 'halloween' sweaters are all you need to chase away summer https://citymagazine.si/en/ugly-halloween-sweaters-are-all-you-need-to-wear-summer/ Sat, 22 Sep 2018 04:01:43 +0000

We haven't even said goodbye to summer, but the biggest Halloween fans are already scaring the web with spooky themed patterns that they've incorporated into every area of their lives. Since not everyone likes the sun and the heat, fans of the cooler days have created Halloween sweaters, with which you can chase away summer and summon dark days. Do you like this idea?

The post Grdi ‘halloween’ puloverji so vse, kar potrebuješ, da odženeš poletje appeared first on City Magazine.

Halloween Masks: 10+ Looks to Win at the Last Minute https://citymagazine.si/en/make-up-for-witches-night-10-looks-that-we-can-win-in-the-last-minute/ Tue, 31 Oct 2017 05:01:52 +0000

Oh, Halloween... One of the most creative holidays of the year! This gives the best makeup artists the opportunity to show off their masterful makeup skills and at the same time prove that they not only know how to apply makeup, but they also know how to teach... even those who don't do makeup at all. We have prepared a selection of how-to videos prepared for Halloween by beauty vloggers on their YouTube channels. These are simple yet great looks that can be rocked even at the last minute!

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10th Night of Horrors: A Spooky Celebration for Halloween 2017 https://citymagazine.si/en/10-nights-of-horror-scary-celebration-for-witches-night-2017/ Wed, 25 Oct 2017 04:01:06 +0000

The scariest night of the year rarely lives up to its name. We usually dress up in not-so-scary costumes and have a little fun with our friends. This year, however, you can put an end to this squishy tradition and finally give yourself a good scare. Come to the 10th horror night at Kinodvor on October 31, 2017, starting at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are already on sale.

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Halloween 2017: where to go for Halloween? https://citymagazine.si/en/witch-night-2017-where-for-halloween/ Wed, 25 Oct 2017 04:01:03 +0000

Halloween has certainly been gaining popularity in recent years. As a result, every year there are quite a few events and parties where we can go with our broom. And where to go for Halloween 2017?

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10+ Ideas for Halloween Masks https://citymagazine.si/en/10-ideas-make-up-night-of-the-witches-halloween/ Mon, 23 Oct 2017 04:00:07 +0000

In times of recession, it is necessary to be resourceful and creative in all areas. We present you a simple way to create real makeup art on your face and create an original Halloween mask.

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The best Halloween costumes for romantic couples https://citymagazine.si/en/best-halloween-costumes-for-romantic-couples/ Mon, 16 Oct 2017 04:01:48 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=323970

Do you love Titanic and The Notebook? There's no way you have to deal with Ellie's death in the Up cartoon? Then you are a true romantic at your core. If you and your partner are truly romantic souls, this side of your relationship can be fully experienced on Halloween. Check out the article below for the best Halloween costumes for romantic couples.

The post Najboljši kostumi za Halloween za romantične pare appeared first on City Magazine.

Super bad makeup ideas for Halloween https://citymagazine.si/en/awesome-makeup-ideas-for-halloween-night/ Wed, 11 Oct 2017 03:45:51 +0000

Halloween is just around the corner. We have collected super badass makeup ideas, real works of art, with which you will show that you are in control.

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The best horror shorts that will make your blood run cold! https://citymagazine.si/en/the-best-short-horror-films-that-made-your-blood-freeze/ Sat, 29 Oct 2016 04:10:59 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=264939

Can't spare time for a good horror movie, let alone a movie marathon? Don't worry, we've found the best short horror films for you, which won't let you sleep and will give you goosebumps like you haven't in a long time! Perfect for Halloween, then!

The post Najboljše kratkometražne grozljivke, ob katerih vam bo zaledenela kri! appeared first on City Magazine.

Halloween – Christmas trees decorated in a Halloween theme https://citymagazine.si/en/halloween-christmas-trees-decorated-on-the-theme-of-witches-night/ Thu, 27 Oct 2016 06:05:45 +0000

Yes, you read that right, people now put up Christmas trees as early as Halloween. Of course, they are not decorated with Christmas decorations, but with Halloween-themed decorations. Will you set it up too?

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The best non-Hollywood horror movies of all time https://citymagazine.si/en/the-best-non-hollywood-horror-movies-of-all-time/ Sun, 23 Oct 2016 06:06:32 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=262708

We've searched for the best non-Hollywood horror movies of all time that are often unfairly overlooked. If you're a fan of horror movies, you definitely shouldn't miss these movies. Want to spice up Halloween? Among these movies, you will find great ideas for a Halloween movie night.

