social networks Archives | City Magazine Tue, 21 May 2024 05:09:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Someone stole your verified account on (Twitter): what you can do Mon, 20 May 2024 19:21:50 +0000

If someone has stolen your verified "premium" account on (formerly Twitter), you're not alone. In this article, we'll explore what steps you can take to regain control of your account and protect yourself from future hacks. What to do if hackers have tricked you into transferring rights over your (formerly Twitter) account to them

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Digital parenting: 5 social media mistakes parents make Thu, 26 Oct 2023 06:11:02 +0000

In the age of digital connectivity, parenting has taken on new dimensions. As our children venture into the vast landscape of social media, the role of parents expands beyond the physical world into the online realm. However, in this digital age, many parents unwittingly fall into common pitfalls that can compromise their children's online safety and well-being. Let's explore the biggest mistakes parents make on social media and, more importantly, how to avoid them.

The post Digitalno starševstvo: 5 napak, ki jih kot starši delamo na družbenih omrežjih appeared first on City Magazine.

5 tips on how to use the #hashtag correctly on social media Wed, 27 Sep 2023 05:13:32 +0000

In the ever-evolving world of social media, hashtags have emerged as the secret sauce that can take your posts to the next level. These humble symbols, labeled (#), serve as digital signposts that direct your content to the right audience. But what exactly is a social hashtag and how can you make the most of it to increase your online presence and engagement?

The post 5 nasvetov, kako pravilno uporabljati #hashtag na družbenih medijih appeared first on City Magazine.

4 tips to break free from social media addiction Fri, 08 Sep 2023 09:58:59 +0000

In the fast-paced digital age we live in, it's no secret that social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. We use them to connect with friends and family, share our thoughts and stay up to date with the latest news and trends. But what started out as a convenient communication tool has now evolved into a potential addiction that can affect our mental and emotional well-being.

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Digital detox: What happens if you use social networks 15 minutes less a day?! Wed, 30 Aug 2023 10:27:53 +0000

In a world where "being connected" has become our second language, it's hard to imagine a day without social media. But what if we told you that just 15 minutes of "digital fasting" a day could be your ticket to better mental health. It's a 15-minute digital detox.

The post Digitalni detox: Kaj se zgodi, če družbena omrežja uporabljate 15 minut manj na dan?! appeared first on City Magazine.

Attention, this information is not for the web: photos that do not belong on social networks Sun, 30 Jul 2023 05:17:23 +0000

Many have no qualms about sharing intimate family moments and personal information online, but beware, there are photos that don't belong on social networks. Otherwise, your relationships, identity, or job may be on thin ice.

The post Pozor, ti podatki niso za splet: fotografije, ki ne sodijo na družabna omrežja appeared first on City Magazine.

Which astrological signs are the biggest bluffers on social media: They create a false image of their "dream" life Sat, 08 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +0000

Have you ever wondered if everything you see and read on social media is true? Is there really a perfect life without failures and mistakes? Are these people just bluffers!?

The post Kateri astrološki znaki so največji bleferji na družbenih omrežjih: ustvarjajo lažno podobo o svojem “sanjskem” življenju appeared first on City Magazine.

How to recognize a fake profile on social networks: the love of your life or a person with dangerous intentions? Thu, 06 Apr 2023 05:46:27 +0000

Have you ever used social media for dating? Although such ways of establishing communication are very popular, it is important to be careful and learn how to identify a fake profile on social networks.

The post Kako prepoznati lažen profil na družbenih omrežjih: ljubezen vašega življenja ali oseba z nevarnimi nameni? appeared first on City Magazine.

6 Shocking Ways Selfies Can Harm Your Health Fri, 10 Mar 2023 05:06:47 +0000

Taking selfies has become a popular pastime for many, but did you know that it can affect your health? From distorting your body image to potentially putting you at risk for lice, there are several sneaky ways selfies can harm you. Read on to discover six shocking ways your love of selfies could be harming your health.

The post 6 šokantnih načinov, kako lahko selfiji škodujejo vašemu zdravju appeared first on City Magazine.

Clubhouse: 7+ Secret Rules You Must Know Before Using Your New Social Network Sun, 07 Feb 2021 10:56:52 +0000

Clubhouse is the hottest social platform right now, where there is a queue to enter and only those with an invite use it. The reason is quite simple. It's a whole new way of socializing that brings a lot of good to the otherwise wild world of uncultivated social media.

