innovations Archives | City Magazine Tue, 25 Aug 2020 10:21:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 One day you will have this horrible caterpillar swimming through your veins Tue, 02 Oct 2018 03:47:10 +0000

Healthcare and technology, through mutual cooperation, contribute to the development of many products that help in the treatment of diseases. What can we expect from them in the future?

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The Chinese 'attached' a 100-meter waterfall to the skyscraper Sat, 28 Jul 2018 04:01:21 +0000

People travel the world to see natural waterfalls, but the Chinese create artificial, man-made, 'falling water' on 100-meter skyscrapers. Someone obviously had a crazy idea.

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Helmfon: a helmet for total privacy Wed, 12 Jul 2017 04:02:28 +0000

Is your work in a loud office? A river of cars is driving past the building, colleagues are talking loudly all the time, the radio is loud, and you urgently need to get together? You probably cover your ears, but what when you need deadlines to work. Don't worry, the Ukrainian design studio Hochu Rayu has come up with a solution. It's called Helmfon.

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Lanmodo: A sunshade for a car that can also be a tent for people Fri, 28 Apr 2017 06:00:29 +0000

Are you also annoyed when you have to sit in a hot car again and again in the summer? But you may be able to prevent it, and without a large financial investment. Meet Lanmodo, the car shade that makes sure you'll never sit in a sauna-like cabin again.

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Breeze: an ambient lamp that can be turned on and off with the breath Wed, 26 Apr 2017 06:01:12 +0000

We are used to turning on the lights with a switch, more and more of them can be turned on with smartphones, and in the future we may be able to turn them on by voice command. Well, Xinyue Yang has chosen a different way of turning the light on and off, which offers similar effects as a dimmer, except that instead of using a keyboard, the brightness is determined with your breath.

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Google co-founder Larry Page showed his flying car: for sale this year Tue, 25 Apr 2017 06:00:15 +0000

Flying cars grow like mushrooms after the rain. Google co-founder Larry Page also believes that they will soon become commonplace, having invested fabulous sums of money in companies from Silicon Valley - Zee.Aero and Kitty Haw - the amount is close to 100 million euros. Recently, on the social network, he showed the first serious fruits of their labor, more precisely the company Kitty Haw. Meet the flying car Kitty Hawk Flyer, which successfully passed the first test and will be available for purchase in 2017.

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Solarcan - a camera in a can Sat, 22 Apr 2017 06:00:59 +0000

The Solarcan is probably the strangest camera you've ever seen. The can-shaped camera allows you to capture a photo with a long exposure time.

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Museum of Failure: a museum of failure that celebrates human creativity Wed, 19 Apr 2017 06:01:37 +0000

Don't let the name fool you. The Swedish Museum of Failure, which opens in Helsingborg on June 7, 2017, will not make fun of failure, on the contrary, it will celebrate human creativity. It will initially exhibit 51 products that failed ingloriously and ended up on the pyre of history, some of them perhaps even unjustly. Let's see what author Samuel West has prepared for us.

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A smart bandage that remotely informs the doctor about the progress of the injury Wed, 19 Apr 2017 06:00:31 +0000

Bonds are among the more fundamental medical devices. Thanks to the University of Swansea, they now have a brain. Smart dressings with 5G connectivity and the ability to monitor wound healing are expected to revolutionize healthcare. They should be available by the end of 2017.

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Nubrella - a no-hold umbrella perfect for photographers Tue, 18 Apr 2017 06:00:41 +0000

Taking photos in the rain is not the easiest thing in the world. If you want to protect your photography equipment, you usually have to use an umbrella, which comes with a lot of limitations. You can solve this problem with Nubrella's innovative no-hold umbrella. It covers the upper part of the body, is light and is carried on the shoulder, which means that we have both hands free.

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The Isolator - a helmet for better concentration Mon, 17 Apr 2017 04:10:59 +0000

Do you find it difficult to concentrate at work? Although it seems that it is a modern problem, for which social networks are mainly to blame, disturbing elements at work have been encountered in the past. Today, there are tons of gadgets that help us stay focused on the task at hand, but even in the past, they had an answer, in the form of a spacesuit device called The Isolator.

