images Archives | City Magazine Tue, 25 Aug 2020 10:22:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Look at the drawing: if you can figure out what's wrong with it, you're a workaholic Sun, 30 Dec 2018 05:01:08 +0000

Notice what's wrong with this drawing?

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Would you like to have a puppy, but are you undecided? These illustrations will give you a hint! Sat, 08 Sep 2018 04:01:01 +0000

The love for dogs can be strong, but the doubt of having a puppy at home can be stronger. These illustrations will help you decide.

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8 erotic tattoos inspired by the artwork of Gustav Klimt Thu, 26 Jul 2018 04:01:59 +0000

Eroticism, rebellion and sensuality, this is Gustav Klimt, the artist who became famous with the most famous painting of the last century, The Kiss. These tattoos reveal his other works of art, which take eroticism to a new level.

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This is what today's most famous celebrities would have been like if they hadn't died young Fri, 20 Jul 2018 04:01:33 +0000

You've probably heard of the '27 club', a list of the most famous celebrities who died at the age of 27, often due to hedonistic and risky lifestyles. This is what you would look like now if you were still with us.

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Look twice! Alexa Meade creates living paintings Sat, 30 Sep 2017 04:00:36 +0000

Some painters create such realistic and plastic pictures that it is hard to believe that they are not photographs. Alexa Meade does the opposite. Instead of canvas, she herself uses models that she colors with acrylic paints. Their skin is her canvas and the result is extraordinary. Although you may think that these are artistic pictures, they are "just" photographs.

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Jeff Koons x Louis Vuitton: famous art paintings on famous bags Wed, 12 Apr 2017 06:01:52 +0000

Artist Jeff Koons has joined forces with the fashion house Louis Vuitton to create a series of handbags and other fashion accessories with imitations of some of the most famous art paintings, such as Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Vincent van Gogh's Cornfield with Cypresses and Peter Paul Rubens' Hunting the Tiger.

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Frame – Samsung's QLED TV as an art painting Wed, 15 Mar 2017 07:01:35 +0000

The design studio Fuseproject, led by renowned industrial designer Yves Béhar, has turned Samsung's QLED TV into an art painting with a frame that disappears the moment the TV is turned on.

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Ian Berry - Denim Art Sun, 25 Dec 2016 07:03:51 +0000

Many artists do not 'trust' classic art materials such as paint, stone, clay, wood, etc. Ian Berry is one of those. He discovered a very special niche. Instead of paint, he uses jeans or pieces of it.

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EO2 - Digital Image Frame Sat, 10 Dec 2016 07:05:24 +0000

An art painting can perfectly complement a room, but finding the right one, one that we will be happy to look at for years and years, without getting tired of it, can be a difficult task. Electric Objects makes it a lot easier for you with the EO2. It is a large HD LCD screen with a matte frame for displaying artistic images that do not require you to commit to one image forever, but you can change them like shirts, as easily as the wallpaper on your phone or computer screen.

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Liu Bolin: famous art paintings from painted bodies Fri, 18 Nov 2016 07:04:17 +0000

Liu Bolin is a Chinese artist who masters the body painting technique. He knows how to paint himself so well that he literally blends in with his surroundings. He usually creates by finding a suitable background, choosing colors and starting painting himself. He has already stood in front of the Chinese flag, in front of the train, in front of various buildings, in front of trees, and sometimes he also sits down or lies down on the ground. In his last project, however, he painted other bodies and created replicas of two recognizable art paintings from the painted bodies.

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Can you list all the famous art paintings that come to life in this music video? Mon, 31 Oct 2016 07:04:00 +0000

Do you consider yourself an art connoisseur? Then Chinese pop star Jane Zhang's Dust My Shoulders Off music video is perfect for you to test your art skills. In it, many famous art paintings come to life. Do you recognize them all?

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Home gallery ("gallery wall"): suggestions for top wall decorations Thu, 27 Oct 2016 06:02:38 +0000

Do you want to brighten up your home and bring the pleasant charm of imagination into it? Then you might consider wall decorations in the form of a gallery on the wall or a home gallery ("gallery wall"), where you can appropriately display photos and pictures that have sentimental value. For those of you who are thinking about a fresh look for your living room, hallway or kitchen, we have prepared some suggestions for home galleries that will suit minimalists as well as those who swear by romantic luxury.

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What do the most famous works of art hide? Tue, 11 Oct 2016 06:45:30 +0000

All art lovers and lovers of mystery will come to your account today. We present to you famous works of art that are full of hidden meanings, unsolvable puzzles and hidden images.

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Artist Steven Spazuk draws with fire! Mon, 26 Sep 2016 06:03:12 +0000

As children, we were taught that it is not wise to play with fire. Well, Steven Spazuk has obviously been sitting on his ears, as he has learned how to draw smudges, that is drawing with the help of smoke and soot left behind by a candle flame. In the last 15 years, he has perfected the so-called fumage painting technique, with which he uses flame instead of brushes and drawings for painting. Each of his works of art is unique due to the unpredictability of the flame.

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Blake Neubert: multifaceted portraits of human duplicity Sun, 07 Aug 2016 05:01:04 +0000

The portraits of the American painter, illustrator and writer Blake Neubert are only superficially ordinary. See what happens when he shoots them with a scraper. Attention! The scene can shock you!

