money Archives | City Magazine Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:32:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 These are 7 simple habits of millionaires that can help you get rich Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:32:00 +0000

We all want financial independence and wealth, but few actually achieve it. What if, with a few simple changes in your daily habits, you too could be on the road to millions? Millionaires are often not just lucky; they have habits and strategies that help them achieve and maintain their wealth. Here are seven key habits practiced by the wealthiest people that can help you achieve financial success.

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This thing repels money and wealth from you and you usually carry it in your purse! Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:29:42 +0000

You may be inadvertently pushing money away! Here are the hidden reasons.

The post Ta stvar odbija denar in bogastvo od tebe in ponavadi jo nosiš v torbici! appeared first on City Magazine.

Plants that bring money: these 3 plants that according to different philosophies bring money to the home Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:28:20 +0000

Who wouldn't want plants to bring in money in addition to fresh air and beauty? According to various philosophies, there are certain plants that are said to attract financial luck. Find out which three plants can help you improve your financial situation and how to properly care for them to bring maximum benefit.

The post Rastline, ki prinašajo denar: te 3 rastline, ki po različnih filozofijah prinašajo denar v dom appeared first on City Magazine.

Money tree - an indispensable addition to your home that attracts wealth and success Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:33:35 +0000

The money tree, also known as Crassula ovata or jade plant, is more than just an aesthetic addition to your home. In addition to its attractive exterior and easy maintenance, this magical plant symbolizes wealth, luck and success. In this article, we will explore the history and origins of this plant, its benefits, and tips for care and optimal placement in your home.

The post Drevo denarja – nepogrešljiv dodatek vašemu domu, ki privablja bogastvo in uspeh appeared first on City Magazine.

Empty your wallet! These items in your wallet repel money Sun, 23 Jun 2024 05:09:42 +0000

Why does your money seem to disappear quickly, no matter how hard you try to save? Have you noticed that you always have a mess in your wallet and don't have an overview of your finances? It might be time to examine exactly what you keep in your wallet and how it affects your financial situation.

The post Izpraznite denarnico! Ti predmeti v denarnici odganjajo denar appeared first on City Magazine.

3 zodiac signs that await financial prosperity this summer: luck and windfall Mon, 03 Jun 2024 07:10:49 +0000

2024 brings many opportunities for advancement, but the stars have their pick when it comes to financial luck. Although opportunities will be available to all zodiac signs, some will especially stand out in the area of finance. For most, this affection will come as a result of hard work and planning. So - 3 zodiac signs that are waiting for money this summer.

The post 3 horoskopski znaki, ki jih čaka finančno blagostanje to poletje: sreča in nepričakovan dobitek appeared first on City Magazine.

These are 5 things successful people never waste time on Sat, 01 Jun 2024 04:06:34 +0000

Successful individuals know that time is their most valuable asset. Therefore, they focus on the essential and avoid the unnecessary.

The post To je 5 stvari, za katere uspešni ljudje nikoli ne zapravljajo časa appeared first on City Magazine.

What percentage chance does your astrological sign have to win the lottery?! Thu, 16 May 2024 10:14:56 +0000

When talking about the lottery, we often turn to the stars for advice or guidance. But can your zodiac sign really affect your chances of winning? Modern astrologers have analyzed statistics and come to interesting conclusions that you simply need to know. What percentage chance does your astrological sign have to win the lottery?

The post Kakšno procentualno možnost ima vaše astrološko znamenje za zadetek na loteriji?! appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you have bad money karma? Attract wealth by changing your attitude towards money Mon, 06 May 2024 08:54:44 +0000

Your relationship with money can be more than just the numbers in your bank account. Could it be something that could actually shape your financial success or failure? It's not just about what you do with money, it's about how you feel about it!

The post Ali imate slabo denarno karmo? Pritegnite bogastvo z menjavo odnosa do denarja appeared first on City Magazine.

4 zodiac signs that will get rich in the second half of April 2024: Money is raining from all sides! Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:23:16 +0000

In the second half of April, some star signs are faced with a financial upheaval that can radically change their lives. Let's see which signs could experience their financial peak.

The post 4 horoskopski znaki, ki bodo obogateli v drugi polovici aprila 2024: Denar dežuje z vseh strani! appeared first on City Magazine.