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Ooho: instead of a bottle, a food ball Sat, 15 Apr 2017 04:06:00 +0000

Sustainable or more environmentally friendly packaging has become a global trend. One of the companies that strives to create packaging that has as little impact on the environment as possible is the British Skipping Rocks Lab, which has produced edible and degradable Ooho water balls that could soon replace water bottles.

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Richard Browning - the real Iron Man Mon, 03 Apr 2017 06:01:05 +0000

Who wouldn't want to have armor like Iron Man? If that's a pious wish for most of us, it's not the case for British innovator Richard Browning, who created a flight suit. He may not be flying through the air with it like Tony Stark (yet), but he's well on his way to becoming a true Iron Man.

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Rinsten Spring - a seat cushion that your butt will thank you for Sun, 02 Apr 2017 06:01:50 +0000

With spring, recreational cyclists also take a look at the plan. Anyone who has ever covered a long distance knows how the butt can start to hurt after a certain time and how painful each jolt can be. With the Rinsten Spring shock absorber, this will no longer be the case. The revolutionary shock absorber can be mounted on any bike, and you don't have to change the seat for greater comfort.

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A wine bottle that does not drip or leak Wed, 29 Mar 2017 06:01:52 +0000

Pouring wine into a glass without it running down the bottle and dripping onto the tablecloth is harder than it sounds. If we don't know how to put it on properly or if we don't use a napkin, we usually end up with a stubborn wine stain on the tablecloth, shirt or pants. But now they have finally invented a bottle that does not drip or leak.

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Laptop "to" iPhone: a smartphone instead of a touchpad Tue, 28 Mar 2017 06:01:08 +0000

Tech giant Apple has filed a patent for a laptop that turns an iPhone smartphone into a MacBook laptop, and the phone folds right into the place of the touchpad.

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Preparing food in the washing machine - an innovative way of cooking Mon, 27 Mar 2017 06:02:22 +0000

You've probably heard of many types of food preparation methods, but certainly not something like Iftach Gazit's idea. A student from Tel Aviv has created a unique set of food bags that are not prepared in a pot, pan, oven or microwave, but in the washing machine.

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Hum Rider – a vehicle on 'stilts' for jumping columns Mon, 27 Mar 2017 06:00:29 +0000

The Hum Rider may not be a production vehicle, but a utility vehicle like this Jeep Grad Cherokee is something everyone would like to own, especially when we're stuck in traffic. With the help of hydraulic lifts, the Hum Rider rises above the other vehicles and literally rides above them.

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Pedal Park magnetic pedals - parking your bike has never been easier Thu, 23 Mar 2017 07:01:23 +0000

Many people do not have a 'peg' on their bike, and many times it cannot be used. That's when the Pedal Park magnetic pedals will come in very handy, with which you can lean the bike against the sign, without fear of the bike falling and getting damaged. Pedal Park is a solution that is brilliant in its simplicity.

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A smart flower pot that waters indoor plants by itself Thu, 23 Mar 2017 07:01:03 +0000

Would you like to have indoor plants in your room, but they all wither because you forget to water them? We have a solution for you. The Parrot Pot smart flower pot that takes care of the plants by itself and allows you to go on vacation without worrying about the flowers wilting in the meantime. And you won't have to give your neighbors a key to come and water them.

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In the future, we will pay with sunglasses Mon, 20 Mar 2017 07:02:10 +0000

In the future, we will be able to pay with sunglasses! To be clear, this does not mean that you will hand over glasses to the cashier instead of money in exchange for purchased goods, but rather that sunglasses will replace payment cards as a means of payment. Such a solution is being tested by Visa, which says that the future of payment is in things that we don't treat in this way today.

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Ikea with furniture you can assemble without tools Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:02:05 +0000

Assembling Ikea furniture was already quite simple, but it will become even easier in the future. Ikea has invented a way to assemble furniture units without any tools!

