attitude Archives | City Magazine Wed, 17 Jul 2024 05:49:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 You were raised by a toxic mother: These are 10 signs Wed, 17 Jul 2024 05:49:43 +0000

The relationship between mother and child is often complex and full of emotional carousels. But what if your mother is the one causing most of these fluctuations? Toxic mothers can cause immeasurable emotional damage to children, which is reflected in adulthood. Below are ten signs that may indicate that you were raised by a toxic mother.

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What to do if a man watches you on the beach: tips for self-confidence and enjoying the summer Mon, 01 Jul 2024 16:37:45 +0000

Summer days at the beach are a time to relax, enjoy the sun and refresh yourself in the sea. But what to do when you feel someone is watching you? Especially if it's a man who keeps staring in your direction? Don't panic, we have some tips on how to deal with it and keep your confidence. So - what to do if a man is watching you on the beach?

The post Kaj narediti, če vas na plaži opazuje moški: nasveti za samozavest in uživanje v poletju appeared first on City Magazine.

What to do if someone deliberately ignores you: 13 effective tips Sat, 22 Jun 2024 07:57:54 +0000

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone is deliberately ignoring you? This feeling can be very painful and frustrating, but it is important to respond to it in a healthy and constructive way. Here are some tips on how to act when faced with this unpleasant situation.

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If someone uses these 10 phrases in conversation, they secretly dislike you (according to psychology) Tue, 18 Jun 2024 06:06:02 +0000

Have you ever felt uncomfortable while talking to someone, but you couldn't pinpoint the reason? Psychologists warn that certain phrases can reveal hidden dislike. In this article, we will reveal more than ten such phrases and how to recognize them.

The post Če nekdo uporablja teh 10 fraz v pogovoru, vas skrivoma ne mara (po mnenju psihologije) appeared first on City Magazine.

How do you know she's your fake friend - or how to spot fake people in a minute?! Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:43:49 +0000

Relationships are complex and multifaceted. Everyone has a need to hide their weaknesses or doubts from others. This is completely natural. But how do you recognize those who are hiding the truth from you? Fake friends.

The post Kako veš, da je ona tvoja lažna prijateljica – oziroma kako prepoznati lažne ljudi v minuti?! appeared first on City Magazine.

He ignores you: these are 10 steps to deal with being ignored Fri, 16 Feb 2024 06:46:48 +0000

In relationships, we often encounter challenges, one of which is the feeling that someone is deliberately ignoring us. This can cause pain, confusion and feelings of rejection. How to act in such a situation? Here are 11 steps that can help you get through this difficult time.

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What's the first thing a cop notices when he pulls you over? Tue, 10 Oct 2023 05:44:15 +0000

I got pulled over by a cop and I wish I could take her as best as I could!

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6 Hilarious Signs You May Have Been Raised by Narcissistic Parents (And Why That's Actually Great!) Sat, 19 Aug 2023 09:50:20 +0000

Parents. Some teach us how to walk, others how to avoid mirrors because they are too busy admiring their own reflection. If you recognize yourself in the following points, you may have been raised by narcissistic parents. But don't worry, every dark cloud has a silver lining! Were you raised by narcissistic parents?

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5 signs that you have a toxic relationship with yourself Thu, 16 Mar 2023 05:02:18 +0000

In addition to toxic family and romantic relationships, toxic self-relationships are also very common. How to recognize a toxic attitude towards yourself?

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Revealing the truth: How to recognize a liar and why people lie?! Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:20:06 +0000

How to recognize a liar?! Lies are all around us, from white lies to outright deception. But why do people lie and how can we discover the truth? In this article, we will explore surprising motives for lying and give tips on how to spot a liar.

The post Razkritje resnice: Kako prepoznati lažnivca in zakaj ljudje lažejo?! appeared first on City Magazine.

5 signs that your friend is taking advantage of you Thu, 21 Jul 2022 04:02:35 +0000

When we talk about the fact that relationships require effort, we often forget that this applies not only to romantic relationships, but also to platonic relationships. Yes, friendships can be challenging and sometimes it turns out that our friend is not the person we thought she was and that so-called friendship is completely one-sided. To make it easier to recognize such relationships, we have prepared 5 signs that your friend is taking advantage of you.