The post Clubhouse: 7+ skrivnostnih pravil, ki jih moraš vedeti pred uporabo novega družbenega omrežja appeared first on City Magazine.

Social media fraud: that's the difference between TRUTH and PHOTOS Thu, 25 Jul 2019 04:01:38 +0000

People want to present themselves in the best light on social networks - this is why, when publishing photos from our lives, we manipulate reality to such an extent that we often live the life of another unknown person for a good photo or video.

The post Zlaganost na družbenih omrežjih: takšna je razlika med RESNICO in FOTOGRAFIJAMI appeared first on City Magazine.

What should you never dream of sharing on social media? Sun, 28 Apr 2019 04:01:07 +0000

Thanks to social networks, anonymous people have become "personalities" living life in public - we have served curious minds with information about what goes on behind our closed doors, and some individuals have lost their compass and even inform us about their biological needs. Do we really care? What should you never dream of sharing on social media?

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The most popular and liked photos on Instagram 2018 Tue, 01 Jan 2019 05:01:57 +0000

Not that it's ever going to happen, but if aliens decided to visit Earth and asked us to recap 2018, we could easily show them this list of last year's most popular Instagram photos. Most of these photos are also the most popular and liked photos of all time.

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What should you post on social media to increase your chances of getting hired? Sun, 16 Sep 2018 04:01:26 +0000

Are you tired of your current job and longing for a new job? Vacation photos in which you're visibly drunk and posted on social media won't help you in your job search. But how can social media and your posts help you increase your job prospects anyway?

The post Kaj morate objavljati na družbenih omrežjih, da boste povečali možnosti za zaposlitev? appeared first on City Magazine.

5 hidden truths about how to create the perfect photo that bloggers don't want to reveal to us Thu, 13 Sep 2018 04:01:50 +0000

You scroll through your feed, and at every 'step' there are perfect, colorful and from the right angles photos that highlight the beauty and hide the less pleasant. Looking at their consistently good photography results, you probably wonder how they do it. It's all in the tricks that everyone keeps quiet about.

The post 5 prikritih resnic, kako nastane popolna fotografija, ki nam jih blogerke ne želijo razkriti appeared first on City Magazine.

Attention Instagramers, from now on you can hire a spy to expose the fake profiles you correspond with Fri, 17 Aug 2018 04:01:15 +0000

We were just waiting for Instagram related services to start entering the market. If you have doubts about whether the person you correspond with on Instagram is real, contact the agency Vet Your Date before the stranger starts to make your life miserable.

The post Instagramerji, pozor, odslej lahko najamete vohuna, ki bo razkrinkal lažne profile, s katerimi se dopisujete appeared first on City Magazine.

Create the look of a vintage '90s photo with these three cool apps Thu, 16 Aug 2018 04:01:58 +0000

This year, 'vintage photos' that look like they were taken decades ago have come to life on social media. There are many photo editing apps available, but these three are proven to be the easiest to use. Download them quickly and go back in time!

The post Ustvarite videz starinske fotografije iz 90. let s temi tremi kul aplikacijami appeared first on City Magazine.

People are sharing photos of guys 'forced' to take the perfect photo of their girlfriend Wed, 01 Aug 2018 04:01:44 +0000

If you're among the 81 percent of younger adults (18 to 24) who use Instagram on a daily basis, then you know what social media envy can do. A complete "feed" with brilliant photos, where girls sit in the middle of a field of sunflowers, sunbathe on dreamy beaches and swim in the turquoise sea, is enough to turn you green with envy. But how do they do it, you wonder. With the help of a personal photographer. And this is often the right partner.

The post Ljudje delijo fotografije fantov, ‘prisiljenih’, da naredijo popolno fotografijo svojega dekleta appeared first on City Magazine.

Facebook reveals the most popular emojis on Messenger this year Thu, 19 Jul 2018 04:01:31 +0000

Can you imagine what it would be like to communicate on social networks without emojis? Probably many people cannot imagine this, because last year we sent a billion of them.

The post Facebook razkriva, kateri so najbolj priljubljeni emojiji na Messengerju to leto appeared first on City Magazine.