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Smart Pet Bottle: opening the bottle with the app Tue, 07 Mar 2017 07:01:54 +0000

Do you find unscrewing a bottle cap a time-consuming task, not worth your time and energy? Then you need the Smart Pet Bottle, an attachment that allows you to open bottles hands-free. That's right! After all, we live in the 21st century.

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Basic House: a self-inflating house that you can put in your pocket Sun, 05 Mar 2017 05:00:59 +0000

The self-inflating Basic House is probably the most mobile shelter out there. It is made of rescue or astrofoil and offers you a safe shelter wherever you are.

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Dot: The first smart watch for the blind and partially sighted is ready Sat, 25 Feb 2017 07:02:25 +0000

The blind and partially sighted have to face many obstacles every day, but their lives will become a little easier in the future. After several years, the Dot smart watch for the blind and visually impaired is coming to the market, which will contribute to their easier everyday life and equal communication opportunities.

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Somnox – a pillow that breathes like a human and lulls you to sleep Tue, 21 Feb 2017 07:02:03 +0000

Having trouble falling asleep? Can't seem to calm down? Then the Somnox pillow is exactly what you need. Somnox breathes. He inhales and exhales just like a human. All you have to do is hug him and he will lull you to sleep with his calm breathing.

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Portable wind turbine to charge your smartphone in nature Mon, 20 Feb 2017 07:03:20 +0000

Do you like going to nature, to corners where GSM signals do not catch and there is neither a ghost nor a hearing about electric sockets where you could charge your smartphone? Electronic devices play an important role in our lives, even when we are in nature, where we generally withdraw from them for a short time. Maybe you don't use your phone there to read email, browse the web or make calls, but you need it as a camera, flashlight, map or music player. That's when you'll be glad to have the Micro Wind Turbine with you to charge your portable device even so far away from civilization.

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Air-Ink: ink for pens and cartridges made from car exhausts Mon, 20 Feb 2017 07:02:39 +0000

As long as we use fossil fuels, we will be able to deal with air pollution. Air-Ink is a device that is installed on the exhaust system and is responsible for catching car exhausts at the source. even before they leave the pipe and enter the atmosphere. Graviky Labs then cleans the collected particles of toxic elements and turns them into ink for pens and printers.

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STRAW: McDonald's made a revolutionary straw for "shake" Sun, 19 Feb 2017 04:09:24 +0000

As you probably know, McDonald's straws are slightly wider than regular ones, which is no coincidence, as this brings out a fuller taste. But not in the case of the new Double Chocolate Mint Milkshake. That's why McDonald's hired engineers to develop a straw that would deliver both flavors to the palate in the right ratio at the same time. And the revolutionary STRAW was born. But even more than this, it impresses the way in which they went about presenting the innovative straw, with which McDonald's is more than obviously making fun of Apple.

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Self Tying Sneakers - DIY Lego Tying Device Thu, 16 Feb 2017 07:01:53 +0000

Ever since the 'self-lacing' Nike Mag sneaker appeared in 1989's Back to the Future 2, mankind has dreamed of the day when fiction became reality. This happened in 2016, when we did see them. But due to the limited supply, only a handful could get their hands on them until now, and even those had to dig deep into their pockets. However, as you will learn below, you can also make 'self-tying' sneakers yourself. All you need are classic sneakers and Lego bricks.

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Mercedes z novim varnostnim ukrepom v primeru nesreče – ”roza šum” za zaščito sluha Sun, 12 Feb 2017 08:46:19 +0000

Mercedes has introduced the unusual safety innovation Pre-Safe Sound, which will be part of their latest E-class cars. It is this pink noise that operates at a frequency of 80 decibels and is triggered milliseconds before the activation of air proximity, and is supposed to prevent hearing damage in the event accidents that can be caused by cracking and groaning of sheet metal.