5 astrological signs born for wealth and financial success Wed, 20 Mar 2024 08:44:00 +0000

What signs await wealth and financial success? Maybe yours?

The post 5 astroloških znamenj, ki so rojeni za bogastvo in finančni uspeh appeared first on City Magazine.

Place the elephant figure in the right place in your home for luck and wealth! Wed, 28 Feb 2024 09:36:36 +0000

Can a small elephant figure really bring more luck and money into your life? Although this may seem like a fairy tale, many believe in the power of this ancient symbol. For centuries, the elephant has been revered as a symbol of wisdom, strength and protection in many cultures around the world. But can its presence in your home really bring positive changes? Where to put the elephant figure?

The post Za srečo in bogastvo postavite figuro slona na pravo mesto v domu! appeared first on City Magazine.

Financial Horoscope March 2024: Is a Financial Disaster Coming? Tue, 20 Feb 2024 06:24:17 +0000

We are entering the month of March 2024, a period full of hope, expectation and some uncertainty in the financial world. Each astrological sign will experience its own idiosyncrasies and energies that can affect financial status and decisions. From fire signs to earth signs, from planets in retrograde motion to explosive aspects, the coming month brings a variety of opportunities and challenges for everyone. So how can you use astrological insights to improve your finances in March 2024? Read on to discover what the stars have in store for you.

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2024 Horoscope and Career: These 4 Astrological Signs Will Change Jobs Thu, 28 Dec 2023 09:44:32 +0000

Entering the new year brings fresh hope and new possibilities. Astrology predicts that the four zodiac signs will experience key changes in their careers in 2024. If you are one of them, get ready for an exciting journey to new professional challenges. These are signs that will change jobs.

The post Horoskop in kariera za leto 2024: ta 4 astrološka znamenja bodo zamenjala službo appeared first on City Magazine.

10 Key Habits of Very Rich People Without Which They Couldn't Succeed Wed, 27 Dec 2023 17:11:04 +0000

Why are some people so very rich? Many of us ask ourselves this question when we observe the successes of millionaires who seem unattainable. The secret of their wealth is not only in their extraordinary ability or luck; it is based on a series of key habits that are followed with unwavering consistency. Research shows that at least 90% of successful millionaires follow these 10 key habits. These habits are not just haphazard practices, but deliberate strategies that lead to financial success. Let's dig deeper into these habits and discover how we too can use these methods to achieve our own wealth. These are the 10 key habits of very rich people without which they would not succeed

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Ladies! Make these small energy changes in your purse and it will be full of money! Fri, 01 Dec 2023 08:10:56 +0000

Feng Shui, this mysterious and ancient Chinese art that invites us on an adventure through the world of energy and harmony, has this time set out to explore the depths of fashion – your handbag! Who would have thought that this chic companion of yours, which you wear with such grace, is not only a fashion accessory, but a real magnet for money and wealth? Well, of course, if you let her. Then it will be full of money!

The post Dame! Naredite te majhne energijske spremebe v vaši torbici in polna bo denarja! appeared first on City Magazine.

Attract money in 2024: get everything out from under the bed and put THIS thing there! Fri, 01 Dec 2023 08:04:39 +0000

According to Feng Shui, a small box under your bed can attract money and abundance into your life!

The post Privabite denar v 2024: umaknite vse izpod postelje in tja postavite TO stvar! appeared first on City Magazine.

This corner of the home is a magnet for money - definitely put a plant there Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:03:17 +0000

Have you ever wondered why some places seem like money magnets, while others constantly attract financial problems? Remove the furniture from this corner and place a plant there!

The post Ta kotiček v domu je magnet za denar – tja nujno postavite rastlino appeared first on City Magazine.

Millionaires reveal: 7 key strategies to become a millionaire Wed, 22 Nov 2023 08:48:29 +0000

Have you ever wondered how some people not only make money, but also maintain and multiply their wealth? It's not just about luck or inheritance; the key to the success of millionaires lies in their carefully chosen strategies and habits. We present - 7 key strategies to become a millionaire. Discover how you too can use these methods for your financial well-being!

The post Milijonarji razkrivajo: 7 ključnih strategij kako postati milijonar appeared first on City Magazine.

Research confirms: People who include this habit in their daily life earn more money in life Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:12:07 +0000

A new study has shown that people who exercise regularly in life earn more money. Check.

