self-confidence Archives | City Magazine Thu, 18 Jan 2024 07:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 3 psychological tips that will help you excel at a job interview Thu, 18 Jan 2024 07:46:50 +0000

A job interview can often be a chore, but not if you follow these tips.

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8 signs that you are a highly intelligent person, but you don't realize it because you have low self-esteem Sat, 04 Nov 2023 06:59:55 +0000

An intelligent person knows the solutions for everything, except for self-love. What is hidden in the inner world of extremely intelligent people that they constantly doubt themselves?

The post 8 znakov, da ste visoko inteligentna oseba, a se tega ne zavedate, ker imate nizko samospoštovanje appeared first on City Magazine.

Confidence is the way to success: 10 strategies to achieve confidence in the workplace Fri, 27 Oct 2023 05:05:52 +0000

Whether you want to climb the corporate ladder or establish yourself as an entrepreneur, confidence in yourself and your abilities is key. But how do you foster that inner strength and confidence in the workplace? In this article, we reveal ten effective strategies for increasing your self-confidence at work, which will help you not only survive, but also thrive in a competitive professional world.

The post Zaupanje vase je pot do uspeha: 10 strategij, kako doseči samozavest na delovnem mestu appeared first on City Magazine.

9 ways to boost confidence and positive self-image in your child Thu, 05 Oct 2023 06:04:56 +0000

In the world of parenting, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is confidence and a positive self-image. They need all of this for a healthy sense of self-worth and the strength to confidently navigate the world. In this article, with the help of experts, we reveal nine ways that can contribute to building a solid foundation for their self-worth and self-confidence.

The post 9 načinov, kako spodbuditi samozavest in pozitivno samopodobo pri otroku appeared first on City Magazine.

From Impossible to Achievable: How to Overcome Obstacles and Make Your Dreams Come True Wed, 10 May 2023 04:30:53 +0000

A dream that seems out of your reach is like a sky without stars, without hope and without light. However, just as the sky is blessed with millions of stars every night, you too can transform your dreams into goals.

The post Od nemogočega do dosegljivega: kako premagati ovire in uresničiti svoje sanje appeared first on City Magazine.

Success starts with you: motivational quotes that successful people repeat to themselves every day Fri, 05 May 2023 04:10:58 +0000

At least once in our lives, each of us finds ourselves in a situation where we need some extra motivation to move forward. If you're feeling lethargic, low on energy, or just need an extra boost, read on for motivational quotes that will get you moving!

The post Uspeh se začne pri tebi: motivacijski citati, ki si jih vsak dan ponavljajo uspešni ljudje appeared first on City Magazine.

How to become an irresistibly attractive woman? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 04:15:50 +0000

Be an irresistibly attractive woman for yourself and not for others!

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7 habits of confident women that make them different from the rest Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:37:13 +0000

Confidence is a quality that is highly sought after but often elusive. While some people seem to exude confidence effortlessly, others struggle to find it within themselves. One thing is for sure, confident women stand out from the crowd. The habits of confident women are not innate, but rather something that can be developed over time.

The post 7 navad samozavestnih žensk, ki jih delajo drugačne od ostalih appeared first on City Magazine.

Low self-esteem in men: how to recognize an insecure man Thu, 23 Feb 2023 05:01:41 +0000

Low self-esteem can negatively affect an individual's life in various ways. It can cause problems with mental health, personal relationships and even career prospects. Although men may not always show obvious signs of low self-esteem, it is still a significant problem for many.

The post Nizka samopodoba pri moških: kako prepoznati nesamozavestnega moškega appeared first on City Magazine.

Learn to stand up for yourself and say NO! Sun, 08 Jan 2023 05:03:53 +0000

It is important that you are aware of your qualities! It's time to boost your self-esteem!

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You're not selfish: 5 reasons to put yourself first without guilt Thu, 05 Jan 2023 05:05:23 +0000

Are you familiar with the feeling that you just give all the time, but when you need someone to stand by you, there is no one there? That people don't value your time, energy and advice? Such feelings and thoughts are far from pleasant, so it's time to change something in the field of relationships and make a conscious decision to put yourself first. No, such behavior is not selfish, but is absolutely necessary for the health of your psyche and, consequently, your body.