The post 5 znakov, da vas prijateljica izkorišča appeared first on City Magazine.

Problems with the mother-in-law? These 5 tips will improve your relationship Tue, 24 May 2022 07:20:18 +0000

Probably, one of you has met a mother-in-law who does not show love, respect and understanding. The mother-in-law sometimes cannot accept the fact that her son has created his own family and that his wife is now the most important woman in his life. Sometimes a simple misunderstanding can destroy your relationship. You must remember that you cannot control what your mother-in-law will think and feel about you, but you can control how you react. Here are some tips for finding balance with your mother-in-law.

The post Težave s taščo? Teh 5 nasvetov bo izboljšalo vajin odnos appeared first on City Magazine.

3 life approaches that enable you to be happy and successful Mon, 16 May 2022 04:01:21 +0000

Attitude is everything. The right attitude is vital in all areas of life. Why is your relationship so important? There aren't many things in life that you can control. But one of the few things you can always control is your attitude.

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These compliments are actually insults & how to react to them appropriately Mon, 21 Mar 2022 11:58:03 +0000

It has happened to each of us that we have received a compliment, which we later found out was not actually the case. And since treachery is not the best for anyone and can even hurt us, it is important to recognize such "compliments" and respond to them in an appropriate way. We have prepared for you examples of such compliments and ideas on how to respond to them.

The post Ti komplimenti so pravzaprav žalitve & kako nanje primerno reagirati appeared first on City Magazine.

Science says that sexist men often have psychological problems Thu, 13 Jan 2022 10:40:06 +0000

Sexism is basically a term for gender discrimination. Sexist behavior can stem from traditional gender role stereotypes and can include the belief that people of one gender are inherently better than people of the other gender. Research shows that women experience significantly more sexism than men. But ladies, a man who treats you this way could have more problems in life than you think.

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Even a strong friendship can fall apart because of this! Sat, 23 Oct 2021 07:09:07 +0000

Having a true friend is definitely one of the most beautiful and comforting things in life. However, friendships, like any other relationship, need to be worked on, worked towards, and avoid behaviors that could break it. But what is it that can destroy even such a strong friendship?

The post Zaradi tega lahko razpade še tako trdno prijateljstvo! appeared first on City Magazine.

Wise advice from a mother: A letter to my daughter (personal confession) Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:27:42 +0000

Every mother wants her daughter to be happy. Even happier than her. He looks back on his life experiences and can give her invaluable advice.

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How to Reach an Agreement Between Heart and Mind (Honest Advice) Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:20:10 +0000

Reason and heart are instruments that must cooperate and coordinate. Sometimes this is difficult. Especially if you are overwhelmed by emotions and cannot separate them, or the heart dominates the mind or vice versa. No matter how much you think and try to analyze things, you don't come to any solution and your heart doesn't help you because you feel anxious and afraid that no decision will be right.

The post Kako doseči dogovor med srcem in umom (iskren nasvet) appeared first on City Magazine.

15 Things You Shouldn't Let Others Do: Stand Up For Yourself Mon, 04 Oct 2021 04:24:24 +0000

Don't let others create your life. Don't let yourself become someone else. Stand up for yourself! Life is yours.

The post 15 stvari, ki jih ne smete dovoliti drugim: postavite se zase appeared first on City Magazine.

8 reasons why long distance friendship is the best thing Fri, 24 Sep 2021 02:06:39 +0000

If you have a friend who lives on the other side of the world, then you know that these kinds of friendships are not the easiest. However, this does not mean that you will not find any positive qualities in them - on the contrary. The following is a list that reveals exactly why long distance friendship is something wonderful and special.

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The most jealous men of the horoscope - they are born in these astrological signs! Sun, 20 Jun 2021 10:19:22 +0000

Think jealousy is written in the stars? Many astrologers believe that these astrological signs are often the most jealous!