The post Najboljše grozljivke vseh časov, ki niso hollywoodske produkcije appeared first on City Magazine.

Horror night 2016 – the 9th Halloween movie marathon in Kinodvor https://citymagazine.si/en/horror-night-2016-9-movie-marathon-for-night-of-the-witches-in-the-cinema/ Sat, 22 Oct 2016 06:07:30 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=event&p=263463

On the night of October 31 to November 1, 2016, the traditional marathon of horror films selected by Marcel Štefančič, jr. returns to Kinodvor. Horror Night 2016 will feature five films that will make our skin crawl for ten hours. Do you dare?

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Halloween 2016: Cheap and Easy DIY Costumes https://citymagazine.si/en/halloween-2016-cheap-costumes-that-are-easy-to-make-yourself/ Sat, 22 Oct 2016 06:02:02 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=263049

Have you chosen your Halloween 2016 costume yet? Well, the web is full of suggestions of one kind or another, and we've found some of the most creative and inexpensive costumes for Halloween 2016 that you can easily make yourself.

The post Halloween 2016: poceni kostumi, ki jih zlahka narediš sam appeared first on City Magazine.

Halloween - Halloween costumes worn back in the day https://citymagazine.si/en/halloween-costumes-for-the-night-of-the-witches-that-were-once-worn/ Fri, 14 Oct 2016 06:08:18 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=260544

Halloween is coming, or Halloween, which means that the streets will once again be occupied by children and young people in various costumes. The American custom, which has caught on well in Slovenia as well, has its origins in Celtic customs. The Celts put on fear-inducing masks so that evil spirits would mistake them for ghosts and leave them alone. Today, Halloween is a commercially interesting holiday that has grown into a worldwide phenomenon. People dress up in all kinds of costumes and masks, but if you think some of today's things are scary, then you haven't seen how people dressed up for Halloween back in the day! These costumes will give you nightmares!

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Halloween 2016 in Slovenia: Where to go for Halloween? https://citymagazine.si/en/halloween-2016-where-for-a-night-of-witches-in-slovenia/ Thu, 13 Oct 2016 05:36:59 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=260863

Halloween celebrations and parties are wild and scary every year. This will be the case in 2016 as well. We've put together some great suggestions for where you can go with your broom this year.

The post Noč čarovnic 2016 po Sloveniji: Kam za Halloween? appeared first on City Magazine.

dr. Martens Skelly - glow-in-the-dark skeleton boots https://citymagazine.si/en/dr-martens-skelly-boots-with-a-skeleton-motif-that-glows-in-the-dark/ Sun, 09 Oct 2016 06:02:58 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=259754

dr. Martens has introduced a glow-in-the-dark version of its famous 1460 bull boots. Ankle boots Dr. Martens Skelly have a photoluminescent leg skeleton motif and a luminous sole.

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Fun on the Skyscraper: Halloween high above the city https://citymagazine.si/en/party-on-the-skyscraper-halloween-high-above-the-city/ Mon, 26 Sep 2016 06:01:28 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=event&p=256008

Skyscraper Party: Halloween high above the city invites all witches, vampires, princesses, werewolves, house elves, green hulks and other fairy and fantasy creatures to join you in Halloween. Good music and dance animation will be provided. The party starts on October 30, 2016 in Ljubljana's one and only Skyscraper.

The post Zabava na Nebotičniku: Halloween visoko nad mestom appeared first on City Magazine.

How far Americans go for Halloween - the most bizarre house decorations https://citymagazine.si/en/how-far-americans-go-for-halloween-most-bizarre-house-decorations/ Fri, 30 Oct 2015 11:53:25 +0000

We all know that Halloween or Halloween is an important holiday for Americans who like to dress up and walk the streets and parties dressed in interesting costumes. But many of them don't just stop at pampering themselves, they also decorate their houses by the way!

The post Kako daleč gredo Američani za Halloween – najbizarnejše hišne dekoracije appeared first on City Magazine.

H&M Halloween collection of costumes and t-shirts https://citymagazine.si/en/um-collection-of-costumes-and-shirts-for-halloween/ Sat, 24 Oct 2015 03:34:00 +0000

Tudi na noč čarovnic bo H&M poskrbel za nas! Za Halloween, ki se nesramno hitro bliža, so namreč pri švedskem ponudniku hitre mode H&M poskrbeli za vse, ki bomo v zadnjem trenutku iskale kostum oziroma majico za praznovanje najbolj grozljive noči v letu.

The post H&M Halloween kolekcija kostumov in majic appeared first on City Magazine.

