robotics Archives | City Magazine Wed, 28 Feb 2024 06:57:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Your job will soon be done by a robot: the future of production in the automotive industry is humanoid robots Wed, 28 Feb 2024 06:57:04 +0000

As the automotive industry faces constant challenges to increase productivity and reduce costs, companies Tesla and UBTECH Robotics are introducing revolutionary changes with the help of humanoid robots. Tesla, with the development of the Optimus robot, and UBTECH Robotics, with its Walker S robot in the Nio factories, promise a new era in production, where robots and humans together push the limits of what is possible. Humanoid robots are here and they will take your job.

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Figure 01: This humanoid robot will take your job Mon, 10 Apr 2023 07:45:55 +0000

Robotics startup Figure is unveiling its plans to develop the first commercially successful general-purpose humanoid robot, Figure 01, designed to alleviate labor shortages and transform the future of work.

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Boston Dynamics presented the physical worker of the future - Project Atlas Fri, 20 Jan 2023 08:06:28 +0000

Boston Dynamics, a renowned robotics company, is making waves in the industry with its advanced robotic systems. Founded in 1992 by a group of MIT professors, the company has been at the forefront of the development of cutting-edge robotics technology for more than two decades. This time they surprised us with a demonstration of the physical worker of the future. We can only imagine what production will look like in 10 to 20 years. There will no longer be migrants on construction sites - but robots.

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Big Clapper is a robot on a mission to make all of humanity happy Thu, 12 Jul 2018 04:01:22 +0000

Robots are becoming a normal part of life. That's why you don't have to be surprised when, while walking through the city streets, you will be interrupted by a robot that will try to lure you into the store by clapping. Yes, that will soon be possible too!

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Robot strippers: when electronics meets erotica Wed, 17 Jan 2018 05:01:56 +0000

Robotization has recently covered all areas of our lives. Still, it sounds pretty strange that strippers would be out-worked by robots. You read that right - this is also expected to happen soon.

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CES 2018: “mech racing”, the sport of the 21st century Thu, 11 Jan 2018 05:01:56 +0000

Innovations that we could only dream of a while ago are repeated every day in the world of technology. One such is the bionic racing robot that was exhibited at CES 2018.

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CES 2018: Segway Loomo robot - rides like a hoverboard, follows like a puppy Wed, 10 Jan 2018 05:01:03 +0000

Predictions are coming true. CES 2018 confirms that the age of robots is coming at full speed. Among them we can find those who will load your luggage, be your butler at home or organize the sales shelves in stores. But they can also take you somewhere. Let us introduce you to just such.

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MekaMon: Apple's robot for the worst gamers Sun, 19 Nov 2017 05:01:38 +0000

Gamers who like to peek into virtual or augmented reality will be happy with this news. Apple has put a robot on the shelves that was developed and assembled by ReachRobotics. Invite a friend to your home to face off in a duel of spider-like robots.

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Walmart: America's largest retailer employs robots Sun, 05 Nov 2017 07:03:15 +0000

Not long ago, we wondered what it would be like when robots started doing the most common jobs. Robotization has always had a slightly negative connotation in our conversations, as most people still fear it. Well, the fear may be unnecessary, as this concrete example also shows.

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Saudi Arabia is the first country in the world to give citizenship to a robot Sun, 29 Oct 2017 05:01:28 +0000

Saudi Arabia is the first country in the world to grant citizenship to a robot named Sophia. This was presented at the Future Investment Initiative event, a platform for discussing current and long-term global investment trends. Sophia is capable of different facial expressions and can recognize other faces, look people in the eye and speak completely naturally.

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Personal robot Temi: "Did you ring the bell, sir?" Thu, 07 Sep 2017 04:07:30 +0000

Remember the TV series You ran, M'Lord that entertained us in the 1990s? The amiable Alf Stokes was the butler who made sure everything was in order at Lord Meldrum's house. Butlers in human form are more or less a thing of the past. But this cannot be said about robots, as modern technology is increasingly concerned with making our lives more comfortable.

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Humanoid robot Fedor a custom rival to the Terminator Fri, 21 Apr 2017 06:01:23 +0000

Many things that were considered science fiction a decade ago are becoming reality today. Meet Fedor, the humanoid robot that was created by the Russians back in 2014, but now he's got a weapon and is reminiscent of the Terminator. Scary!

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Ljubljana Mini Maker Faire 2017 Sun, 02 Apr 2017 06:00:46 +0000

The world's largest show and tell event is coming to Ljubljana. The Mini Maker Faire will take place on May 13, 2017 in the premises of the former Tobačna, where it will bring together technology, researchers and culture in one place.

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Handle – A robot as nimble as a gymnast who could easily compete in the hurdles Sat, 04 Mar 2017 05:00:02 +0000

Remember the Kengoro humanoid robot that can do push-ups? Even Boston Dynamics has now moved its "athlete". Robot Handle is as agile as a gymnast and masters the art of parkour better than you ever will.

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Piaggio Gita – a robot carrier that delivers and follows faithfully Wed, 01 Feb 2017 07:03:06 +0000

Piaggio, the famous scooter manufacturer, has set out to create a robot porter. We don't know if the Piaggio Gita droid is related to BB-8 from Star Wars, but we do know that it carries things for you, makes deliveries and automatically follows you around.