Facebook introduced augmented reality (AR) and other new tools Thu, 12 Jul 2018 04:01:21 +0000

Tech giant Facebook has announced the use of augmented reality (AR) and other new advertising tools that will soon be available on the social network. Some companies that favor advertising on social networks have already had the opportunity to test the new features.

The post Facebook predstavil obogateno resničnost (AR) in druga nova orodja appeared first on City Magazine.

Snapchat will soon be able to shop Wed, 11 Jul 2018 04:01:48 +0000

Snapchat is known to people as a photo and video sharing app, but that may change in the near future. With the help of Snapchat, users will be able to make purchases in a very easy way.

The post Preko aplikacije Snapchat bo kmalu mogoče nakupovati appeared first on City Magazine.

Social networks: 3 tricks to find out that a person is busy Fri, 06 Jul 2018 04:01:01 +0000

Even if social networks are considered evil, they are also a blessing - you can tell if a person is busy on them.

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Do you have enough Twitter and Instagram followers to take a photo in front of this wall? Thu, 28 Jun 2018 04:01:16 +0000

Recognition, fame and prestige have always had their price. If you've earned enough social media followers in the modern age, which is obviously considered an achievement, you're lucky.

The post Ali imate dovolj sledilcev na Twitterju in Instagramu, da se fotografirate pred to steno? appeared first on City Magazine.

These are the new features on Instagram that will help you get rid of unwanted posts Sat, 26 May 2018 04:01:17 +0000

As it turns out, Instagram will never be the same again. In the coming weeks, we can expect updates to the application. What innovations will soon become part of the popular social network?

The post To sta novi funkciji na Instagramu, s katerima se boste znebili nezaželenih objav appeared first on City Magazine.

Get ready to find out how much time you spend on Instagram Mon, 21 May 2018 06:30:05 +0000

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend on social media? We put it on your heart that it is better that you never find out this information.

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This website sells you photos that you can use to "fake" your life Fri, 11 May 2018 04:01:49 +0000

Surely it has happened to you at some point that when you look at your friend's profile on a social network, you feel a bit of envy. This is completely normal, everyone probably wants to enjoy the beach more than going to work.

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This is what life looks like for people who have deleted Facebook Thu, 26 Apr 2018 04:01:40 +0000

We are sure that at least once you have thought about deleting your Facebook profile, but at the last minute you decided to stay on the popular social network. Maybe you're afraid you won't be connected to your friends and 'friends' anymore, or you can't imagine life without the constant bombardment of updates shared by your likes. And what is the life of people who managed to delete their profile?

The post Tako je videti življenje ljudi, ki so izbrisali Facebook appeared first on City Magazine.

10 illustrations about the sad truth of modern times Mon, 16 Apr 2018 04:01:41 +0000

Every century we haven't witnessed has faced the Earthlings of that time with good and bad things. For the 21st century, some would say critically that it is a time when the world is turned upside down and we have never had it worse - we are facing many unimaginable changes or, as this Italian illustrator calls them, the sad truths of modern times.

The post 10 ilustracij o žalostni resnici sodobnega časa appeared first on City Magazine.

Companies get this information about you when you post a selfie Sat, 14 Apr 2018 04:01:25 +0000

If you remember the fairy tale about Janko and Metka, then you probably know how naively the brother and sister entered the delicious (made of candy) house of the evil witch, unaware of all the dangers lurking inside. A similar situation is faced by us, real persons who have entered the world of social networks without realizing what everything we post online reveals about us.

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10 Twitter accounts you need to follow if you want to be more productive Wed, 04 Apr 2018 04:01:47 +0000

It is rare to find people who are happy to get out of bed every morning and go to work. This is completely understandable, because sleeping until ten o'clock, hanging out with friends or family and doing hobbies is much more relaxing.

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This way you can prevent Facebook from spying on your messages Thu, 29 Mar 2018 04:01:13 +0000

Recently, there was a scandal in the USA that brought Facebook into disrepute. In 2014, Cambridge Analytica was revealed to have gained access to 50 million profiles of US citizens. Using the obtained data, they then built profiles of American voters. So how can we stop Facebook from spying on our messages today?

The post Tako lahko Facebooku preprečite vohunjenje za vašimi sporočili appeared first on City Magazine.