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Goûte spoon - like licking your fingers Fri, 10 Feb 2017 07:04:48 +0000

The Goûte spoon offers a new and refined way of enjoying food. It feels like licking your fingers. We are celebrating the times when spoons, knives and forks were just a means to get food from the plate to our mouths. Thanks to technology, we can use utensils to make food tastier and trick the taste buds to such an extent that they mistake vegetables for chocolate. The Goûte spoon brings the authenticity of eating food with your finger without acting as if we are strangers to etiquette.

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Wine Glass Mask: oxygen mask for wine Fri, 10 Feb 2017 07:02:45 +0000

In order for the taste of the selected wine to be truly perfected, it must be served in the right glasses. But all wine glasses have had the same problem for centuries. While drinking, they exclude one sense - the sense of smell. The Oxygen Wine Glass Mask now fixes this, adding a missing dimension to wine enjoyment with its innovative design.

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Uncharted Supply Hideaway Jacket - an anorak that can be a down jacket Thu, 02 Feb 2017 07:03:57 +0000

Nature is unpredictable and we humans all too often underestimate it. That is why it is not uncommon for us to be caught off guard. Carrying the Uncharted Supply Hideaway Jacket will make it that much harder. It is basically an anorak, but with a little effort you can turn it into a warm jacket.

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For better sleep: Eight Sleep Tracker smart sheets Thu, 02 Feb 2017 07:03:33 +0000

The Eight Sleep Tracker smart sheet is a real novelty on the furniture market. It differs from other products in that it has modern technology built into the frame, which contributes to better sleep. In addition to analyzing the sleep pattern, it also includes a whole bunch of other useful functions that enable uninterrupted and pleasant rest.

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Autofocus glasses are coming Tue, 31 Jan 2017 07:02:21 +0000

Although progressive glasses, which are suitable for people with diopters for distance and near, have made life easier for visually impaired people, many people find it difficult to get used to them. Well, they might not even have to, because in a few years we'll have glasses with automatic focus.

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Love – the world's first smart turntable is romance in a modern way Sat, 28 Jan 2017 06:07:23 +0000

Dust off your vinyl records, because turntables are making a comeback. In recent times, modern versions of turntables have mushroomed. The Slovenians also brought theirs with the MAG-LEV Audio floating record player, and we were also impressed by the RokBlok, a device that allows you to listen to records without a record player. Love is also a different turntable from the ones we know. It is said to be the first smart record player that brings the "comfort" of CDs.

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Fret Zeppelin - learning guitar has never been so easy Thu, 19 Jan 2017 07:02:13 +0000

Learning the guitar is not exactly a simple task. You need a lot of patience and practice, practice and more practice. There are no shortcuts. Well, at least there weren't until now. Meet Fret Zeppelin, a guitar neck attachment that greatly accelerates learning.

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NeoRest 750H – a smart toilet that eliminates the need for toilet paper Sun, 15 Jan 2017 06:03:22 +0000

You probably don't think of the toilet bowl as an excess of technology, but many engineers are thinking in that direction. And since practically every other thing in our home has become smart today, not even the toilet bowl could escape this fate. Meet the NeoRest 750H, the world's most technologically advanced toilet that eliminates the need for toilet paper.

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CES 2017: Hushme - the mouth mask that drowns out your phone conversation Fri, 13 Jan 2017 07:04:05 +0000

How many times have you been reading or studying in the library when you were interrupted by a phone call and had to rush out? Now you won't have to. Meet Hushme, probably one of the most bizarre innovations we've come across recently, but also by far the most useful. The technological mouth mask with headphones allows you to enjoy a private conversation in public without disturbing others. An unusual headset is a silencer.

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Sharkman – multifunctional wearable furniture for everyday use Wed, 11 Jan 2017 07:02:17 +0000

It sounds strange, but when you get to know all the practical features of Sharkman, a wearable, light and extremely flexible piece of furniture for everyday use, you will be more than willing to own it.