The post Raziskave potrjujejo: Ljudje, ki v svoj vsakdan uvrstijo to navado, v življenju zaslužijo več denarja appeared first on City Magazine.

Old folk rituals that attract money and abundance: many still practice them today Sun, 05 Nov 2023 06:54:08 +0000

Money is more than the exchange of coins and notes. In it resides a deeper meaning revealed by ancient wisdoms and beliefs. Have you ever wondered why some cultures still swear by ancient money rituals? Let's look at the beliefs of how to attract money!

The post Stari ljudski rituali, ki privabijo denar in obilje: mnogi jih prakticirajo še danes appeared first on City Magazine.

Activate the "money corner" in your home to attract money and abundance! Tue, 31 Oct 2023 05:15:49 +0000

Do you want to improve your financial situation and attract more prosperity into your life? Have you heard of the money corner and Feng Shui?

The post Aktivirajte “denarni kotiček” v svojem domu, da privabite denar in obilje! appeared first on City Magazine.

What color women's handbag to choose, for career success, money and harmonious happiness Sat, 28 Oct 2023 05:15:23 +0000

What color of women's handbag to choose? In the world of Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing energies, no choice is random, least of all the color of your handbag. Your handbag is not only a fashion accessory, but also a symbol of your financial and career ambitions. Keep your money, cards, house keys and maybe your office keys in it. Each color has its own vibration and energy that can affect your life in different ways. Whether it's career, money or general happiness, the right handbag color can really make a difference. In this article we will explore how the choice of color of your handbag can affect your life and how you can use some simple Feng Shui tips to direct the energy in your favor.

The post Kakšno barvo ženske torbice izbrati, za karierni uspeh, denar in harmonično srečo appeared first on City Magazine.

7 habits of millionaires that can help you get rich Sat, 28 Oct 2023 05:00:33 +0000

These are millionaire habits that everyone should follow for financial peace of mind.

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8 ways to lower your living expenses and increase your savings Tue, 24 Oct 2023 07:19:25 +0000

In today's world, where the cost of living seems to be constantly on the rise, finding ways to cut costs is a valuable skill that can make a big difference to your financial well-being. While the thought of cutting costs may sound daunting, it's an essential step toward achieving your financial goals and gaining more control over your money. In this post, we'll explore eight practical ways to reduce your living expenses and give you the chance to save more and live a more comfortable, budget-friendly life.

The post 8 načinov za znižanje življenjskih stroškov in povečanje prihrankov appeared first on City Magazine.

Be sure to wash your hands whenever you touch these items! Fri, 20 Oct 2023 05:18:00 +0000

The first rule of general hygiene – hand washing. Especially when you touch these objects.

The post Nujno si umijte roke, kadar se dotaknete teh predmetov! appeared first on City Magazine.

Lucky Cat - Maneki Neko: A lucky cat that greets you and brings money and wealth into your home Tue, 17 Oct 2023 06:36:04 +0000

The ancient land of the rising sun, with its deep philosophies and fascinating lore, hides a playful yet profound symbol of prosperity — the Maneki Neko. The image of a cat greeting with a raised paw not only adorns the thresholds of many establishments around the world, but also occupies an honored place in the annals of Japanese culture. The story of Maneka Neko is a rich tapestry interwoven with historical anecdotes, cultural significance and contemporary charm that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.

The post Srečna mačka – Maneki Neko: Srečni maček, ki s pozdravom prinaša denar in bogastvo v vaš dom appeared first on City Magazine.

If you want to create wealth, remove one thing from your wallet immediately! Sat, 14 Oct 2023 06:33:28 +0000

Did you know that what you carry in your wallet can affect your financial situation? How to recognize what attracts poverty and how to encourage financial abundance? Learn how to create wealth by getting your wallet in order!

The post Če želite ustvariti bogastvo, takoj iz denarnice odstraniti eno stvar! appeared first on City Magazine.

This plant brings money in your wallet! Mon, 02 Oct 2023 06:08:34 +0000

In the world of fashion and beauty, we constantly encounter new trends and discoveries. But what if we told you that the answer to your financial worries might already be in your garden or kitchen? Yes, you heard that right! This plant brings money in your wallet!

The post Ta rastlina v vaši denarnici prinaša denar! appeared first on City Magazine.

