rudeness Archives | City Magazine Mon, 12 Aug 2024 06:45:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 key signs with which you will instantly recognize an evil person and avoid conflict Mon, 12 Aug 2024 06:45:19 +0000

Throughout life we meet different people - some bring happiness and others an invisible burden. Perhaps you have ever had the feeling that someone around you is not as benevolent as it seems at first glance. Sometimes it's just bad intuition, other times it's actually recognizing evil people.

The post 5 ključnih znakov, s katerimi boste v trenutku prepoznali zlobno osebo in se izognili konfliktu appeared first on City Magazine.

These compliments are actually insults & how to react to them appropriately Mon, 21 Mar 2022 11:58:03 +0000

It has happened to each of us that we have received a compliment, which we later found out was not actually the case. And since treachery is not the best for anyone and can even hurt us, it is important to recognize such "compliments" and respond to them in an appropriate way. We have prepared for you examples of such compliments and ideas on how to respond to them.

The post Ti komplimenti so pravzaprav žalitve & kako nanje primerno reagirati appeared first on City Magazine.

5 ways to react to rude words and prevent them from hurting you Fri, 10 Dec 2021 04:27:03 +0000

We all want people to be kind and fair to us, but we often have no influence on the behavior of others. It must have happened to you that someone - be it a friend, a family member or a stranger - said something rude to you. And because sometimes it is hard not to take such statements to heart, we have prepared 5 ways for you to react to them and make sure that they do not hurt you.

The post 5 načinov, kako reagirati ob nesramnih besedah in preprečiti, da bi vas prizadele appeared first on City Magazine.