The post Najbolj ljubosumni moški horoskopa – so rojeni v teh astroloških znamenjih! appeared first on City Magazine.

5 situations in which even the strongest women give up: sometimes you have to stop and say NO Fri, 28 May 2021 04:02:35 +0000

You are proud of being a strong woman who never gives up despite bad circumstances, but in certain situations you should do it anyway - for your own good.

The post 5 situacij, v katerih tudi najmočnejše ženske odnehajo: včasih se morate zaustaviti in reči NE appeared first on City Magazine.

Think you know him? This is what men want more than sex! Fri, 23 Apr 2021 06:29:52 +0000

Think you know a man's soul?! Then it is imperative that you read this write-up that has made the rounds on the web and has become indispensable for a deep understanding of the male soul! This is what men really need!

The post Misliš, da ga poznaš? To si moški želijo bolj kot spolnost! appeared first on City Magazine.

It's always a good time to find yourself! Fri, 10 Jul 2020 03:59:46 +0000

"It's always the right time to do what's right." - Martin Luther King

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Now is the right time to let go of everything that doesn't make you happy Sat, 04 Apr 2020 04:01:40 +0000

During these times when you are mostly at home, take the time to put yourself in front of the mirror and reflect on your life. Are you happy?

The post Zdaj je pravi čas, da spustite od sebe vse, kar vas ne osrečuje appeared first on City Magazine.

That's what true friendship is: you can't hide it from your best friend Tue, 05 Feb 2019 05:01:54 +0000

You and your best friend know each other as well as possible. The relationship between you cannot be compared to the relationship with other people - it is a completely different level of connection and love. They trust each other completely, because they know that neither one nor the other would betray the strength of your bond, so you must not hide it from your best friend.

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Shameless Liars: 5 Types of People You MUST NOT Trust Because They Will Betray You Mon, 14 Jan 2019 05:01:20 +0000

Our trust is valuable and should never be compromised. The question is, who can we trust! Certainly not these five types of people.

The post Lažejo brez sramu: 5 vrst ljudi, ki jim NE SMEŠ zaupati, ker te bodo izdali appeared first on City Magazine.

Science finds that friendships satisfy men more than romantic relationships Fri, 30 Nov 2018 05:01:10 +0000

The use of the term "bromance", which means a close relationship between two heterosexual men, took root in English. Men are even said to prefer this type of friendship over romantic relationships.

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How do women feel about adult movies? Fri, 27 Jul 2018 04:01:46 +0000

When it comes to adult movies, many people have gender-specific preconceived notions about it - when we think of the actors in these movies, we often think of women, but when we think of adult movie users, men come to mind first. . Although it is true that men on average watch more adult films than women, the latter also report using them quite often. Have you ever wondered how women feel about adult movies?

The post Kakšen odnos imajo ženske do filmov za odrasle? appeared first on City Magazine.

Why is your sister your best friend? 20 things only she understands Wed, 12 Apr 2017 06:03:48 +0000

Having a sister is the best thing - you might not realize it right now, but she's actually your best friend. They grow up together, laugh, argue and confide in each other even the deepest secrets. Even when your sister gets on your nerves, you know she'll be there for you through thick and thin. And here are 20 reasons why your sister is also your best friend.

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If you are doing these 5 things, then the 'problem' in the relationship may be you Tue, 04 Apr 2017 06:02:11 +0000

Only an incredibly self-confident person admits that he is the one who made a mistake. Although admitting it is painful, it is the first step towards positive change. Of course, it takes two for a bad partnership, and we can sabotage it ourselves without even realizing it. If you are doing these 5 things, you are almost certainly the one who is the 'problem' in this relationship.

The post Če počneš teh 5 stvari, potem si ‘problem’ v razmerju lahko prav ti appeared first on City Magazine.

Why should you cut your hair after breaking up with your partner? Tue, 14 Mar 2017 07:03:33 +0000

The phenomenon of cutting hair after breaking up with a partner has already become known to the public. In the past, some of the most popular celebrities faithfully followed this. And the fact that the paparazzi and the media have turned this phenomenon into a real ritual is not so bad. Here are the reasons why you should consider cutting your hair after breaking up with your partner.