The post Niste sebični: 5 razlogov, da sebe postavite na prvo mesto brez občutka krivde appeared first on City Magazine.

6 signs that you don't love yourself enough and how to change it Fri, 16 Dec 2022 05:02:19 +0000

According to many experts and psychologists, the love we have for ourselves is the foundation for all relationships in our lives. When we love ourselves, we will know how to set boundaries for others and love them without our happiness depending on them - we will know how to take care of ourselves even without them.

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Reminders to read when leaving a toxic relationship Sat, 19 Nov 2022 05:01:55 +0000

The negative things they said about you were not true. Even though that person may be gone from your life forever, you can't wave a magic wand and forget all the things they said to you and how bad they made you feel.

The post Opomniki, ki jih morate prebrati, ko zapustite strupeno razmerje appeared first on City Magazine.

The most successful do not give up, even if they fail a thousand times! Mon, 14 Nov 2022 12:42:37 +0000

Stop thinking of failure as a negative thing. Acting like it's the end of the world when something doesn't work out the way you hoped. Why?

The post Najuspešnejši ne obupajo, čeprav jim tisočkrat spodleti! appeared first on City Magazine.

You are stronger than you think! Fri, 09 Sep 2022 04:48:19 +0000

Maybe this year wasn't your year. You may feel stuck and that everything is going wrong. You may have fallen and picked yourself up, but the past still haunts you.

The post Močnejši ste, kot si mislite! appeared first on City Magazine.

Psychological Test: How Confident Are You Really? Wed, 07 Sep 2022 04:01:40 +0000

Self-confidence is the key to happiness and success. A self-confident person navigates many life situations more easily, makes decisions, leaves the comfort zone and fights for his dreams.

The post Psihološki test: kako samozavestni ste v resnici? appeared first on City Magazine.

5 ways to get back on your feet after a period of grief Sun, 28 Aug 2022 04:01:23 +0000

There are days in life when we encounter feelings that are far from pleasant. It seems that no matter how hard we try, we are always met with failure, pain and hopelessness. At that time, it is difficult to pick yourself up and make a conscious decision to persevere, as well as to believe that we will ever feel happiness again. However, you must remember that after every rain, the sun shines and no sorrow is strong enough to last forever. We have prepared 5 ways for you to get back on your feet after difficult moments.

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When you feel lost, remember that you have a home in your heart! Thu, 23 Jun 2022 04:02:03 +0000

The security you are looking for does not exist. It is temporary. Or virtual. The love you seek is not in someone else's heart, but in your own. The relationship you long for is the one you establish with yourself. You are your home.

The post Ko se počutite izgubljeni, ne pozabite, da imate dom v svojem srcu! appeared first on City Magazine.

Why is uncertainty a sign of intelligence and how to use it in a positive way? Mon, 13 Jun 2022 07:45:05 +0000

Uncertainty is a feeling that, unfortunately, is familiar to everyone. We meet him at new work challenges, at the beginning of a partnership and sometimes even in friendship. It's not easy for anyone to doubt themselves, but experts say that doubts can be a sign of intelligence. And not only that - you can also use them in a positive way. We asked how to do this and why it is sometimes good to be unsure of our actions.

The post Zakaj je negotovost znak inteligence in kako jo uporabiti na pozitiven način? appeared first on City Magazine.

Experts explain: why do you look different in the mirror than in the pictures? Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:24:03 +0000

It must have happened to you that when you look in the mirror and see a photo of yourself, you see a completely different picture. Nobody likes it when they don't look the way they want in a photo, and nobody feels the most confident about it. That's why we asked experts in the field of photography how it is possible that sometimes it seems that we look completely different in the mirror than in the photos.

The post Strokovnjaki pojasnjujejo: zakaj v ogledalu izgledate drugače kot na slikah? appeared first on City Magazine.