Halloween: Are these the cutest Halloween costumes? https://citymagazine.si/en/witches-night-these-are-the-cutest-costumes-for-halloween/ Thu, 22 Oct 2015 03:50:37 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=192254

Halloween is more than just a costume party, and because we love to import customs and trends from America, we have practically adopted Halloween as our own in our logos. Even if you don't approve, we can agree that costumes can be an inspiration for our "Halloween". And we think we've found the cutest specimens. Willow, a three-year-old girl, became a real attraction with her Dress Up Willow Month series. Last year as Frida Kahlo, ET and the like, but this year the girl or her mother Gina Lee found inspiration in TV series and movies.

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Halloween: The Best Celebrity Masks https://citymagazine.si/en/the-best-masks-for-the-night-of-the-witches-in-the-pattern-of-the-stars/ Tue, 20 Oct 2015 03:49:29 +0000

With Halloween approaching at lightning speed, we've rounded up our editors' best female celebrity costumes in one place to inspire you when choosing a mask to celebrate the spookiest night of the year.

The post Noč čarovnic: najboljše maske po vzoru zvezdnic appeared first on City Magazine.

Halloween: the most beautiful and original carved pumpkins in the world https://citymagazine.si/en/the-night-of-the-witches-the-most-beautiful-and-the-most-originally-carved-pumpkins-in-the-world/ Sat, 10 Oct 2015 03:32:29 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=189418

Halloween is just around the corner, so it's about time we got you in the right mood. And where better to start than with a photo gallery of the world's most beautiful carved pumpkins? These carved pumpkins will make your masterpieces look like the work of a three-year-old, but you still have some time until Halloween to perfect your carving technique.

The post Noč čarovnic: najlepše in najizvirneje izrezljane buče na svetu appeared first on City Magazine.

Scary movies to get us ready for Halloween https://citymagazine.si/en/scary-movies-that-will-prepare-us-for-the-night-of-the-witches/ Tue, 06 Oct 2015 03:31:07 +0000

Need inspiration for this year's Halloween costume? Here are ten creepy movies to inspire anyone who can't wait for October 31st…

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Halloween: the scariest and weirdest make-up masks https://citymagazine.si/en/witches-night-most-scary-and-weird-masks/ Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:15:24 +0000

On October 31st, the Celts marked the end of the harvest season, and today this day promises a rich harvest of masks. Halloween or Halloween is a time for our weirdness to come to the fore (without turning out to be weird), which in adults is often reflected in creepy masks created with make-up.

The post Noč čarovnic: najbolj strašljive in čudaške make-up maske appeared first on City Magazine.

Jack Nicholson: 15 quotes that will conjure the atmosphere of Halloween https://citymagazine.si/en/jack-nicholson-15-quotes-that-will-conjure-the-halloween-atmosphere/ Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:59:51 +0000

Are you also a fan of Jack Nicholson on cinema screens and television screens? But would you feel completely safe if he sat next to you on the bench? Jack Nicholson is an excellent combination of coolness, madness and terror, which makes him the perfect Halloween star. We have selected some of his quotes that testify to his vain personality. "Here's Johnny!"

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Cute Dog Costumes For Halloween 2013 https://citymagazine.si/en/cute-dog-costumes-for-halloween-2013/ Mon, 28 Oct 2013 10:21:30 +0000

Halloween is the day when we all transform into different action heroes, politicians, beasts and strange creatures. But in recent years, not only people, but also animals have inadvertently become part of this attraction.

The post Prikupni pasji kostumi za noč čarovnic 2013 appeared first on City Magazine.

25 Halloween nail art ideas https://citymagazine.si/en/25-ideas-for-nail-painting-for-witches-night/ Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:06:26 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=31521

We are only a few days away from the scariest day of the year. Halloween as the Americans call it, or Halloween as we call it. But since it's not all about scary masks, we suggest some ideas for painting your nails.

The post 25 idej za poslikavo nohtov za noč čarovnic appeared first on City Magazine.

Tech lovers for Halloween https://citymagazine.si/en/technology-lovers-for-witches-night/ Fri, 18 Oct 2013 03:20:31 +0000

For Halloween, many masks will once again line up at every turn. From cartoon characters, animals, politicians, to things that technology lovers love.

The post Ljubitelji tehnologije za noč čarovnic appeared first on City Magazine.

The best masks from New York Comic Con 2013 https://citymagazine.si/en/best-masks-from-new-york-comic-con-2013/ Mon, 14 Oct 2013 05:52:19 +0000

Comic Con is considered one of the largest events where fans of television, film and cartoon heroes gather.

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