The post Zakaj bi si morali po razhodu s partnerjem postriči lase? appeared first on City Magazine.

What compliments should men not give to women? Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:02:32 +0000

When it comes to flattering a woman, some men are total incompetents! In order to at least make things a little better, we've collected some well-intentioned comments from women on some of the compliments, please stop giving them!

The post Kakšnih komplimentov moški ne bi smeli dajati ženskam? appeared first on City Magazine.

5 types of 'toxic' people we don't need in our lives Thu, 20 Oct 2016 07:02:51 +0000

Our relationships—casual, romantic, friendly—affect us far more than we realize. The people around us can change us, both positively and negatively. If we are unhappy and feel like life is beating us down, then it may actually be the result of one of our relationships. That's why we need to remove such people from our lives, and here are five types of 'toxic' people we really don't need.

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Why will reading together improve our relationship with our partner? Thu, 10 Sep 2015 04:17:45 +0000

Reading is one of the most popular hobbies. It relaxes and educates us at the same time. It allows us to experience all kinds of adventures and learn a variety of interesting facts without leaving our comfortable armchair. Reading brings another advantage - namely, if we read together, with a partner, we do something else for our relationship. So why does reading together strengthen our partnership?

The post Zakaj bo branje v dvoje izboljšalo naš odnos s partnerjem/partnerko? appeared first on City Magazine.

Experiment: Would you let your partner browse your phone? Tue, 02 Jun 2015 05:50:03 +0000

Smartphones have become digital eyes into our souls. You can learn a lot about people just by checking their search history or recent conversations with friends. And while most couples who have a healthy and happy relationship should trust each other, we're not sure everyone would be comfortable with the challenge some couples have taken on allowing their better half to browse their phone and vice versa. Would you two dare to do something similar?

The post Eksperiment: Bi dovolili partnerju, da brska po vašem telefonu? appeared first on City Magazine.

8 "immature" arguments that happen even in the most mature relationships Mon, 01 Jun 2015 04:53:13 +0000

Being in a mature, adult relationship does not necessarily mean that we also act mature, adult all the time. When these and other emotions are at play, we often say and do something that we later regret and know that we could have avoided. Yes, even mature couples have "immature" arguments. Here are some of the most common "immature" arguments that can be seen in even the most mature relationships.

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A scientific view of flirting or how to become a master of flirting Sat, 16 May 2015 06:30:07 +0000

It's spring, which means that in addition to pollen, love is in the air. Everyone has been hit by Cupid's arrow, but not every love just happens. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to charm the crush and attract her attention. And flirting is often the tip of the scales in conquering a boy or a girl. This particular way of behaving is innate to some, while others have problems with it. But nothing happens. Before you is a small school of flirting with science behind it. With such a strategy, you will not only win the game of flirting, but also greatly increase your chances of success.

The post Znanstven pogled na flirtanje ali kako postati mojster flirtanja appeared first on City Magazine.

Inspirational video: 86,600 seconds or why we need to make the most of our time? Sat, 25 Apr 2015 06:40:09 +0000

We are gifted with 86,600 seconds every day. Now imagine that 86,600 euros appeared in your account every morning. At the end of the day, that money would be gone, whether you spent it or not. And the next morning they would get a new 86,600 euros. Why not do everything in your power to spend that money, because you don't want anything to go to waste. Why not do the same with your time? A video that will change your outlook on life.

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A video experiment that makes every woman who is a mother cry Thu, 23 Apr 2015 11:37:44 +0000

We all know the saying that a mother is alone. In the video, the author of Pandora Jewelry conducted an experiment where blindfolded children had to recognize their mother. Check out how they did it in the video. We believe you will cry too.

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Extravagant zoo with people Mon, 09 Dec 2013 23:00:57 +0000

Valérie Wolf Gang's video installation shows the human species as the central creature in reversed roles. Like in a real zoo.

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