6 ways to become more confident: Don't be critical of yourself Thu, 07 Apr 2022 04:02:40 +0000

It seems to many that he is his own harshest critic and that he is in no way satisfied with his achievements, lifestyle, appearance... Also, many people find it difficult to rest, because they feel that they will not be able to achieve their goals. However, such thinking is unhealthy and leads to burnout, poor self-esteem and constant feelings of dissatisfaction. That is why we have prepared 6 ways for you not to be too critical of yourself.

The post 6 načinov, kako postati bolj samozavesten: ne bodite kritični do sebe appeared first on City Magazine.

These compliments are actually insults & how to react to them appropriately Mon, 21 Mar 2022 11:58:03 +0000

It has happened to each of us that we have received a compliment, which we later found out was not actually the case. And since treachery is not the best for anyone and can even hurt us, it is important to recognize such "compliments" and respond to them in an appropriate way. We have prepared for you examples of such compliments and ideas on how to respond to them.

The post Ti komplimenti so pravzaprav žalitve & kako nanje primerno reagirati appeared first on City Magazine.

How to gain self-confidence with make-up: is make-up your mask or shield? Tue, 15 Mar 2022 05:24:18 +0000

Make-up is something that has its place in almost every woman's wardrobe. Opinions about its use are divided: some claim that it shows the wearer's low self-esteem, others that it is an artistic expression. But the truth is that you and no one else give meaning to makeup. If you decide that make-up will be your source of strength and self-confidence, it will become exactly that, regardless of the opinions of acquaintances and strangers.

The post Kako z ličili do samozavesti: je make-up vaša maska ali ščit? appeared first on City Magazine.

From envy to success: 4 steps to change your attitude towards money Thu, 10 Mar 2022 06:13:10 +0000

Money is a word that evokes strong emotions in many people. Many people avoid mentioning her because it reminds them that they don't have enough, while others associate her with all the evil that is present in the world. But we have to admit that we all need money in the modern way of life. That's why it's important to change the negative feelings we associate with it into positive and acceptance, with which we will attract wealth much more easily and thus live with much less financial worries. Here are 4 steps you can take to change your attitude towards money.

The post Od zavisti do uspeha: 4 koraki, kako spremeniti svoj odnos do denarja appeared first on City Magazine.

Are you jealous of your friends? 5 ways to get rid of this feeling Tue, 01 Mar 2022 10:07:18 +0000

It has happened to all of us that we have felt jealousy - not only when we talk about romantic relationships, but also platonic relationships. It is completely normal to sometimes envy your friends, but the problem arises if you constantly think about it and, when you compare yourself to your friend, have a bad opinion of yourself. Therefore, we have prepared for you 5 ways to not only process this emotion, but also overcome it.

The post Si ljubosumna na svoje prijateljice? 5 načinov, kako se znebiti tega čustva appeared first on City Magazine.

Personal Growth Books: 6 Books to Help You Accept Your Body and Boost Your Self-Esteem Thu, 03 Feb 2022 12:16:25 +0000

In the modern world, where we encounter unattainable beauty standards through television screens, social networks and commercials, it is difficult to maintain a high self-esteem. Even if we realize that we have to love our own body, because every day it tries to stay healthy, we sometimes encounter insecurities about our appearance. However, every figure is beautiful in its own way, and life becomes much easier if we don't spend it humiliating ourselves. That is why we have prepared 6 books for you that will help you accept and love your body.

The post Knjige za osebno rast: 6 knjig, ki vam bodo pomagale sprejeti svoje telo in dvigniti samozavest appeared first on City Magazine.

Being single is not a weakness - you can be enough for yourself! Thu, 30 Dec 2021 05:02:25 +0000

Have you ever heard the lie that being alone is sad? That those who are alone - wounded, damaged, strange, broken? That they are too picky, that they don't suit anyone? That they don't know how to adapt and love?

The post Biti samski ni slabost – lahko si sam sebi dovolj! appeared first on City Magazine.