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The days of journalists are numbered - robot Xiao Nan wrote and published the article himself Tue, 24 Jan 2017 07:03:25 +0000

Will journalists be replaced by robots in the future and write articles for them? Indeed, Metropolis Daily published an article written entirely by robot journalist Xiao Nan, who is trained to write long and short articles. He wrote his first paper in a fraction of a second!

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Hankook Mirae Method-2: Robot suits are no longer science fiction Fri, 30 Dec 2016 07:04:35 +0000

Do you remember the movie Ring of Fire (Pacific Rim) in which giant robots were controlled by pilots? Thanks to Vitaly Bulgarov and Korea Future Technology, these kinds of robots and mechanical muscles are no longer science fiction. The future is here and now. Meet the Hankook Mirae Method-2 robot suit.

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Kengoro: A humanoid robot that 'swirls' and does more push-ups than you Wed, 26 Oct 2016 06:00:26 +0000

When muscles are used, heat is generated as a by-product of their operation. When we really exert ourselves, the body cools down by sweating. Sweating removes water from the body, and when the water evaporates, it cools us down. By evaporating, sweat removes a lot of heat from the body and thus participates in the regulation of body temperature. Robots, especially dynamic ones like the humanoid Kengoro, also generate a lot of heat due to their many motors and electronics, which is often the main problem of technological devices, as they tend to overheat, which reduces their capabilities. At Kengoro, the engineers have solved this so that if the robot is working at full steam and producing a lot of heat, the robot will 'heat' and thus dissipate the excess heat and consequently not overheat, so it can also do push-ups and do them as a joke more than you!

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Robotek Toyota Kirobo Mini – the friend and conversationalist you always wanted Thu, 06 Oct 2016 06:08:32 +0000

Toyota has introduced the Kirobo Mini AI robot, which is capable of automatic learning, communication, reading facial expressions and recognizing emotions. Mini is the smaller brother of the Kirobo robot that went on a space excursion in 2013 to accompany the first Japanese astronaut to work on the International Space Station. Kirobo Mini will keep you company. Who says you can't buy friendship? For 350 euros, you get the friend and interlocutor you've always wanted!

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FarmBot Genesis - a garden robot that does the gardening for you Sat, 06 Aug 2016 06:08:14 +0000

Imagine if there was a robot that would take care of your garden 24 hours a day and do all the gardening work for you - from planting, watering, spraying to removing weeds. Too good to be true, right? It won't hold. Such a robot already exists and it goes by the name of FarmBot Genesis, which could completely change the way we grow fruits and vegetables. It is an innovative open source solution from the American company FarmBot, which brings precision agriculture to the home.

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SpotMini – a dog robot that handles household chores Sat, 25 Jun 2016 03:30:43 +0000

Soon our lives will be much easier. With the growth of artificial intelligence and technology, machines or robots are taking over more and more of our tasks. If on the one hand they are taking away our jobs, there is also another, more pleasant side of the coin. This page is SpotMini from Boston Dynamics, which has added a new member to its family of robots in the back, a robot dog, which is an upgrade of a robot dog named Spot from 2015. Why? Because, among other things, she is good at household chores!

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An "insecticide" robot that beats you at ping pong and could easily beat humanity too Tue, 04 Aug 2015 04:23:07 +0000

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said that in the future, humans will be the pets of robots. Which, given the following, is still an optimistic scenario. And when we imagine the apocalypse, it doesn't usually start with an innocent game of ping pong, but the following footage of an Omron robot playing ping pong with humans and working to easily subdue not only its ping pong opponent but all of humanity suggests that we should also consider such a scenario.

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Musio – a robot that acts like a friend and puts on a friendly face for artificial intelligence Fri, 05 Jun 2015 04:06:53 +0000

Artificial intelligence is something fascinating and something scary at the same time when we think about what it is capable of. It comes in all kinds of forms, found in smartphones and other devices like robots. One such is the Musio robot from AKA, which puts a friendly face on artificial intelligence. It is a personal robot that wants to be your friend, that learns and helps with daily household chores, answering e-mails, etc.

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Days of Industrial Robotics 2015 (DIR 2015) Wed, 25 Mar 2015 10:55:24 +0000

Robots are becoming more developed year by year, so they can be used for more and more demanding tasks. As a result, they are more and more embedded in our everyday life. That's why jump to the ninth Industrial Robotics Days (DIR 2015), which will take place from March 30 to April 3, 2015 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

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Cubli – a robot cube that walks and jumps Mon, 23 Dec 2013 09:10:19 +0000

A cube is not the object we think of when we talk about motion. However, Cubli is exactly that - a cube that moves on its own alongside a host of other surprising talents. It was designed at the Institute for Dynamical Systems and Control, ETH Zurich in Switzerland.

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A bionic arm Sat, 19 Oct 2013 10:40:42 +0000

What two years ago we saw only as fiction in the excellent computer game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, today is getting closer to everyday life.

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Humanoid robots are coming to Slovenia Thu, 10 Oct 2013 18:12:20 +0000

From October 10 to 12, the symposium of the international festival of art, technology and science Speculum Artium will be held in Trbovlje, where every year projects representing the intersection between art and science are presented.

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