relationships Archives | City Magazine Fri, 31 May 2024 05:12:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Love Marathoners: Zodiac Signs That Change Relationships Like the Seasons Fri, 31 May 2024 05:11:10 +0000

Do you think some people change partners as often as we change seasons? If your answer is yes, maybe the astrological signs offer the answer. Some zodiac signs are known for throwing themselves into a new relationship instantly after a breakup, as if it were a simple wardrobe change.

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5 Reasons Why You're Constantly Thinking About Him - And Why You Can't Stop Thinking About Him Tue, 25 Jul 2023 04:30:21 +0000

Are you constantly thinking about him and the whole thing is really getting on your nerves? We've got some tips on how to deal with it - for good!

The post 5 razlogov, zakaj nenehno razmišljate o njem – in zakaj nikakor ne morete prenehati s tem appeared first on City Magazine.

Don't let being single make you feel like you're not enough Fri, 20 Jan 2023 05:12:27 +0000

A man does not determine your worth. Especially not one that doesn't stick around long enough to see your true self.

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11 Reasons Why You Can't Find True Love Thu, 02 Sep 2021 04:48:53 +0000

Do you love yourself? Are you afraid that someone will hurt you if you open your heart and soul to them? Are you looking for the perfect person or jumping from relationship to relationship? How do you think you will find love? In this way - no.

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When can you release a dove in front of your partner for the first time and when can you introduce it to your parents? Fri, 02 Nov 2018 05:01:59 +0000

When did you first 'let it go' in front of your partner? Was it a good or bad decision? If your partner stayed with you, then you know he loves you no matter what. Otherwise, science also has an answer for the first fart in a relationship. When do you think you can release a dove in front of your partner for the first time?

The post Kdaj lahko pred partnerjem prvič spustiš golobčka in kdaj ga lahko predstaviš staršem? appeared first on City Magazine.

Can you guess the culprit behind over 200 divorces in 2018? Thu, 20 Sep 2018 04:01:48 +0000

Couples divorce for a variety of, often even bizarre, reasons. Nevertheless, we assure you that you have not thought of such a thing. Believe it or not, recently more and more divorces are to blame...

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She's Impossible to Resist: 13 Qualities of a Woman Men Can't Say No to Sat, 01 Sep 2018 04:01:20 +0000

What exactly is an attractive woman? And why does it happen that sometimes less beautiful girls attract men's attention, while beauties are alone? Perhaps the main characteristics of attractive women, which have nothing to do with appearance, are to blame for this?

The post Nemogoče se ji je upreti: 13 lastnosti ženske, ki ji moški ne morejo reči “ne” appeared first on City Magazine.

This is how you recognize a man who will turn your life into a nightmare Wed, 04 Apr 2018 04:01:07 +0000

A third of couples meet on social networks, and here are the online profiles of men who will turn your life into a nightmare.

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If you are doing these 5 things, then the 'problem' in the relationship may be you Tue, 04 Apr 2017 06:02:11 +0000

Only an incredibly self-confident person admits that he is the one who made a mistake. Although admitting it is painful, it is the first step towards positive change. Of course, it takes two for a bad partnership, and we can sabotage it ourselves without even realizing it. If you are doing these 5 things, you are almost certainly the one who is the 'problem' in this relationship.

The post Če počneš teh 5 stvari, potem si ‘problem’ v razmerju lahko prav ti appeared first on City Magazine.

Why should you cut your hair after breaking up with your partner? Tue, 14 Mar 2017 07:03:33 +0000

The phenomenon of cutting hair after breaking up with a partner has already become known to the public. In the past, some of the most popular celebrities faithfully followed this. And the fact that the paparazzi and the media have turned this phenomenon into a real ritual is not so bad. Here are the reasons why you should consider cutting your hair after breaking up with your partner.

The post Zakaj bi si morali po razhodu s partnerjem postriči lase? appeared first on City Magazine.

Couples explain what cheating is to them - but what is cheating to you? Fri, 03 Mar 2017 07:02:09 +0000

Cheating is always a hot topic. Just remember the recent clip 'He cheated on her. Now she wants to now why.', which raised a lot of dust. Although it seems that cheating is unambiguously defined, that we all interpret it in the same way, but - as you will find out below - it is actually a very broad concept. Have you ever asked your partner what he considers to be cheating? The answer may surprise you, as well as many couples in this video, which will not leave you indifferent.

The post Pari pojasnijo, kaj je zanje varanje – kaj pa je varanje za vas? appeared first on City Magazine.

The couple took pictures of their breakup. People don't know what to think. Sun, 26 Feb 2017 07:03:08 +0000

Love is wonderful and many people want to perpetuate the partnership in which I feel at home. But what happens if someone decides to document their breakup? The young couple did exactly that, causing an avalanche of confused responses. The photos are really emotional and we certainly go on a real emotional merry-go-round with them. But what do we feel when we look at them?

