how to drive him crazy Archives | City Magazine Fri, 06 Jan 2023 21:17:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 40+ phrases with which you will conquer the girl you like so much Mon, 12 Mar 2018 05:01:52 +0000

Numerous studies have shown that many women subconsciously decide after thirty seconds of being with a man whether he is suitable for a relationship with her or not. That is why cues for winning over girls, or winning phrases with which men address a woman, are even more important. Sometimes men spend hours trying to break the ice, but surprisingly, sometimes a simple sentence like: "What kind of pizza do you prefer?" is chosen by the girls themselves as one of the most effective introductory sentences. Guys, would you think something so very simple ignites? Here are 43 others who are also "igniting".

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15+ secrets of strong and successful couples, which are a prerequisite for a successful relationship Mon, 09 Oct 2017 08:05:28 +0000

Being part of a unit can be difficult. Decisions are made with someone in mind, we have to be careful about the other person's feelings and at the same time take care of our own happiness. Strong couples, especially strong individuals, feel safe in their own skin and can allow themselves to be vulnerable in their relationship with another. When we manage to build such a relationship, we are each other's strengthened support. Strong relationships depend on mutual respect and understanding. And what are the 15 secrets that powerful couples follow and are successful because of it?

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How to drive him crazy — the man you like? Wed, 22 Jun 2016 06:35:54 +0000

Wondering how to drive the man you like crazy? Driving him crazy isn't just a "coincidence" of your character traits or fashion style. Much more is needed for this. There are countless reasons why we fall in love with someone (besides his/her cuteness, of course). And when we truly understand the rules of attraction, we will be masters of seduction! Of course, it all starts with attraction, but to really warm to someone, we have to have the desire to connect with them. So, how do you drive a man you like crazy?

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Happy couples consider quality, not quantity, when it comes to sex Tue, 24 Nov 2015 04:42:39 +0000

According to new research, happiness does not come from the quantity of sexual pleasure, but rather from the quality. Happy couples should have sex once a week. A happy relationship does not depend on the frequency of sexual relations, the research showed. Among other things, the researchers dealt with the question: do we really never have enough?

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Why will reading together improve our relationship with our partner? Thu, 10 Sep 2015 04:17:45 +0000

Reading is one of the most popular hobbies. It relaxes and educates us at the same time. It allows us to experience all kinds of adventures and learn a variety of interesting facts without leaving our comfortable armchair. Reading brings another advantage - namely, if we read together, with a partner, we do something else for our relationship. So why does reading together strengthen our partnership?

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15 signs that we are in a relationship with the right man Wed, 15 Apr 2015 06:10:54 +0000

When it comes to partnerships and interpersonal relationships, we often wonder how some people can get involved with others. We wonder why they don't just walk away if they're not happy, and hopefully they appreciate their partner if they've hit it off, so to speak. Where is the normal limit, when it is necessary to evaluate a healthy relationship, it is sometimes difficult to determine, but we can ask ourselves how good the person we are in a relationship with is. This time, we have compiled a list of qualities that testify to how good a man is in a relationship with a woman, or what are the signs that show that we are in a relationship with the right man. Of course, these traits and signs also apply to women. For a healthy and good relationship, both of you have to make an effort.

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