How to get rid of social networks in 6 steps? Fri, 16 Mar 2018 05:01:26 +0000

Addiction to social networks can be described as the most common disease of the 21st century. Technological progress has imposed on the inhabitants of the planet Earth the belief that they must always be up to date with everything that is happening in the world.

The post Kako se v 6 korakih odvaditi od družbenih omrežij? appeared first on City Magazine.

Facebook keeps a scary file on you and you can download it Sat, 03 Mar 2018 05:01:37 +0000

Facebook knows almost everything about you, and at the same time it also archives it. And when you see what he managed to 'preserve', you will be a little scared. So how can you access this archived content?

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Social network Vero is the new "Instagram" Thu, 01 Mar 2018 05:01:53 +0000

A new social network, Vero, has appeared, which, according to some, could seriously harm Instagram. The network has quite a few similarities with the popular channel, but also differences that could greatly influence the choice of some users.

The post Družbeno omrežje Vero je novi “Instagram” appeared first on City Magazine.

Up to 250 thousand followers on Facebook in less than a month Mon, 25 Dec 2017 05:01:20 +0000

Many websites where we can buy fake followers for our social media profiles. But this method of promotion is completely useless. It makes much more sense to get real people to follow us. Facebook helps us with this.

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Snapchat with new filters that recognize what's in your photo Wed, 06 Dec 2017 05:01:05 +0000

The Snapchat application has established itself as one of those that we use every day. It is particularly unique because of its filters that allow us to transform into a completely different person. But the creators of Snapchat went one step further.

The post Snapchat z novimi filtri, ki prepoznajo, kaj je na vaši fotografiji appeared first on City Magazine.

When to post on Instagram to get the most likes? Sun, 03 Dec 2017 05:01:53 +0000

To collect likes, it seems to have become a real sports industry. The one who collects more wins. Well, in a way it is. Of course, there are also many courses and trainings on the market on the topic of collecting likes and better visibility on social networks, since this is, after all, one of the main forms of advertising today. We will reveal to you one of the tricks that concerns Instagram. When to post on Instagram to get the most likes?

The post Kdaj objavljati na Instagramu, da bo največ všečkov? appeared first on City Magazine.

A Russian company helps you appear rich on Instagram Wed, 25 Oct 2017 04:01:34 +0000

Russians are undoubtedly a nation that can always surprise. And the Russian company Private Jet Studio makes you look rich on Instagram. So if you really can't afford a private plane, you can "fake" it without worry.

The post Rusko podjetje vam pomaga, da na Instagramu dajete vtis bogataša appeared first on City Magazine.

Cornea: how popular will your photo be on social networks? Sun, 03 Sep 2017 04:02:56 +0000

That's why we publish them, right? To be noticed and possibly liked by others. This is one of the modern forms of interaction between us, and with increasingly better mobile devices, this trend will probably continue. Now there is a Cornea app that will make it a little easier for us to do that. Let's see how.

The post Cornea: kako priljubljena bo tvoja fotografija na družbenih omrežjih? appeared first on City Magazine.

Facebook Spaces and other important news from Facebook's F8 conference Thu, 20 Apr 2017 06:01:02 +0000

Facebook hosted its traditional F8 developer conference, where it presented its latest ambitions and visions. The most popular social network is ambitiously venturing into the world of virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the future. He predicts that the camera on the phone in connection with Facebook's interactive filters and together with VR-glasses will become the new standard of communication, and our socializing with friends is moving to the Facebook Spaces platform.

The post Facebook Spaces in druge pomembne novosti s Facebookove konference F8 appeared first on City Magazine.

It's scary how many years of our lives we waste using social media Wed, 05 Apr 2017 06:01:08 +0000

We can hardly imagine life without social networks. Do you think you spend too much time on Facebook and Instagram? You are not the only one. The latest statistics are downright frightening. Check how many years of life an individual spends on average using social networks.

The post Zastrašujoče, koliko let življenja zapravimo za uporabo družbenih omrežij appeared first on City Magazine.

Social media versus reality - is your life one big lie too? Mon, 20 Mar 2017 07:01:18 +0000

If you're a regular on Instagram or Facebook, you all know that uncomfortable feeling when you feel like your life is empty and that everyone else has something better and fuller than you. The truth is, of course, far from that. We are all guilty of hiding behind the mask of social media in search of self-affirmation, and are willing to hide the truth in the process. Is your life also one big lie? This clip will open your eyes!