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Campfire Defender – a 'blanket' for the fire Tue, 10 Jan 2017 07:01:45 +0000

Do you like to camp outdoors, somewhere in nature? Don't want the fire in your fireplace to go out overnight? Think of the Campfire Defender, a 'blanket' for the fire that ensures that even after several hours your fire pit is still 'active' and you can just throw a log on the embers in the morning and it will be as if the fire had been maintained all night.

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The iPhone celebrates 10 years - did you know you could almost control it with a wheel and call it Telepod?! Mon, 09 Jan 2017 07:06:37 +0000

The iPhone is 10 years old! January 9, 2007 is a day that went down in history. On this day, Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone smartphone, a device that not only revolutionized the technology industry, but also changed our way of life. Did you know that the iPhone could be operated in a completely different way than it is today? Apple's designs for the first iPhone reveal that it would almost have a wheel, as their iPod player had. What could be written today about Telepod and not iPhone...

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The best tech gadgets for the active year 2017 Mon, 09 Jan 2017 07:05:44 +0000

While the best tech gadgets for 2017 aren't going to turn you into Brad Pitt from The Bare Fists by themselves, they're a great addition to your daily workout routine and can significantly improve your results.

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LED-zebras: in the Netherlands they have light-up pedestrian crossings Mon, 09 Jan 2017 07:03:57 +0000

Pedestrians are among the most endangered road users, so it is crucial for their safety to use traffic areas intended for walking. One of these are pedestrian crossings, wide white cross lines, which are often overlooked by drivers. That's why they made 'zebras' that glow in the Netherlands.

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Wair – a fashionable scarf with a breathing mask that purifies the air and measures its quality Mon, 09 Jan 2017 07:03:40 +0000

In recent days, we have been warned about the high level of air pollution with PM10 particles in many parts of Slovenia. If you are concerned about your health, you will be impressed by the product of the French start-up Caroline, which presented a fashionable scarf Wair, equipped with a breathing mask that protects the wearer from inhaling dangerous substances.

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CES 2017: Changhong H2 smartphone - your own forensics Sun, 08 Jan 2017 07:04:25 +0000

We had the opportunity to get to know forensic work well, especially in the American series, but now you can be a forensic scientist yourself without the right education and equipment. All you need is the Changhong H2 smartphone, with which you can check if your viagra is fake, among other things. It is able to analyze the molecular structure of substances.

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Bagel - a smart tape measure Sun, 08 Jan 2017 07:01:22 +0000

Bagel is a new measuring tape that will save a lot of nerves for all architects, carpenters, builders and others who often encounter impractical measuring tapes. Bagel, the smart tape measure, doesn't actually need a long, clunky tape to work at all. In addition to normal surfaces, Bagel can also measure objects with an uneven surface, and with the help of a laser, it can measure even distant, hard-to-reach objects. Of course, it is also connected to mobile devices, tablets and computers, where all measured measurements can be stored.

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CES 2017: Kératase Hair Coach - L'Oreal with a smart hair brush Thu, 05 Jan 2017 07:05:10 +0000

L'Oreal obviously thinks you don't know how to brush your hair properly. That's why he teamed up with consumer electronics company Withings to create the Kératase Hair Coach smart hair brush.

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Naptime: a smart sleeping mask for the best sleep in the world Wed, 04 Jan 2017 06:05:58 +0000

Naptime is a smart sleeping mask that will give you the best sleep in the world. For optimal performance, it uses EEG technology, which monitors your brain activity and wakes you up in the phase of light sleep. With the Naptime mask, you will never wake up tired and grumpy again.

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Kissenger: long distance kissing has never been so real Mon, 02 Jan 2017 07:00:02 +0000

Many couples are doomed to a long-distance relationship. This kind of relationship is not easy, but with the Kissenger device it will become a little easier. Until now, kissing has been thought of as a mere metaphor, but Kissenger - the "messenger" for kisses - promises to be able to simulate your kiss on another device of its kind, kissing a loved one for you.