The recipe for a fulfilling life - it's not marriage, it's friendship! Sat, 23 Sep 2023 04:21:21 +0000

Friendship is what makes you more fulfilled, satisfied. Much more than marriage, according to the latest research results.

The post Recept za izpolnjujoče življenje – ni poroka, temveč prijateljstvo! appeared first on City Magazine.

The Money Tree and Feng Shui: Ancient Secrets for Wealth Fri, 08 Sep 2023 12:40:24 +0000

Have you ever heard of a plant that not only looks beautiful but also attracts wealth? Together with the power of Feng Shui, we present to you ancient secrets for modern prosperity.

The post Drevo denarja in Feng Shui: starodavne skrivnosti za bogastvo appeared first on City Magazine.

Money tree - you must have this plant at home, it attracts money and business success Sat, 02 Sep 2023 06:35:14 +0000

There is a plant that is said to have the magical property of attracting success and wealth. However, is this just based on legends or does it actually carry some special energy? This is the "money tree"-

The post Drevo denarja – to rastlino morate imeti doma, privablja denar in poslovne uspehe appeared first on City Magazine.

What does it mean if you find money: luck awaits you or is this a warning sign? Tue, 29 Aug 2023 06:33:24 +0000

Money found on the street carries a deeper symbolism revealed to us by the spiritual world. What is hidden behind this seemingly random situation, and why should we pay special attention to such moments?

The post Kaj pomeni, če najdete denar: vas čaka sreča ali je to opozorilni znak? appeared first on City Magazine.

Are you often at a loss as to how much to tip? Thu, 03 Aug 2023 05:08:06 +0000

Are you wondering how much tip is appropriate? The results of a recent opinion poll may help you with this.

The post Ste pogosto v zadregi, koliko napitnine je potrebno dati? appeared first on City Magazine.

Top 6 astrological signs that marry for money and financial comfort Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:30:57 +0000

Financial matters play a key role in any marriage, from shared expenses to long-term financial planning. However, some individuals are more interested in financial comfort and luxury, which leads them to seek partners who can provide them with a better life. Through the prism of astrology, certain zodiac signs stand out and are more inclined to marry for money and financial security. Let's take a look at the top six signs that have a special fondness for luxury and wealth in their relationships. These are the signs that marry for money!

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Test: Are you an intelligent consumer or a total spendthrift? And is this what is stopping you from becoming rich! Find out with our simple test! Fri, 30 Jun 2023 07:39:42 +0000

An intelligent consumer is one who is responsible, prudent and aware in his purchasing decisions. His shopping habits are usually shaped by an awareness of the quality, value, sustainability, environmental impact and ethics of the product or service. Here is a simple test to find out if you are an intelligent consumer! And is this what is stopping you from becoming rich!

The post Test: Si inteligenten potrošnik ali popolni zapravljivec? In ali je to tisto kar vas ovira, da postanete bogati! Odkrijte z našim preprostim testom! appeared first on City Magazine.

How to manifest money and attract financial abundance? Fri, 16 Jun 2023 03:00:31 +0000

Are you interested in how to manifest money and attract financial abundance? Is there a secret formula or is it something else?

The post Kako manifestirati denar in privabiti finančno obilje? appeared first on City Magazine.

How To Get Rich The Fun Way: 5 Money Saving Hacks You Can Try NOW! Wed, 14 Jun 2023 07:47:35 +0000

If you think finance is dry and boring, then you haven't really met it yet. Saving money should not only be a responsible task, but also a game full of fun. Why should everyone be a fictional character in a virtual world? Be the true hero of your finances and embark on interesting challenges that will fill your bank account and make your life more colorful!

The post Kako obogateti na zabaven način: 5 trikov za varčevanje denarja, ki jih lahko preizkusite TAKOJ! appeared first on City Magazine.

Turkish horoscope predicts: 5 signs that await financial abundance until the end of 2025 Mon, 12 Jun 2023 07:00:21 +0000

Are you awaiting financial abundance? By 2025, five signs will float in money. Are you among them?

The post Turški horoskop napoveduje: 5 znamenj, ki jih čaka finančno obilje do konca leta 2025 appeared first on City Magazine.