The post Družbena omrežja proti resničnosti – je tudi vaše življenje ena velika laž? appeared first on City Magazine.

The highest paid sports tweeters - as much as you earn for a tweet in 20 years Mon, 23 Jan 2017 07:04:39 +0000

Who would have thought that a single single tweet could be worth so much money! Cristiano Ronaldo earns more for one 'tweet' than you will with a regular salary for the next 20 years combined! The research was carried out by the Opendorse agency, which calculated how much athletes' tweets are worth. From the height of the amount it spins!

The post Najbolje plačani tviteraši med športniki – za tvit toliko, kot vi zaslužite v 20 letih appeared first on City Magazine.

Research has shown that Facebook makes us less happy Sat, 24 Dec 2016 07:04:36 +0000

A recent study showed that those who use Facebook live longer, but this one finds that we are less happy if we often follow what is happening with our friends, because the online image creates a false sense that others have a perfect life, but we ourselves no. As a result, it brings more envy than joy into our lives.

The post Raziskava je pokazala, da nas Facebook dela manj srečne appeared first on City Magazine.

Goodbye privacy! Revealed the identity of strangers with a facial recognition application Wed, 14 Dec 2016 07:05:33 +0000

Your Face is Big Data is a project by a Russian photographer that shows the terrifying power of facial recognition technology. With its help, Egor Cvetkov revealed the identity of complete strangers.

The post Adijo, zasebnost! Z aplikacijo za prepoznavanje obraza razkrinkal identiteto neznancev appeared first on City Magazine.

The highest paid pets on Instagram Wed, 14 Dec 2016 07:02:18 +0000

For some time now, the social network Instagram has been dominated not only by celebrities, celebrities and other beauties - they share the throne with cute dogs, cats, raccoons, bunnies, hedgehogs and the list goes on. But that's not all: some of them are so successful that they earn thousands of euros for publishing, i.e. more than average people earn per month. See which animals are among the highest paid pets in the world and how many followers they have.

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YouTube Community - YouTube is becoming a full-fledged social network Thu, 15 Sep 2016 06:04:12 +0000

YouTube, an online social network specialized in watching video content, will become more similar to Facebook and other social networks in the future, as its creators add many features typical of full-fledged social networks within a new tab called Community, which brings more interaction and options for users and creators of video content.

The post YouTube Skupnost – YouTube postaja polnokrvno družbeno omrežje appeared first on City Magazine.

Twitter extended the length of videos to 140 seconds Thu, 23 Jun 2016 06:03:58 +0000

In an increasingly fierce battle with the competition, the social network Twitter is resorting to likable tricks to keep its followers and attract new ones. After announcing a while ago that the character counter would stop counting hyperlinks and photo text snippets, it has now increased the length of videos. This jumped from 30 seconds to 140, which is also the limit on the number of characters a user can enter in a tweet.

The post Twitter podaljšal dolžino videoposnetkov na 140 sekund appeared first on City Magazine.

Advantages and disadvantages of social networks Fri, 06 May 2016 03:45:32 +0000

Are you wondering what are the advantages and disadvantages of social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest? Social networks have become a part of our everyday life, and although they have billions of users, it is still not entirely clear whether their effects are positive. We have already written several times that Facebook has a negative effect on people, but other networks have not fared any better in research. The results showed that the risk of depression increases with the amount of time users spend on social networks. But every medal has two sides, so let's take a look at the good and bad sides of social networks. A must-read for all marketers and social media managers.

The post Prednosti in slabosti družbenih omrežij appeared first on City Magazine.

Signs against the use of social networks in the style of anti-smoking Sun, 24 Apr 2016 03:42:28 +0000

Similar to how countries tackled tobacco products and in their anti-smoking legislation required tobacco product manufacturers to equip cigarette boxes with anti-smoking signs (some also require explicit photos) - on cigarette boxes in our country we find signs such as Smokers die younger, Smoking kills , Smoking causes cancer -, Salvo Glinsky took to social networks, which he says are the new cigarettes, because we are as addicted to them as we were to smoking 50 years ago.