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Lopifit bike – treadmill on two wheels Sun, 25 Dec 2016 07:02:56 +0000

What do we get when we combine a bike and a treadmill? Hybrid Lopifit. Lopifit is an innovative mode of transport that combines walking and cycling. Instead of pedals, it has a running surface, and the driving speed is controlled by walking speed.

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Savvy EKG – Slovenians have developed a personal EKG meter that can save your life Fri, 23 Dec 2016 07:25:39 +0000

As simple as we can measure our body temperature or blood pressure, we will later be able to measure our heart rate as well. Researchers at the Jožef Stefan Institute have developed a personal medical device for accurate monitoring of heart rhythm, which stores the data on a mobile application. Place the device on your body, and you can send the measurements to your doctor at any time, who can identify any deviations or defects in the functioning of the heart.

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Mercedes introduced digital headlights that can project a pedestrian crossing Thu, 08 Dec 2016 07:07:08 +0000

Mercedes introduced digital headlights, which are actually a projector. This doesn't mean you'll be able to turn the garage door into a projection surface and play a movie on it (but that would be nice!), but the headlights will be able to project messages, signage and other information onto the roadway, including a crosswalk. The new technology will make driving even safer, and the high-resolution light beam will not cause blinding of other participants.

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Apple Mirror - this is what Apple's smart mirror would look like Tue, 22 Nov 2016 07:05:13 +0000

Apple has a long list of innovations. A smart mirror is not among them. Designer Rafael Dymek, who has created the Apple Mirror, a smart touch mirror that resembles a bulky iPad, is fixing this somehow. If you already spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, you will now spend even more. 'iMirror' is powered by iOS 10 operating system.

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Flying hammock - instead of trees and beams, a drone! Sun, 20 Nov 2016 07:02:53 +0000

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, because yesterday's dream is today's hope and tomorrow's reality," said the father of rocket propulsion, Robert Hutchings Goddard, already in 1882. If there is a hammock that does not need supports or trees, but is held in the air drones, for now only a romantic idea, it is time for drone providers to start thinking about how they can change not only the way of recording and delivery, but also how they can offer a new form of pleasure.

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MyPocketMaster – Slovenians have produced the smallest multipurpose tool in the world Sun, 20 Nov 2016 07:02:34 +0000

MyPocketMaster is a Slovenian-made multifunctional tool that replaces many tools. You can use it as an opener, or you can carry it on a key ring. The project has been on Kickstarter since December 7. He collected a fifth of the funds in one day.

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SmartDome - these modular Slovenian houses are the future of living Thu, 17 Nov 2016 07:09:39 +0000

Despite the trend of moving to big cities, people are returning to nature due to a stressful lifestyle. Research has shown that we want smaller buildings in contact with nature. The Slovenian company Smartdome Constructions answered this with Smartdome houses, modular and environmentally friendly domes that look like something from another planet or from a futuristic movie. Their advantage is that everyone can afford it, it can be easily implemented in any environment and adapted to current needs. They can be energy independent and require no bureaucracy. You do not need a building permit for installation.

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Freedrum omogoča igranje bobnov … brez bobnov! Thu, 17 Nov 2016 07:04:35 +0000

Have you always wanted to play the drums, but didn't have a suitable place to practice, either because you didn't have enough room to maneuver or because of the noise, you couldn't do it because of the neighbors? Maybe because of both? Now this problem is gone. Meet Freedrum, a technology accessory for drumsticks that allows virtual drumming that feels like the real thing by recognizing movements. You mount the device on the sticks, connect it to your phone and the drumming can begin!

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KIN – a wallet that sorts banknotes and coins by itself Wed, 09 Nov 2016 07:06:08 +0000

Wallets have been the same for 'centuries'. Most have a place for banknotes and a special pocket for coins. The KIN wallet is also like that. With the difference that it sorts banknotes and coins by itself. Its innovative mechanism allows them to separate themselves and for the coins to end up in a pocket that prevents them from falling out, even if you put them in the same section as the banknotes. The wallet became a huge hit on Kicstarter.

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