Feng shui tips: how to create financial harmony and attract money Tue, 16 May 2023 04:54:01 +0000

If you are one of those who feel that something is missing in your home and wonder why the money is not staying with you, it may be time to consider using a Feng Shui approach. How to attract money into your life?

The post Feng shui nasveti: kako ustvariti finančno harmonijo in pritegniti denar appeared first on City Magazine.

8 changes that can significantly improve your bank account balance Thu, 06 Apr 2023 09:05:23 +0000

Money is a topic that can make many people feel overwhelmed or stressed. However, with the right habits, you can take control of your finances and improve your bank account balance.

The post 8 sprememb, s katerimi lahko bistveno izboljšate stanje na bančnem računu appeared first on City Magazine.

How to travel cheaper: tips for travelers on a budget Fri, 24 Mar 2023 05:06:42 +0000

"How to travel cheaper?" is a question that arises for many people in the current expensive situation. A trip doesn't have to be expensive to be special. Not at all. Check out some tips to save some hard-earned money on your next trip.

The post Kako potovati ceneje: nasveti za popotnike z nizkim budgetom appeared first on City Magazine.

Financial Horoscope for March 2023: How Saturn's Transit in Pisces Will Affect Your Money Matters Mon, 27 Feb 2023 09:44:12 +0000

Astrology is often used to understand how the positions and movements of the planets can affect various areas of our lives, including our finances. In March 2023, Saturn, the planet of karma and discipline, enters the sign of Pisces after almost 30 years, bringing significant changes to our financial destiny. This article will explore the financial horoscope for March 2023 and how Saturn's transit in Pisces will affect your money matters.

The post Finančni horoskop za marec 2023: kako bo Saturnov tranzit v Ribah vplival na vaše denarne zadeve appeared first on City Magazine.

Growing up in a materialistic world: 3 parenting habits that make children materialistic Mon, 27 Feb 2023 05:35:19 +0000

Parents play a key role in shaping their children's values and beliefs. Unfortunately, some parents unknowingly instill materialistic values in their children, which leads to the development of materialistic behaviors and attitudes. Materialism is an excessive desire for material goods, money and status. Who are materialistic children? Children raised in materialistic homes can develop the same attitude toward possessions. This text explores how parenting habits influence the development of materialistic behavior in young children.

The post Odraščanje v materialnem svetu: 3 starševske navade, zaradi katerih otroci postanejo materialisti appeared first on City Magazine.

7 habits of women who always have enough money in their account Tue, 17 Jan 2023 05:01:32 +0000

There are women who spend their salary almost immediately, but there are also women who have no problems with finances. They simply have healthy financial habits, and you can find out what those habits are below in the post.

The post 7 navad žensk, ki imajo vedno dovolj denarja na računu appeared first on City Magazine.

3 ways to resist impulse purchases and save money Fri, 13 Jan 2023 05:47:08 +0000

Are you also constantly burdened with your finances? Regardless of your financial situation, it's clear that money and mental health are closely related, but not in the way you might think.

The post 3 načini, kako se upreti spontanim nakupom in prihraniti denar appeared first on City Magazine.

8 tips on how to successfully negotiate for a higher salary Tue, 04 Oct 2022 04:04:27 +0000

The most stressful part of applying for a new job can be when it comes time to talk about pay. Many people do not feel comfortable asking for a higher salary than what is offered when they are employed. The good thing is that most managers will give you a chance to consider the offer and won't expect an answer right away. In this article, we reveal tips on how to negotiate for salary, which can help you tactfully and confidently ask for what you want. These rules may also apply if you already have a job and plan to ask for a raise.

The post 8 nasvetov, kako se uspešno pogajati za višjo plačo appeared first on City Magazine.

Never ask them for money - these zodiac signs are the biggest misers Sat, 24 Sep 2022 04:57:29 +0000

They say that the real power of a person is not seen by how much he has, but by what and how he does with what he has.

The post Nikar jih ne prosite za denar – ta horoskopska znamenja so največji skopuhi appeared first on City Magazine.

The 50-30-20 rule helps to save and organize personal finances Wed, 21 Sep 2022 08:50:02 +0000

Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to balance living expenses and at the same time devote at least a small amount to saving for the future. Organizing a family budget is often a thankless task, and we can quickly begin to stress over every single cent. When you get used to calculating and redistributing personal income according to this rule, finances will no longer be a puzzle. The 50-30-20 rule is ideal for anyone who doesn't want to think about every cent. Namely, it allows you to cover your current needs and goals with your income, and at the same time still have enough left over to enjoy life.