Good Books: 5 Books That Will Boost Your Confidence and Help You Succeed Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:50:06 +0000

We've all experienced the feeling that we're not successful enough, that we don't look good enough, and that we won't be able to achieve our goals. This is completely normal, but you should know that such thoughts can be banished, breathe with full lungs and live confidently. We have prepared a list of 5 books that can help you with this.

The post Dobre knjige: 5 knjig, ki bodo dvignile vašo samozavest in vam pomagale do uspeha appeared first on City Magazine.

5 ways to react to rude words and prevent them from hurting you Fri, 10 Dec 2021 04:27:03 +0000

We all want people to be kind and fair to us, but we often have no influence on the behavior of others. It must have happened to you that someone - be it a friend, a family member or a stranger - said something rude to you. And because sometimes it is hard not to take such statements to heart, we have prepared 5 ways for you to react to them and make sure that they do not hurt you.

The post 5 načinov, kako reagirati ob nesramnih besedah in preprečiti, da bi vas prizadele appeared first on City Magazine.

3 ways to meditate while walking Fri, 19 Nov 2021 05:53:05 +0000

Walking is a great way to take care of your health and fitness without excessive fatigue. At the same time, it also allows us to spend time in our own company, enjoy the fresh air and think about how to solve situations that are close to our hearts.

The post 3 načini, kako med sprehodom izvajati meditacijo appeared first on City Magazine.

Never apologize for being who you are - a strong woman Fri, 12 Nov 2021 05:03:25 +0000

Never, really never apologize to others because you are the only one who matters! Why?

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6 tips to accept yourself as you are: you are worth much more than the number on the scale Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:28:15 +0000

The way we look is often the reason for our lack of self-confidence and the feeling that we are not good enough. Every day we are bombarded with perfect photos on social media and advertisements for weight loss products, so it's hard to look in the mirror without looking for what's wrong with us. However, your life will be much better and easier if you accept yourself exactly as you are. Here are 6 tips that will help you with this.

The post 6 nasvetov, kako se sprejeti takšni, kot ste: vredni ste veliko več od številke na tehtnici appeared first on City Magazine.

My dear, you are stronger than you think! Tue, 19 Oct 2021 14:42:20 +0000

This one is for every woman! To every wife, aunt, grandmother, friend, stranger. I would like to let you know that you are stronger than you think! You can overcome every fear and eliminate every doubt. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome! You are stronger than you ever imagined.

The post Draga moja, močnejša si, kot si misliš! appeared first on City Magazine.

These are the 3 most powerful astrological signs! Are you among them? Fri, 15 Oct 2021 12:07:30 +0000

Which signs hide a special power? Bursting with confidence and fearing nothing? In which astrological signs are such people born?

The post To so 3 najmočnejša astrološka znamenja! Si med njimi? appeared first on City Magazine.

Love yourself first before you love someone else Fri, 08 Oct 2021 08:02:40 +0000

Because you are the one who holds the key to your own happiness. Not someone who can't appreciate what they have if they have your unwavering attention. Not someone who can effortlessly break your trust without even getting to know you well.

The post Najprej imej rad sebe, preden ljubiš nekoga drugega appeared first on City Magazine.

5 personal beliefs that make you unhappy and unsuccessful Mon, 27 Sep 2021 04:12:58 +0000

People are not aware enough that we create affirmations with our own beliefs. And when they are negative, we subconsciously attract bad things that affect our success and self-esteem. Get rid of all the negativity in your life and open the door to happiness and success! Start thinking differently!

The post 5 osebnih prepričanj, ki vas dela nesrečne in neuspešne appeared first on City Magazine.

10 things to stop apologizing for! Wed, 22 Sep 2021 04:02:31 +0000

Being able to apologize is a nice trait, but not in every case. If you constantly apologize for things that are completely normal, you will only achieve that by making you feel bad about yourself and the values you stand for. But what are those things that you absolutely do not need to apologize for?