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If art pictures could talk… they would honestly make us laugh Sat, 09 Jul 2016 03:07:10 +0000

Museums can be a really great thing, but you have to admit that some of them are pretty boring. So it's no surprise that some people get tired of them. When we see so many frescoes and classic paintings for the uninitiated and Sunday art lovers, they all become more or less the same. But museums don't have to be boring, especially in the age of Snapchat. Don't know what we mean? Then take a look at this photo gallery and everything will be clear to you immediately. If works of art could talk…

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Keyshorts – keyboard stickers with motifs of famous pictures Sat, 11 Jun 2016 03:35:27 +0000

We all know the keyboard stickers that we use to change the international keyboard into a Slovenian one, but if you thought that the set of keyboard stickers ends here, you are very wrong. With the Anna and Sebastian duo stickers, your keyboard can be transformed into a painting by a famous painter.

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Nipples of Venus - prints of female breasts Wed, 24 Feb 2016 04:39:39 +0000

Nipples of Venus is an interesting art project where the artist creates with a woman's breast instead of a brush. He paints these with acrylic paints with various patterns and then prints them on the surface. And again and again a unique imprint of a woman's breast is created.

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Real or digital, that's the question now! Mon, 22 Feb 2016 04:30:00 +0000

Real or digital, that's the question now! At first it seems like it's photo manipulation, then we're sure it's installations. Check out the truth behind the artwork of American artist Andrew Faris. It is neither the first nor the second!

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Prima ballerina Misty Copeland as a character from a Degas painting Wed, 17 Feb 2016 04:38:10 +0000

Misty Copeland, the first black prima ballerina, is once again impressing with the status she recently achieved with American Ballet Theatre. This time, not with a performance, but with photographs in which she recreated scenes from paintings by the painter Edgar Degas. You can see the detailed scenes below.

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Hair with motifs of artistic paintings Tue, 02 Feb 2016 04:43:10 +0000

In recent years, girls have dyed their hair a thousand and one shades, including the colors of the universe, but Ursula Goff has gone a step further and used her hair as a canvas to recreate artistic images. Are you interested in what Edvard Munch's The Scream and other famous paintings look like "drawn" on hair? See hair dyed in the motifs of well-known art paintings.

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David Bowie, the painter! Tue, 02 Feb 2016 04:41:07 +0000

Did you know that David Bowie was also a painter? We all knew the man of a thousand faces as a musician, but it is not for nothing that they say that he is not only one of the greatest musicians, but also one of the artists of our time. David Bowie was not only a singer, songwriter, producer and actor, but also a painter. We present to you the best works from his collection of art paintings, including a portrait of Iggy Pop.

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Artistic paintings with cartoon characters in the main roles Sun, 31 Jan 2016 04:35:21 +0000

Can you imagine that some famous artists' paintings would feature cartoon characters instead of original characters? If Leonardo Da Vinci had painted Cinderella instead of Mona Lisa, or if Homer Simpson and company had posed for him instead of Jesus and the apostles? That's exactly what Design Crowd asked themselves, and an interesting series of images was created where famous works are combined with popular cartoon characters.

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Paintings of questionable artistic value sold for bizarre sums Tue, 26 Jan 2016 04:44:06 +0000

The value of works of art has always been a matter of controversy. Below we present to you art paintings of questionable artistic value that have been sold for bizarre sums. But as they often say, works of art are only worth what the buyer is willing to pay for them. The art market is full of private deals, which is why even pictures that seem like a five-year-old could have drawn, but fame is created around them, reaching amounts that only the richest can afford.

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The Daily Life of Gods: characters from classic paintings in a modern setting Mon, 16 Nov 2015 04:35:32 +0000

Ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov combined the past and the present in an interesting way. With Photoshop, he teleported characters from famous artistic (mostly Renaissance) paintings into the 21st century and placed them in a modern environment. You can see the products from The Daily Life of Gods series below.

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Gluten-Free Museum: famous gluten-free works of art Sun, 15 Nov 2015 04:50:46 +0000

A variety of gluten-free products are a common sight in grocery stores today, but to someday come across gluten-free artwork and famous scenes, well, that's a surprise. But this is exactly what awaits us in the so-called gluten-free museum, where famous paintings by renowned painters and other famous scenes are exhibited, from which everything that contains or is related to gluten has been removed. Because if we can eat gluten-free food, why not art!

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Love and humor paintings al fresco Mon, 20 Jan 2014 06:18:26 +0000

For the first time, short stories (scenes) of various interpersonal situations are presented on the stage of the theater in Ptuj, united in the play Ljubezenske slijevi slije al fresco.

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This is not a photo, but a picture drawn on the iPad Tue, 03 Dec 2013 11:18:56 +0000

A strikingly realistic image of Morgan Freeman, isn't it? Let us remind you once again that this is not a photo, but a creation drawn on an iPad.

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National Geographic is looking for the best photos from your travels Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:08:37 +0000

National Geographic has been exploring our planet for 125 years, and then broadcasts the most interesting footage in its print editions and on television.

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