The post Pravilo 50-30-20 pomaga varčevati in organizirati osebne finance appeared first on City Magazine.

Which wallet color brings abundance in it according to your astrological sign Mon, 19 Sep 2022 04:42:04 +0000

A red wallet brings money, but not in all signs!

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The money horoscope for autumn 2022 predicts luck for three astrological signs Sat, 10 Sep 2022 04:01:35 +0000

This fall will be particularly successful for some signs, especially in the financial field. You may be among those who will be blessed with financial abundance. Check it out quickly.

The post Denarni horoskop za jesen 2022 napoveduje srečo za tri astrološka znamenja appeared first on City Magazine.

Financial Horoscope August 2022: Will You Finally Get Out of Debt? Wed, 03 Aug 2022 06:43:44 +0000

What does August bring you? Financial freedom or debt?

The post Finančni horoskop avgust 2022: se boste končno znebili dolgov? appeared first on City Magazine.

Financial horoscope for July 2022: the second half of the month brings a turnaround Thu, 07 Jul 2022 04:10:16 +0000

Is a financially favorable time smiling at you in July? Are you dreaming of a vacation but don't know if it will be financially feasible? When we think about money, we have endless questions, don't we?

The post Finančni horoskop za julij 2022: druga polovica meseca prinaša preobrat appeared first on City Magazine.

How can you attract money into your life? Fri, 17 Jun 2022 04:01:08 +0000

Have you heard of these quick and easy techniques? Techniques for attracting money - motivation and optimism help you to a full wallet!

The post Kako lahko privabite denar v svoje življenje? appeared first on City Magazine.

From envy to success: 4 steps to change your attitude towards money Thu, 10 Mar 2022 06:13:10 +0000

Money is a word that evokes strong emotions in many people. Many people avoid mentioning her because it reminds them that they don't have enough, while others associate her with all the evil that is present in the world. But we have to admit that we all need money in the modern way of life. That's why it's important to change the negative feelings we associate with it into positive and acceptance, with which we will attract wealth much more easily and thus live with much less financial worries. Here are 4 steps you can take to change your attitude towards money.

The post Od zavisti do uspeha: 4 koraki, kako spremeniti svoj odnos do denarja appeared first on City Magazine.

2 Reasons Why Rich People Are Happier Than Most - And It's Not About Money! Tue, 01 Feb 2022 05:02:52 +0000

We often hear that money brings happiness. Is this really the case, or is money just an idea and absolutely nothing more? As long as you have money, of course you can afford everything you want. However, psychological research shows that financial wealth is not always the key to happiness.

The post 2 razloga, zakaj so bogati ljudje srečnejši od večine – in ne gre za denar! appeared first on City Magazine.

These astrological signs will have the best luck with money in 2022 Tue, 11 Jan 2022 06:12:45 +0000

They say money is the ruler of the world, maybe it will rule your life in 2022? Check if financial luck awaits you!

The post Ta astrološka znamenja bodo v 2022 imela največ sreče z denarjem appeared first on City Magazine.

Horoscope: Financial horoscope for January 2022 Wed, 05 Jan 2022 05:45:41 +0000

The first month of the year is an opportunity for a new beginning and new decisions! Check what the financial horoscope for January 2022 predicts for you.

The post Horoskop: Finančni horoskop za januar 2022 appeared first on City Magazine.

Feng shui 2022: this will attract money and abundance! Mon, 29 Nov 2021 05:03:55 +0000

Follow 7 key steps and you will attract money like a magnet! Follow these tips and happiness will knock on your door.

The post Feng shui 2022: s tem boste privabili denar in obilje! appeared first on City Magazine.

Scorpio horoscope 2022: What awaits Scorpios in 2022! Tue, 09 Nov 2021 10:54:29 +0000

The most extensive horoscope for the astrological sign Scorpio in 2022 is very positive. Dear Scorpios, in 2022 everything will be exactly as it should be, as you wished. This will be your year!

The post Horoskop škorpijon 2022: Kaj čaka škorpijone v letu 2022! appeared first on City Magazine.
