partnership relations Archives | City Magazine Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:22:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why do guys like naughty girls? And how they see them through the prism of their culture! Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:22:47 +0000

When we talk about romantic and social relationships, the question that often comes up is why guys like naughty girls. It is an old dilemma studied not only by psychologists and sociologists, but also by popular culture. To better understand this phenomenon, we read articles from six different countries – the US, UK, France, Japan, Brazil and Germany – and identified some key patterns and common denominators.

The post Zakaj imajo fantje radi poredne punce? In kako jih vidijo skozi prizmo svoje kulture! appeared first on City Magazine.

Kiss Meaning: These Are 10+ Kisses With Hidden Meanings You Need To Know To Decipher His Feelings Fri, 16 Feb 2024 07:08:55 +0000

Do you know the meaning of a kiss? In the world of love, actions often speak a thousand words. This is especially true of kisses, which carry their own little secrets. Sometimes the kiss we receive can reveal secrets buried deep in our partner's heart. Read what different kisses mean and what they really hide.

The post Pomen poljuba: to je 10+ poljubov s skritim pomenom, ki jih moraš poznati, da razvozlaš njegova čustva appeared first on City Magazine.

How do they sleep as a couple? We discover 8 sleeping positions that reveal everything about your relationship! Wed, 08 Nov 2023 05:27:41 +0000

How do they sleep as a couple? As night falls and the world slips into silence, couples curl up in their private worlds of sleep. But even in this time of unconscious rest, our body speaks a language that reveals the depths of our relationships. Some huddle together, others take up space, but each position has its own story.

The post Kako spita kot par? Odkrivamo 8 položajev spanja, ki razkrivajo vse o vašem odnosu! appeared first on City Magazine.

Cheating on vacation with girlfriends: Myth or reality? Sat, 26 Aug 2023 06:00:48 +0000

Cheating on vacation?! Vacation is a time of relaxation, disconnection from everyday worries and an opportunity for new experiences. However, some seem to take these experiences more literally than others. The phenomenon of cheating on vacation, especially during trips with girlfriends, is becoming more and more common. But why?

The post Varanje na dopustu s prijateljicami: Mit ali resničnost? appeared first on City Magazine.

When is the time to give up on a man who doesn't appreciate you! Sat, 05 Jun 2021 04:06:10 +0000

Think it over! Judge! ... And ask yourself the questions that will free you from the useless and fruitless yield that benefits only one! Be strong! Take a decisive step forward into a new life! It's time to let go of a man who doesn't appreciate you!

The post Kdaj je čas, da se odpoveš moškemu, ki te ne ceni! appeared first on City Magazine.

Absolutely not! These are the things you should never do to a man! Sun, 25 Apr 2021 08:00:37 +0000

In a partnership, you become a couple! But that doesn't mean you can't afford it!

The post Totalno ne! To so stvari, ki jih za moškega nikoli ne smeš narediti! appeared first on City Magazine.

Think you know him? This is what men want more than sex! Fri, 23 Apr 2021 06:29:52 +0000

Think you know a man's soul?! Then it is imperative that you read this write-up that has made the rounds on the web and has become indispensable for a deep understanding of the male soul! This is what men really need!

The post Misliš, da ga poznaš? To si moški želijo bolj kot spolnost! appeared first on City Magazine.

This is the nonsense we text our loved ones! Not at all! Fri, 25 Sep 2020 03:39:47 +0000

Have you ever received a message that you thought was slightly inappropriate? Then it was one of those stupid things that you must never do yourself.

The post To so neumnosti, ki jih pošiljamo preko sporočil ljubljenim osebam! Nikar! appeared first on City Magazine.