The post 10 stvari, za katere se nehajte opravičevati! appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you feel unattractive? 7 ways to get rid of low self-esteem Thu, 09 Sep 2021 04:02:30 +0000

In a world of retouched photos and advertisements for weight loss aids that are upon us at every turn, being happy with your body seems like an unattainable dream. But it doesn't have to be like that. Here are seven ways you can turn negative thoughts about your body around.

The post Se počutiš neprivlačno? 7 načinov, kako se znebiti slabe samopodobe appeared first on City Magazine.

In the modern world of masks and lies, be yourself! Mon, 06 Sep 2021 12:28:17 +0000

It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be like everyone else. But why would you be someone else? Is being someone else really so nice?

The post V modernem svetu mask in laži bodi to, kar si! appeared first on City Magazine.

10 reasons why you should be thankful you have curves Mon, 30 Aug 2021 05:51:54 +0000

Many women are proud of their curves, while on the other hand, there are also many who think they should lose weight because they want to be slim. Let us reassure you that most men prefer women with curves, so there is absolutely no need to worry.

The post 10 razlogov, zakaj morate biti hvaležne, da imate obline appeared first on City Magazine.

That's enough, I won't apologize anymore! Mon, 09 Aug 2021 04:01:47 +0000

I no longer worry about what others think of me and my actions! I have a soft heart. Strong values. I never turn away. I don't divide people into black and white, left and right. To me, everyone is just human. We all feel it.

The post Dovolj je, ne bom se več opravičevala! appeared first on City Magazine.

Rojeni ste bili – zase Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:01:47 +0000

Have you ever wondered why you came to this world? Why were you born? Do you know that you were born for yourself? You got a chance to live your life!

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These are the qualities of a woman who never gives up on herself Wed, 04 Aug 2021 04:01:59 +0000

A strong woman never gives up on herself, even when her whole world collapses. Even when her heart is heavy and her problems are relentless. He still keeps the faith that you have one more chance and a thousand more possibilities. He keeps going no matter what.

The post To so lastnosti ženske, ki nikoli ne obupa nad seboj appeared first on City Magazine.

How to change the belief that you are not worthy of love? Tue, 20 Jul 2021 04:03:22 +0000

Do you think no one likes you? Why do you keep insecurities inside you? Change Your Beliefs - Now!

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22 affirmations to say to your reflection in the mirror after disappointment Fri, 16 Jul 2021 04:16:27 +0000

Believe in yourself. You are beautiful. You are worthy. There is nothing wrong with you if you are disappointed. Experience builds you!

The post 22 afirmacij, ki jih po razočaranju, povej svojemu odsevu v ogledalu appeared first on City Magazine.

The Emotional Clutter Guide: 3 Essential Steps to Personal Growth Tue, 13 Jul 2021 05:30:39 +0000

Put away emotions, feelings, assumptions. Remove unnecessary things that push you into bad decisions.

The post Vodnik po čustvenem neredu: 3 pomembni koraki za osebno rast appeared first on City Magazine.

10 signs that you are a person who loves you Fri, 11 Jun 2021 07:47:33 +0000

In order to love another, you must first love yourself. Although this love should be as natural as breathing, many people struggle to accept themselves, their shortcomings, as well as their achievements. Are you happy?

The post 10 znakov, da ste oseba, ki se ima rada appeared first on City Magazine.

Watch out and change this: 7 phrases and typical words characteristic of subordinate and insecure people! Fri, 04 Jun 2021 07:59:00 +0000

Confidence is the key to happiness! Insecure people always doubt themselves and their self-image. Life and surroundings often recognize this and take advantage of such people. Self-confidence is built from early childhood, and later in life it gives people wings because it represents confidence in themselves and their abilities. If they don't have these skills, they can have problems with themselves and in their relationship with other people.

The post Pazi se in spremeni to: 7 stavkov in tipičnih besed značilnih za podrejene in nesamozavestne ljudi! appeared first on City Magazine.

7 sentences that show that you are a weak and subordinate person! Change that! Tue, 27 Apr 2021 06:53:16 +0000

Self-confidence is built from early childhood, and later in life it gives people wings because it represents confidence in themselves and their abilities. If you use these sentences, then you need help to get rid of them! They will greatly hinder you in life.