The post Napisi zoper uporabo družbenih omrežij v slogu protikadilskih appeared first on City Magazine.

A Social Life: A short film about the double life we live in the age of social media Wed, 20 Apr 2016 03:32:23 +0000

Let's face it, we all lie, and we can't help it. We inflate things to make them seem more interesting and fun, and crave the reactions of others to make ourselves feel better. With the advent of social networks, all of this only intensified (and the mood became directly proportional to the number of likes), and the award-winning short film A Social Life shows how we are with the advent of Facebook, Instagram, etc. started living a double life and how easy it is to trick people into living a life we're not really living.

The post A Social Life: kratek film o dvojnem življenju, ki ga živimo v eri družbenih omrežjih appeared first on City Magazine.

The truth behind social media photos Tue, 15 Dec 2015 04:49:38 +0000

On Facebook, Instagram and other social networks, we often come across perfect photos that depict an idyllic life that we ourselves do not have. But there is no need to get particularly excited, because in reality, the lives of many authors of these photos do not live up to the photos they publish. And the comic clip, which suggests some real-life examples, is proof that all that glitters is not gold. So check what the truth is often behind the photos on social networks.

The post Resnica za fotografijami na družbenih omrežjih appeared first on City Magazine.

Essena O'Neill: Emotional Confession From Social Media Star Who Had Enough of Fake Life! Wed, 04 Nov 2015 07:56:18 +0000

I'm the girl who had it all... I can't explain how much better life is without social media, without comparing to others, without counting likes, followers... These are the words of Essene O'Neill, 18-year-old celebrity and (former) addict with social networks, which, through addiction, also earned a lot of money. But all the money and almost a million followers on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube... made her empty. In the eyes of many, she lived a dream life, but she herself says that she has never felt so terrible. A video that will open your eyes wide!

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Did you know that social networking can be a tip in the balance when you're looking for a job? Fri, 18 Sep 2015 06:07:31 +0000

The power of social networks is much greater than you might think. Even so much that it can affect your employment! Today, it is not enough to impress a potential employer with a CV, you also need to shine with your online image, otherwise you may reject them. Today's recruiters not only carefully examine your references in your resume, but they will also search the Internet to get to know your "human" side, the less ironed version of who you are.

The post Ste vedeli, da je lahko družabno omrežje jeziček na tehtnici, ko iščete zaposlitev? appeared first on City Magazine.

iHeart: Social Networks Shown Through Graffiti Wed, 04 Feb 2015 06:11:42 +0000

The digital age has in many ways changed our cultural patterns for good, which inspired a Canadian artist from Vancouver with the pseudonym iHeart to present through graffiti the effects and changes of the digital age on the younger generation, who mainly through social networks but also other digital tools and smart phones, moved away from traditional norms of behavior.

The post iHeart: družbena omrežja prikazana skozi grafite appeared first on City Magazine.

Online symbols on famous works of art Fri, 11 Apr 2014 04:30:44 +0000

Kyiv-based artist Nastya Nudnik has played with famous works of fine art, from Edward Hopper to Michelagel. She has created an interesting collection that describes today's society, occupied and overloaded with the web and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, iMessage and others, with comments of online symbols.

The post Spletni simboli na znanih umetniških delih appeared first on City Magazine.

Coca-Cola with a shield against the evils of social networks Tue, 25 Feb 2014 10:25:23 +0000

Social media is cool. Through them, we can connect with family, friends and even pets of others. In an instant, we can travel to the other side of the world, prepare a great meal and even go skydiving. And what happens when the battery runs out, for example?!

The post Coca-Cola s ščitom proti zlu družbenih omrežij appeared first on City Magazine.

Facebook announced the new Paper app Fri, 31 Jan 2014 08:29:32 +0000

After the recent promise of the first man of the most popular social media Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, to plan more independent applications this year, they announced the arrival of the first one yesterday. Paper thus brings a new way of reading news stories on the go.

The post Facebook napovedal novo aplikacijo Paper appeared first on City Magazine.

825 Instagram moments in one movie story Sat, 30 Nov 2013 07:56:40 +0000

Thomas Jullien's short film tells the story of the photos of countless Instagram users, united by the immortalization of the same moments.

The post 825 Instagram trenutkov v eni filmski zgodbi appeared first on City Magazine.
