intimate relationship Archives | City Magazine Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:34:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 This is the truth, what do men really mean when they "sweat" you with compliments? Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:34:18 +0000

When a man gives a compliment, it can be a very pleasant moment, but everything is not always so simple. So what's going on in his mind when he's showering you with kind words? Is every compliment genuine or just a tactic to achieve their goals?

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If a man uses these 7 phrases in conversation, he is hiding something serious from you Tue, 18 Jun 2024 06:07:41 +0000

In the introduction, we reveal how to recognize the ulterior motives of a man who uses these common phrases and what this means for your relationship.

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If someone uses these 10 phrases in conversation, they secretly dislike you (according to psychology) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 06:06:02 +0000

Have you ever felt uncomfortable while talking to someone, but you couldn't pinpoint the reason? Psychologists warn that certain phrases can reveal hidden dislike. In this article, we will reveal more than ten such phrases and how to recognize them.

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How do you know she's your fake friend - or how to spot fake people in a minute?! Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:43:49 +0000

Relationships are complex and multifaceted. Everyone has a need to hide their weaknesses or doubts from others. This is completely natural. But how do you recognize those who are hiding the truth from you? Fake friends.

The post Kako veš, da je ona tvoja lažna prijateljica – oziroma kako prepoznati lažne ljudi v minuti?! appeared first on City Magazine.

Kiss Meaning: These Are 10+ Kisses With Hidden Meanings You Need To Know To Decipher His Feelings Fri, 16 Feb 2024 07:08:55 +0000

Do you know the meaning of a kiss? In the world of love, actions often speak a thousand words. This is especially true of kisses, which carry their own little secrets. Sometimes the kiss we receive can reveal secrets buried deep in our partner's heart. Read what different kisses mean and what they really hide.

The post Pomen poljuba: to je 10+ poljubov s skritim pomenom, ki jih moraš poznati, da razvozlaš njegova čustva appeared first on City Magazine.

Men in these zodiac signs are eternal bachelors - who are they and why do they choose independence? Wed, 22 Nov 2023 19:04:50 +0000

Did you know that some men according to their horoscope are more inclined to lead an independent life? Find out which three signs stay single most often. These are male eternal bachelors.

The post Moški v teh horoskopskih znakih so večni samci – kdo so in zakaj izbirajo samostojnost? appeared first on City Magazine.

Snake and cat lovers beware: your pets define your loyalty Tue, 14 Nov 2023 06:20:20 +0000

Did you know that the type of your pet can reveal more about your tendency to be loyal? A recent study has some surprising findings. This defines your loyalty.

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3 reasons why you shouldn't be afraid of honesty Sun, 28 Aug 2022 04:04:09 +0000

Honesty in communication is not the easiest for many people: sometimes we are ashamed of our feelings, sometimes we are afraid of hurting the other person, and sometimes we simply do not want to appear rude or impolite. However, hiding true feelings and a realistic picture is by no means the right way: not only do lies always come to the fore, but it can also happen that those closest to us lose trust in us too quickly. Therefore, we have prepared for you 3 reasons why you should not be afraid of honesty.

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5 steps to become a better listener Sat, 18 Jun 2022 04:03:37 +0000

Being a good listener ranks as one of the most important character traits a person can have. We all feel much better when we can confide our worries, as well as our enthusiasm, to someone who really hears us and who lets us know that he is interested in what we have to say. That is why we have prepared 5 steps for you to become a better listener.

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4 signs you need to set a boundary in your relationship and how to do it Mon, 28 Mar 2022 11:08:49 +0000

Setting boundaries is very important in all areas of our lives: both in the relationships we cultivate with those closest to us and in the workplace. If we don't put them in place, the others will - willingly or unwillingly - take advantage of them and make us feel unheard and disregarded. That's why we've prepared for you 4 signs that you need to set a boundary and ways to do it.

The post 4 znaki, da morate v odnosu postaviti mejo in kako to storiti appeared first on City Magazine.

Relationship Books: 6 Books You Must Read Before Jumping Into A New Relationship Tue, 08 Mar 2022 05:04:51 +0000

Many people feel like they can never find love and end up getting involved with people who cause them heartache over and over again. If you found yourself in the description, don't worry. Relationships with people are difficult, especially if you carry trauma from past relationships or if you struggle with low self-esteem, and a few unfortunate experiences do not mean that you should give up on love. However, they show that before jumping into a new relationship, you need to work on yourself and learn to love yourself enough to not allow others to treat you in toxic ways. We have prepared 6 books for you that will help you with this.

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No one can do it all alone: 3 steps to shamelessly asking for help Mon, 20 Dec 2021 12:08:21 +0000

Asking and accepting help from a fellow human being is very difficult for many people, even if the person who would help them is among their closest relatives. This usually happens because they were not heard as children and had to learn to take care of themselves. However, at some point, everyone finds themselves in a situation where they need someone to help them. That's why we've prepared 3 steps that will make it easier and shameless to ask for help.

The post Nihče ne zmore vsega sam: 3 koraki, kako brez sramu prositi za pomoč appeared first on City Magazine.