The post Par je fotografiral svoj razhod. Ljudje ne vedo, kaj naj si mislijo. appeared first on City Magazine.

The painful confrontation of a deceived girl with an adulterer Sat, 18 Feb 2017 04:15:43 +0000

Get ready, you will not remain indifferent when watching this video. The video, simply subtitled 'He cheated on her. Now she wants to now why.' (He cheated on her. Now I want to know why.), is a six-minute-and-44-second emotional trauma that holds within it what most cannot: forgiveness.

The post Boleče soočenje prevaranega dekleta s prešuštnikom appeared first on City Magazine.

The men revealed what little things made girls angry with them Thu, 08 Dec 2016 07:05:44 +0000

Who would understand them? It is not a common expression that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Although we can't live without each other, sometimes we struggle with each other. Gender differences are the subject of everyday conversations, psychological analyses, studies and research. They are as old as humanity itself. Men and women perceive things differently, as evidenced by the following amusing confrontations. The men revealed what little things made girls angry with them. Girls, it's your turn now.

The post Moški razkrili, zaradi kakšnih malenkosti so se nanje razjezila dekleta appeared first on City Magazine.

Why should you be in a relationship with an only child? Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:15:30 +0000

Although single men and women are often labeled as extremely spoiled, this is not always true. This is mainly due to some self-centered and spoiled individuals who, by some unfortunate coincidence, are also only children. It is true that individuals may be recognized more quickly, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. They are also known for bringing a lot of love to a partnership. Here are 5 reasons why you should be in a relationship with an only child.

The post Zakaj bi morali biti v razmerju z edincem ali edinko? appeared first on City Magazine.

5 types of 'toxic' people we don't need in our lives Thu, 20 Oct 2016 07:02:51 +0000

Our relationships—casual, romantic, friendly—affect us far more than we realize. The people around us can change us, both positively and negatively. If we are unhappy and feel like life is beating us down, then it may actually be the result of one of our relationships. That's why we need to remove such people from our lives, and here are five types of 'toxic' people we really don't need.

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If your boyfriend has these qualities, then you can just marry him! Fri, 24 Jun 2016 06:20:15 +0000

Meeting your dream guy, the guy you want to marry, is not easy. Many girls have a long list, and on the list they want qualities that are supposed to distinguish the man of their dreams. But the man of your dreams cannot be planned or bought. We have to be in the right place at the right time. And then we must feel that this is it! However, certain qualities in a man should not be ignored. If your boyfriend has these qualities, you can just marry him.

The post Če ima tvoj fant te lastnosti, potem se lahko z njim kar poročiš! appeared first on City Magazine.

10 types of relationships - which one are you two in? Thu, 23 Jun 2016 06:17:51 +0000

Couples differ from each other in many nuances, but roughly, almost every couple can be classified into one of these 10 types of relationships. What kind of relationship are you two in?

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Scientifically proven tricks for a long hot relationship Tue, 14 Jun 2016 03:35:34 +0000

It is generally accepted that the sexual energy between partners fades away after a while. We cannot deny that. That's why it's important for couples who are in a long-term relationship to somehow keep the spark alive. The latest study, for which researchers have been collecting data since 2006, reveals what really matters to keep a relationship (positively) hot. These are scientifically proven tricks for a long hot relationship.

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How to end a relationship? Cakes that announce "the end". Mon, 25 Apr 2016 03:35:29 +0000

How to get over the end of a relationship? Some people turn to food after a breakup and when they are stressed, because for many it is a means of satisfying their emotions and coping with stress. If you do not know how to end a relationship in the least painful way, you can bake or order a cake and decorate it with words that you do not dare to say in person. In this way, the partner will be able to immediately start drowning his sorrow in food.

The post Kako prekiniti razmerje? Torte, ki sporočajo, da je ”konec”. appeared first on City Magazine.

This new phenomenon is a bigger poison to relationships than jealousy! Mon, 12 Oct 2015 03:30:54 +0000

Phubbing is poison. It is the culprit for the breakup of many relationships. It is a new phenomenon that is the result of the growth of smartphones. We have become so addicted to them that they have become annoying. Not only did they change our communication and behavior in society, but they also started destroying relationships. We spend more and more time looking at the phone screen, and we neglect the people around us more and more. This 21st century phenomenon is known as phubbing and is often the cause of relationship problems. Are you also a "victim" of phubbing?

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A collection of Fridays dedicated to 12 ex-girlfriends Tue, 10 Dec 2013 23:06:35 +0000

Designer Sebastian Errazuriz reveals his love past in a very special way. Through a sophisticated collection of Fridays dedicated to 12 ex-girlfriends.

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