The post 7 stavkov, ki kažejo, da si šibka in podrejena oseba! Spremeni to! appeared first on City Magazine.

Laugh and the world will laugh with you: spread positive energy with a smile Mon, 26 Apr 2021 04:09:58 +0000

A smile is a secret weapon. A smile is not only a result of feeling good, it can trigger a good feeling. Smiling can actually make you feel more relaxed, healthier and happier.

The post Smejte se in svet se bo smejal z vami: širite pozitivno energijo z nasmehom appeared first on City Magazine.

Astrology says this is your most attractive body part. Do you agree? Fri, 23 Apr 2021 04:02:26 +0000

Are you wondering which part of your or your partner's body is the most attractive according to astrology? Maybe the bridge or lips are swollen? Read which one and see for yourself if it really is.

The post Astrologija pravi, da je to tvoj najbolj privlačen del telesa. Se strinjaš? appeared first on City Magazine.

5 ways to boost your children's self-esteem Mon, 29 Mar 2021 03:59:31 +0000

Self-confidence helps children cope more easily with all school activities and make important friendships with peers. In early adolescence, children with a high level of self-confidence can more easily solve problems, create stronger relationships with others, resist the bad tendencies of their environment and think for themselves. Self-confident children grow up to be ambitious people who are ready for all the challenges that await them in the outside world.

The post 5 načinov, da dvignete samozavest svojih otrok appeared first on City Magazine.

21 tiny ways to appreciate your reflection in the mirror Fri, 15 Jan 2021 17:59:54 +0000

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed something you didn't like?

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Stand up for yourself! Don't be afraid of your inner voice! Become confident! Thu, 31 Dec 2020 06:35:29 +0000

Fear cannot be without hope, nor hope without fear, wrote Baruch Spinoza. This is also why it is important to listen to your inner voice and talk about what you feel!

The post Postavi se zase! Ne boj se svojega notranjega glasu! Postani samozavesten! appeared first on City Magazine.

Mentally strong people don't waste time on these 5 things Tue, 29 Dec 2020 04:59:18 +0000

Mentally strong people can cope better with their problems and work better under pressure. The secret of their success is not that they keep their cool when others lose their temper, but that they know how to focus their energy on the things that really matter.

The post Mentalno močni ljudje ne zapravljajo časa za teh 5 stvari appeared first on City Magazine.

Can you tell the difference between genuine and toxic confidence? Here are 11 signs that you are a truly genuine person! Wed, 07 Oct 2020 03:59:27 +0000

"Let your confidence be greater than your ego." - Loesje

The post Ločiš pristno in toksično samozavest? Tukaj je 11 znakov, ki kažejo, da si resnično pristna oseba! appeared first on City Magazine.

If you do these 30 things, you respect and love yourself! Tue, 02 Jun 2020 04:00:47 +0000

"There's only one person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, and that's you. Treat yourself to love and respect." - Elle Sommer

The post Če počnete teh 30 stvari, se spoštujete in ljubite! appeared first on City Magazine.

At the end of the day, you can only count on yourself! Sun, 26 Apr 2020 04:01:56 +0000

Every day is something special, just because you live it. Trust your reflection in the mirror.

The post Na koncu dneva lahko računaš le nase! appeared first on City Magazine.

13 things you have to be willing to lose if you really want to change your life for the better Sat, 21 Mar 2020 05:01:59 +0000

Be aware that things don't happen by themselves, everything always depends on your reaction to events, on what you actually feel at that moment.

The post 13 stvari, ki jih moraš biti pripravljen izgubiti, če res želiš spremeniti svoje življenje na boljše appeared first on City Magazine.

This is how confident people talk: 7 phrases they use most often Wed, 22 Jan 2020 05:01:27 +0000

Are you confident or arrogant? The difference is obvious.

The post Tako govorijo samozavestni ljudje: 7 stavkov, ki jih najpogosteje uporabljajo appeared first on City Magazine.
